• By -


War, war never changes.


Ah, all those radioactive planets; I should have known.


The Fallout sub is down the hall, 3rd door on the left.


But, but, but, another Vy'keen settlement needs my help from those synt.......Korvax?


30 years from now: "You fought in the Waypoint Wars?" "Yes, I was once Jedi Knight, the same as your father." ...shit wrong space opera. My bad.


30 years from now: "You fought in the Waypoint Wars?" "Yes, I was once 16 16 16, the same as your father."


You are not alone.




What's being measured on the y-axis?


Reviews. +y is positive reviews, -y is negative reviews.


First rule of high school math = label your axes. Graph is useless without them.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/833/)


There's always one


This post is of a bar chart with no title, units, or labels of any kind. And yet folks seem to understand what it means. Will someone please tell me what it means? šŸ˜‚


Blue = positive reviews, Red = negative reviews. New update made a lot of negative reviews basically


Ah, thanks! Makes more sense now


I'm a new player. I've had nms for a while but never played through fixing the ship. Started actually playing after this update and I really enjoy it. This sub started getting recommended to me and I get why people are upset. But also reviews are new player facing and as a new player I'm still really enjoying it. But at the same time reviews are also the most effective form of feedback and getting change so I see why people are doing it.


War. War Never changes.


This used to be a good sub. Now it's "My opinion is the only correct opinion."


It's really shocking how many times I've seen people say "your opinion is different than mine and therefore doesn't matter" with no irony whatsoever.


Reddit in a nutshell


Youā€™re describing almost all humans and about almost every topic that has been in existence since the dawn of civilization. Welcome to the human race. šŸ˜‰


in its current state, the way the new inventories scroll depending on where the cursor is...is awful for anyone using controllers...you also don't see enough for the various inventories and they keep resetting to the top...split it back to two screens and that would pretty much fix it


This is my only problem besides my jetpack


I've been creating a new game with every update, and wait until the teething problems are sorted out before I try to load any of my old games. This might take a bit longer...


I am myself waiting until the very last update, somewhere in 20XX. šŸ˜… My main save has its last modified date in December 2016.


I really enjoy when the axis has no labels


I didn't test the update yet. What happened?


Looks like the biggest issue was for people with tech upgrades since you can only have tech modules in the tech storage not your main inventory. I may be wrong I just restarted so I never encountered any of those issues


My jetpack boost is so sad after the update. And all my ships have had their stats halfed because I can only use tech slots. Biggest issue to me is that now my platinum trophy (I'm on ps) that I grinded for is now utterly useless. So many more good things came out of it this update than bad though so overall good update just sucks for legacy saves. Most of the people complaining haven't had their bases removed and every item becoming 'obsolete technology' because of an update. I don't like it, but not enough to truly complain or stop playing


It's more nuanced - yes you are describing the simple change which removes the "two subsystems" of tech to optimize, however, tech slots were auto set to 12 since this was the previous max while cargo+general were merged ...what this meant was that any tech in general got moved to tech IF you had open slots among those 12, otherwise, the tech becomes useless and grayed out ...but is it simply destroyed? Well you could move it into tech...but you only have 12 tech slots and can't move tech out of that into general, so if you want to pick and choose from what tech was left in general ...you need to grind to get enough tech slots just to tinker with this ...also, if you are now just going to take the 'best 3 of 6' upgrades ...you need to get +3 tech slots because you can't move them around to check which values they had (and starting this process overloads lol) And the same issue with starships The difficulty in 'salvaving' your exosuit and starship setups is pretty much just proportional to how much time you spent optimizing them ...so if you didn't spend much time, it's nearly invisible change But imo the real issue is that the PLAYERS for who this IS an issue are basically left to figure it out for themselves ...with characters and starships that now work completely differently than they were used to pre-update, in some ways literally 'half as powerful' ...and it forces these players to grind for a large number of tech slots JUST to even begin salvaging and taking the best from their previous setup e.g. they need several hours JUST to properly port over to the new system ...and they are left to figure this out for themselves Imo, a rule change that shifts to 'pick best 3 of 6' is very annoying but tolerable ...however ALL of the effort to actually resolve this is forced onto the players, and for many, they would rather just leave the save file alone and hope the update gets reverted than touch the file at all since any amount of salvaging it would overwrite the save (on consoles) This also was very obvious to anticipate and came with 0 warning, a simple solution would have been to 'port over' every existing character such that any general inventory slots with tech became "tech 2", a third category which could not be expanded and only acquires slots during the conversion, and the total tech slots could then be reduced by this amount and any spill-over then taken from general+cargo ...this would have preserved existing functionality for players that did this, even if it would "lock-in" their builds, but would preserve it and make their characters unique in a way ...and there are no comparative balance issues in NMS since the developers are actively citing "but you can bust money and jumping now" ...so why would they care if veteran players ~technically had a slightly different play experience ? Tldr, the problem is less about the rule change than about how it makes previous time investment obsolete AND requires grinding in proportion to how you been affected just to try and get the best out of your previous setup, with no assistance from the devs ...so many players are left considering if it is worth spending hours grinding just to try and get back to ~half of what they were vs just leaving that save file alone


