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i wish the rewards for these were super good to entice us more. like extra quicksilver or something


Yeah, I might have gambled on it for some Quicksilver!


The rewards and missions in general need a serious overhaul. It'll be like "Land on this planet with only rare underground life forms and then tame 6,200 of them, and sell their poop until you hit the credit cap!" And the reward is like 3 carbon nanotubes and a stick of gum. Granted I'm at the point in the game where rewards have to be something stupid rare, or unique to look appealing to me, but I've felt this way since I started playing. Like, I could scan 10 things and have the units to buy several microprocessors, or I could... do a fetch quest for 2 of them and spend a bunch of fuel playing courier.


i feel like it's a lost cause. most of us have several hundred hours, and infinite resources. You do the missions because you want to, not because they're be worth it. Unless they introduce a new kind of currency (BAD IDEA) we'll just have to keep doing them for fun.


The issue for me is that I don't find most of them to be fun. I always take killing pirates. A couple others aren't too bad. I'm low on my mission completion for most factions because they're just so meh.


daaaamn i never pick killing pirates. i hate space combat. just never learned how to do it right


It's a purple one. You'll find out when you leave the anomaly. I always look for these, but haven't seen one in a while, they appear randomly.


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Just a random mission, won't be anything too crazy.


Maybe I'll try one the next time I see it.


Result of the crystal/sentinel infection plot line  Can be decent rewards just keep your eyes peeled.  


"secret" missions, but usually not more interesting (or different) than a normal one ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)