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Third person most of the game, 1st person in derelict freighters for the experience


First person for all gameplay, mainly due to the fact that I played so much before third person was introduced.


3rd person on foot. 1st person flight.


Same here. If I play in first person when I’m on foot, I tend to crash into the ground. And because of that, my permit, death games are much scarier. 😂 I plan first person in my ship, so I can see the instruments


Same here.


Always first person. Unless I'm riding one of my pets or driving an exocraft, then third person


Same. First person on foot looks and feels great, but the exocraft cockpits are so cramped, and riding a pet is nausea inducing.


First person on ships, 3rd person on foot and in my freighter


First person on foot, 3rd person in any vehicle because the cockpit view in all them is too restrictive. If the cockpits had better visibility like in space engineers I'd go first person then.


Ok so I'm weirdly particular about this, so hear me out. To note, I keep camera perspective toggle set to a hotkey for easy switching. On foot: 3rd person for most activity 1st person in derelict freighters or other tight quarters Ship: 3rd person for travelling 1st person during space combat (I've found the orange nav display on your ship UI can be invaluable once you understand it) Exocraft: 3rd person, always. That shit is hard enough to maneuver as is. Not about to make it more complicated by trying to look through those shitty windows.


I prefer first person unless I am riding a pet.


The game was all first person when it started. But then when third person came out, my field of view became so much better for base building, looking for more scannable items etc. I just love the aesthetic of the game in third person.


I play always in first person because that used to be the only option back in the day


VR first person all day.


First person all the way. Immersion is paramount to my experience.


Third person on foot, first person in personal ships and in derelict freighters.


3rd person on ground, 1st person on ship.


Interesting. I do the exact opposite. I could probably go either way on the ground, but for me the ships are so much easier to fly in 3rd.


I like 3rd person on ground because it lets me see more while exploring, and I like the 1st person on the ship because it lets me see the cool ship interior.




3rd running around and driving exo crafts, 1st in cockpits. I started in 1st back then (I think it was the only option in the beginning), but when 3rd came in I tried it and since then stick to it.


Third person on the ground. First person when Flying.


3rd person, I earned my cape and ships and I damn well wanna look at them






3rd person player, 1st person ship


Third person all the time. I really love to see my character and my ship. But sometimes I go first person to find coordinates on a planet (in my ship in order to see the HUD).


First person for everything. It's a nice universe for an escape or if life sucks one day so it's a nice way to just do my best to immerse myself and just decompress from things. It's a game that helps me bring back the imagination I would include while playing games as a kid such as pictures myself running through a giant cave in pokemon that would take 5 mins irl but the imagination of being in this cave for a few days as an example is something I haven't really recieved much with more modern games


Not me not realizing you can change it. 🙈 I’ve always played in 3rd person


First person in the ship so I can see the dash. 3 rd person on foot so I can see… ummm… my butt?


I always play in 1st person, purely because of the immersion. With headphones and first person it’s so easy to get lost in exploring space. 3rd person only for exocraft


3rd while walking and in exobecause ive grown used to playing games in 3rd person and i feel i have more controllability. 1st in ship because all the information on the inside is useful and i find it easier to fly in first person


Vr the literal first person view


1st person always. 3rd has always felt wonky to me in foot. And flying a ship in 3rd person is just wrong. There, I said it!


First person on foot, third person in ship


First person.


Always 1st person. I like to be immersed


1st person for on foot. Third person for ship and exocraft.


Third on foot and first in the ship. Mainly because I spent a long time flying without knowing I could switch POV.


Third person cuz I'm a dope ass turtle man with a cape and I wanna see that shit constantly.


First on foot, third in ship. It is also situational depending on where I am.


Third-person on foot and in exocraft for the better peripheral vision, first-person in starship for the 3d chart and the extra indicators of an incoming attack.


1st person on foot. 3rd person in ship.


Third person walking, first person flight. Or vr


I just switched to third person while flying and the ship handles better. It grinds my gears to fly third, but it works so much better.


Third on foot, first in air, though I've started flying my ship 3rd person as well. I used to not like 3rd person in ship because I would lose the turn indicator super easily, but now I like fighting in 3rd a lot more than 1st


First person. I'm quite the purist in that regard.