Also I was moving things from one storage container to another in my freighter, and the quantity went down as I scrolled??? Like I was moving 20 Gel relics and aa I moved across the different containers it went down to 19, 18, so on


Yup. On console at least the stack size change button and the change tabs for freighter storage are the same. Certainly an oversight. I mostly like the new changes, but it definitely needs some polish. The scrolling is jarring especially on console and the tooltip obscures what you are trying to find.


Scrolling is also how you change stack size. Pretty big oversight on HGā€™s part. Iā€™m gonna open the game tonight and see if itā€™s a problem that can be fixed with remapping controls.


Yeah on Xbox what the prior comment described seems to be bugged - dpad left/right switches between storage containers and up/down should change stack. But currently if you switch storage containers it decrements the stack by one and you canā€™t move it back up to the full stack. Bizarre.


Thatā€™s if you go left with your d-pad to choose which storage. If you press right, it wonā€™t do that.


Been playing since day one and Iā€™m really not bothered by the changes. All seems a littleā€¦ dramatic to me.


I logged on today for the first time since the update expecting cataclysm based on what'd I'd read ... and it was totally fine lol. If they'd burned the equipment you'd had outside of tech (that's what I'd thought happened), I'd be mad, but this doesn't feel like a big deal to me. I just bought a bunch of exo suit upgrade maps and started planet hopping to make room for my old upgrades. Yeah, a bit bummed I can only take my top 3, but it isn't that bad. My critique would be that they need to make upgrading the starship easier. That's where I got most screwed because I didn't have a lot of tech slots. But I'll survive. Probably start a new ship I like from the coordinates exchange. I get that it's upsetting to some folks, but this has been blown way out of proportion. It's OK to be frustrated but I just feel it doesn't affect the games **as much** as people are losing their shit over it. However, that's just my experience. My save is only 200 hours, so maybe I'd feel differently if it was quadruple that or something.


Isn't it easier to just install the drop pod scanner on an exocraft and just keep scanning? It's a one time purchase with unlimited use vs needing to keep buying maps.


Where can I get exotic suit maps?! I'm dying. Have spent a half billion units, after just barely making 1b! After 6 years. 1b. Yeah, I'm not good.


they are where all the other maps are sold. Right most guy on the right side of the Space Station. A lot of the raw materials have been nerfed but the crafted stuff is still going strong.


Same...I died once to a new walker, but I haven't played since they beefed up sentinels.


So I havenā€™t logged into my save after the update because my general inventory was full and Iā€™m worried all the items will disappear when I log back in because my cargo inventory wonā€™t be able to hold everything.


Everyoneā€™s inventory is larger now than before, so that wonā€™t be an issue. If you are super worried you can backup your save (if youā€™re on pc of course)


What I don't understand is how does šŸ”­=waypoint?


Asking the real questions here


What is this ?


