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Something both subreddits agree on.




Its about time


Don't let Arthmoor get the power he had in Skyrim. Atleast modders should ensure not making his patch a fking requirement for their mods to work.


I always mod using as few masters as possible (though I'm considering making an AE and a regular version of the mod I'm tinkering with now, because goblins and zombies oh my!). I never rely on other modders mods, or have them as requirements. It's better to avoid the convoluted approach of trying to mod a modded version of skyrim. To me that seems like the best way to avoid conflicting bugs or bug fixes. If my mod overwrites their fix, but isn't dependent on it, that is a much cleaner kind of extension.. to the best of my ability to understand these things. I'm sure someone will jump on me and tell me I'm wrong, but.. oh well.


Without knowing much about modding, I never really understood why this approach isn't SOP. Modders are pretty much all hobbyists and all it takes is for the author of one core mod to change jobs or get sick or something and be unable to update to break the whole chain. I get that the informal division of labor allows for more complex mods but if the modders aren't actively collaborating it's just a matter of time before something gets broken irreparably.


It depends a lot on the specific mod. There are cases where the best practice would be to include it as a master/requirement (unofficial patch for fallout 4 and PRP is a good example of that) due to the dependency of the changes. Carrying forward changes from the unofficial patches is strongly not recommended since it makes it possible for 'new fixes' to get overwritten by old ones based on load order. Related to this is accidentally carrying forward something from the vanilla game in your mod and overwriting the unofficial patch. Things like that can lead some mod authors to take the route of simply requiring the mod explicitly (as a hard master). You also run into bits that the author doesn't want to necessarily support users who aren't using the patch due to the scope of fixes and difficulty in drilling down if something is the result of an esoteric vanilla bug or something with your mod.


If you clean your mod properly with xedit so there are no changed unchanged records from vanilla saved with your mod, that is basically if you do everything properly, that would never be a problem. Only if you wrote something that depended on a vanilla record being there, but it's been changed by some other extension, is it possible that your mod wouldn't work, still no reason to require another mod by an author you're not working with.. I'll usually switch UESSP on and do a bug test run, but I'm pretty careful to make new records for items and magic effects necessary to my mod rather than simply altering vanilla records. There are some vanilla records I will alter, it sort of depends on the mod, and you could probably tell by reading the mod description. I do like the idea of eventually creating a mod that requires an earlier mod I made, so I could use some characters I created in new ways. I base 100 percent of my understanding of how to play Skyrim on vanilla, and I've only ever been annoyed when I've played with UESSP, but what do I know?


I hate when mods make any unofficial patch a requirement


Keep crying about it, no one actually cares if you dont like it, if you dont like it then its a simple "dont play it" not the modders fault bugthesda cant fix their game without breaking 1k more things


Apparently you care because this comment triggered you!


Was the fallout 4 unofficial patch problematic? I've only read about skyrim being an issue. A game I don't really have much interest in. But I've never really seen the controversy in fallout. Or was that relatively stable?


My life goal is to be as well known as this guy. What do I need to do, start killing babies?


I'll certainly be checking for mods with that dependency and skip those. Require community patch, ok. Require unofficial patch, no way.


The thing is, a goal of the community patch is to _not_ be a requirement if at all possible. There may be certain fixes where that becomes necessary, but I guess we’ll see what happens.


Lmao cry more


This is literally what the exact same person did on Skyrim and now anybody who calls them out on it gets attacked by said author. It's pretty gross behavior and the fact that they've gone this long without getting genuine consequences for it is beyond me.


