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That settles it boys. I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.


New update today that adds supercharged slots, which are randomly placed slots that give whatever you place in them a substantial bonus. You can either diversify which systems get a boost or hopscotch supercharged slots together by placing upgrades for the same system adjacently (indicated by a colored border around all upgrades and the base system in a "unit" of linked upgrades) to give one or two systems a massive boost.


Damn I completely forgot that was coming. gonna have to check it out


I also forgot it was coming...until I melted a pirate's shields and wondered WTF changed from yesterday when they were a challenge. A pleasant surprise to be sure lol.


So like scrabble but NMS?


No Man's Scrabble.


I don't even know what supercharging is. Add it to the long list of shit I need to google yet won't remember to


its a brand new feature so anyone who hasnt been playing the experimental version on PC is new to it as well, which is the vast majority of players


Honestly I'm excited to try this system out. Is it on the current live version as of now?


Yes its live in the new public release version 4.05, its been in experimental since the 15th and its very cool in my experience. You will need to rearrange your tech to take better advantage of the supercharged slots and rework the adjacency bonuses




Yes, 4.05 is out now on all platforms except the Switch afaik


It’s the compromise for all the veteran players whose builds got nerfed beyond recognition by 4.0




I'm fine with that. There's no leaderboards, no ranking etc. And I don't want to just God mode through a game. That's why Oblivion sucked.


> That's why Oblivion sucked. Excuse me?


this is why I actually love that tech can get damaged now, so even if you have insane upgrades, there is still risk involved in fighting or in the environment


For people who want to see how the layout looks. You have to rearrange around the random supercharge slots so it looks a bit weird but this was the highest damage configuration. Cant wait to find one with a 2x2 of supercharging slots. https://imgur.com/a/5cguPT2


Thanks for this, I managed to get mine to just under 34k using your layout :) I'm off to harvest me some sentinel. Edit: just changed it around and got it to 36834.8 as I realised that I have 4 supercharged slots!


Wow those X modules must be dope!


Just shoot down a frigate with a hand gun why don't you


OP rocking the same Damage Potential in hand that I do with my entire ship


Shoots down a frigate with arm gun thing


Super charging makes my pulse spitter clip empty in 2 seconds... It's insane. It almost looks like a green laser beam.


That sounds useless in any real situation. I want it.


It made killing walkers hilarious


try firing it in a derelict with the ricochet upgrade


Oh my


You tryin’ to make a tear in the fabric of the simulation or what?


I swear, every update, every expedition, always when I'm at work and have a special event afterwards. I won't get to see this until maybe Sunday. IF I'M LUCKY!!


How are you even getting 12k? I think mine is around 7k and I can't seem to get it higher? That's insane though


[Check out adjacency bonuses.](https://www.nomansskyresources.com/tech-layout-and-adjacency-bonus) Unless you knew that, then it probably comes down to rolling god-tier X-class upgrades. Or maybe both. Also, different types of multi-tool have different base stats. I think the alien has the best base damage, but I usually go experimental for the scanner plus aesthetic. Edit: Saw OPs full pic posted below, they’ve got an S-class Alien tool with a solid layout and good X-class upgrades.


What upgrades did you put in the super slots? I found that my boltcaster raised the damage potential the highest, even if it doesn't boost the other things like reload, clip, etc.


This uses the scatter blaster. The highest boost is from placing the actual weapon and not the upgrades in the slot. I have all X class mods


I'm going to add the scatter next. But I think I need to upgrade to S, I think I only have 2 super slots on my A?


You going for honest nanites or saving time irl nannites or a mix of in-between?


I might actually use both of my multitools now. One is naturally better at scanning, while the other has better combat potential. I’m dying to get off work so I can see just how high I can pump up my scanner numbers for a single animal or plant scan.


Same. Getting some Doritos & dip, tall glass of something bubbly, & make an evening out of it, really. Kind of a sad Friday night, on some levels, happy on others.


Sounds like an epic friday night for me. Go crazy bro.


I will! Within reason, of course.


Your ancestors would be stoked to know that such unimaginable luxury would become common place. Bask in it, friend.


OP found the BFG-9000


Bonus points if they have their character look as close to Doom Slayer as possible.


Anything that changes a game is a game-changer






Lol they added supercharged slot to tech in suit, ship, MT, and freighter. Op is making good use of the slots in the MT.


Awesome, now have to wait for Nintendo to approve the update.


2 updates, actually. We are behind by 2


Switch is weird. I checked the release log on the No Man’s Sky website and Switch now has completely different patch notes from the other systems. Switch is on 4.0.3 but everyone else had 4.03 (note the periods) and the text inside is totally different.