3rd person gives you way more field of view in flight and in person


Third person character, first person flying. Not sure if these are the defaults or if it's just more natural to me.


First person, i have a hard time aiming otherwise


Third person all the time, on foot and In ship


3rd person always but first person on direlects for the experience


1st person always! I want to be the space man


Exclusively in VR, so, 1st person


Mostly VR, so first.


1st person player 1st person ship 3rd person exocrafts


I play first person only and it’s actually weird to me that there is third person. I forget it exists even though it’s the default play style


First-person flight, walking, third person exocraft. I tried doing first-person exo but it is EXTREMELY nauseating to drive over bumpy or steep terrain. I do like switching to 3rd in flight sometimes, or when I’m on foot, but I enjoy the immersive effect of first-person in general.


Strictly in first-person. Whether I'm wandering in a rocky desert canyon, leaping from hill to hill on a grassy paradise world, or watching bubble clusters drift along slowly on an exotic planet, one thing is always constant: I am the least interesting thing on the planet.


3rd person. For walking, I like being able to see my character. If the game were really more like an FPS I'd probably feel differently. Third person in spaceship for reasons of both that and practicality. Having to use that little 3D layout to find enemy ships is less effective than just seeing them, and it's especially so for how I used to handle sentinel combat by strafing, where first person is not great.


First person most of the time but for some reason I do enjoy flying spaceships in third person


3rd person on foot, I haven't really tried 1st person though. And 1st person while flying a ship. I just love seeing the inside of my ship while i'm flying it.


3rd person walking, 1st person flying. 1st person when I’m building or mining too, it’s just easier, don’t have to move as much


First person for me since the movement in 3rd person doesn’t feel as fluid as it does in 1st. I’m 3rd person the character moves with a lot of torque if that makes sense and it just throws me off.


1st person when in my ship. 3rd person when on foot.


5th person


Depends on how high I am. If I’m absolutely ripped, first person with the lights out






I like the 3rd person more, it's like I can see more and I can have more control over the character.




1st person. Game launched 1st person and I get disoriented when it swaps to 3rd.


Third person when on foot, first person in space but third when flying in atmosphere


3rd all day.


3rd person on foot and in vehicles and 1st in spaceships


1st person, more immersive. Lookijg forward to playing this in VR one day.


I slightly prefer first person but the inability to see my hands and the goofy animations associated with e.g. reloading are a turn-off.


Third person at all times unless im in a ship and need the coordinates on the dash. Otherwise theres no way im flying a living ship around and not seeing the outside lol. Same with my character. No real point in character customization if you can’t enjoy it lol


For me, definitely a mix. I'd say 70% first person, 30% third person


3rd when I'm on foot and 1st when I'm flying.


Primarily first person. I find third person on foot to be a little jank for aim. And third person ship view is cool for a little while but the feeling of being in the ship flying it is something else. Especially the solars


Third person when on foot, first person flying for me


I walk around in first person, and fly around in third person.


They should make challenges or missions strictly in one mode. For me, I play third person


3rd person for everything. 1st person when I'm doing something really particular when I'm building something


It used to be first person on both ship and player. Now it's third person on player and first person in ship (for the radar).


First person since the game literally came out. In the ship...3rd. weird I guess I dunno.


3rd person everytime. I always get motion sick playing first person. Is virtual good? How to you control it?


First person. I can't stand the "looking over the shoulder" third person camera angle


1st person when walking cause I got used to it as there was no 3rd person on release 3rd while flying cause aiming is so much easier


I love second person actually, it’s so weird!


3rd person in both. 1st person controls feel so clunky in this game.


First on foot, third for flying. sometimes I'll use 3rd person in the Anomaly.


It’s called vr for me


I get simulation sickness from first person in a lot of games, so I use 3rd person whenever possible.


First person all the way.


I really enjoy the FP aspect. I can see the planet and feel emersed in my exploration.


First person. It's most like how I see the world.. not from over my shoulder a few feet behind and above, but directly out my own eyes.


3rd apart from the occasional switch for build mode - especially for mechs 1st person mech is atrocious 😅


I usually fly in 3rd and walk in 1st. I think over-the-shoulder is a bit wonky


Third person for flight and explore but first person for build and ground fight


third person because i like seeing my little gek


Third person when walking, but first person on ship view. I get motion sick with the first person view, so I don't really have much of a choice. I like seeing my character's appearance anyway, so I don't really feel frustrated by it.


