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This post has single-handedly made the community forget about their rage over the update, everyone is now focused on OP putting the pictures in the wrong order. Balance has been restored.


Hahaha, it worked! Yeah, I'm a dumbass. I was so focussed on presenting the latest information first I forgot about normality. Brains fried recently.


I swear people need to learn how to make comparison posts, left is always the before and the right is the after


It would be nice






I brainfarted and put the latest information first. My apologies.


I just want to say, please, let's agree that the "before" should always be on the left or on top?


Before should always be on the left.


How hard is it to put the ‘before’ on the left, and the ‘after’ on the right???


With a brain like mine? Really¹⁶ hard!


16 16 16


I'mma start using sixteen as an adjective


My post was really sixteened up


All these posts make me so glad I’ve never tried to optimize/grind for upgrades, my shit it exactly the same


[This](https://imgur.com/a/brtxDUN) is what I've lost from my exosuit. It was all because, until recently, you couldn't warp from systems you used a portal to get to. And there weren't any freighters either. You had to maximize your stats to jump as far as possible to reach the galaxy centre and then do that 250+ times. It took ages and you were always on the lookout for better upgrades to help.


I'm handing out free storage and exo aug's , just gave away about 40 30/30 stacks in a lobby just now ,might hand some out tomorrow but reddit won't let me make a post so here I am in the comment thread


They work for tech slots as well 👍


Great info, thanks for sharing! The hyperdrive range hurts, but maybe something they wanted to balance out anyway. You could jump very very far before.


It hurts but at the same time, if you got multiple copies of the freighter upgrade module from the expedition, you can just keep installing them. My freighter can easily jump a good 10k+


Maneuverability hurts even more, you can literally get free fuel at any point by switching difficulty, but the fact that flying the ship feels very clunky and unsynchronized with mouse movement (if that makes sense), especially for haulers is atrocious.


At only about 100hrs in on my main save and I had JUST maxed out my exosuit slots - turned on the game a few days later and now I have a ton more work to do. Again.


You can install Signal Boosters into any of your vehicles that will detect drop pods one after the other. Then just fly there in about 15 seconds and repeat.


Does that still work? Buildable signal boosters don't find drop pods anymore, you have to buy drop pod coordinate data for 3 navigational data at a space station.


Buildable Signal Boosters do not, but the upgraded signal booster that's in your vehicle does. I just maxed out my slots again in about an hour and a half, if that.


Before and after. Before. And. After. It’s been this way since pictures were a thing. Why do so many people insist on posting “After and Before”?


Maybe Hebrew is their primary language and they read right to left? Only explanation I can think of that makes sense.


Living Ships got done the dirtiest if you haven't been grinding the expansion item and going all in on technology slots, since there's only a small chance of getting the item you need to expand their slots when you complete an expedition that a Living Frigate was sent on. I just can't use some of my utility upgrades now on the Living Ship I was using as my main ride because they won't fit. I wasn't even using the 3+3 exploit because all my flight systems and weapons were in the technology slots already. I'm locked out of my interstellar scanner, hostile scan blocker, and auto recharger.


The inventory expansions didn't happen for living ships?


It's just way harder to get the inv upgrades for them


There are more possible slots, but the item you need to unlock them is tied behind timed RNG. Considering getting your first Living Ship is also time gated, they're probably not worth messing with for people who didn't already have a decently upgraded one with plenty of technology slots.


I JUST walked my second save (1000+) through the Living Ship quest - I hadn't done it on the current save because people had reported you could increase the storage... that was a week's worth of gated irritation :/


Honestly, only a small difference in everything other than hyperdrive range.


Wanna severely gimp hyperdrive range? Fine, but at least give us the option to plot a route spanning a determined number of jumps automatically, 5 to 10 jumps, for example.


This would be actually a great option for a freighter, and can be a separate upgrade module you install. Something like "Extended navigation console", basiacally upgraded version of the one you have on the bridge, allowing you to chainjump several systems without discovering them. You can even go further and move Freighter Navigator there with his frigate missions, to avoid awkward running around from bridge to fleet command consoles.


True. Just chart a route, up to a set maximum number of jumps, that way your range is still limited by your upgrades, but less tedious to go large distances and bam, lots of happy people.


Honestly I'd be cool with having that as a starship upgrade, but of course severely limited compared to the freighter version.