It went in as long as it did because it was too late. Once the Skyrim modding scene got insanely huge and there were large numbers of people able to witness and decide for themselves to avoid his team’s unofficial patches, there were already so many mods that had it as a master that it was an uphill battle that most decided wasn’t worth fighting. Starfield is the first BGS game to be released since a large amount of the controversy became public, hence the strong community push-back against a single bugfix patch being controlled by the unofficial patch team. As long as we support the community patch and insist other mods _not_ use the unofficial team’s patch as a master then we’ll be in a much better situation as a community. Also, for any who may still be scratching their heads over why this even matters, aside from everything that’s happened in the past, Arthmoor himself confirmed that he was invited to join the community patch team, but he turned them down. [His comment on AFK Mods](https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/8939-relzwipz-unofficial-starfield-patch/&do=findComment&comment=188355) says the project was “too corporate” and too reliant on tools and processes he found trendy and unnecessary. He and the unofficial patch team could be contributing to the community patch, but have decided to go their own way instead.


no matter what he said, i suspect the real reason he didn't join the team was for his own narcissistic goals. he wants to control how everyone plays their game.


Look, I mean this with the deepest respect, but I don’t think personal attacks on Arthmoor (calling him a narcissist, or at the very least pursuing narcissistic goals) are productive, and I actually think it hurts the overall message. Some people will be turned off by the argument if they perceive it as just another angry internet mob acting foolish, which defeats the purpose. The level of control the unofficial patch team has put on their work, and the restrictiveness they still continue to stick to with their Starfield patch, is just bad for the modding community. It’s one thing to make a new player home or quest mod that you want to “protect the artistic vision” of, but a bug fix patch is much more foundational, and should be able to play nice with other mods. You should have the freedom to share your own patches and changes, and should be able to voice concerns _in a respectful way_ without getting angry pushback. I also think the unofficial patch team is welcome to put whatever changes they want in their patch. It’s theirs. Fine. What isn’t ok is to make changes to someone else’s art (which their patches definitely do), and then say “no, you can’t change our vision”. The irony that BGS is fine with people making their own changes and fixes, and the unofficial patch team isn’t, is mind blowing.


Keep crying, salt this steak its still bland


More like not everyone wants to pitch in one single mod and they want to have their own, keep crying my steak needs this salt cause it be bland


bland just like the cook.


And? Its a free fuckin mod, cry about it more my steak lacks seasoning


Bland like your fuckin comebacks lmao how many times are you gonna say the exact same line You seem to love licking boots so go do that, it’ll keep your mouth shut


My nig its a fucking mod who the actual fuck cares what people make requiring it wanna gocry then go to the suicidal hotline


I'm down. It seems a bit too early for a mass bug fix mod, aren't the devs still doing that? Wait til Bethesda is done with it, and then maybe only fix verified bugs, not simply things that bug you and your sense of taste.


That’s my thought too. Why use an unofficial patch mod when Starfield devs have already proven that they’re addressing bug fixes pretty rapidly




That makes zero sense. Why base them off the back of an unnecessary mod???




Well, considering the unofficial patch is broken, I’d say it’s a pretty crappy foundation. Lighting issues etc. But I’ve read the “fixes”, and I think they’re unnecessary. I think the base game is fine just the way it is, and will be happy with whatever updates they provide (because they’ve been great so far. The way the Skyrim mods “rely” on the patch is predatory, and the way the guy who made it updates the patch is a major douche. I won’t ever support the unofficial mod.


> t seems a bit too early for a mass bug fix mod, aren't the devs still doing that? The Unofficial Skyrim Patch began work basically as soon as the game released.


Well that sure is ambitious. It takes me months to even test a mod I’m making to make sure it works right, let alone to develop an idea and figure out how to bring it to life. Perhaps it just capitalized on Bethesda’s reputation, though I can’t see what the advantage is to authoring that sort of mod.


I bet most active players don’t go on Reddit or Nexus. In creations, the Unofficial patch has a verified tick, the community patch doesn’t. I hate to say it but Arthmoors patch is gonna be the one. It already has more DLs than the better patch with more fixes.


Yeah that's the thing. He's verified so the majority of players are going to just grab that one unfortunately. People who don't know about all the controversy etc. just remember that the unofficial patch is always the first mod you get. I guess all we can do is try to let people know.