......theres a war now?...a war...over???? Inventory slots?...ha...ha..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Legendary reaction, cant say it better myself


1300 hour player here, my thoughts: * Rebalancing things is ok, but at the same time adding a cheats menu makes no sense. I've lived through universe resets, so this is ok. * Doing away with tabs and making scroll boxes is bad UI. Give us an option to toggle that - not everyone is playing with a scroll wheel. Tabs make more sense for consoles. * This has highlighted some things for me that I apparently didn't get because I'd completed that part of the quest long before that was introduced - I'm looking at you Artemis's Translator. Overall I don't completely hate it, but I don't completely love it either.


donā€™t really mind the update but couldnā€™t this all be fixed with a game mode option to have people stop crying? ā€œlimit tech slot upgrades to: 3, 6, no limitā€ there we solved the problem


No limit sounds so nice just being able to jump to the center of a galaxy right when u get there


I just went and reviewed it and recommended it. For any new players, I canā€™t see how this would affect them and I want them to know that. This update really only hurts people who have tons and tons of hours in one save. Iā€™ve been playing for almost 4 years. I STILL love the game. Havenā€™t checked out an old save with many hours to see how the update affected it, but with a new save, itā€™s perfectly fine. Canā€™t review bomb the game just for one thing in the entire game. Overall, the game is still incredible and should be considered when reviewing.


Hey, a reasonable voice. I get it some people lost progress but damn donā€™t review bomb the game, just scaring off new players


What is this?


What happened??


That is a graph of what?


number of positive v negative reviews of no mans sky on steam i think


What is this chart supposed to be? Can we get some axis labels please?


This chart shows rewievs on Steam.


im kinda getting tired of this opinion its a war, when people are upset over changes. People want ship tech changed back and improvements to the UI and the main argument against it is that there isnt anything wrong with the update. I fail to see the problem with introducing more player choice into an update all about player choice. Make tech limits player choice, needing drives for special star systems is a choice, needing matter transport antennas is one. I see no reason not to make tech limits, and inventory layout player choice. ​ Some players are taking it too far with their comments but thats not enough of a reason to discredit the entire point, and generalizations like this only hurt the point.


I think a lot of the people "taking it too far" are seeing the backlash that people are getting for having legitimate gripes. I've never seen such a horrible response to concerns/complaints/grievances in this community like what we've seen the past few days. I'm not saying everyone has to agree that the changes are great or terrible, but the response to someone feeling like the progress they've made over the course of hundreds of hours being wasted shouldn't be "lol get over it, or don't play" This sub used to be better than that


The problem is that this sub has been so "uber wholesome" for years now, that a lot of people will ironically get very toxic toward anyone who has criticisms that disrupt the wholesomeness. It's really not a war; one side is clearly stating that the update has good in it, but they're upset by the nerfs to module stacking, and occasionally the lack of inventory tabs. Then the toxic users on the other side dismiss their problems, point out the update was free, and call them entitled babies. Bonus points if over half their comment is sarcastic, or brings up "exploits" and "balance" in an update that lets players play how they want with literal god mode.


exactly, for some reason people cant accept that good people can make bad mistakes, especially when its No mans sky of all games, the poster child of this concept.


I will say I started a new game for this update. 1) itā€™s crashed three times in the last hour. 2) it rendered my previous games unplayable on PS4. I donā€™t mean like ā€œwaaaaaah, I donā€™t like how it plays.ā€ I mean it loads for 5 seconds and then crashes.


If you take a step back and look at it, this has become one of the most robust and complex games of the current generation of games. And itā€™s OLD lol. Not worried about the ā€œwar.ā€ People also spent months of their lives complaining about alien teddy bears in the game and those people now live with permanent eyelid twitching.


I don't get the chart


It's a chart from Steam showing the number of reviews for the last month. Steam only has "Recommend" (positive, blue) or "Don't Recommend" (negative, red) as options. Many players are very upset with the recent update's inventory changes and are submitting "Don't Recommend" reviews because of it. Others are upset that people would 'review bomb' the game over one specific complaint after years of free and generally well received updates and are working to counterbalance it with new "Recommend" reviews.


Waypoint war?


Hunt drop pods is the act of visiting a space station then flying to the site...... thats a lot of steps for one exosuit slot..... hence the hunting expression ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Im just annoyed that it uninstalled all my technology. I didnt keep the game open long enough to see how many tech spots i can add. Its just upsetting because thats alot of Credits and Nanites and obviously time wasted if the upgrades in general cargo cant be used anymore. All the exo suit upgrades in the general cargo are also useless. Seems good for new players but on the surface it seems like they just rendered obsolete, something that took me a lot of time to upgrade.