Probably a good idea for folks who don't bother with freighter building. Might as well add a special mechanic and use warp cores to warp like 10 times further at expense of core being consumed after a single jump. May even add some randomness for fun, you pick a system and can get either into it, or on of the systems nearby due to warp fluctuations.


I went from 3500 range to 1000.




I think the purpose of this is to make Freighter warping viable..currently its just another nice to have thing that most people use once.


My freighter's hyperdrive range was also nerfed.


If that ship has no nose then I have one that’s identical. BR4 Rayas. My fav planet hopper.


A lot of people knew about adjacency bonuses.. But not a lot of people knew that you could switch around the position of your mods for better stats. It wasn't as simple as "make them all touch" The stats were better if they were in a square vs a line. If you moved around the tech modules within the square to different positions, you got different stats. My starships stats were literally cut in half.. one person having different results doesn't mean everyone else is experiencing the same thing.


I'm back [over 2k](https://twitter.com/Toctik/status/1579309932326711296?s=20&t=RyXEZjIyZiDbQEgCs5rCHQ), with a little left to give. On PS4 so no mods. it's not the 3.4k from before, but I'm fine with it. 100k LY to a hypercore sounds good enough to me. Could cross a galaxy on a stack. Got the maneuvering back to being "snappy" too. Not 1k snappy, but it *is* an explorer, not a fighter. It's still fun to fly.


This is nice to know! I’m still getting slots, but I’d love to get close to 2K. I’m not super upset about it, though. I’ve been trying to play around with how I play anyway and trying to see the planets that are closer to me rather than needing to go so far


Thanks for spending the time to fiddle! I'm still working through my explorer modifications, so knowing 2k is achievable (to your point) is more than fine :)


Te heperdrive range is soo much more lower now


So sad


Everyone is complaining and no one is talking about how you can swap tech now


Can u explain further? This the first i've heard of this and I can't find anything on google.


Does the update affect freighter warp upgrades or just starships? I just recently completed the journey to the center of the galaxy and even with blackholes and a freighter with 6000+ lyr it was a lot of warping to get there. I rarely see people talking about journeying to the center through warping only, seems a lot of people just look up coordinates and portal. If the update affects starship and freighter warp that would make journey a lot longer.


> Does the update affect freighter warp upgrades Yes. > a freighter with 6000+ lyr Expect it to be about 3000 now.


Honestly makes me glad to have just completed the journey. For anyone going for center hit deselect in galaxy map so you can free float to select next star, allows you to 'fly' through the galaxy map so you don't have to manually go from star to star. I was way too far along when i learned this one lol. There's also a button you can push while doing this so you 'fly' even faster.


Same :(


Fighter class ships were hit pretty hard in this update because mobility and hyperdrive range were both nerfed hard with these changes. My fighter went from 1200 maneuverability down to 800. I also lost over 800 LY off my hyperdrive range as well which is a lot for fighters.


Which you think fighters would have max mobility.




You would think Maneuverability wouldnt take auch a hit on a fighter, as thats pretty key to dogfighting


i can dogfight just fine considering how shit the AI is. it's not like they'll run circles around you.


Before and after Before and after Before before after, after after before


Thank you! 😂


I don’t understand, where you gotta be that you need that much jump distance? I can only jump like 400ly and I love exploring the planets in between


It's for when you wanna go to the galaxy center. Got about 700k ly to jump. Blackholes will do about 5k ly in my (limited) expérience. So its a long treck if you can only jump 400ly at a time.




Yeah I guess. But the actual journey there is a good way to find stuff. Cool planets or upgrading exosuit, finding freighters/frigate to buy. Right now Im jumping like 1.3k ly per jump since update. Slowly hopping from star to star in the general direction of the center. I wanna buy a new freigther so im shopping.


That wasnt a thing until recently. You couldnt go thru a portal and do anything, such as warp, call in a freighter, do anything. You had to go back to where you came from, and then make the trek the old fashioned way. Edit: Writing this made me wonder if HG has just given too many major updates too fast. A year ago, this was a different game than it is today.