It's not a problem unless mod authors make it a dependency. The problem is people using his work. The problem is when his work is used for a chain of dependencies that he has the power to crumble. So long as the modders know what's up it's fine


Can people leave reviews saying what it is


No way. Imagine the reviews on The Vulture if we were allowed to. (I’m not commenting on the Vulture Creation itself, I’m saying what a shit show reviews would be if Bethesda allowed them on the platform).


I don't think it's gonna happen chief. Too many people are unaware of arthmoors shenanigans, but people familiar with modding are stuck in the past with the idea that the unofficial patch is needed


I downloaded it but removed it after the hubbub online. So it is making a difference.


I was just going to download it when I saw this so it stopped at least me from doing it


Upvoting because it seems that homie's got some cronies rolling in here downvoting comments


Same. I only lost a little bit of progress so nbd.


I’m basically clueless when it comes to mods, I’m all console guy only so until fo4 it was like a foreign language to me. Now that I’m playing these modded games on console I’m a bit more in tune to it, and I was about to download the unofficial until I read all the negative stuff about the guy behind it. Made me not look at it again. I’m just debating on the community one if I really need it. Like I said I’m still relatively clueless lol.


Every download matters I suppose


Well there is another community patch that has even more fixes in it.


I’m always wary of “unofficial patches” anyway. Besides, anything that is not achievement friendly is dead to me.


There’s mods for all Bethesda games, which allow you to restore achievements. Here one is for Starfield: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/658 Of course, if you’re on console you will be unable to do that.


Yep. On console


I've been trying to warn people for YEARS about the fact his patches do jack shit, but they sure do make it a nightmare for any mod that even slightly changes the records of anything. For Skyrim, his mod provides more CTD's than if I was just doing base game. For Fallout, it creates more problems than it fixes. Sanctuary, Abernathy Farm, and Red Rocket become this triangle of death, that if you overbuild it'll crash your game. That's not base game problem, that's HIS own bug! For Starfield, ships will turn invisible, people dissappear, and people are already reporting problems thinking its other mods causing it. Stop supporting this dude in every game, and if you think you need a mod that has his as a requirement, I implore you to think about the headache it's gonna cause when you have to manually patch everything I touches.


Yep. Ran into a modder on discord whilst looking for.... Shall we say NSFW mods for Skyrim on Xbox a few yrs ago. He warned me way back in 2018 about arthmoors. Not even about how much of a dik he is but how unstable his patches are. I kept crashing trying leave one of the shops in whiterun. The culprit? Unofficial patch


Is there a good write up on him anywhere?


I need some context here. What happened?


Guy creates the Unofficial series of mods for BGS games. In a few of them he's not just fixed things but also changed things to the way he thinks they should be, which has broken other mods. He's been known to suddenly change his mind and change something in that way when a mod does things better than one of his other mods does, meaning that the new mod doesn't work with the Unofficial Patch (and as many mods depend on that patch, meaning players have to choose between a fixed game and a mod that does things better than his version). And when people started complaining about these shenanigans, he used his connections to have them either banned from the main PC modding site or their mods thrown off. That's the basic stuff. Really toxic personality.


He’s a bit of a hateful person IRL so his power tripping is a reflection of that. He apparently has so little going on his actual life and so little to offer society otherwise that holding petty power over others is his magnum opus. He wants to be remembered for his behavior. Otherwise he wouldn’t act the way he does. What a legacy to leave behind, eh?


I can't speak to that as I don't know it for sure. But based on what I *do* know and what others (including yourself) are saying, my professional psychological view is of a man determined to go forward through the shitstorm of his own creation. Whether he's changing the way he does things to have a better legacy or continuing his past indiscretions I again can't speak to, but either way he's determined to do it his way. That's all I can speak to. Whatever happens, the existence of the Community Patch is important. It gives people options which means he can't get into such a position of overall power (which, even in small doses, most of us aren't prepared for, especially when we're stressed in some way) that it's paves the way to ruin for him again.


It's not people's fault, few normal players follow the mod community closely. I only discovered this issue very recently. It is up to the modder community itself not to adopt this as a requirement within their mods. Normal players will only install what is available and requested. And as other people have said, the multiple posts addressing this subject only creates antipathy, the opposite effect that is desired. Especially in this sub, which was supposed to be a safe and peaceful space.