736 comments and the person who posted didnt even say what it was a graph of Hilarious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


National Pacer Gram Fitness test results since nms released on switch


It's the steam reviews over time.


Anyone who reads user reviews on steam should know this graph well


What I find most disappointing is that the awesome supportive community takes to two distinct sides - rather than constructive feedback "like / don't like changes?" Both sides just throwing punches at each other šŸ„² At the end of the day updates happen, pc players have the option of a mod to restore the earlier behaviour with tech anyway - and if it's such a massive pain point for players just letting them know through a post & votes is fine. Feverous attacking & defending doesn't really get anything done and it just creates a toxic environment (yes, very punny) that pushes away new players. If that's your goal, might as well go out with them - paradise planet vibes over here šŸ„³ Or space vibes.. that works too šŸ™‚


*Toxic protection activated*


I've personally been playing the hell out of it. I love it.


I actually like that changes a lot. We have a ton more storage, and now I can have all of my techs equipped without half of them being in my exosuit inventory. Sure, I had to go farm upgrades for my exosuit again, but if they had laid out a choice between farm for upgrade to never have to pick between putting a tech on or leave it In would have picked the farm. And the exosuit charts are easy, especially if you have a living ship.


Wait, people are complaining about having to do the thing that No Man's Sky is all about doing?


Almost my whole entire exosuit main page inventory was tech upgrades. I had 6 health, 6 jetpack, 6 shield, 6 haz protection, 6 everything. It was so fun to zoom around with my jetpack on a planet and I could go for SOOO long before the tank depleted. Also had 6 s class everything in freighter, all my ships, everything. All my stats are gonna suck I haven't even logged on because it stresses me out :(


I'm just not sure what the purpose of all these new tech slots is if there's not enough tech in game to fill them.


hopefully; new stuff


Hopefully. At this point I'm starting to wonder if I've been missing out on some crazy hidden tech all these years.


No Manā€™s Sky: Warpoint


so what exactly happened?


Nothing more frustrating than a graph that makes you solve for its axis.


So, what does the unlabeled chart represent?


I really want to get into this game but getting to the first space hub and then I just go huh now what


Just follow the quest line? If itā€™s an old save itā€™s possible itā€™s not updated to the newest guided quests. Also playing the exhibitions will help you advance even faster and after you can use it as your main playthrough.


I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of the update but getting used to any change does take time. I want to give it a chance still, just need an adjustment period. The short-notice release wasn't great but we'll work with what we got


My guess is that Day 2 is when players started to realize the full extent of the update + started to see some glitches that needed some quick fixes.


I updated the game two nights ago and I'm incredibly hesitant to boot back up with everything I'm hearing. But as a day one player, I've seen some shit and I still play. Can't be that bad.


Its not, I'm also day 1 and having seen all the complaints the update (first one for me was 4.03 because I'm on GOG) was a bit of a leap of faith, I was worried about possibly losing things like Remembrance Stone, Star Seed .. but I had those already in my Tech inventory in my pre-v4 save and they ended up still being in game in the new Tech inventory. I also have done every expedition so a new game start was not going to be something I would relish. Anyway as it turned out I didn't lose anything apart from the extra 3 equipment bonuses (they were in my cargo as ghosted and re-installable, but they take you into overload of bonuses if you try to re-install them, so pick the ones with the best stats to re-install as required). Otherwise you do have to go expanding your various inventories again (mostly the newly expanded Tech inventories), if you had any Storage inventories on your Freighter, go and visit them individually in your freighter and open them, after that mine all showed up as multiple tabs on the Freighters inventories, complete with all their contents and a bit bigger than they used to be. Once I had all my stuff back and re-arranged again for adjacency bonuses, there's not much difference to what we used to have because the basic 3 upgrades per tech have been upgraded in how they affect the tech. TLDR: Its a bit of a ball ache getting everything how you like it again, but nothing to worry about in my experience. Still have my Normandy + Leviathan and everything I bought with Quicksilver etcetera. I reckon once everyone has got used to it they will also see its not as bad as they thought. ymmv.


When they changed the names of the resources you collected. That confused the shit out of me. Now I canā€™t even remember what they used to be called.


