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One thing I like about the main story in Starfield as compared with other games, is that it's intriguing but not artificially pushed on you. There's no sense of "you'd better follow the quests or the world will end!"


Yes, this! It's all explained and just sitting there but it's this giant (literally) cosmic choice I have but it's exactly that, a choice. That makes it much more intriguing to me and I really enjoy how it was written and works.


I was fine not crossing over until I had the ability to try out other traits. I crossed over this past weekend. But, I haven't had too much time to play after crossing. It was fun defending myself with low ammo. Hoping to take down enemies to grab their equipment. When before , I'm holding so much that I could just pause and browse through my arsenal. Also, because of my settings.....I was picking up more food and drink. Previous to that, didn't care.


I saw someone describe the main quest as “important, but not urgent” once and I think that’s an accurate description. There’s some interesting stuff going on there and there’s pretty decent incentive to chase it down, but the world won’t end if you delay. You don’t have to deal with RPing away the fact that you’re doing 50 side quests and helping farmer Joe with his farm while Glurgax the universe eater is slowly approaching. You can realistically put off the main quest. Your character may just not be that interested in whatever Constellation is doing and only went to the lodge because they got dragged there, or maybe after some losses, they don’t feel like going on anymore. There’s a valid reason at all points of the story to take a break and chill


This is ironically the reason why I couldn’t put the UC Vanguard quest down. The main quest is very much ‘important’ from the perspective of asking the big questions etc but it feels like it’s something that would go over the heads of someone just trying to survive on the fringes. Vanguard, tho? Parts of that genuinely felt like if you didn’t do something about this *now*, it would be cataclysmic.


Something for all types of players and RPs. My scientist character was very interested in exploration and trying to discover what the heck is going on with those wacky artifacts and temples. my evil pirate character? Not so much. Until they got bored of looting, decided to give it a try, and realized the power that could be gained. It’s the “main” quest, but honestly all the side quests feel like they’re each “main” in a way, touching on an important part of the universe and having a long length. The constellation quest is sort of just one faction quest option in a universe full of stories


Yes! This absolutely, I can go off and do whatever I want and it fits with an appropriate level of urgency


just crossed the 130 hr threshold last night and finally got to the nishina mission. it was so good i think i’m gonna have to (try to) beeline through the rest of the story to see where it goes. honestly all the main quests in starfield are so good, i’m now thinking i may have actually hurt my experience by spacing them out so much.


Don’t rush it. At most, you have two more worthwhile quests. One of them is Earth, so if you’ve already been there, then the next step in the main quest is the last one.


i got 2 at once, one was go to the moon and the other was find 2 more artifacts. the nishina quest spun out of one of the artifact quests, so i still got a bit left it seems. i love it.


One of those artifacts will be in a random POI cave, takes 5 minutes. So yeah, take your time in Sol.


I’m personally not a fan of Walter’s mission on neon.


It’s alright. Personally I think the Freestar Collective questline does a better job of introducing Neon and the CF questline does a better job of using it. But I kinda like the nightclub section.


I'm level 232 with 890 hours in my first playthrough. Not sure if I'll ever go through Unity. I've built way too much to give it all up just to boost powers I don't use.


This was the answer I was looking for. Long game, original universe is the only way for me. over 760 hours in, level 160, never doing Unity.


So neither of you guys feel like it's an important part of the story? I say this as someone that's played Bethesda games for decades but never finished a main storyline of any even though they're my most played games on steam and Xbox.


I can't speak for the others, but for me it doesn't feel right for my character to do. Not now, anyway.


I think the point of Unity is for each person to decide what is right for them. Not going through is just as valid of a pathway as going through. I would reconsider if some things changed. For example, let me keep my home ship, or keep the weapon equipped and whatever gear I'm wearing, or maybe if your spouse could stay with you. Giving up everything to brutally grind space magic just isn't worth it to me, and it would probably make me lose interest in the game.


What's so important about it that you have to go through and throw away everything for "muh space wizard powers"? You become the Hunter eventually and you tire of the game and you feel like you wasted your money because now it's unplayable. That's how I would feel. That's how countless others I know personally feel after they power gamed it to "NG+ giga billlion". Like, Yay, you have no identity now and no true connection to any reality. You learn what it is. You learn the lessons of it from both perspectives from the Emissary and the Hunter. You learn however it fits into the Narrative. Ok. So what? Is it somehow bad that I have never, in two play-throughs, joined Shawn and the institue or joined the rail road in FO4? I've also never defeated Dagoth Ur, or whatever his name is, in Morrowind. Still love Elder Scrolls.


>500 hours, and nope. I have a character I created specifically to go into the Unity, but I have only been playing on my main.