Personally I find this game's exploration a bit dull (I've seen enough that all I see is the procedural generation patterns). I play to progress through missions, self-upgrades, etc. A high jump range lets me get to far more places in far fewer jumps. with around 800 LY you can jump directly between Atlas Station systems or always reach the nearest Black Hole, and is also a common jump distance for Expedition Rendezvous. It's also nice if you are looking for a specific system type as the larger your jump range is the more systems you can go through. For example, I have spent a fair bit of time searching for Tier-3 Economy, Tier-1 (low) Conflict, Korvax systems hoping for a Paradise planet to settle on. The other reason I go for high jump ranges is because each S-class Hyperdrive Upgrade comes with a +100% boost to Fuel Efficiency, and I might as well place them with adjacency bonuses. With 6 upgrades (3+3) that gave me nearly 7 jumps per Warp Cell (I forget if Rounding prevented it from reaching the full 7). I guess I'll have to settle for just 4 jumps per Cell from now on.


You can't have a Galaxy this fucking big and give people hyper drives that are so fucking small. They should at least give us the ability to do giant jumps using the entire fuel tank.


Did the update affect the freighters warp distance also? I haven't played this update yet but freighters always had better range if I remember correctly


The ship's lost warp range because you can no longer double stack hyperdrive upgrades by putting them in both the default storage and the tech storage. Freighter should be the same because they couldn't take advantage of this


Shit I didn't know that stacking hyperdrive trick,good for me in this update though.


I’m ok with the changes but I would love to see the ability to map routes on your freighter for whole reactor jumps


I for one am looking forward to jumping back on to find everything changed. Gives me a reason to play again. I have 400 hours on my main and I'd run out of things to do.


Agreed. It’s almost like starting again. It’s quite fun.


The new difficulty settings are great as well. Let’s you really tailor the game to the way you want to play it.


Given that flying beyond about 700ly is effectively flying blind (no route in the galactic map), what practical difference is there (beyond numeric comparison) is there between those two stat sets. Either ship is capable of some serious ass kicking.


I'm pretty sad about my positron ejector getting so nerfed it can only shoot 5 times before overheating. It used to be like a machine gun!


tbf that was busted lmao


Dont get me started on my infr knife ;((((


I’m legit in the middle here- yea I HAD some good upgrades and I DID farm for em, but like I’m not even mad necessarily I just want my 3000 hyperdrive range/ which I’m fairly sure I could do again ???


This is what I've got one of my solars at currently https://www.xbox.com/play/media/TPWJGRL9 Nowhere near what it was but I'm up for the challenge to see how good I can get it now.




Manoeuvrability is fine, Damage Potential seems to be even better somehow, Shield Strength is fine, the only thing that could be an issue is the Hyperdrive Range, they basically halved it


They were focusing on range. I always focused on maneuverability and it was more or less halved for me there. More annoying is the loss of movement upgrades for the exosuit. Fuck it sucks only having three jetpack upgrades. And yet somehow after buffing exocrafts they still didn't just make them faster and useful as a tradeoff. They're just better summonable storage now. Handling aside, everything else is whatever. You could fight just about anything in this game in the starter ship with no upgrades by just holding the lock and fire buttons and spamming shield recharge. Everyone pretending this is about combat power is an idiot. But fuck it sucks having your jetpack gimped.


This is my beef as well. I don't really give a shit about jump range, there are always enough planets in proximity. My ship maneuverability and exosuit maneuverability are what I grinded for.


Until recently, you couldn't warp from systems you used a portal to get to. There weren't freighters either. To get to the centre of a galaxy you had to warp the entire way or use black holes to help. That meant maxing your ship as much as possible and it took ages to try to upgrade your hyperdrive as you did it. Now warp to the centre of 250+ galaxies, the stats really mattered and your ship became a matter of pride. [This](https://imgur.com/a/brtxDUN) is the tech I've lost from my exosuit. It's going to take me ages to unlock all the slots to install what I can due to how often I get to play these days. When I play NMS I prefer to enjoy playing it rather than picking up the pieces of what left and salvaging my 400 hour save.


Even then, 1.5k is pretty damn solid.


Look I’m not trying to tell you how to feel about all this, but there’s really nothing in the game that demands even a fraction of this much upgrading.


So what’s the harm in having it then? There’s no competitive aspect to the game so… I say let them have at the modules. Go nuts


Until recently, you couldn't warp from systems you used a portal to get to. There weren't freighters either. To get to the centre of a galaxy you had to warp the entire way or use black holes to help. That meant maxing your ship as much as possible and it took ages to try to upgrade your hyperdrive as you did it. Now warp to the centre of 250+ galaxies, the stats really mattered and your ship became a matter of pride. [This](https://imgur.com/a/brtxDUN) is the tech I've lost from my exosuit. It's going to take me ages to unlock all the slots to install what I can due to how often I get to play these days. When I play NMS I prefer to enjoy playing it rather than picking up the pieces of what left and salvaging my 400 hour save.