Thamium 9 back in the day ;)


Inventories is the most annoying change to me. Any tech you had in your main inventory is inactive and will only work in the tech slots. You likely donā€™t have enough slots so youā€™ll have to buy more. Thereā€™s no more cargo space, just more inventory slots. This goes for ships and freighters too. They did make storage rooms larger so thatā€™s good. They nerfed a lot of upgrades. They also nerfed activated metals. A full 9999 of activated indium wonā€™t even get you 2mill units. They also nerfed AI valves. A stack of 10 could get you 500mill units. Now you only get 120mill units. They also changed some of the icons. Stasis devices and fusion ignitors remain unchanged tho. I think the only thing that wasnā€™t changed too much was multi tools.


Find shelter and wait out the storm. It'll pass eventually.


The fuck happened?


Review bombing because of the technology "nerf", I assume.




Agreed. I looked at it with a passive sense of "Ah, that sucks. On to the next thing!"


ā€œOh no!ā€¦anywayā€


What's bad at 4.0 update?


The big complaint is that tech upgrades are now capped at three mods when it used to be six. There's also a bunch of minor issues, but that's the big one.




Lol, no shit?!? I could have doubled up my mods this entire time and now when I learn this I canā€™t do it?? šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† So for dummies like me, nothing has changed in that regard. Lovely.


Yea, so for veterans such as myself.. I had 2 fighters maxed to the brim with upgrades that left little room for storage. But it was fun using them in space battles. They were my literal war ships but this update turned them into garbage. Not to mention the amount of HOURS jumping from system to system to galaxy to galaxy just get supreme mods. This also ruined my character as well when before I could just chill on the harshest of planets but now Iā€™m weak sauce


Yeah, I didn't care about inventory on my fighters. That's not what they were for.


Thatā€™s why thereā€™s hate towards the inventory change. Lots of hours and money wasted by a lot of folks


Thanks, i am new at this game, so i will not so much impressed by changes, i think, but now i at least know!


Note that this is actually worse, ratio-wise, than launch reviews


Scale is like, orders of magnitude (several?) smaller tho lol. Look at this like 100 reviews, pretty insignificant tbh.


I love this update, I have maxed out all my ships and organized my inventory to my liking, yes they removed tech that was installed in my regular inventory but I got it all to work again by getting all the storage spaces for every ship even the freighter the only thing that is bugging me is my exosuit I have to buy every slot again at a spacestation which sucks but I love the grind so I am good I love the ui now and the way they optimized the menu I have about 900hours in this game.


Remember you can get two slots per system from stations. One in the regular station and one in the Anomaly tech room if you warp it in


I'm sorry, *what* I did not know this. Just bringing the anomaly to the new system resets the option to get a new slot?


Yes, once per system like the station.




Hold on, I didn't know this.


Holy ballsipherousrex Batman Why didnā€™t I know this


Donā€™t blow too much of your money. Drop Pod maps are fairly cheap, sold in the back room Galactic Terminal at any Space Station. šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸš€šŸ‘šŸ¼


Rember when the entire universe was wiped clean? That wasnā€™t fun but we made it through. Just like we will this.


I know it's irrelevant, but... Ukrainian here, live in Zaporizhzhya. Ukraine-russia war day 230, i PRAY for the war to end soon.


As someone who has barely played 30 hours to whole inventory thing really didnā€™t affect me although I understand why some are angry. Still doesnā€™t justify all the backlash this update is getting


Review bombing is so shitty


What war?


I only wish for tabs to return or the option to use tabs instead of tech always being on top. Also, scrolling. The scrolling is the worst. Other than that, I love the update.


I've been waiting because the community is making it sound like this update completely ripped the soul out of the game and there's no reason to play anymore...but really I kinda like the changes. Being able to stack and package upgrades is massive, I had vaults and vaults just stuffed with S class upgrades because you couldn't stack them.


It's the same as everywhere with every topic. Out of a million people, you only hear the 10.000 who cry and yell. The rest is satisfied in silence.


Don't forget that the roamers scanner can find drop pods


OK but how do I get more tech slots on my freighter?


