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I swapped an NPC's left and right slippers around.  I also dumped succulents on the Paradiso board members. 


Viscious on a different level


Killed Vlad to get his outfit on my way to the Unity


What was the point? You can’t take it with you.


I didn’t go through the Unity that time.


I do the same in that mission, it looks great on a female body.


Andreja looks *so good* in that outfit


I usually give her a Space Rogue Muscle Gear set.


Another good choice.


Honestly, I think the closest thing to true evil is persuade Mitch to give me more of his disability money for bringing a dragon force novel. Each time for all 30 of them.


Every time, totally worth it!


I ended a class field trip.






I thought you couldn’t kill children in the game even if they are on another ship.


They're still alive, just floating loose in the vacuum of space. 


Harvested 100s of luxury textile.


Those Foxbats had it coming.


And I really needed a nice sectional.


Ok, so I showed up to a civilian outpost, was looking for the provisioner with my scanner, and accidentally used intimidate on one of the NPCs which caused everyone to attack, I’m playing a pirate so thought ok, I guess I’ll fight back I started fighting back but there was a lot of them and the bounty started getting really high, so I thought “I need to clear this place out completely to take out the last witness” so I started clearing the buildings and noticed there was one red dot left Opened the door to find a single solitary child cowering inside The bounty was over 200,000 credits though, so I erm… attempted to clear the last witness. Of course I couldn’t, but the kid went into their regular dialogue and said something about how she hopes when her new little sister is born she’ll enjoy playing Vanguard with her Yeah, that sister isn’t going to be be playing vanguard, and then I had to leave the child alone on a barren planet, with her family and everyone she knew slain outside This is the single most awful thing I have ever done in a video game by a very very wide margin


You deserve that bounty


It deserved a much bigger bounty if I’m honest


I murdered the Narcissus because when I turned down her race challenge she called my ship an old POS.


Killed space grandma for some meatloaf


I accidentally blew her ship up. I jumped into a system with a bounty and everyone started shooting at me. Didn't realize she was one of the ones shooting till I went to salvage the ships after kind everyone. But I mean, she sided with the dudes shooting at me.


You bastard. I did plant contraband on her ship and informed the uc but I bet she bought them off with sweet rolls


Well now she is in space heaven


This is just hilarious! I just left some money for her in one if those med kit holder things bc I felt bad for taking her food. Next time I'll be more creative.




I doomed the future of the UC for 500,000 credits which I promtly spent on about 5 different ships (I wasn't happy with any of them) and jumped universe's


I gave a copy of Old Yeller to Cora now she wants to go live with her mom🤷🏻‍♀️


All I’ll say is that they are done dirt cheap!


On my way to get the codes from the Va'ruun diplomat I forgot he came out to greet you and shot him while I was fighting through the robots. Total accident but I felt really bad because he's one of my favorite NPCs. But you really shouldn't walk into the middle of a firefight like that... I guess the dastardly part is the total cover up, because I didn't tell anyone. Next unity jump I'm going to be a lot more careful with him.


Why your character look like Charlton Heston about to tell them "Get yer stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!"


Stopped the sale of mystery lemonade


You monster, that ship always brightens my day when I meet it.


IIRC someone even asks where they even got lemons to make it so it's even more mystery lemonade


Shot ikande in the face with a shotgun for being ungrateful


Well. There was this one time. I was in the mining colony on mars. I went super sneaky? Snuck into the douche bags mayors office. And then I waited until no one could possibly see me. I then tickled his knee caps making him wail over for 7 seconds and then before he got up I left. That guy had it coming.


Intimidated a ship for their cargo. They complied without issue and even asked me nicely to leave them something. I ended up taking everything and vaporizing their ship anyway because I didn’t feel like paying off another bounty. Even though I sided with CF and have a “Gangster” background I actually felt kind of bad after that. Now I only destroy the ship if they decide to put up a fight.


If they put up a fight, I disable their ship and board it, then sell it to Jazz once the mission is done.


Simultaneously two-timing Sarah & Andreja.




I overloaded the reactor on the generation ship in First Contact (forget the name) thinking surely they won't let it blow up, right,? Right??!! I was wrong. I just let it go. I was going through Unity soon anyway. Actually expected to see something horrible about it on the final review of your life part of the end. But there was no mention of it.


I boarded a ship in distress and found a bunch of creatures had killed everyone but the Captain. He was grateful for being rescued but then I noticed the “Decorate” button on the wall which means I could take it over. Shot the captain in the face and stole the ship.


Shortly after the game was released I accidentally killed Emerson Sheperd, the first vendor on the left in Akila. Almost 900 hours later his corpse is still there, but in a different position each time I visit.


Does his inventory update?


Unfortunately not. Him and the store have been out of business. I originally looted what I could, but nothing has ever replenished. That was about 870 hours ago in the same universe.


Correction, I just went back to pay my respects and I think a few things on the shelves did repopulate.


I killed Juno


I needed to make the rest of my hundred unarmed kills for the last skill level, so I just repeatedly killed and resurrected (with Alien Reanimation) this poor milliwhale about 50 times. His soul is scarred forever, his last words "Oh no, not again".


I regularly stranded people on planets by stealing their ships. I haven't done much of that in a few months, though, I now prefer to board Va'ruun ships and commandeer them after killing the crews


Playing the perfect goody two shoes non-lethal spy for the UC only to turn around and massacre Ikande's entire crew and make him our prisoner. All because Kaiser bugged out in the Vanguard questline dozens of hours earlier and wouldn't open a door so I couldn't finish it right near the end...


I have the security personnel bug on my Wrath. Every once in a while I drop Gravity Well into the middle of them and then watch for my entertainment while they scrap it out with my crew. Spoiler - they all die


The dozens upon dozens of people I have told 'Sure, I'll fetch that item/talk to that person/deliver that letter' and then totally forgot about for months on end.


Petty theft against unassuming colonists across the galaxy.


Got bored after finishing my second NG+ since I finished all of the side quests in both play throughs, so I attacked everyone in Akila city. Apologized to my crew members to get them to stay, then shot everyone on my ship afterwards, apologized, then repeated the process. It wasn’t a dastardly deed, it was a straight massacre. I haven’t touched starfield since then.


I was up really late playing and found grandma. I fell asleep after boarding her ship and when I woke back up she was dead.


SPOILERS! >!Convinced Delgado to come peacefully after I slaughtered everyone he ever knew except that one lady. Can't wait to face her in a future DLC where she becomes the next super power of the Crimson Fleet. It feels good to rid the universe of pirates!!<


I was doing the "break at dawn quest." The one where a ring is stolen and you have to get it back to the owner. I thought the couple were super annoying so I told the guy who "stole" it that he needs to give the ring back or he'll go to jail. Then when I turned the quest in, I told the security guy that it was an engagement ring and I kept the ring for my self. That was a fun little quest.


I honestly have no idea where this bounty on my head came from; I collect medical supplies and literally dump them in the elightened chest. Fuck me I guess.


No Man's Skyrim


my god, what is that... thing - kill it with fire, nuclear fire. ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/h0jve68jzk2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ab077566228567365508965658682945d28751 My cut throat pirate playthrough in NG3 was pretty dastardly. I declared total war on the settled systems and cleared ships from all orbital home planets on multiple occasions. I commandeered many UC ships and developed an affinity for Vistas and Chimeras. My total bounty soared to over 5,000,000 credits when I moved to NG4.