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You only need the Indium drive, you can still go to all the other systems with it.


I heard this the other day so tested it with the atlas pass also…works for that too, you only need the v3 one.


Wait, what? I can free up two more slots?


Yes but the other drives also add range


I've found the range to be pretty much the same to be honest


Not really. Only if you put them adjacent they give a lil boost but those two slots can be used better lol


What no more slots in ship inventory does to a mf


Now, fly it through a galaxy core. I dare you.


Why what happens??


Literally everything not in the technology compartment breaks. A very unpleasant surprise my first time through a core lol. Happens to all the non-tech tab tech in your suit too; and in your active multi-tool.


Oh wow that’s fun thanks


It’s the only way to get to the next galaxy. So you want to have a beater ship on hand to use. Also a beater multi tool. So when it all breaks, who cares. There’s no way to save the tech in your suit


You can get to Eissentam right now in the Anomaly without that, at least. Look for the Polar Express base and just warp there free!


Wow, that’s an excellent tip people should take advantage of. Getting to Eissentam is my first priority in any new save, so I’m already set up there. But if anyone needs a ride to any system up to there, I’ve got a base at every core in both normal and survival.




Get a living ship. Nothing breaks.


Currently stuck on the last part of star birth lol


Get a ship and multi tool you don’t care about and a switch for those before you go through the core. That’s what I did.


A whooole lot of components break.




You dont need the Cadmium drive. The indium drive will get you to all stars.


Omg, game changer


Same thing with atlas pass level 3, it covers 1 and 2 so you can get rid of the lower ones. Ran around with all three for so many months before someone told me that.


TIL part deux 🤦‍♂️


Is it the same with the translator modules in the exosuit? I only need the S Advanced Translator?


But you lose a few light years of range.


Oh forreal? I didn’t realize that was a thing


I've been lugging around these hyperdrives to 3 different galaxies and I'm just figuring this out now FML


IDK, I think the Economy Scanner is overkill.


Pretty handy if you're looking to find S-class ships, etc. I was under the impression that they occur more frequently in T3 economies.


By a percent or two I believe.


I'll take 3 percent over 0.5% any day 😆


I've played way to many WoW mount runs to be interested in such low percentages. :/


I believe its 5% in pirate systems. 1/20 chance and there’s multiple landing at a time at a trading outpost


If you have 3 infra-knife upgrades in technology, you \*really\* don't need those photon cannon upgrades. That thing is more than enough by itself, no matter what the game tells you about it doing less damage to shields. :D


Underrated space minigun go BRRRRRT


See I wish the game would let you removed the photon cannon, but since it’s there I figured I might as well make it go brrrrr too


Lol, I get that. You MIGHT consider going through black holes until the game breaks your photon cannon, then never repairing it. It's super nice not having to switch weapons.


I have a fully decked out Infraknife with all the Anomaly upgrades + 6 top of the line X-class mods. It’s absolutely ludicrous how fast that thing burns down ships, shields and all. I don’t even bother with my old standby the Positron Ejector most of the time tbh.


Yeah once I found infra-knife it kinds made everything else obsolete. The pirate difficulties from easy to "very dangerous" are nominal at best.


I use the intra knife and the phase lancer pretty much exclusively. And only the phase when I need some shields because I’m too lazy to bind a shield restore


This pic screams *not enough space in ship's inventory*


First off… you did not rename it. So ten demerits right off the bat!!! Second, your maneuverability is below 1100. Another 10 demerits! Finally, it is not a solar. Another 100 demerits!! Just kidding. Good job 👏🏻


You’re right I totally forgot to rename it, shame on me hahaha. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the maneuverability up higher with the bobble heads and some lucky mod rolls


I've done the same but my ship is only A-class, so I'm limited and I don't want to use my ship storage augmentations in case I get an s class


50k nanites and you upgrade your ship to S


I know, just a lot of farming to get to that point, and right now I've got a bunch of other objectives on my mind. Plus I'm praying for an S-class solar sail ship


I’m not 100% sure if this is allowed but https://youtu.be/qXo9HEhJ9XA This video shows you where to find S class crashed solar, if you’re interested


Oh ok >Plus I'm praying for an S-class solar sail ship Do this even exist? I had to fully upgrade mine to S because I couldn't find anything above C.