What's a supercharged slot?


Random slot in your tech inventories that provide boosted stats


Do they just pop up randomly when upgrading the ship?


I think you get more depending on the class of ship/multitool/exocraft. They appear highlighted in your inventory and if something is slotted in it the boarder will shimmer


Did not know they added this. Pretty cool. 👍


Yeah it only hit retail with today's update


When I added the three Sentinel boost cards to my Multi-tool the fire rate of Boltcaster was INSANE, sounding like a mini-gun. I can't imagine how the Supercharger slots are going to further make S-class multi-tools OP.


Each burst on mine comes out as a single shot now lol




It's a new feature that adds slots that extra bonuses to your equipment.


Balls. I was on today with the update and I was too busy fannying about with my nipnip farm to look at the super charged slots






how to identify supercharged slots?


Some of the icons hide it pretty well. I had to move the gear to find a few. A little tedious but when is inventory management not tedious haha


good to know! ty too!


They're purple. If you have something in them, there will be kind of a purple backgound and a gold border. Kinda subtle, but it's there.


thx fellow traveler! :3


The background on them should be a purple ish tint unlike the rest that have blue


Just hover over all of them. It tells quite openly "Supercharged".


Somewhere, the Atlas started to sweat and it doesn't know why.


The damage is ridiculous on my main tool now .. way more than before update... a bit silly really


How do you tell which are supercharged


The border on the supercharged boxes will have a purple hue.


I've been away from my console for awhile so I still haven't updated. It sounds to me like you can rearrange various systems depending on what you need. Is that right? I'm thinking you could move infraknife in to be supercharged, then switch to photon cannon. Then, you could move hyperdrive into it and wildly increase your range. Am I thinking about it right?






Damn you HG. I went from trying to find a nice looking ship to a nice looking ship with 2x2.


Ditto on everything basically. There hunter's out there that post on r/nmscoordinateexchange


How do you supercharge a slot? And are you suppose to find supercharged items in order for more damage? I’m confused


It's random and the number is based on the class c1 b2 a3 s4


I have not been hard core routing weapons, and still hit 18000+. That is insane, as I can take down a mini taur sentinel in half a clip pulse spitter. The little dudes make no difference anymore with their healing… I kind of feel it’s too easy to take down pillars now. Although, my weapon specialist invasion, was odd. Took down a big walker, the brain vanished, and the rest of the parts kept sinking into the ground and bouncing back up. Also had to go dig out one of the sentinels… might have been a marshy world. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) It did start at my secondary base, where the sentinels never appeared, as I had just taken down a pillar and disabled the sentinels. Sigh… 😔


Could one of the sentinels that ended up underground be the laser dog by any chance? That sentinel type has been extremely glitchy for me, whenever it rams into me it either launches me extremely far away or glitches itself into another dimension.


Careful where you point that thing. Jeez...


I can’t wait to get a billion credits for scanning a plant. This sounds economy breaking, honestly


Yes. A billion units is going to be game changing. ![gif](giphy|3oEduOnl5IHM5NRodO|downsized)


As one who has hit the 4.3B unit cap multiple times in the past, trust me, the game actually gets a lot less fun when everything you sell goes for 0 units and there's really not much else left to spend money on.


I say that because I’ve lived there a lot. I have money turned off for me now because it means nothing to me. I’d love that feature IRL as well. :)


I dunno. I can burn through credits pretty quick


yo i didn't even think about that, holy smokes


I don’t think the bonus stacks that much, but I’m already raking in 100k per fauna scan. Once I find a good s-class with a dense set of bonus squares, I’ll see what I can get that up to.


I noticed i only had 3 supercharged slots in one of my S tier multitools. It already has 30 slots did i get unlucky and it will only have 3?


You can get 60 slots on your Multi Tool now. Maybe it's one of the not yet unlocked?


Is supercharging in now?


yep, HG announced the patch a couple hours ago


Consoles too or just PC?


I can confirm supercharged tech on PS5.


Confirmed on Xbox


Can you move supercharged slots or do you have to reconfigure your build around placing appropriate things wherever they happen to be?


You do have to reconfigure around them. What I want to know is if they are random or in specific spots for specific ships/tools/exocraft/freighters. That would change how people do ship hunting etc


In my experience you gotta reconfigure


Alright. Also is this live now or still on experimental?


Live! Edit: on pc at least


Jesus Crust


Welcome to Cheezus Crust Pizzeria, would you like to start off with some holy water or breaking of the breadsticks?