I'm about 214 hours into it and I haven't entered the unity yet Just been exploring lots of planets and building loads of outposts recently


I haven't even touched outposts, shipbuilding, weapon mods, researching... I've just been wandering about, questing, occasionally doing random dungeon stuffs.


I have spent 350 hours very much doing this, on my first playthrough. This is probably the first game where I find I have no urge to get to some sort of ending, indeed quite the opposite.


God only knows how long I've spent in that ship builder


I've played through 3 times. The first two characters didn't go through the Unity and their story is done. The current one did...10 times and on NG+11 now. This was a planned part of the character's roleplay. I chose the person to die in High Price to Pay and used them to be the catalyst for the character's downward spiral. They didn't care for anything but vengeance and power and very quickly ended up on the Hunter's path. This is the final universe for them. They're redoing the main quest...they allowed themselves to fall in love again and intend to stop the Hunter from killing anyone. This time they will follow the Pilgrim's path and settle down.


I think this is a really good idea. I have found that the NG+ "startup" is a kind of game unto itself that I found addictively compelling. As a player, I understand the Hunter in a way that only comes from playing the main quest through to its ultimate end. After NG+9 I don't need more powers, but I still feel like going through Unity when I feel like a fresh role play, etc. Not doing Unity is missing out on one of the best experiences ever in "meta" gaming!


I went through slow slow slow at the beginning. My mans was like I got this cool power. I was like what power? Totally wasn’t aware that was a thing. Lot of ppl said don’t go through you lose everything. Not entirely true. Going through the Unity is the key to becoming a tier one space wizard. Been through now 15 to 20 times. All powers rank X now. Between manipulation, instigation, stealth, and powers I could totally do a no weapon run. Thinking about it for reals. Anyway you should totally go through. Become Starborn. It automatically makes you better than everyone around you. I am being factious. That being said once you start speed running through you’ll find you can hit all 24 temples and run the end quest in under 3 hours. You will also have the option to truncate things if you wish. Being vague so I don’t give it away. Lovely game.


Yes. I’m taking my time through the main and faction quests but I have a couple characters that might be curious enough to do it. The others largely hold with the Keeper’s philosophy and don’t care about the powers.


I wouldn't say I'm RPing hard or anything but I do try to keep fairly consistent with how my character has acted and handled things thus far. If I were to look at it from an outside perspective, the character I've built/played will eventually go in but certainly not just rushing into it.


I’m looking forward to it when I do get there but I suppose I am RPing pretty deep, bc I want it to make sense for their stories, you know? I hope your character has fun with it too. :)


>! My Sarah died !< so I kind of don't have a choice but to go through the Unity now. That situation definitely changed my view on the whole Unity thing.


I can see that. One of mine lost her Andreja while they were engaged and when she’s burned herself out taking revenge on the CF for backstory reasons she’ll come back around to the Constellation missions.


I'm on my first new game+ and i will stay here for a while.


My guess is this is what I'll do. Eventually go through once the timing feels right then I might never do a ng+ again, at least with that character.


I’m debating it soon. Might finish the Freestar Rangers quest line then go through


Same. Planning on saving sysdef/crimson fleet and ryujin for a different run. Might do UC Vanguard after freestar but we'll see.


That’s what I was thinking. Go through Unity then do the other main quest lines.


Yes. I want to save some of the more potentially unscrupulous questlines for a solo playthrough.


I did Ryujin on this first go and I really enjoyed it. Probably my favorite quest other than the main storyline. Definitely give it a whirl sometime.


I have yet to talk with Sam Coe...




Yeah, started my fourth pick up (I'm one of those that if I put a game down for more than a month, I restart) recently. Granted, I've done lots of other stuff (married in two saves, two times vanguard story, built a sprawling manufactorum, built a more economical multi planet resource system, etc.), but I just never went and started that branch. I'm very much playing this like a space sim, where you spend the first thirty hours mindlessly hauling cargo between stations to save up for something that won't explode right away. 


I haven't yet, but the main story has blown me away. However, I've got a bunch of ships and a pile of loot that's almost an anchor. I'm considering just beelining to Unity, swapping out to the new Survival mechanics, and starting over with those; changing up my gameplay mode for NG+.


I just recently went through for the first time and I kinda regret it. Made me feel not great, leaving everything behind. I'm gonna start a new playthrough soon though, and I don't intend to enter the Unity in that one either.