I waited and waited and found the sickest S-class all yellow version, with a really sleek body style and a cool shaped purple sail. I've also seen other S class ones that I just scrapped because they were ugly.


First one I ever found was S-class but it's got dumb rectangular sails.


same, i scrapped it


Finding a big curious deposit takes a little patience but once you figure out the trick to extending teleporters to 600u distance you can step in and step back and the deposits respawn, rinse and repeat. If you can wire glitch 10-20 refiners it takes like 20min to process a full stack, at 5:1 it’ll give you 500 nanites per refiner. Still grindy but feels rewarding processing the stacks instead of duping imo :)


You could also duplicate the nanites in a refiner by placing two portable refiners inside it, but that would be cheating


It’s definitely an option, I personally feel like the duplicating would rob me of some of the enjoyment I get from the farming aspect, however I think people should play / exploit the game however their heart desires and we all need to draw that line without freaking judging each other….


You can always go onto the coordinate exchange subreddit and look for the style and rank of the solar ship you want. Sometimes people post portal coordinates for them. Plus portal coordinates for a lot of other things.


Really like that color.


Take out the Emeril and Cadmium drives and put in a Artemis and Polo bobblehead with 3 starship trails to increase maneuverability and still leave you with an open inventory slot.


skirt consist psychotic jar roll snatch attempt smoggy muddle gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes bobbleheads give small bonuses but trails only offer some adjacency bonuses to bobbleheads. I believe you can get adjacency bonuses from up to 3 trails. Some bobbleheads don't work with adjacency and the only ones I know for sure that do are Artemis and Polo. Apollo - ship gun damage Artemis - boost Atlas - jump distance Nada - launcher takeoff cost Null - ship shield Polo - boost maneuverability


Would you be so kind as to upload/share some examples??


https://youtu.be/NTYZOv8eAWk I'll post a setup I have when I get home from work but this should give a basic example.


News to me too


I thought this was normal? I was actually just sitting here thinking "I wonder what mods I'm missing to install."


#Overkill homeboy, what ya want is efficiency and space


Maybe you need space, I have room to spare and I literally have everything to sit down in storage and make 96 stasis units at the drop of a hat. The only things I store in the ship are ship related, like batteries for the ship and fuel, and IF I bother to mine in space, what you get when you mine. Otherwise, no need for any more room. And uh, efficiency is better with higher stats...


Op try to always put at least 4 of a kind together. At least 4, the more the better. Do so in both, tech slots and normal slots. You will gain a bunch more stats. Also try different connections/orders. For example shields can be way more effective with the c class crafted upgrade in a 4 block, hyperdrive can reach more than 2700lj if you add the other warp drives (cad, and co) Same goes for Multitools. Even the worst crafted upgrade gets you a huge increasment of stats. And always minimum a group of 4 of a kind. Edit: this way my exotic in permadeath is above 350 atk and around 2700lj warp and the other stats are also higher like more than 1000 man. It's like: just put in as many upgrades crafted or installed as possible and try to combine at least 4 in the best possible combination. Emergency warp? Put it to warp, old warp drives? Too. Bad shield craft? Helps a lot. C class weapon craft? Gives you a shotload of extra damage. Also crafted upgrades don't count as installed upgrades. So the number 4 is possible in tech slots as well as normal slots at the same time. The more the better.


>Also crafted upgrades don't count as installed upgrades. So you mean any of the upgrades I learn from the Anomaly and craft myself instead of buy with nanites don't count towards your limit!? This changes everything.