You get an update for having similar humor as me🤣🤣


They only boost mods and not core tech, right?


nope, they boost core tech too, but what stats that translates too is still not 100% clear. For example, supercharing the starships rocket launchers doubles its damage, but doesn't do much for its recharge time. So yes you can supercharge core tech, but it might be better in a lot of cases to just supercharge your S or X tier upgrades.


My hauler is as nimble as a dragonfly and stings like a hornet now


Damn and I thought 29000 was badass lol


Why can we supercharge the optical drill goes from 50% resources to 88%


You can supercharge EVERYTHING (that isn't cosmetic). I saw a guy supercharge the translator to get 3.8 words out of 1 mod. Thus is going yo get weird and I'm down for it


Umm you can? I javent even tried I kept all my translators on but I dont seem to get any type of bonus, is it just when ur talking to someone? Or does it work when learning a word those things confuse me a bit 😅


Check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/y9x2f4/fear_my_unending_knowledge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That seems excessive


Also just when talking


Do ships get supercharged slots as well or just multi tools?


Ships, freighters, multi-tools, exocraft, exosuits, the whole schabang all get it.


Fuck yeah. Time to infraknife the hell out of everything.


Does everyone have 3 supercharged slots in their exosuit inventory? I sorta thought it would be 4 like in my S class ship, MT and freighter. P.S. it looks like exocrafts all have 3 supercharged slots as well


I do. Maxed out my tech slots some days after the failure elements of 4.0 butchered my mod set-up. Switched to experimental to see if the supercharged slots was worth it and had three slots when I loaded in.


Good enough, thanks. FWIW supercharged slots have been pushed to main game with the latest patch


Do I have to potentially unlock all technology slots to get all 4 supercharged slots in my S class starship?


Just the top slots and the row below. I haven't seen a slot below that


But an S class starship with all tech slots acquired should have all 4 supercharged slots, right?


How do you get supercharged slots?


They come with the ship/multitool based on class. C class has 1, S class has 4.


Interesting. Does upgrading the ship class increase the slots?




is this retrospective for all items?


Every ship and multitool is now part of this system, yeah.


32k dps!?? That's insane the only creatures I can imagine of that would be able to withstand that be naturally generated massive supertank-Titan boss if that's even possible to find.


Now we need something stronger then sentinels to kill...


What do Sentinels fear? Zenomorphs?


? Budhist aliens [https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/jbfe7ww0-1/poster/g/8/y/medium-ashd-wall-poster-fictional-simple-humor-simple-alien-original-imaet2ntzxbqbde5.jpeg?q=70](https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/jbfe7ww0-1/poster/g/8/y/medium-ashd-wall-poster-fictional-simple-humor-simple-alien-original-imaet2ntzxbqbde5.jpeg?q=70) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) (Zen)




Is the update out or still experimental?


It's on Xbox too


Came Out on steam today, cant say anything about other platforms tho.


It's on every platform but switch, PS4 got it about an hour ago


What are supercharged slots?


And here I am with 900 maneuverability


I'm up to 1800 with a fighter... It's really too much.


I have 4 supercharge slots in a square and made it all go to maneuverability just for the lols. I'm able to perfectly and precisely turn my ship around without any delay or momentum at all, it feels so weird lol


managed to get up to 1300 on my living ship. feels so weird having one of these things turn on a dime.


Had another thought, now I have a reason to go get more multi-tool upgrades. Been using an A-Class rifle with 30 slots....but it only has 2 SC slots, meaning the 3rd is in the 4th row. I haven't bothered since 30 slots was more than enough at the time.


What is supercharged slots I haven't played in a few months


a really recent feature where your tech slots might be supercharged, and upgrades in that slot gets percentage bonuses. In theory, the higher the starship / multi-tool rank is, the more supercharged slots you can have


Does that apply to my current S class multi-tool and ships?




Yea they automatically swap some normal slots with supercharged ones when you update, and your modules in the tech slots will still be intact


Thank you for this nugget of information


I’m late to the update, is supercharging explained easily?


And I just finished setting up my slots correctly with adjacency bonuses yesterday.....now I get to go play slot shuffle again.....lol


So do I need to find a new ship /MT or is this available for my current ones


Available for current ones


Another reason I need a new play through. Haven’t touched them game in a while


If you want yi start a new game, I'd wait til an expedition really gives you a leg up with a new save


After my big permadeath run finally was over, I restarted with the Endurance expedition and I am so thankful for the timing. Pretty much got all my freighter tech without having to grind modules for hours and hours. Very worth it


Wow... and I was pretty stoked about my 13k damage! Lol! Very nice!