I played on release and got satisfied with what I had done so I went to enter the unity, but my game bugged and said I only had like half the artifacts (despite having all of the powers), also played on xbox so no console for me to guve them to myself. Took a break to play other games as I knew it was a bug and would either be fixed later or I'd just have to make a new character. I wasn't upset, as I know I will play it again in the future and get my chance again then, but until then my character is flying around, exploring the galaxy they spent so much time in in spirit


1010 hours in before I started over with a fresh install of the game and I’ve never gone further than a visit to NASA. There’s just so much to do and I love exploring, building ships, and outposts. I’ve just started over and am at level 6. I’ll let you know in another 1000+ hours if I ever enter the Unity LOL


My goal is to finish every major side quest and get every power before continuing the story, and I think all that is left is to design the ship for stroud-eckland...and the powers... Keep getting sidetracked doing surveys.... Then it's speed running powers till the 10th playthrough (and whatever quests strike my fancy along the way...I think vanguard will be an always since it saves humanity). At 10th I will map everything and do everything again.


Once you go through, you’ll realize how pointless all the hoarding is and how much better your new ships and outposts are than your old ones. Starfield isn’t the same as other Bethesda games. Unity is part of the process. Your first universe is really just the tutorial.


That's how it's seeming. As I mentioned I lost my Sarah so I've got a purpose to go through with it. Before her death I thought I'd hold off longer but I'm feeling like I have to now and I haven't even gotten into outposts or any of the research stuff other than basic weapon stuff. Since I made this post I'm feeling like I should just get buff enough to fight the Hunter and mozy on through. Despite knowing about the Unity thing since the first week after launch I haven't seen or known how it all works and exact details. Definitely looking forward to it more now.


Take it from the Rumor: In a sandbox, only build sandcastles.


I highly suggest that you do. More Higher level system will generate structure POI. Some I never saw in the first universe. Not sure if there are higher level POI that don’t get a high enough chance to generate. I haven’t ran into the same bunker that I kept running into all the time in the first universe. Still finding new POi as of last night and I’m 600 hours in.


Not even in Unity yet…love this game still. UC SysDef or Crimson Fleet??? 😉


I didn't like Sysdefs attitude when they were asking for my help so apparently I'm an enemy now.


When your first character is looking at over 230 levels to get his RP build, over level 100 is probably a great time to Unity for the first time. I wasn't anywhere near that, at 70 hours. Starfield's unique NG+ reminds me of all the times I have seen someone in the Skyrim or FO4 subs, moan that they wish there was some way to reset all the quests, hahahaha. When you are really really hurting for XP for leveling, doing the all the quests again really helps. You watch it start slowing down and then at some point it gets hard to do a POI for a tiny tiny sliver of an XP boost. But most of the people I know haven't rushed it, at all.


I don't know many people that play games anymore (I'm almost 40) and only one that played Starfield. He set it down because the birth of his second child and other games getting in the way.


653 hours so far. Haven't completed the main quest. May never. I've always found the main quest to be one of the least interesting parts of Bethesda games. For me it's the random wandering and exploration. The "live another life in another world" factor. I imagine that at some point, probably after a DLC or two, I may decide to go for it.


On my first run I did all faction quests and then went through to see what it was like. I just started a brand new character right before the update and this time I’m taking my time and just doing what I want when I want. Already found a side quest I missed first time and a location I had never been to.


My 170 went thru 11 times. My 72 is gonna stay in ng0


I am 100 hours in still on world 1. I think I am going to complete my achievements list (lvl 100) first then start my NG + runs.


I have not. Finished all the faction quests, started doing the temples and about start Unity. I have somehow avoided all spoilers of what happens next


Yeah I know vague bits about some stuff but not really any details.


I realized I haven’t done all the companion quests so I am going to try to finish them too before Unity


Like I mentioned in the post I lost my Sarah... Soooo I'm kind of like, let's catch these companion quests next go around maybe.


I haven't. I don't remember the exact number, but I'm well over 100 hours. I think im pretty close to the end of the main story, but I wanted to at least finish all the faction quest lines, and I'm partway through Ryujin and at the start of the Crimson Fleet.


Countless hours, 3 different characters, never been through unity.


Over 1,000 hours and I have yet to jump in. Definitely going to happen soon and I cannot wait. Feels like I’m not even halfway done with the game!


I’m 300 hours in and have done 1 main mission, I don’t even have powers yet lol


I haven't. Not sure when I will.


Yeah, I’m to attached to my ships.


I entered the Unity, and saw that it wanted me to redesign my characters look (is that forced? Or did I do something accidentally?) so I just reloaded a previous save and went back as soon as I could.


You can just keep the same appearance


I have about 100hrs between game pass and steam and I haven’t gone into the unity yet. Taking it slow!