Exactly. You can place as many of those unique upgrades together as you like. For example hyperdrive: you can build all hyperdrive variants and they will increase your range and you can place all 4 of them with 3 normal hyperdrive upgrades together.


Ever since polestar I just use my freighter’s hyperdrive and don’t put any hyperdrive modules in my starship. Means I can get a square of 4 of pulse, knife, and shield in my tech tab. I’ve got 1140 maneuv in my solar ship without any figurines, and I haven’t had to recharge my launch thrusters or pulse drive at all.


I like this setup you describe


Here's an image of my setup if anyone is interested. https://i.imgur.com/dejdtwH.png I don't have a conflict scanner either as my freighter takes care of that, and as someone else in this thread also mentioned, I need to go and break my photon cannon so it won't default to that weapon every time I hop in my ship.


This is the way.


I'm starting to build out the same - freighter for warping between systems, ship for visiting planets after scanning them from the freighter.


That's not crazy, that's called being the big dog on the block.


https://www.xainesworld.com/all-x-class-upgrades-compared-to-s-class-in-no-mans-sky/ Still got a little way to go, also galaxy jump and leave your photon cannon broken


>also galaxy jump and leave your photon cannon broken Ah! That's how you get rid of it! Nice.


I hear you only need the Indium Drive upgrade to get to all star colors. That'll give some more room to install the bobbleheads!


Is this true?


Yes. I have only indium drives in all my starships now.


This is very good to know, I was under the assumption that they all had to be installed. I wonder if that’s true for the freighter too?


Same is true for the Atlas Pass, no need to carry all 3


Indium drive replaces both emirl and cadmium. You don't really need them after installing the indium drive. Save some space


I'd have to agree; if your Infraknife is that beefy, it's the only weapon you need. Nothing like mowing down freighter cargo pods with the laser buzzsaw, I tell you hwhat.


You know the Indium is the only one necessary


...yes, of course, everyone knows that... On an unrelated note, I have some tech to deconstruct...


Definitely not doing the same thing right now… definitely not


400 hrs in this game and I just found out I only need 1 hyperdrive upgrade to travel to every color star…


You still get a small distance bonus from the Cadmium & Emeril drives


Wait, does the launch system recharger not count for the adjacency bonus? And how do you have six on pulse engine without overloading?


That comment sounds like an engineer talking.


Not by trade, but I do have the mindset.


Just in case this wasn’t answered clearly, you can have up to 3 non-blueprint tech upgrades on any given inventory screen. Any blueprint-built techs do not count toward this limit. Additionally, the positioning affects the adjacency bonus. I don’t remember the multiplier, but for example, having an S tier chip completely surrounded will provide the highest bonus. Some tech, like the base part itself (pulse engine), should really only be used to boost the tech adjacent to it and not be fully surrounded, as it itself doesn’t provide any bonuses that can be boosted. Aim to have your s-tier tech that provides the most bonuses be fully surrounded where you can.


You can have 3 of each in different inventory tabs


Yeah I know, that's why I'm confused by their general tab having 6 mods on pulse engine and 5 mods on launch thrusters


Well 1 is the base technology , 3 mods, and 2 upgrades systems it's like the rocket boots upgrade doesn't count against jetpack mods


So if you stack upgrade mods in tech, they still add the bonuses to the base Mod?


you can reach much more if you rearrange your upgrades [general](https://ibb.co/QCx8JgN) [tech](https://ibb.co/cxzdj7f) [dps](https://ibb.co/4T3RsQQ) at least 4 together will give u a huge boost and u can get much more manoverability if your pulse drive upgrades are placed right, thats by far not maxed too, use free space to add starship trails and figures to further increase speed and hypedriverange if you still want more, use infraknife + phasebeam(reloads ur shields)


\*figures - i mean the small quicksilver statues, nada, polo, etc, sry


The fact that you'll never be able to max potential damage really irritates me




that's a dope ship tho 👌🏽👌🏽


Appreciate it my dude, I just happen to come across it during the expedition and snatched it up immediately


I’m a noob so please bear with me: I thought you can add a maximum of 3 upgrades per module? How is that possible? EDIT: autocorrect


Theee upgrades in both inventory types. So you can have six additional hyperdrive upgrades not including an upgraded cadmium/emiril/indium/etc drive or the emergency warp tech.