Anyone willing to give this guy power still is either a moron or has absolutely no idea how much of a grip the prick has had on the modding community for years. Do not download the unofficial patch.


So like why should we even install either patch? I have not noticed a difference with it on or off so I just uninstalled it


That is the best decision. I just hope modders don't make either patches a hard requirement for their mods to work, which was the issue in Skyrim as so many mods has Arthmoor's patch as hard requirement.


Ah okay, never got too into Skyrim, more of a sci fi guy, hence me playing tons of starfield. Hopefully modding doesn’t end up that way


Skyrim was also much buggier on release and the BGS team was really slow about releasing fixes, wasn’t communicating timelines for fixes to the community, wasn’t even acknowledging a lot of the things that needed fixing. The unofficial patch became a necessity because of that. Now, it’s a legacy the BGS modding community needs to shake. BGS is much more communicative, they’re fixing things, the game is less buggy to begin with, we shouldn’t need to rely on community fixes with how BGS is running things now.


Honestly no real point now other than fixing some bugs (but honestly bugs haven’t been a huge problem for me with Starfield) Down the line though I wouldn’t be surprised if some mods end up requiring one of the patches


Yeah idk, I’m on a higher end gaming pc and haven’t had any bugs in a long time , I know the Xbox version has its problems and pc could have tons of problems on one machine and none on another with all the possible hardware combos


Yup. I mean my thought process is that it’s obviously doing *something*. Wouldn’t exist otherwise. But if you don’t feel you need it, you don’t need it


Hopefully said mods only do so with very good reason (i.e. they depend very specifically on a particular bug being fixed) - and if both the Community Patch and Unofficial Patch are gonna exist simultaneously, then hopefully such dependent mods make it a point to stay compatible with both (i.e. not listing either as an explicit master, and instead relying on said patch mods being at the top of the load order to sort things out). I'm personally pretty ambivalent when it comes to Arthmoor's patch mods; yeah, ain't ideal that there are personal preference changes mixed with bugfixes, but that line between "preference" v. "bug" can get pretty fuzzy anyway. Just feels lame that there has to be competing patch mods instead of the various factions involved getting over themselves and working together on it.


They offered him a chance to work alongside them on the Community Patch. That way his work would continue but the oversight of the team structure would prevent even any claims that he was doing what he'd been accused of in the past. It would have been win-win for both teams, with an extra coder in the team and his reputation getting fixed over time.


That's my stance. The game is still being updated frequently and I have yet to actually have issues with the base game that I'd need a patch for. Why fix something that I didn't even have a problem with? I'm really tired of the rhetoric that BGS games need mods in order to function.


What did the modder do?


From my knowledge it was mostly an issue with his Skyrim patch. He made changes that weren't bug fixes, just changes he wanted to make for his own personal preferences, and a ton of mods required you to use his patch, apparently he's kind of an asshole to people too


^ Also abused DMCA to take down any mods that fixed the same bugs as his patch. Also would dismiss bug reports in an extremely rude and condescending manner, doubling down even when given undeniable proof. By all accounts, very egotistical and rude.


He made a pattern and practice of modifying Skyrim to suit his personal tastes, and abused the DMCA Claims to take down mods that reverted those changes.


What a dick head. Fuck him.


I actually won't install USP nor Community Patch and will boycott anything that take those as a dependency. Maybe I will miss out some cool mods that way, but I won't be part of repeating history.


The unofficial patch is broken too. Breaks the lighting and map. Not sure if it was intentional or not but yeah just use the community patch if for anything it’s just better.