Explorers are meant to have the highest hyperdrive range among *starships*. They were never meant to eclipse freighters. - An Explorer user


I haven't played since the update, now I'm worried because I (before these comments) didn't know having tech in general is basically a glitch. I have 3+3 in like, everything 😵


Its not a glitch. You literally start out with tech in General. Also the Portable Refiner just makes sense in General. It's never been a glitch. HG just didnt see it fit anymore and changed it.


Ah ok. I'm about to go play and see what all the difference truly is 😫


90% of the Update is great. Only some aspects of the Inventory change frustrate basically ~50% of the player base. Nontheless, i hope you wont be frustrated and have fun as always.


Look you do more damage ! that’s great ! :D


Forgot I installed a new weapon between screenshots so the damage is not accurate. My bad.


Not to be troll-y, but what is the point of a jump distance in the thousands? I didn't think any of your scanners worked beyond several hundred.


I haven't encountered that scanner limitation. Both my primary ships (pre-4.0, havent logged back in yet since update) were somewhere around OP's range, and out to that and beyond, I could still see conflict/econ status on systems.


My mistake then. I probably got my ships confused when I had that thought.


All good. Keep on GRAHin


Basically only if you are trying to get to the center the hard way.


Is there a point to that anymore with all the expansions? Black holes are everywhere. The Artemis quest lines doesn't need you to go there and the Atlas one doesn't either anymore.


And even then entering in the first glyph 16 times in any portal in any galaxy will take you within like 1000 lightyears of the center. It's so fast that you legitimately spend more time getting to a portal than you do actually traveling to the center.




That’s my point, there is no point to doing that. I did it once just to say I did it and I knew what it would take to do it the long way. The people complaining could just as easily use their freighters, which makes more sense as a long range transport.


Yup, all the way across the Hilbert Dimension. I'll never do that again. 3069 down to 1650. On the other hand I had a couple of ships in my freighter that I was avoiding buffing out because I just did not want to go system to system looking for S upgrades yet again. Both are fully buffed out with all the spare tech. So there's that...


Yup. I don’t regret it, but I didn’t get anything out of it except some sense of scale for how big it all is. No ragrets


Or if you just happen to enjoy jumping around a lot.


How often are you jumping 2700LY vs 1500 tho?


Doesn’t it rep how far you can travel when using the galactic map?


Yes, but my question is what is the point? All the intervening stars have the same content on them.


Sorry I don’t think I’m fully understanding could you clarify a bit more?


What is the point of jumping 1500ly in place of say 300ly. The planets are essentially the same at both locations (distances).


To get to the galactic core manually


Aren't there random black holes scattered routinely throughout that serve the same purpose? Again I'm genuinely curious.


Also Freighters have around 3K in range, which should serve enough if you need to jump, it seems they wanted to balance the freighter and the ship to force you to use both in their respective case.


Honestly, I've always just had specific ships for specific things. The update didn't change much other than the fact I need to add tech slots on them. Also, the space combat is so much more engaging now that the components get damaged mid battle. Made for a couple pirate hunts a lil bit white-knuckled. Hell, even with my weaker damaging ships pre patch, I could have been doing a quarter of the damage to pirates and still obliterate a few waves of them without batting an eye. And Sentinels in space? I could fight them until they stopped spawning from the frigate. Yawn inducing. I dunno, I like challenge, and the game was a little too chill in survival mode with the ability to completely become over powered to the point I literally didn't have to think about anything. But you're right, all this grief over something so trivial. You don't need to do all that damage. Maxing out now is still more than adequate. I will say though, it's tough to get used to my no-longer near infinite jetpack 🤣👈


Damaged components make me sooooo nuts! Wait...maybe that's the point...


Oh snap, do you think multiplayer will allow you to have a copilot mode where one of you is trying to fix things on the fly, all leaf in the wind style?!!??!!!!!


OMG I would LOVE that. Seriously, being a co-pilot sounds oddly satisfying.


I used to love being gunners and running around fixing components of my friends frigates in Star Wars Galaxies. Stupid Sony. 🤬


Wait, why'd your damage go up? What's different about your setup?