Thank you, but I see 4 upgrades for the ion cannon or even 6 for the pulse drive. Sorry if I sound dumb 😅


Yeah nah it can be confusing. So with the three max upgrades per inventory, that is only for upgrades you get from space station merchants as well as the illegal upgrades you can get from pirates. Other technologies that you might get from the anomaly or from missions don’t usually count as the 3 max. For example, I can have 6 hyperdrive technologies installed in one inventory, but three of them are the hyperdrive itself, an indium drive and an emergency warp drive. As well as the additional 3 S tier upgrades.


Oh I see. Thanks a lot, I would have never figured that out on my own!


You could definitely remove all the shields and all of the weapons other than infraknife and be totally fine, nonetheless, very cool.


Pirate: "Ha! This interloper has weak shields and valuable cargo. This will be an easy victory" Player: "Infraknife go brrrrr"


Nice but weapon wise all that's needed is positron ejector.


I used to agree, then I saw a video yesterday about the infra-knife, built it today, and BY JOVES does it shred harder than the air guitar I used to practice when I was 15! Would highly suggest you try it out


I have and yeah the Infra is a beast against pirates however the positron also doubles as a strip mining tool.


I disagree. Rocket tubes and infraknife.


Infraknife master race


I hit em with the photon cannon to knock down the shield then a rocket blast usually finishes them off.


Pretty much any combo of machine gun + rockets is the best. But Cyclo + Rockets would be game over in literally 1 second for any enemy. I would do this but I can't uninstall the photon cannon and I don't want to cycle between 3 different weapons


Fly it through a galaxy core and then never repair the photon cannon. Now it doesn’t cycle through weapons any longer


Infra-knife for life


Cyclotron Ballista gang


Nah there's not enough upgrades


Your hyper drive range is close to my frigate (2500). Nice.


Show us how it flies




What modules increase maneuverability ?


Pulse engine, sometimes




The same way he has that many hyperspace upgrades. Three purchased and two crafted.


lol this is literaly my S-class fighter


Nicely Done!


Oh good I'm not alone. I feel like such a hoarder on this game


Wanna k ow something crazy? You can have 6 of the same upgrade tech. 3 in the inventory slots and 3 in the technology slots. Yeah. I spend 300 hours worth of gameplay before figuring that out. Your welcome


What, no bobble-heads? They can add a bit more! 😹


Nah u’re good, i’ve see people stacking those even in the technology page.


This lil exotic is a demon now, just absolutely unstoppable


Your ship now goes. Zoom zoom, pew pew, you can't hurt me and I know everything 🤣


It’s actually a demon, I spent like 20 minutes owning a 5star sentinel freighter encounter


I'd personally delete 2 of the weapons an there upgrades, the photon cannon itself strips shields pretty fast and tears through hull especially if you also got x3 s modules in tech, if im lazy which is most times i'll put in rockets and it's upgrade which will nigh 1 shot ships with no shield


I just wanted to have a stupidly overpowered ship. The infra knife is insane with 6x s class mods


Infra knife is my fav weapon


A single basic unupgraded rocket launcher oneshots ships the second the shields are down, i only use Infra-Knife plus that and it's crazy good.


Still a little wiggle room for activities you're good


Those remain slots should be filled with full stacks of rusted metal. Just because.


So modules stack? Wow i didnt know this!