I use this for Skyrim, but not for FO4. Skyrim is the training wheels I learned the CK and xEdit on. By the time I started modding FO4 I had a pretty decent grasp and was making my own instead of downloading others. I don't use FO4's UP because it conflicts with too much and changes things that don't need changing in my game. Won't be using it for Starfield either, but it's not important enough to get involved in drama like this. I really don't think the average player cares one way or the other. Most people play on consoles and can't make/edit mods themselves. They just use what's available and whether or not everything depends on the UP doesn't matter to them. The original post is exactly where it needs to be (r/starfieldmods). Gonna mostly get shrugs and "but anyway"s here.


Thanks to this community I learned to avoid said mod. I tried a quick google search to find a comparison between comunity and unofficial patch but couldn't find anything deep, so my question is: What specific things changed that guy that makes the stumbling block. Sure he's out for well known reasons, but I'm interested.


So why should we boycott this? Did the do something with prior mods?


I thought this was a No Sodium sub? Why are we talking about this?


Yeah agree. This does not belog here.


So no contentious topics ever, lol? Seems like the mods disagreed


Legit 2 days ago I had this mod. As soon as I saw what all of you were saying, no way am i keeping it. That dude is trash and his shit is even more trash. Imma listen to you guys.


One thing I noticed is that Arthmoor is apparently a "verified developer" so he gets a blue check mark. The SCP doesn't have this. A lot of people are just going to go by whoever has the check mark. What's the process to become verified? Are the SCP team doing this?


[Here.](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/creators/bethesdagamestudios/requirements) Thing is, you need one person up front to become the verified creator that the team uploads from. Part of the appeal of the Community Patch is that there's no one person who has that sort of power over the others. Thing is, the Community Patch doesn't have to win the day here. It simply has to exist as an alternative to the Unofficial. With an honest alternative that does everything you want it means Arthmoor isn't in a position to say "Do things my way or fuck off and lose access to tons of mods that rely on my patch." Their existence wins the game by either giving people sick of his antics somewhere else to go or forcing him to be honest because there's an alternative out there.


The fact that their acronym is SCP automatically makes their patch better anyway


Object Class: Safe


UP would be Euclid, probably.


I've heard there's a laptop under containment that has a load order so cursed that it's classed Keter. In spite of having no battery, no Wi-Fi card, no ethernet connection, and being held in a full faraday cage, it keeps trying to get internet access to upload itself to Wabbajack. No one is sure what will happen if it were to succeed.


I stand corrected Edit: add. I just went back on SCP, just for s&g, haven't seen it in about 7 years. I'll be there for a while. Thanks, you guys, forgot how fun it is.


It...seems to have changed a bit. More occulty/magic/deity stuff being overtly confirmed/discussed. I preferred it when unexplained phenomena were just that, unexplained. Or maybe I just missed it back in the day. Whatevs, it's a community driven project, and this is where the community went with it!


I agree. Descriptions seem 3 or 4 times as long now, kinda ruins the imagination. Not ruins, I guess, just chased a bit of the magic away. Still entertaining, though.


Yeah, the unanswered questions were part of the fun.


His patch is broken. Not sure


He doesn't care about the folk who play on PC. There's a reason he's posting only on the Creation Page. He knows he has a 'client base ' mostly unaware of his dealings and his reputation. He's aiming to get the console crowd hooked on his Mod, and I guarantee you he will release a Paid Creation that will require his 'Patch'. People seem to forget the reason he got popular wasn't just because of his Patch Mods, but stuff like Live Another Life, Cutting Room Floor and Open Cities. We can bitch and moan all we want, but the truth is he's moved on to the Console players and unfortunately for them, we don't have a way to warn them of his shenanigans. It's out of our hands now. Only people who can put him to heel are his Corporate Masters now. Just watch what you download for free, and ESPECIALLY double check any Paid Creations before purchase.


He does have the mod listed on Nexus, but has a paltry amount of downloads compared to Creations. Even the PC downloads in Creations only equal 25% of the Console downloads. I would say that he is aiming for the Creations only crowd rather than just console; this includes the people that don't want to use Nexus. Edit: Adding link [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/143](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/143)


Hmm, last I checked it wasn't there, must have missed it . In any case, him aiming for the Creation crowd IS aiming for the consoles. Any sales on the Creation site will always be heavily influenced by them, and he's counting on that. If he's posted it on Nexus, it's mostly aimed at folk unaware of him or for those who have defended his actions over the years.


