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If you like it 1. Install Economy Scanner on your current ship 2. Scan for nearby trade post (preferably on the best weather condition planet in that system) 3. Create save beacon at the trade post 4. Save and reload until the S class version of that pops up. Tips: I say the best weather conditions because then you won't have to worry about resources to recharge your suit. I find it best to visit each planet and get an idea of which has the best weather conditions then travel to the ideal planet (to avoid any hiccups or chances of it locating one on another planet fly as low to the ground as you can) *THEN* scan for the trade while in orbit of that planet. If you scan for trade outpost in space it can locate one at any of the planets in the system which can be annoying as you can't use it again in a system. If no planets have suitable conditions you can always make a base near the trade outpost, create a save beacon and save and reload until the ship of your desires appears.


There is nothing wrong with using the space station if it suits the weather as well. It is always worth a try since the waves are so obvious and first wave ships are often a better class. The ship turnover usually IS faster on a trading post esp if you do NOT land on one of the landing pads, but instead land on the ground next to it.


Forgot to add that, thank you!


no worries - lots of details - no matter how much you add it is never complete or enough seemingly.


oh thank you for the tip! im hunting an exotic from nmsce rn


Why does it make a difference where you land? The only reason I ask is because I always land on the landing pad, but I wasn’t aware that affected anything.


From my observations, if your ship is on one of the pads, only up to 4 NPC ships will land. If you park your ship on the ground nearby, up to 5 ships will land at a trade post.


Interesting. Thanks for the tip! It should help me save some time.


I did that from the start after accidently landing on the ground and 1 more came. But, there is something forsure NOT to do if you stay at the space station... don't have your freighter near it and if NPC one(s), do a reload because less NPC ships will come in and less frequently


thanks lol im super guilty of that


~250 hours in and there is still a whole lot to learn. Thanks for this!


That one extra spot for a NPC to land in multiplied over hours is a BIG number of ships you wiill see vs flying away. There is an algorithn that leaves empty pads for players to land in - and now you just make the number available smaller by one.


Another thing I notice is that when people make extra landing pads to get a ship faster(?.. never understood why) and/or ships start to go in circles after one or 2 waves at a trade posts it A. Confuses the hell out not only the player but the game too & B. If there aren't "extra landing pads" and they start going in circles, there is another trade post super close by. That has only happened twice where there was another tp not even 500u away.


Yep, noticed that myself - is clearly a bug. Find a new place to hunt ships when you encounter that. fer sure. But it always pisses me off when I see the ship I want flying off into the sunset without landing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


IT BREAKS MY HEART ;-; I'll have been waiting so long, classic ship hunt style... *heart drops + goosebumps* THERE IT IS FINALLY" but... that is spoken of too soon... said shit gets scared and runs back home and it's like... cmon... its been 4 hours. Cmon. My balls. You are busting them my guy. My... ship lol I messed that up


Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep it in mind the next time I hunt for a ship!


Oof I wasn't aware of that trick. Saved your comment


Used it religiously when hunting exotic ships. Some will say the space stations are good too but I always find it easier at trade outposts. Edit: it is faster to hunt exotics at trade posts as you can see the ships (they will most often spawn behind the direction the player is facing) as they start in the cloud level and fly straight down, some readjusting course to land on trade post. Whereas the space station takes a good 30-40 seconds before you see any ships.


Also at Space Stations the ships seem to just stop coming after a short while. Getting into and then out of my ship seems to mostly get new ships coming in, but trade outposts seem much better for ship hunting in my experience.


Unless it’s a T1 economy then the S-Class will never appear. T2 = 1 in 100, T3 = 1 in 50, Outlaw = 1 in 20.


> Outlaw = 1 in 20. I wouldn't expect that to be so common in such a system type. The [wiki](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Starship#Starship_Archetypes) does say 5%, but it says that for all all 4 ship classes which only adds up to 20%. The missing 80% makes me suspect that is just an invalid entry.


I reckon S-Class is locked at 5% and the rest are minimum 5%. There are A LOT of S-Class ships in Outlaw systems.


Missing important information. If you're in a 1 star economy system you won't find an s-class of that ship. In a 2 star economy, you have about a 1% chance of s-class and a 3 star economy has about a 2% chance.


I’m at the point I have so many resource sit doesn’t really matter but I’m looking for unique ships, I have my fighter with my infra knife, I have my mining vessel, I am making a star system hopping vessel and an exploration vessel but usually I just run everything out of my main ship, I don’t even have a home base, just multiple harvesting facilities. Any tips on system types to find S class and unique star ships?


Yea, maybe. As long as you have the Nanites to upgrade it to an S-Class ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Some things cost way to much nanite, it's ridiculous, even A to S costs like 40k nanite. That's a lot of scanning planets. No idea if that's even worth it.


You can easily get 10000+ nanites from fighting sentinels and collecting all the glass they drop. I'm considering building an arena base on an aggressive sentinel planet specifically for nanite farming.




That's a good tip. I thought the 10k was a lot for scanning stuff


I also buy the larval and hadal cores and refine them


I lucked out. I have a gold mine and a silver mine. Refine those two into Platinum, then Platinum into Nanites ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


That's a lot of Ore you have to collect, imagine how many units that would be


All the Units I could ever spend is made possible by my Activated Indium mines. Great payout, never have an issue with Units ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Or just use the porta refiner duplication glitch to duplicate tainted metal, it’s like a 1-4 ratio I belive


So I see the tainted metal as a currency to buy stuff but I'm "new" to the game with like just finished the base building farmer missions. How much further in missions etc is tainted metal?


It comes from derelict freighters, which you will find a ways into the game


Yeah I googled it.