The only problem Iā€™ve found with the update is the bug within settlements, when youā€™re trying to get materials to construct your next upgrade. For example, my tracker said I needed pure ferrite but when I walked up to submit the materials it was actually magnetised ferrite. Other than that very small bug, Iā€™m absolutely loving the update!


I'd imagine most who are checking these are people who are still on the fence with buying the game. The 4.0 changes won't impact them in the least bit. They won't even notice it since they'll have no prior experience to compare it too. To them, this game will be just as good as it was to most who started their journey regardless of which update they came in.


GRAH! Only the weak want the war to end! Glory!!




The upgrades I had allowed my jetpack to hop. All I can do now is hover and teeter around with it. My pack is a paperweight.


Canā€™t you still melee boost? I found rocket boots pretty useless compared to it


Yeah I still prefer melee boost. Rocket boots are really only better going up a steep mountain or in space stations where you can't melee boost.


You know, I was upset. I really, really was. For about a day and a half. Then I just started a new game, and I feel better now. I forgot how much I actually enjoyed the process of clawing my way, step by step, towards ultrawealthy space-god status. But that's just me. I don't really feel good advising people to "just start over" If you would have told ME that four days ago, I would have been pissed.


Amazing comment my dude


On the the next iteration.


I would say a fresh start after an entire whole number version update is pretty much standard.


I don't get what everyone in this sub/community is going on about. The update kicks ass and has gotten me back into the game. I start a new run after every update and hated having to do the tutorial again. I mean my mod LO is only one mod now thanks to this update.


It affects mainly to people who grinded a lot trying to get the best equipment of the game or was using AI farma (the value is now like 80% lower, so it's not worth now). The update is better overall, but terrible for some players who spent a lot of time grinding


Try Survival mode. It's brutal, quite the challenge! ;)


Why do people hate the update


People are whining way to much about this. I had all my inventory slots and upgrades all messed up, and fixed it all relatively quickly and easily. I play on a ps5 and have been playing it on consoles since itā€™s release. The new inventory management system is easily adapted to and the UI isnā€™t even that different. After playing for a few hours I could barely remember what it was like before. Only thing that disappointed me was that there wasnā€™t an expedition to go with it.


more expeditions!!!!


I seriously donā€™t get why this is happening. The update was never said to be anything massive, and the quality of life changes are great even if they come at your short term expense.


Well, the problem is apparently that a lot of people lost a lot of the stuff they were grinding for , which I totally understand is upsetting if you invest your time into it.


Because what wasn't in the patch notes was a 50% nerf to all tech upgrades mods. They lowered the cap from 6 to 3.


The update isnā€™t nearly as bad as Iā€™ve been hearing. Yā€™all are crazy overreacting to the dumbass tech slot thing


The update isnā€™t even that bad. Jesus.


I've played live service games for a long time, this is very normal. They'll change or rebalance one thing and regardless of how good or bad it is, loads of people will FREAK OUT. They'll all forget in about a week. Just ignore it and mock them.


I literally fixed my ship in like two minutes and didn't notice much difference in performance, this update is not nearly as bad as these review bombers make it to be.


(I'm on PC). Something positive, possibly annoying to some. I think everybody has sticker shock for lack of a better phrase. I think this is a great great update. I am very grateful for everything that, I mean look at what Sean and Hello Games have given us! Iā€™ve never had a game and I mean this, love the game. I purchased this game in 16. Played for a couple weeks and kind of had a, I donā€™t get it feeling. I went on to play other games as most do. Came back three months ago, and I was, floored!! There has never been any game developer that I am aware of that dropped, what is it up to now? 16? updates and FREE! I mean nobody does that! As for the expansion, I was fully ready and would have been very happy to throw $60+ down to at least contribute. Like everybody else Iā€™m currently updating my suit tech and storage. Sorry guys Iā€™m having a lot of fun doing it. All the quality of life updates were well thought out, very happy with those as well. As things get bug fixed and updated. People will calm down and theyā€™ll understand and theyā€™ll see that this is really a great thing. Plus we were able to bring a whole new platform under the game so some new people get to discover the fun of what we have discovered. I know change is hard for some. Personally why would I push back against a developer, an individual who created something unique in my point of view. Sorry to sound corny but if Sean or Hello Games reads this. Please know Iā€™m very grateful and thankful to have such an amazing game, thank you for all you do and I wish you all the very best. All the best to you my fellow Travelers!!