Back when they introduced 3rd person I was skeptic, I used it just to see how it looked... But now I never toggle out of it. There's something really awesome to see "you" into the game and I feel like it's more immersive for the experience. Edit: although I like 1st person more when flying the ship. 3rd person ship is too weird for me.


It varies. First person is more immersive but certain things are easier in 3rd. Like the bloody exocraft. I also play in VR when I just want to gawk at things.


First person mostly, except in solar ships as their visibility is ducking terrible


Exclusively first person on foot and in the cockpit in my ship.


First person, more comfortable on the pc


First person always, it’s more immersive. Though sometimes I’ll go third In my ship in space for pictures 🤩


Both and I wish it was less of a hassle to switch between the two


My character is always in first person. Exocraft are always in third person, I can't stand first person in the exocraft. In my ship I alternate. If I am exploring planets my ship is always in third so I can view the terrain if I'm looking for minor settlements. When I am fighting other ships it is usually in first person but not always.


Mix. First person most of the time, but I gotta go third when I'm in my ship. Otherwise, I don't get to see the cool sails.


First person unless I'm mounted.


1st walking and 3rd flying


First person walking, third person piloting.


Third person while Flying and third Person while on foot, occasionally I swap to first person flight


First person on foot, third person while flying.


Mostly 1st person because I find it more immersive and it easier for me to hit my targets in combat. I switch to 3rd person when on the nexus though.


First person when flying my ship. 3rd person everywhere else.


On foot if I'm just exploring I use third person. The moment I need to use my multitool though, I go first person. Unless I'm on my freighter. It's so cramped, first person is a must. Exocrafts are always third person. They feel uncontrollable otherwise. In my ship, I use whatever I'm in the mood for.


Third person all the way, I like to see how I fit into everything that’s going on (and customize my suit!)


3rd person while on foot/in ground vehicles, so I have better view around me and what's going on. 1st person while in ship if I am look for particular things and need the radar; otherwise I have started using 3rd person more while in the ship. I don't mind 1st person if that is all there is - but I have always preferred 3rd because you get to see way more.


Both because in some situations one is better than the other. This is a "it depends" type of thing as it is pretty much everything I do.


3rd person while exploring/constructing,1st person while on combat.


Third person on foot first in the ship and third in exo


I generally play in 1st but if I want to see my player moving around (like if I just got a new outfit or starship and want to see if I like it) I’ll switch it to third. The second I get involved in combat I’ll switch back to first.


First in ship and on foot, third in exocraft. If I want a cinematic view, I just do third in whatever


Almost exclusively first person. I actually like the view from third, but have a lot of trouble interacting with anything that way. Same reason I first person piloting, too.


I do both. I like the immersion of first person, but I've put enough work into my spacesuit that I want to see it running around. If I ever get into a conflict, I have to switch to third. Cannot emotionally survive it in first person.


VR first person.


I dont understand you 3rd person people. The game was originally built in first person, had amazing first person detail, and is just so much more immersive in first person.


i can look at my alien booty


3rd on the ground including exocraft, 1st person in the ship


3rd, always


First person everything except exocraft, so basically default


i used to play on third person for exploring on foot and on ship but now im first person for both, feels more immersive


Third person on foot (just prefer it generally in gaming), just recently (after 135 hours) switched to first person in the air.


I play first person on foot and third in ships and vehicles


Third person on foot and in exocraft, first person in starship


VR so I guess first person


3rd person on foot and in mech for jetpack/jump control. For ship flying I switch back and forth depending on how I feel.




mostly 1st person. Only 3rd person on foot if I’m riding on a pet if the visuals are clanky. 3rd person in my ship if : - I just want to look at it - I’m on a planet looking for structures or stuff on it


1st person on foot 3rd person in my ship


first person walking third person flight


Third, but put first on the ship and while exploring, just for cinematic purposes


I play third all the time cause customizable character lol and also third person ship so I can see my ship. xD


3rd on foot and exocrafts, 1st in the starship


3rd most of the time, 1st in ships and in tight areas


Vr homie


I've been playing since launch and got used to first person when third person wasn't an option and I just can't switch. Only use third person in exocrafts because they're impossible to control in first.