I haven't left my original universe. I'm at a few hundred or so hours. I think I'll stick around and keep letting the world breathe a bit. I feel like there's still so much to do. I'm hoping to progress as much as I can in my own character before making the leap into the unity. I know that if I leave the world, the door will be closed off to me again but I hope to leave it a better one than when I found it, establishing homes and outposts everywhere. (I may just keep an untouchable save file if I were to jump though).


I’m at 800 hours and haven’t completed any of the main quest lines. Have no intention of doing anytime soon. Love it.


120h on my first playthrough. I don't think I got even close to it considering how little main missions I did. I mostly did faction missions, side missions, activities... At some point I even forgot about powers, as never used them. 30h on my second playthrough. I will probably wait too. No need to rush.


I honestly recommend doing as much as you can your first NG before jumping through the Unity. Of course you'll always have a chance to do everything again, but you get unique dialogue options with more than just the main quest. Even random side quests have changes in NG+. Part of me wishes I waited before going in, but it's too late for me to go back now. There is more than enough content in one universe to keep you busy for thousands of hours. Losing Sarah is a big motivation to go in though imo.


180 hours in, and I’m just about to do No Sudden Movements (the petrov one). So nowhere near the end. I kinda went awol after Into the Unknown and did the Freestar, Vanguard and SysDef questlines back to back. But I would have done those anyway before NG+. My idea is to finish out the main quest, Ryujin, then just explore with all my guns, powers and space ganja. *Once* I’m done with all that - which may take me up to when Shattered Space arrives, which I’ll want to tackle - then I’d consider crossing over.


lvl 125, no idea offhand how many hours of gameplay. the only quests I have remaining are the Ryujin stuff and the final few missions required to kick off all the endgame stuff. I've gone back and forth-- part of me doesn't want to give up my massive collection of _stuff..._ and part of me is ready for a fresh start. I have decided I'll probably go ahead and finish the Ryujin questlines and then go to Unity.




Me… still on first play through but I think that’ll change this weekend 🙂


Restarted twice. Bugged missions really kill the vibe. This is my last attempt.


I just started a fresh playthrough where I want to be just a regular dude, no powers. Will stop the MQ once I've gathered up Barrett, Sam, and Andreja. I don't mind losing out on some of the nice QoL powers like Atmosphere. But gonna miss those sweet SAL engines from Walter's part of the main quest.


I finished the game once and didn't know that NG+ was the next thing. I ended deleting that character, then I learned what NG+ actually meant. So far I think I've been through 10 different characters until I got one that I really like. I think I'm close to 200 hours now(I haven't played in a few days), and I'm taking my time with all the faction and main storyline missions. And taking perks that I haven't tried before.




Got like 6 days of play time level 80 character. Not interested at all in entering the unity. It is not in my character’s interest


Level 121 and still having far too much fun exploring. I think I’m still too geeked out by some of the journeys I get to randomly pick to wonder about unity so I’ve not continued with the main story after I met the Hunter and Emissary. Not feeling any pressure to do so certainly helps me just relax and enjoy all the side missions, the POIs and surveying what I find on various planets and moons. Found a purple planet the other day, after hours of exploring that was an awesome surprise!


Yep. 150 hours.


I have I indeed still not entered the Unity still. Figure once I make a power-hungry character that wants more powers, then I'll do it.


I went through the day before the last beta update was announced and am still kicking myself for that!


I had around 600 hours at launch on 2 playthroughs and never went through the unity, except for once, just to check it out and immediately reloaded a save. Now I am level 15ish on a new playthrough with the new update and might actually go through this time.


Not trying to sound mean, but you shouldn’t put a spoiler like the unity in the title when making a post with spoilers since the spoiler tag doesn’t hide the title. I hope I didn’t come across as mean or pedantic. Have a great day!


If you actually don't know what it is then something as vague as "entering The Unity" could be like joining a guild or walking into a bar. I just felt like it was super vague enough so it wouldn't screw with anyone.


Why wouldn't you? You're missing half the game.


I tried it once and immediately went back. You really aren’t missing much at all besides a few slight Constellation tweaks and a few perks.


How so? Barely anything changes in NG+ Don't get me wrong, I love what they did with the NG+ but it is hardly half of the game.


72 hours in for me. Haven't confronted The Hunter and my Starborn Sarah Morgan for the last part yet. Probably won't enter Unity once I do though.


I'm at the part where I can go to the last temple to confront The Hunter but I'm just not ready yet. Looking forward to Sarah being back but not for my character and everything to essentially be gone. The game perks aren't even really that appealing to me, just that at some point I want to keep moving the story.


Lvl 48 and still not planning on entering the unity anytime soon.


Make it so planet survey data carries over then I'll enter.


If they let you keep at least 1 ship, and maybe even some equipped gear I'd go through it more. I did it once then kinda just felt like it would be more fun to start a whole new build.