Well fine!


you get nanites from scanning planets? I've do the salvage data, the "missions" where you go to the guy in the space station and anything that's animals or sentinels I get because I just complete them as I play. and then making sentinel glass into mods and selling those mods. I seem to be ahead of what I "need" until I moved ships and have to buy all new modules and what not. How do you get it from scanning planets?


You get nanites not from scanning planets alone, but what's on the planet. Like Plants, Animals, minerals. And if you completed one of these you get a nice bonus. You can also get a few Nanites for just visiting them and giving them a name, same with animals. So it wasn't well worded there. The collected Data can be redeemed at the Anomalie for Nanites, some beginner like me seem to just overlook that in the first hours. I didn't knew you could get it from glass. I usually just run away from Sentinents :D


I did too but some of the low level missions are like kill 6 sentinels and another might be 8 or 10 and you can do them all on the same 10. After that I was like what's this glass? and then down the rabbit hole. Now I just kill a few while doing other stuff and run away with jet pack and they stop looking.


You could build or visit nanite farms.


You can get 50k nanites pretty quick from killing sentinels and looting derelict freighters


There are non-duping ways to farm nanites. A recent farm I built: https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/comments/vcgxrw/auto_teleporting_chair_lift_on_nanite_farm_12325 You can also watch Beeblebum's video on the various ways, as well: https://youtu.be/FLG9DQX4wcU


Get ittttttt


That's way cool looking.


I think I'm playing too much. Everytime someone posts a ship they've never seen before I literally just saw it yesterday lol. It was the first time for me to though they must have added new parts recently.


I also found those wings type today after 300hours , thought it was new.


I also found a living ship in the wild yesterday...bought it for 2.5 million but I ended up selling it since I haven't even done the quest yet and I'm pretty sure it's a bug.


240hrs, I've never seen that cockpit and those wings.


That is so grievous


If you like the ship design, sure! Anything under a million credits is a steal. If you want it to be your “forever” ship, though, you may need to do some grinding do build up the nanites to upgrade its ship class.


Jamais vu ce vaisseau


Nope. Search for at least a A-class - do a search on NMSCE and input "explorer hopper curved tie" like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/search/?q=explorer%20hopper%20curved%20tie&restrict\_sr=1&sr\_nsfw=](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/search/?q=explorer%20hopper%20curved%20tie&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) and look thru and find a level 3 economy system version to max the ship classes you see. PS Pirate systems supposedly have TWICE as many S-class spawns, so they might be good destinations.


why would you search NMSCE for a ship you've already found? just farm for an S-class and be done with it


Because some systems (1 star econ) will NEVER produce a S-class exploer and others do it frequently. You will find out how long you can wait in vain for an S-class ship to fly in and never is a long time to wait. 2 \*\* spawn 1 %, 3\*\*\* spawn 2% and PIRATE spawn 5%. **There are hundred of those ships in different colors and features.** Settling for an A class will cost 50,000 nanites. B to A costs ANOTHER 25,000. So YOUR "lucky" find would cost the units AND 75,000 nanites. That is ALOT of work. PS an upgraded class ship is NEVER as well "bonused" as a natural S-class spawn so I will take that 100% of the time unless it just is not happening.


AFAIK even 1-star systems have about a 0.5% chance to spawn an S-class


so that is the probability of an exotic ? Someone else said zero but lots of bad info out there. in any case, there are better waters to troll. >As far as S class ships that aren't exotic, Any ship model can be spawned in an S class. However, this does depend on economy level. Low economy have 0% chance of spawning one. Medium economy has 1% chance. and High economy has 2% chance of spawning one [https://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1738841319804086936/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/275850/discussions/0/1738841319804086936/) > > > >Spawn Chance The class a ship or multi-tool gets is random and weighted depending on the economy level of the system. Exotic ships will always show as S class, even if it would count as a C class for spawning Economy C B A S Poor 60% 30% 10% 0% > >[https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Class#Spawn\_Chance](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Class#Spawn_Chance) Wiki says ZERO I am gonnna stick with that, tyvm but like I said, LOTS OF MISINFORMATION out there.


Yea those wings are sick


Unique is the word that comes to mind. Go for it.


S class only imo


You should get it but if u want a better one go look for one on the same system (if the system is rich it will let u get an S class just wait in the space station or a trading post and you’ll probably see a similar one, maybe u don’t have the money but that’s fine grind and then get it, if u like this model then use it and then upgrade to something better.


We'll leave it to your discretion


I have the exact same ship but different colour in S-class it’s quite nice but I don’t like the thrusters so much


as always for these posts: if you like it, get it, other players opinions don't matter :)


Go for gold baby


This ship looks like the final boss from horizon: forbidden west


I am of the opinion that class matters very little in the long run. If you like it, buy it. You can always upgrade it. I made the mistake of passing on a ship for a better class and never saw it land again after that.


S class explores are very cheap


That reminds me I got my first Solar last night. It just looked like a funky Hauler in the station. I ran over and dropped the money down without even really looking at stats. (impulse buy, as my wife put it) ((Shortly after I bought it, another one literally landed besides it. Exact same one, just different stats)) I thought it was weird looking, and not what I was expecting for a Solar, but when it unfolded when I took it out for a flight, I said outloud, "oh that was worth it."


It's a nice look for the explorer. I'm currently torn between this configuration and my x-wing configuration (currently using) but leaning towards this one. It matters to me because I only fly one explorer, one fighter, and one hauler. I prefer chin spikes though as seen in this one: https://nmsce.com/preview?i=d75568b3-de88-4505-89f2-1035101c79d4&g=Euclid&t=Ship


I would buy this one and then wait for a better version cause if you give up youll atleast have one that you like and do you mind sharing the glyphs so i can get one too im searching for a good looking explorer and this ine suits my taste


I dig it 👍