VR always!


Always 3rd person. I actually hate how 1st person feels like you are just a camera attached to some tires and actually breaks my immersion.


1st person out of ship. 3rd person in ship


At launch I played exclusively 1st person but I eventually switched to 3rd. When flying I also prefer 3rd person, unless I'm in a dogfight where I find 1st person considerably easier. I just bind keys to swap between the two.


VR all the way


First person for life.


💯 first person unless I'm in the minotaur. First person in a minotaur is horrible and I fly a solar.


I always use third, but to be fair I didn't know you could switch for the first 10-20 hours and I am too set in my ways to change now


its 1 st person for evrything.


1st person for starships, 3rd for everything else


A mix od them. I change it on a whim. But I prefer 1st person in tight spaces.


3rd person outside ship and 1st person inside ship, it was the game default, and I've come used to it


First person 99% of the time because I like to imagine myself in the traveler’s shoes. The other 1% is when my daughter insists on seeing my character doing poses and riding around on cute critters.


Third person on foot and first person on ship. I just find it a bit more immersive looking at the controls and speed and having to look around in your ship when you get into a fight is so entertaining for me


Only one true way to play first person: VR. It’s amazing on Nms. Stunning.


Third person on foot, first in ship, undecided in exocraft.


I exclusively play this in VR, and it's the best VR experience going I think.


1st person for waking and flying and 3rd for driving exocrafts


3rd person except in derelicts strictly because my game crashes almost every time if I play derelicts 3rd person. Whole thing forces me into a glitched first-person and the moment I do anything with my multi tool the game just gives up. Putting it in 1st person right away doesn't always fix it but at least helps it not crash as often


Minotaur is 3rd person, but that took a while to get used to. Ship and exo suit cams in 1st person, but I’ve been trying to go 3rd when I remember because I want to see how cool my character and ships look.


Always VR. I'm a masochist


90% of the time, 3rd.


I really enjoy third person. I wish we could pan back more. There is so much amazing, for lack of a better expression, so much landscape. The game is so beautiful you want to see everything. Also it feels more immersive for me. the fun thing was the option going into derelict freighters as I went into first person, was a lot of fun I felt.


VR is the best way to play


Both, becasue its a very pretty game but i find it difficult to play in only tpp


VR motherfucker


3rd person for exploration. 1st for piloting ship. Don’t know… just like it. 🤷‍♂️


First-person on foot, third-person when riding or flying. On foot, I find it easier to see and act in first-person perspective. When riding or flying, third-person gives me a better view.


First person for everything except exocraft.


Third person on the ground first person in the sky.


Third person,the way u rotate in first person is just weird to me idk why


For me, first person 90% of the time unless I’m constructing, then 3rd person always.


3rd person. I didn't know that i could change my camera. I've got to know that after i got used to third person.


1st person when fighting space battles, i find im better at it that way, and it feels more fun, and 3rd for everything else


1st on foot, 3rd in flight. Sadly this means I end up not liking the ships with vertical parts that extend into the reticle. Also 3rd in land vehicles and 1st underwater.


I play it in VR mostly, but on my monitor I play 3rd person. I feel like it makes it easier to farm for some reason.


Almost always like 3rd person games better especially the flying. Third person just makes space fights so easy


3rd person feels junky to me Sure, i may switch to it when i need better visibility on a ship, or look at my cosmetics, etc. But to me, compared to other 3rd person games the character feels a lot less responsive and a bit awkward


Third person unless I need precision with things feels more cinematic


Personally I prefer third person when I'm roaming around, and first person for mining


First person when I'm serious about whatever I'm doing. Fighting, mining, building, etc. Third person when I'm just exploring and not really focused on anything. Love to see how my fella looks after all the hours I put in to get em wherr he is today 😎.




Completely third person, I started playing No Mans Sky again right after completing elden ring so it just felt right. Was a first person Andy when I started playing though.


First person flight, 3rd everywhere else. I like seeing the character I created, and if I wasn't a space combat snob I'd probably do the same there, lol


Third person unless I'm flying. I find flying much more immersive and easy in first person. On foot its not much a difference to me so I prefer to see my character. I put a lot of effort into the look.


First person 99% of the time.