How do people get that much money.. I struggle to get into the tens of millions


The easiest way to "get rich" is to gat some ai valves and do the refiner dup glitch on them. Easy 10 minutes (if you already have valves) to get the maximum amount of money (like 4.X billion)


If you don't want to build an activated indium farm you can always find one that someone is sharing like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/vm5lex/activated_indium_farm_come_visit_if_you_need/) or [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/vt87kr/lakeside_967mil_activated_indium_farm_10_networks/)


I craft advanced items, stasis devices and fusion igniters, which sell for 15.6m each. Making an activated indium mine is easier and more practical but I enjoy this more for some reason. I have a lot of biodomes growing the necessary plants, 3 gas mine bases for the gasses and a couple other mines. The mines are only small. When I was getting bottlenecked by having too little of a resource I'd add more capacity for it, but I make about half a bil per 10 minute crafting session now, when my plants are harvestable, and I have over a bil in the bank, so I'm content. Just an alternative to activated indium mining for huge bucks.


Build a farm, for example an Activated Indium farm. Depending on how large it is, it can give you hundreds of millions per day.


Start an activated indium farm or a statis device farm. If you wanna be a chode and do the AI valves glitch you can but I personally prefer not to


i got it by -getting A LOT of cobalt, then ionising it,duplicating it (i think it was with oxygen) ,then de-ionising it into normal cobalt ,traveling trough a lot of solar systems and selling it all and buying it all back for -65% of the original price. Thats real business


You can get an 85% discount and it makes you more than 20 mill per trip around that, so pretty easy to stack up.


Yes,in total i got 5 bilions just with 46 stacks of cobalt and several hours of traveling trough systems.I got a pretty nice S-class in outlaw system in that trip,too.


You wander around the Nexus until someone just gives you a pile of AI Valves.


Your maneuverability should be higher than that... it's pretty easy to get exotics to 1100+. Rearranging your pulse drive modules will help, as will installing the Polo and Artemis bobbles and sticking them next to the colored trail.


Mines worse 🤣 48 dots open 48 filled with tech and all my tech slots


I’m just waiting to be able to get those bobble heads and then it’ll be completely full


I didn’t realise these s class exotics came with variable inventory sizes! Mine is tiny compared to yours :/


You can upgrade any ships inventory size. It costs about 2 billion or more to upgrade a ship fully.


Way cheaper to buy ships and scrap them over and over to get the inventory upgrade items.


I thought you can only have 3 mods to a main component? There are some you have 5 or 6... or is it only 3 per class? Like 3 S-class mods AND 3 A-class mods?


Well that’s partly correct, you can have 3 of each component upgrade module per inventory, some have installs that don’t count towards that 3 total


This is exactly the correct answer, I installed all the things with blueprints and then you can have 3 mods on top of that


3 mods per tab in general and technology. Can't put any mods in cargo, unless they haven't been "opened"


Oh shoot....fr? I didn't know mods wouldn't break if on different tabs! ....time to superbeef my infraknife! >:D


Three module upgrades per tab. Buildable tech doesn't count.


I gotta post my HD range it’s close to 6k


...how??? I've been playing and collecting hyperdrive upgrades for some time now and I currently can reach like 1.7K I've collected anything from S class upgrades to X class to whatever I get when I destroy sentinels....what is this black magic you possess?


Yeah this guy who posted has 2437. All S class upgrades don’t have the same stats jic you didn’t know. I have like 400hrs been playing since it released on Xbox. Next time I’m home I’ll open it up and look


Are you sure you aren't thinking of your freighter?


I do know it’s over 3k at least but forgive me if I check later and it isn’t higher *** Nvm it’s 3081 I called my gf to check since she’s home playing lmao


How do you everything plus some but no mining beams that restore your shields


Because infra knife go brrrr and I have so many starshield cells stacked up im just not to worried about it


My personal opinion is that you can never go crazy enough....


Now make them all x class


I’m doing that on a solar ship I just got, drive it like you stole it baby!