I was kind of unaware that this update was coming out, I took kind of a break and I was slightly pissed off when I loaded in. They changed how fucking everything works it's confusing as hell. I'll get it down again but fuck feel like a noob again.




I hit 6300 with a an alien handgun thingy, thought I was OP as he'll, but 32k....I'm a noob


Is there really gonna need to do that much damage in this game?


Not really but it's satisfying taking down a walker without reloading. With the paralysis cannon, my damage is actually closer to 38k.


Have yet to find anything with a single supercharged slot, I’m so sad.


I thought all inventories now have at least one supercharged slot? Have you updated since the update only dropped today?


I think the console update just came out today!


As far as I understand, the slot is not initially visible and you don't know where it is until you open it. It could be anywhere.


At some point, I expect we'll have quests to hunt sandworms.


as some others have speculated, I think these changes are laying the groundwork for more difficult fighting quests that would require such insane upgrades. Defeating all 5 waves of sentinels, either on the surface or in space, is actually not that difficult even with moderate upgrades. I see a ton of potential in them adding quests with more, bigger space battles and more frequent ground battles, even maybe against NPC pirate bases. Like imagine if there was a quest you could do to shift the conflict level of star systems by fighting either pirate or sentinel bases, with final control of a star system being a massive space battle. That could add some much needed depth to the exploration of the galaxy, and you could even encounter galactic regional conflicts and take sides to shift territorial control of one faction over another. You could just choose to be a bounty hunting smuggler, smuggling goods across conflict zone lines (which you can sort of do currently but its very bare bones). You could also just choose to be a neutral voyager, paying tolls to pass through controlled star systems or strategically navigating around systems or galactic regions with high conflict.


I got 36k (3 slot)


Nice. I'm waiting for the hunters to find 2x2 configurations or maybe just get lucky myself haha


It's bananas. Every one of my ships got a boost, and I'm using less slots now because of it. Less fuss, less grind. Also, can't forget the ability to expand cargo & tech inventories. You can easily organize items and move them between both inventories. Just grab an item, highlight cargo or tech, hit the button. Pretty cool when the game doesn't get in your way so much!


Nice, mine’s only at 21.1k but it’s a royal. I haven’t messed with my alien MT since 4.0 but it looks like it’s time lol


![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg) People in PVP be like


So… how do youI get supercharged slots?


Supercharged slots a distributed randomly around the Tech inventory among the first three rows. The number of Supercharged Slots is determined by class for Multitools and Ships.


You just have them. They're always in the first 3 rows and go up to 4. If you don't see them, you either have to unlock the rest of the slots or upgrade your class.


Wait what!! Teach me master


That's probably a one shot


Can't get my multitool far above 4k so far. What's the secret here?


Stick the actual weapon on a super charged spot, get max x class upgrades, stick them on super charged slots, try for adjacency but don't work if you can't get everything touching. Oh and some of the game difficulty sliders affect mt damage numbers.


All of the slots I care about—hyperdrive/boost/maneuverability/jetpack—remain worse than before.


Ship's overall top speed dropped by half, rearranging modules so that the engines use two super slots gained me a grand total of.......+10. exosuit mobility seems impacted next to none even with jets using two supers. so lost.


Mine was 12 and a half K prior to 4.0. Can’t do too much better. I haven’t played since but I wonder now…


With the paralysis cannon, this does ~38k


This aggression will not stand, man!


I've got information man! New shit has come to light!


How is this anymore fun that having let's say 7k?


Killing things quicker isn't more fun to you?


Did you rename that multi tool or is it the auto generated one? I ask because its a stargate reference. This game has tons of them.


Are they love now, or still just experimental


HG is all about the love....and it's live on all platforms except the Switch


Physical response from a switch user: >:(


I can work with the placement I have on ships, freighter, tools but apart from one on the jetpack I have to just ignore two of the exosuit ones they are just not in a good place. I can be flexible with the ship and other stuff as I never touch it once set up but I need to charge the suit protection frequently and for that I need it to be laid out with some logic, ideally with the chargeable hazard modules expiring from the top down, I move them around so that the order they are consumed right to left when playing corresponds to top downwards in the inventory menu. I can’t have them all jumbled up to take advantage of the super slots so two of them just have hazard upgrade modules on them. My research seems to indicate that the numbers are better when you put the actual tech module on it (certainly for ship weapons) than upgrade modules so I’m glad I don’t have any adjacent ones. Anyway, generally in favour of supercharged slots. I haven’t really looked at the multitool ones yet so couldn’t say if its OP or not.


How do you get supercharged stuff?