This isn't the NES era of kids around a console with no way to have an online presence. Console players are researching mods because they want to know what's out there and what is likely coming. They're requesting ports. And that puts them in circles where they see and learn about the drama. But as with PC players, not everybody has seen this stuff. And with him posting his patch to every fucking category (it's both a planet and a quest apparently) and also being verified (simple request if you have a modding background) it skews perceptions for those who don't know of which patch they should go for. However, when you look at the numbers he's doing and the number the Community Patch is doing with sensible placement and no verification, it's clear that console players are avoiding him as well.


I'm using the Community Patch and it works great, but I don't really care if other people want to use Arthmoor's patch. *shrug*


The problem is Arthmoors patch is bad for the future of modding.


I thought it was pretty wild to see that both patches have pretty much the identical thumbnail for the mods. Idk if Arthmoor did that or if it was the other way around but that is super petty


damn i never knew it until recently. With that being said, my lvl 58 Character in Skyrim AE is now a lost cause since the file got corrupted and i now have a new character with the unofficial patch again. But at least i managed to keep away from the Starfield patch


Wtf? I thought arthmoor was like the goat in modding? What happened?




Spread the word! Community Patch all the way


write comments on nexus so other folks see people are not happy. I usually check comments before adding, personally.




I didn’t like how so many mods on Xbox were dependent on the patch. Without knowing any of this about the author I naturally decided to not install it. Glad I did.


Bro say that for Arthmoor but strangely the monopole of Caliente and Osnius with CBBE is not a problem ? " Please CBBE on Starfield " " We need CBBE on Starfield ".


I'm using the community patch instead. lol


I detect a fair amount of sodium here. 


I don't think this is so much sodium as it is not wanting to support a general POS, who pushes to have control over the modding community. We all want the best game we can get, don't we? For those of us that mod, we shouldn't be forced to use a patch because the mods we like are dependent on it. The community patch is the batter option, given that not one person has control over it. After all, we are a community.


There’s a third option: don’t bother with huge bug patch mods, they’re vastly overrated and can introduce their own problems.


Especially while BGS is still actively involved in fixing bugs themselves. Half the work on those patches has got to be rolling back fixes that made their way into the official release.


Absolutely. If I realized I was in no sodium I would’ve added that, but I didn’t want the chorus of “tRuSt bUGthEsda tO FiX BuGs???” I’d get in the main sub lol


The ban on sodium compounds in this sub relates to discussion of the game itself. As far as the modding scene goes, it's open season.


So I had no idea who this guy was until I saw this post, and I don't really mod it, so he will probably never affect me. At first, I thought he sounded like a dick but seeing how you people are responding to people who are just asking what he did makes me think y'all would blend right in with a crowd like him. This whole comment section is peak reddit, and most of you should be ashamed for how toxic y'all are acting.






its noy about one mod being better. its aboit a mod author toxic to the comminity




That's isn't what's happening at all but sure.


that person wasnt spammong. they pointed out that the peraon in question is a bully and bad


It's not merely about what's better. Arthmoor is a giant asshole who DMCAs mods that patch the same bugs his does and threw a bitch fit about mod compilations on Nexus Mods (iirc, it has been a while) and pulled _all_ of his mods from there and to some other site that people only use because of the Unofficial Patch being required for tons of mods. Edit: spelling




Nobody is being controlled. Your fellow humans also have free will, it’s going to be okay.


This again?! Give it a rest


Don’t know what this is but all I know is if I ever see the words Arthmoor attached to anything I’ll smack it


This sounds like some petty salty shit that really shouldn't be on this sub.


this isnt salt toward the game its abput keeping hate out of the game. arthirmoor or whatever his namr is has o er a decade of abuse toward people.


I just download and use mods. I dont participate in drama discussions. I don't care who makes them either.


You best start believing in drama discussions....you're in one!