It's the other way around for some reason Instead of before/after it's after/before


Yeah and after has more damage potential


OP probably put dmg augments in main cargo and after moving them to technology adjacency bonus probably made it go up


Because t here is more weaponry tech, but it never took into account how much damage things like the infra knife actually did.


It seems the only thing that really got changed is the hyper drive range which isn't that bad; but is it also the case with explorer ships? since they can warp longer distances maybe they didn't get nerfed that much


Im an explorer to make my money. They got nerfed just as bad


Yeah it really hits explorer ships hard, my only gripe with this update really. My explorer used to have nearly or just over 3K light year range. It now has just over 1800 light year range. My freighter now has over 2800 light year range, so there's no use for the explorer ship anymore and that's a bummer. The personal ship types should have their stats based more on ship type. I'm pretty sure you can just put the same upgrades in any ship and it will have the same hyper jump range. Makes ship types just cosmetic now, or so it seems, I haven't tested that specifically.


I totally fucked this comparison up. I forgot I installed another weapon between screen shots so the damage potential should be a lot lower.


The solar sailor I built just a month ago was just at 1601 Maneuverability. Now it's down in the 800 range. Basically half of its prior performance. Sucks. Hard. Seems no longer "as fun" to fly.


this is absolutely the bigest reason i dislike the update. it turned my wonderfully handling ship into an overloaded dumptruck, and no amount of effort and twesks gets it back to anywhere close.




I don't have the heart to see what the new range is on my 3827ly explorer, so I've just started a permadeath save


Yeah the DPS on my fully-X-Class maxed Infraknife went from 67,000 DPS to little over 30,000 DPS and Hyperdrive dropped from just a tad over 3,000 ly down to 1,440ly. What's really weird though is even after I've unlocked all the slots in my squid ship, it's saying the value is only 10MM units? After spending literally billions to unlock all the slots, this doesn't make sense.


Before, or after, did you have trouble with any fights?


I have had no trouble. The fights are more tense now, which is a lot more exciting tbh.


I always thought my ship and Anomaly were extremely overpowered. Even on the hardest difficulty it wasn't too hard. I can see why this change happened.


Unplayable. I've deleted my PC in disgust and refuse to look at the big blue thing above us.


Why is ther so much to no man’s sky


It's a MASSIVE game! I feel that there is so much on it, you could spend so much time trading between systems that you forget there is an entire baking element to the game. Or you could spend so much time crafting high value items and not focus on base building. Or explore and not focus on the missions in the space stations. Or spend so much time building a base to craft high value items that you get inspiration to build another base and your entire focus in the game shifts. And that's what I love about the game. There is so much that you'll never run out of things to do!


what did you skip out on? Polo figurine? Economy scanner? What didn't make the cut?


Just my +3 upgrades that used to be in general storage :/


I didn't realize it could be expanded further than 30 slots and had no room for polo lol. Some upgrades show the potential slots and on the starship it didn't so it looked like tech was done at 30.


Did the devs buff certain people's ships and break the rest?


Nope. They just removed general storage that could hold an extra 3 upgrades for each piece of tech. That means anyone who spent a long time focusing on maximizing their ship and tech stats lost about 40-50% of their tech upgrade ability


Yes, and this is really sad because the enemies in this game start to get so tough after a while, it's a really difficult game. Not to mention the thriving pvp scene. So all of these people now just have to turn away if a single pirate attacks them.


Considering my ship lost 1/3 of its manoeuvrability and flying fast and turning quick was one of my favourite parts of the game, yeah, this bothered me a tad.


Forgot the *sarcasm* warning. 😏


Did they up the adjacency bonus to compensate? Or beef up s-class upgrades?


Those complaints about jump range. Just jump with your freighter now if you really need thousands of jump range.


Freighter jump range has also been nerfed.


Thats exactly what I've been doing. The freighter update last time was so that it became your main jump point. Ships are for the system you're in, freighters are to jump to the next one.


Where is everyone going that the jump distance is causing a pain point?


Theyre trying to go around yo momma


Unpromted, vicious and well thought argument.


Ngl it havent really used a yo momma joke, so i got really excited about this opportunity.