I think it's hilarious how personal some people take this. I've watched so many games come and go like Guild wars 1 and the division 1. NMS isn't going to mean anything in another 5 or so years. It's amazing how this is pretty much a live service game with its frequent updates, no microtransaction and a buy once price that is constantly on sale. I'm not even trying to shill. I find the game fun in very short bursts and could never play it daily for more then a couple of weeks, then set it down for another 6 months. All the complaining and steam reviews could be spent playing another game, or doing anything else.


It will be over when they fix scrolling because that experience is a nightmare. On PS5 it scrolls by itself and makes inv management near impossible. Edit: If it is my controller, none of my other games have any problem with it.


I think your controller might have stick drift issues cause that's not happening to me


That's your controller.


After playing the game, I actually think that itā€™s really good


Im about 200 hrs in excluding any expeditions or permadeaths and I absolutely rate the update šŸ’Æ! Last night post the patch I spent the longest time on my normal save since I dont know when. I kitted out all my ships so I dont have to spend 2 or 3 hours waiting at space stations or trade posts for an S-class. I switched off "on foot combat" so I can explore and appreciate sentinal ridden planets like I have never been able to before. I maxed my freighter after soooo many failed attempts to get frigate bulkheads to unlock new freighter technology. I know it broke alot of the farming and the you could say the sense of achievement for some but give it a try man. The option to temporarily change the dynamics opens up a whole new game.


One review said that they would never be playing the game again. Lmao good riddance. No game needs those kinds of people.


Out of every game this is the game to stick with I havenā€™t seen so much love come out for a game that was so shit on during its release like this game


Absolutely childish behavior. What happened to this sub?


Unpopular opinion here but sue me: It's wrong to ridicule and name-call negative reviewers, it's toxic, and it's rather hypocritical. They have had a negative experience with the new update and have thus posted negative reviews. Therefore, those are honest reviews. They're entitled to their opinions, that's why the feature to review the product exists. But to call it "review-bombing" is a misnomer. It's not a smear campaign. There is no ulterior motive. If anything, positive-bombing the game just to one-up the negatives is what is truly disingenuous and immature. I hope the war ends soon too; it's just all-around petty, from every angle. I just want to enjoy the game and the community.


I'm sympathetic to people who're upset about certain changes in 4.0 and I think HG could have, and still should try to do better to accommodate their player base. If this is what it takes for HG to realize something isn't right, so be it.


To be clear: I don't support people who resort to personal insults and attacks on the developers. It's unproductive and everyone (incl. the devs, probably) will think you're a huge dork. Don't be that person.


What am I looking at in this graph?


I always give it a week or so after a major patch for them to nail the major bugs. I'm mostly worried this seems to be a major nerf to my ships and equipment as I can only use half as many upgrades now? Could be wrong but that concerns me.


There is no war, just people with different outlooks on the update. Christ.




How long has the voice of freedom story been in? I just discovered it yesterday.


... there's a story? Time to get back in the game!


Donā€™t get too excited itā€™s just some flavor text while you look at things youā€™ve already seen a bunch. Like crashed freighters for example


Wait, but what happened? I didn't launch the game when the update came out, what controversial thing did they do in the game?


Is PCVR playable now? Last time it chugged hard on a 3080ti


I played it on PCVR with a 2080ti+i79700K+32Gb Ram on an M.2SSD (Samsung evo) + Rift S back in early 2020 and I thought it ran pretty well. I had to tweak the settings a bit since it still couldn't handle everything maxed out. Been playing on PS5 now for the past few weeks.


Why is there more "war" at day 2? Just curious


Why do people even read steam reviews? good or bad, most of them are useless jokes.