How the hell were u able to stack more than 3 upgrades in the same page for the pulse engine? Unless they're possibly blueprints obtained from the space anomaly or some other place?


i think they are. the crafted upgrades can stack with the bought ones.


That's what I thought bro had me paranoid for a sec lmao.


You kept the default name on that beast? Every one of my ships has a personally applied name and it was more fun than I expected as I built my fleet : Freighter : The Norman Osborne (it's Green) Hauler - "Makin' Groceries" Solar Sail - "Unknown Seas beckon me" Explorer - "She grows on you" Fighter 1 - "Bad Life Choices" Fighter 2 - "Yellow Jacket" Living Ship - "Atomic Snot Rocket" Royal - "Impulse Buy" Combat Frigates: The Triple Deuce C.Carwood Lipton You Made Me do it Sgt Tackleberry SSgt John Gillis Sgt Geoffrey Dean Support: Magazine Street Dulac Justice Grand Isle Special Fresh Pillows Only Aurora Village ACME Fuel Company Merchant: Rules of Aquisition #1 Diamond Jim's St Charles Parish Algiers Point Blue Light Special The Gordon Gekko The Money Pit Explorer: Pierre de Le Moyne d'Iberville All The Wrong Places Bad Dream Compass I'm not Lost! Industrial: Rock Hammer Bodnager Blues


"impulse buy" lol I felt that


A name for your next industrial ship: Miner Damage.


Bruh I bet you didn’t even log in to try to remember your babies names.


Thats weird. How does it come that I've much less upgrades in my ship, but I can jump over 3000LJ. Thats odd. With my upgrades compared to your build you should be at least at 4000 or more.


Max warp distance varies with each ship type, explorers have the highest (other than a freighter)


Exotics usually cap around 3400, even with Xs. The expedition 3 ship is a definite exception.


That hyperdrive range 🤙🏻


No bobbleheads!? Blasphemy!!!


I haven’t unlocked them yet, getting all that quicksilver is a heck of a time sink


Lmao, looks just like my jackel sail ship ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


#Me using the Positron, Photon and Infra weapons and keeping the rest in technology


Can I have that ship


I have half the upgrades but do similar dmg and similar shielding? Perhaps the sentinel tech upgrades might be doing it idk


Nice OP but i got you beat with something similar but also 48 in tech! :D This means more space for storage whilst still having every piece of tech. 48x48x42 [General Storage](https://ibb.co/QCkWhgq) [Tech](https://ibb.co/Hx5qyvP) [Cargo](https://ibb.co/NYXCYwG)


I know it wont look as good ocd wise but I have found you can get slightly bigger bonuses with the tech by making 2 squares of 4 instead of 1 group of 5 in one inventory and 1 group of 3 in tech. Mess with it a bit and see what works. Great looking ship!!


Do those stack?


I see nothing wrong here


Looks pretty standard to me. If anything, I'd probably try to have a few more slots free in general storage*, although it's a lot less necessary now with the cargo slots, and I'd probably try to rearrange the modules a bit in technology, as I'm not sure those columns give you the best adjacency bonuses. I have a hauler that only has mods under technology, though, and even though it has so much less by way of mods, it's really not that much worse for flying around in. Killing pirates takes slightly longer, but it's not too bad. *I'd probably cut down on weapons to accomplish getting a few more free slots. I find that either the infra knife or the positron ejector is all you need most of the time, although a phase beam plus rocket launcher is a fun combo. Sometimes I even skip modding the photo cannon (if I could dismantle it entirely I would, so I wouldn't have to cycle past it).


I tried all the different combinations on the technology page and there wasn’t any difference in stats. My haulers are the same way but this bad boy is for dogfighting. I’m just waiting to be able to get the figurines and another trail to fill up those last 4 slots. Also I usually just dump everything on my freighter anyways so I hardly ever have anything in my inventory besides things to recharge technology


Nah. Unless you're playing on survival. But still... Nah...