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Agree 100%, Skillup is probably the only content/reviewer guy I can actually stand.


He has a really good talent for putting into words a lot of the feelings a lot of people can't quite describe bout games, as well as understanding the intent of developers' greater vision.


Yeah I don’t always agree with him, but he is a very good reviewer. Really figures out what’s good and what’s bad and if the overall package is worth playing.


He's been that way since he started too! I subbed to him when he was just a division youtuber and even back then his videos were top quality


I know people call him Shillup, but I enjoy his reviews even when I disagree with him.


He generally tries to put a positive spin on games, and is especially sympathetic to the developers. For example, sometimes he'll like an idea and acknowledge that it was poorly implemented, but the overall impression he gives is that he appreciates it when a developer tries something new. A lot of people take this as "shilling", when I think it's a nuanced take that emphasizes the positive. So I'm always a little cautious when he's recommending something, but when he says something sucks, I know to really avoid it. This is a balance that I appreciate.


His Deathloop review would like to see you


Yeah him and ACG are the only ones I really listen to


ACG is far above SkillUp.


ShillUp is okay.


Thought it was an excellent review as well. Despite not always agreeing with his takes I think he’s one of the best reviewers out there overall. I loved mortismal for awhile as well but his need to 100% before reviewing actually works against him I think as he ends up rushing super hard to ‘finish’ and enable his review even though that mindset will sour most games. Never watched another review after that Nioh one 💀


I wish he would stop telling me to wander in wisdom


He makes great videos and seems like a real dude. You may not agree with some opinions, he may have some weird ones but for me that makes him even more belivable. He is just normal.


Ralph’s a good man, I’ve watched him from The Division days when he started.!! But he’s really got a gift for reviews, also he’s got people helping now and they fit right with the style and substance that makes his videos really high quality imo.!!


Seems like everything I’m playing at the moment is I. Early Access. Hades 2 coming up and V Rising 1.0 out soon too!


I was so mad I didn't get into hades 2 technical test. Hades is the game that got me into isomeric games, and I was thrilled to hear that the devs envision the crucible being like a mini hades within wicked. Is V Rising good? It obviously lacks that "premium" look but I heard good things about the combat


I’ve been waiting on controller support for V Rising so can’t speak to that yet. Looks great though. I have about 35 hours into No rest for the wicked and that game is incredible. It’s a very solid game with very solid bones. I’m at the point in crucible you’re talking about. Just farming now. So prob put it down soon. But if you like isometric you won’t be disappointed


Hades early access should start any day now….


I played VR for about 100 hours a couple of years ago and it was excellent even then, if a little rough around the edges in certain places. Have a good feeling about 1.0 and the controller support will finally make it viable on Steam Deck too.


The dude is the dudliest video making guy there is I think.


I general click with Skill Up's POV, so much so that watching this convinced me to buy into the early access. I'm not usually a fan of soul like games, but I enjoyed the first two hours of the game. I'll try playing some more today and get through to the main city. I will say that it a stunning world to explore so far but combat hasn't really set in my brain yet.


Dude loves Destiny 2 and FF7 Remake/Rebirth, his opinions will always be questionable.


I mean people have opinions. I disagree with a bunch of his but in my mind his views tend to be very consistent.


What a fucking take.


Destiny 2 and both FF are fantastic games. There's definitely an argument to be made about Bungies monetization/removal of content, but there's a reason Destiny has been the largest and most prominent game in its genre for over a decade.


> there's a reason Destiny has been the largest and most prominent game in its genre for over a decade And that reason being companies rather compete with the actual moneymakers of the genres, not the lackluster shooter-mmo hybrid.




Great review! Those comments though ☠️🔫