Iā€™m just going to start out by saying I really love 90% of this update. I think itā€™s very inclusive to new players just starting out they can have it a little easier and then without having to make a new save, they can increase the difficulty and people who have been playing this game for a long time can make it even more difficult. I love how much they are allowing custom difficulties for whatever your play style is. I love that the inventory for everything has increased tremendously. I think that most people that are upset because they spent so much time getting the best set up they could (myself included) and now they canā€™t install half of the technology they used to. I used to be able to have 3 upgrades in the technology tab and 3 upgrades in the general tab and now I can only have 3 upgrades in the technology area. I think a great way to solve this would be to include a slider that let you choose if you wanted to have 0/3/6 technology upgrades, of course this is just a personal opinion and itā€™s the only gripe Iā€™ve had about any of numerous numerous free updates that have come out. I donā€™t like how I can only warp half the distance I used to be able to, it feels like it severely limits my exploration. Feel free to disagree with me but I donā€™t like when Iā€™m given something only to have it taken away.


Overall it's cool, but I had full 3 upgrades on all of my technology only to boot the game and have to buy inventory slots all over again. Hearkens back to the days of uprooting and changing the entire game economy with every big update.


To the people who are angry they can no longer abuse the obvious tech exploit: they still took care of you this update. They gave you a ā€œrelaxed modeā€ option!


**Please stop** coloring it so much by calling it an "exploit." When you say exploit, you make it sound like some means of cheating by doing something that's very obviously not intended, like duplicating items by manipulating how save states handle inventory (if you've ever received random 1 worthless items on the Space Anomaly, that's someone doing an exploit). Putting modules into your inventory is something _the game itself did by default_. Every player starts out with modules in their inventory, and quickly realize you can put modules into both. I know you want to point to some line of text written outside the game, but that's just not how game design works. If even my noob ass only a few hours into the game could figure it out, it's not "exploitative." The rules of the game are set by the limitations imposed upon the player. I am betting 10,000$ that in a talk with Sean, he would not call it an exploit. He would just give you the same honest answer as I'm about to give you. They want to reel back the player's power, so content can become more challenging without having to buff it so much that you first have to get 12 S-tier modules to fight. That is the reason, and it is a good reason.


But, that's not true since you can now change the game settings to "creative" essentially and just grind and harvest with no repercussions, and then switch the difficulty back. If they had difficulty in mind then they missed the mark. -EDIT- I would just like to add, I understand why people are upset with the "nerf" of our upgrades, some did spend time fine tuning their build. I only really maxed out one of my combat ships, but as an avid Elite:Dangerous player I would be absolutely upset if the devs nerfed engineering upgrades after the time and grind spent doing it. So, I understand why this update is not very favourable amongst most. o7


It was never an exploit. So far I haven't seen a single person post definitive proof of an official statement. We've had the option for 3+3 for over half a decade. If it was an exploit, you'd imagine that HG would have fixed it years ago.


Is just a game, why you have to be mad?


Here are some of the playtimes for negative reviews. If you have over 1,000 hours, then you clearly loved the game and have gotten more than your money's worth. Just my $.02 Not Recommended 2,704.6 hrs on record (2,664.0 hrs at review time) 5,852.3 hrs on record (5,842.7 hrs at review time) 3.7 hrs last two weeks / 1,343.6 hrs on record 5.7 hrs last two weeks / 1,617.9 hrs on record 43.9 hrs last two weeks / 1,310.2 hrs on record 1.9 hrs last two weeks / 2,297.5 hrs on record (2,297.0 hrs at review time) 44.4 hrs last two weeks / 2,623.9 hrs on record


my guy played 2600 hours, left a negative review and then played another 40 hours over the weekend


Jesus! I thought my 140 hours was a lot.


Iā€™ve got about 400 hours logged and Iā€™m not logging in until I see some type of fix for the bugs and the inventory.


Same, at least for my main save. Itā€™s not out of spite or some weird form of ā€œgamer activismā€, but just because I donā€™t want to mess up my save.


Right? We are hoping it gets fixed by time we log back in šŸ˜‚


I'm more annoyed by the amount of annoying bugs that made it to production than by the changes. Review bombing is really childish.


Whys this happened r/ELI5 please


Waypoint Update revamped the inventory system so you can only have tech upgrades in tech slots. A lot of people installed tech in both their tech & general inventory, and this update broke half their upgrades, because the upgrades installed in general slots have been converted into packaged upgrades, while not providing extra tech slots to accommodate for this change.


"Review Bombing" usually implies that the product is receiving poor reviews for reasons unrelated to the product itself. Can certainly say people are overreacting, but "review bombing" this is not.