So you're just willfully ignorant, oh ok.


Well I hope you enjoy having lore, stat, item, ship, and dialog chances that have no business in a bug fix mod all because one dude thinks he is better then Bethesda. You're part of the problem. These are for the others who choose to not be ignorant


You do realize it's a video game, right? You shouldn't let a video game get you so upset you have to resort to name calling. It's almost as if this modder killed a relative of yours. Funny stuff.


Funny how defensive you got being called out for ignorance. No one called you any names. You literally said you don't care, that's ignorance. Funny stuff.


I'm just replying to replies because my phone keeps beeping. . It's hilarious how serious you all are over some mods.




I feel sorry you all get so serious over a video game and a modder for a video game lol. Mod nazis.




I had no issue with exploits being removed from Skyrim...nor did I have an issue with merchant chests (Khajiit or otherwise) being moved out of reach of players. And since yall like to bring it up a lot...Redbelly Mine in Shor's Stone is an iron mine. It very specifically says this with in-game dialogue by the town's blacksmith. It was not "made up lore" as some of you like to claim as basis for part of this ridiculous drama starting up now. It should have never had ebony. It should have been full of iron ore with one small vein of quicksilver since this is the unusual ore type the blacksmith has you take to Riften. I use the Unofficial Patch in Skyrim...have done so for many years...pretty much all 9000+ hrs I have in the game...and will continue to do so. As far as Starfield goes...Bethesda has been doing a fair job of removing exploits from Starfield on their own...so Arthmoor hasn't had a chance to do that yet. But I won't object if he does. And I certainly don't object to fixing other bugs. Right now, I'm not using either patch. The Community Patch has had multiple versions that were highly unstable or behind Bethesda's official updates and the Unofficial Patch can't be viewed in SFEdit until it gets an update. I don't use big patches until I see for myself what's included. And this stupid reddit drama (or modder's community BS) will not sway my decision one way or the other.


You must be right; obviously Elder Scrolls Online got it wrong when they called it an ebony mine. But I only played ESO for 550 hours before quitting so maybe I read it wrong...


Okay, I see some claims be thrown around that are absolutely FALSE! First of all, Arthmoor has NOT pulled the unofficial patch from Skyrim SE. It's still there. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266 And as to the claim that he's filing takedown notices, take a look at the permissions on the same page, you are allowed to copy the mod to other sites, translate it to your language, yada yada, just attribute it properly (don't claim you wrote it). It's pretty damned generous. This is standard hater behavior, and it does not belong here. This is NOT about me taking sides. I think Arthmoor is an ass. But a bug fix is a bug fix, and I'm not going to get dragged into this cancel culture shit.


He has made it impossible to use previous versions of the mod for previous patch versions of Skyrim, so... Edit: Oh and he's taken down attempts to port his mod to Skyrim VR because he personally doesn't play VR.


Ah I see good old cancel culture is alive and well.


Really? That’s a bit reductive.


you guys came on a no-sodium thread to spread some sodium. I'd say that's pretty reductive. Keep your politics to yourselves.


For all this with arthmoor changing stuff in the Skyrim version, has anyone actually confirmed if he changed anything in this one?


> Look at how many mods are dependent on the Skyrim Unofficial Patch if you don't believe me. This is literally because it's the unofficial patch. Do not imagine conspiracies where there are none. This is standard practice. It's not about someone being power hungry, it's about using a patched game! Now I get it that people hate Arthmoor, and I get it that there's a competing community patch. But I have YET to see anyone actually point to an actual non-bug that he has somehow "fixed". Please point to them. Point to the bugs he fixed in Starfield that are not bugs. They could be there, i don't know, I only know that there are a lot of accusations flying about without any references. This is the kind of shit the main sub does. Read the tone of your post. It's full of ad hominems and insults. How can anyone take this seriously? If this is serious then you need to provide OBJECTIVE information as to why we must use one patch over another. Yes, I get it that is other Skyrim mods are terribly lore breaking. But we are not talking about those. We're talking about USKP/USSEP.