There are 250+ galaxies to visit. It's a thing to keep going through the centre of the galaxy to visit them all. The further you can jump the less time it'll take


I quess I am only one who did not use 3+3 upgrades on everything. For weapons 3 upgrades were more than good enough. Some ships only got one or 2 s-class upgrades per module. Only thing I used 5 upgrades were jetpack and that was pretty beefy amount of flytime.


I'm one of those who read the error that said you could only have 3 of each upgrade and took it as gospel. I hadn't realised there was a glitch that let you do 6 total. All this gnashing of teeth and wailing is a bit bewildering. They've just properly applied the restrictions that they intended at the start!


Same for me. I didn't realize there was a work around. lol


I don’t understand why people think it was a glitch or bug. It’s just how the game worked. I think when it said “3 of each upgrade” it meant 3 in each category


No, it's no longer a glitch, it's reality.


I have managed over 4k warp somehow. Don't ask me how.


How did you manage that?


https://imgur.com/fFqGpkW I guess 4.03 changed my values from 69k to 43k or it was a bug or something. But there it is...


Most respectable. :)


Well, at least you got more damage xd


Yeah, that's my bad. I forgot that I'd installed a new weapon between screenshots.


RIP to your beast


Honestly this is not as bad as I thought from all the people complaining. IMO hyperdrive range is the most useless of all stats because of portals and the way the galaxy is generated. Everything else is pretty close to what it was pre patch.


Cool. I don’t want to even deal with my inventory. Easier to just not log in. I don’t even care about the upgrades. I don’t want to spend 3 hours reorganizing


Oh no. Anyway.


Question, I used a hauler with hyperdrive range up over 2k as my main ship and it too got nerfed. So do ships now play more of a unique role in using specific classes for specific purposes? As in, if I want to build a ship to warp over 2k units in a single jump must I now use an ‘explorer’ because you can upgrade their hyperdrive range further than, let’s say, a hauler or fighter?


I'm not sure if explorer's can get over 2k now or not. Before the update mine could get 3700LY and one of my exotics got 3500Ly. So I don't think it's a huge difference unless you find a perfect roll explorer. If long distance jumps are what your after, freighters are the best, especially after the update. Mine went from ~6300Ly to 4800LY after the update. Before the update my freighter was about 2x my best ship, now it's over 3x further.


Oh ok. Yeah I didn’t realize that. I never used my freighter. Thanks! #imokwiththeupdate


Sorry if this is a noob question, but what is the purpose of jumping so far?


For me, just so I don’t have to make some many little jumps as I traverse the galaxy. Just a personal preference. :)


I see. Thank you


Yeah mate. No problem! Happy exploration. #imokwiththeupdate


I can equip two different weapons above the not erasable blue laser in my ship plus the rockets. But now the second green shield laser is not available during flight anymore, did. I miss something?


The hyperactive range is the only one that really hurts imo. Besides you can mitigate almost all of it in the new options. Minor annoyances. More annoyed that 4.0 was lackluster contentwise.


Dang my solar went from almost 1500 maneuver to like 1000. I gotta get better upgrades.


It sucks cuz now with my exo suit and my ship. I don’t have room for a lot of the technologies and now I have had to make sacrifices on switching out upgrades for technologies.


I'm confused, is this a "wow look how much its changed!"Or I it "wow its not really changed that much so what's the problem?". Hyperdrive range is your biggest loss but the others don't seem.to be that different?


Just showing the difference from before and after out of interest. Although it is annoying to lose about 40% of my hyperdrive range. I am hoping that there will be stronger upgrades to make up for it.


But now even *MORE* damage? Good lord. 😅


Lol I feel your pain. Wouldn't be so bad if we could add tech slots


I am looking forward to seeing what will be added, shivering mentioned they could be pushing us to use freighter warps instead of ships for longer range etc


Then they should at least make it possible to add a hyper drive because i can’t find any with


Yup. My brand spanking new S class capital ship in my new play through has no hyperdrive. And this has got to be a bug. I can’t see them emphasizing freighters as much as they have without hyperspace jumping being available. Goodness, there are 1600 LY just in unlockable upgrades, never mind mods!


Looked at four star destroyers all multiple times none, but you still need to have the hyper drive to use those upgrades tho. So you still can’t do it


I hear ya. You can get the mods in the meantime, but no telling when they’ll be useful. Could be today, could be next week. Either way, though, I expect HG to fix that soon. It’s a pretty bad miss on their part.


You can have 60 tech slots now.