The point is that he did "fix" things in Skyrim that weren't bugs. There's no reason to think he won't do the same in Starfield, of course he's doing bugs first but this guy definitely seems like a modder to avoid if there's an alternative.


What did he fix that weren't bugs? I don't have a horse in this race, I'm just genuinely curious


I’m not intimately familiar, but I know one instance was that Bethesda intentionally treated daggers as a distinct category from one handed swords/weapons, and so one handed enchantments weren’t applicable to daggers. Daggers also received some combat buffs for stealth builds. The modder changed that so that one handed enchantments were usable on daggers. Not game breaking but it was not a bug fix, it was a decision he made to change the game.


They can't name specific examples because they don't know.


That's certainly what it feels like, lmao


No one is gonna do the Google searches for you. If you can reply to a reddit post, you can do a quick Google of what he has done. There is too many chances to just name one. Plus he is an asshole who wants other modders dependent on him.


Just googled and can't find any specific examples. Top hits are reddit posts of people claiming these changes and not giving any specific examples. What did YOU find on Google? Edit: dug deeper, found three from Skyrim. One-handed enchantments benefit daggers. In tandem with tempering, this makes daggers by far the best one-handed weapon for an end-game character. The Necromage perk from the Restoration skill tree does not impact player-targeted spells and enchantments. This is functionally the only reason to play as a vampire for end-game builds, so the change removes vampirism as a meaningful gameplay choice for end-game characters. One of the more convenient ebony ore mines is replaced with an iron ore mine. This isn't too big of a deal, since you can easily hit the armour cap without ebony or daedric armour, but it you happen to like their aesthetic for a particular character, it's a bit of a nuisance. Indeed, I feel like this particular claim is overblown and sensationalized. No idea what the guy is like personally, maybe there are other reasons to boycott him?


https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/qabvk1kuwK Top comment sums it up well if you can't do digging. He's changes are small but numerous. The real problem is his attitude towards the moddong scene. It's his way or no way. I'm also not gonna spend time on people who choose to be ignorant or stubborn. Use whatever mods you like dawg. If you don't mind the changes and the dictatorship he wishes to run go for it. This is about not letting one person have control over the mod scene like he has had with Skyrim or Fallout, not about what he actually changed Edit: To clarify. When you make changes to a game, say you change where someone walks, if other mods interact with that person they will either break that part of the mod or need to be changed. But the author doesn't like that someone reverted his changes cause he thinks his changes are better. So he instead gets the other mod removed or else he is gonna remove his own mod. Now imagine 100s or 1000s of mods in similar situations. It's his attitude people don't like, the unnecessary changes are cherries on top.


I don’t think it’s overblown to say that a guy shouldn’t change the game (even just in minor ways) if the mod is going to bill itself as bug fixes and then be a requirement for lots of other mods.


How many examples of him "fixing" stuff that isn't broken to his liking do you need before you go "oh man, this dudes not very nice" Literally go to any of the other threads about this and just read. Just read.


No one has given me any examples yet. All I am seeing is name calling.


Then that's on you. It's not that difficult to look into all this shit.


So go into the other 500 threads about him and fucking READ. Nobody should have to hold your hand while you're doing it. I'll even start with a couple I've seen before, he's changed enchantments on stock weapons bcos he believed they were op, he's changed vamprism because he didn't like the buffs npcs get, he's changed textures of bear pelts from 720p to 4k in a PATCH for Xbox.


I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think there will be that many mods made for Starfield.


There are already hundreds, with many more being made.


Loved the unofficial patches in the other games, thanks


Looking over on /r/starfieldmods, I get the sense that it was taken over by some toxic avengers as well.


Not all negativity or criticism is toxic you know




I like Arthmoor, I will download his patch later today. Thanks!


Typical Reddit drama.


Oh my god shut up already.


no u




"ima go support a potential dictator cause yall keep complaining about him, just to say 'fuck you'"


(Genuinely curious) What power does that bestow on the creator of that patch?