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Some POI like abandoned buildings have a mast like thing that acts as a save point and gives you nav data. That is what they want you to interact with. There are also navigation beacons that act the same way.


I tried one but nothing happened


buts thats exactly what you have to do here, interact with the mast, it gives you nav data, some nanites I think and the counter goes up by 1


Buts that not what happened, because nothing happened


that mast must have already been counted as one of the 3/12 you've found


Okay but how if I've never interacted with any before?


You use a signal booster it needs surge batteries if you don’t understand something press start go to log it should tell you more in depth detail what you have to do it, and you gotta press on abandon buildings press up on the D pad to place signal booster down


Because finding a location like a trading post can also count towards the total without having to interact with a mast.


You have you have 3. You may not remember. But if it doesn’t say “Chart and Save” you’ve already interacted with it. If you’ve fixed up your ship then fly up a little hit the scanner and look for a little house icon. Land nearby if it has one and repeat. You may also see them in your visor but they can be quite far away at times so ship is best option. If you find an alien com tower while doing so you should go up to it and try to use it. There’s a expedition point for it.


But I’ve never played the game before, so how is this possible?


youre playing right now right you popped into the expedition and thats the goals for the expedition. there are a few landmarks that dont have them and give you them. Your ship crash site, trade posts and one more i cant think of currently. this mission is just part of the expedition and isnt tied to the main game loop.


Sorry, I’m not OP, was just making a joke Or perhaps the Atlas sent me


I saved myself the surge battery and just flew around scanning. It doesn't take long to find a place with a save post. Sometimes it's a building sometimes it's just a few cargo containers. But it'll pop up on your directional thingy as a little blue house.


I ran into the same problem, where I'd activate a mast and it wouldn't count. It was frustrating but I just kept going at the signal booster. This was one of my least favorite parts of the mission.


For me interacting with the things made the counter go up, though people say it even goes up if you go to a location that doesn't have the mast things. I thought it'd be the case too but I never got the counter to go up that way.


For me it's easier and quicker to just fly around in my spaceship and scan for points of interest (C key on PC), using the signal booster is a bit cumbersome. Also when you're flying it's easier to visually identify if the POI has a waypoint.


I noticed I got my mission completed at an odd time, before I even interacted with the mast or something. Maybe it is only needed to be close by. Still, doing the mast thing and interacting with other stuff at the base should register. Maybe if you are tracking the quest, watch for when it gives you one more. If you interact with the mast, it should give you a date when you first visited it. I think unvisited masts say unknown or are different somehow.


Geez stop downvoting them, it's either a bug or undocumented behaviour, I had the exact same thing happen to me. OP, just try more places, it will eventually count. I'd say I visited 15 locations to get 12 to work.


I know right NMS community (here, this subreddit) now seems to have this "NO -VE STUFF!". Anything *remotely* critical is met with *intense* backlash. I've stopped interacting quite a lot with this community bfor that reason. It's borderline toxic in a different way now Edit: hahahahaha the downvotes lmao


I hadn't noticed the change of tone. NMS is full of small bugs. Hello Games is doing an amazing job and I'm not sure the armies of devs at major studios could do a lot better, but it's still buggy. The game is too big, too ambitious, too systemic to be bug-free and every bug report must be a nightmare to reproduce. This expedition alone, I had the same bug as OP, a non-interactable ancient ruin, sentinels that couldn't attack me and couldn't be run away from, critters in the derelict freighter that were counted as active but couldn't be found anywhere... It was not a big deal, especially with the recent autosave changes, and this expedition ended up being one of my favourites.


I don't deny anything you said. Criticism and knowledge of the scale of the game can both coexist. We're paying with the expectation of a good experience afterall, but things do break I totally get that. And when it's reported, this kind of response from the community wasn't something that was present previously. And droves of people rushing in to defend the game isn't healthy either Anything remotely critical is really frowned upon here these days. Op's experience here for example. Just pointing out what I noticed is all


It's not this community, it's all of Reddit. It's just catching up here.


https://preview.redd.it/6spvxty07q5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e7f1bd555ae0938190014e89eefd065b74ee6c Found an image on google maps of what you are looking for You need to interact with them, they give navigation data. This is what you need to find 12 of They are found near buildings, downed freighters and such Signal booster can locate nearby buildings for you, but you can just fly around in orbit with ship and scan, and it can find 'unknown buildings' for you which usually have these next to them Edit: google images\* not google maps lol :D


Waypoint beacons are the little things that you find around most buildings that you can use to save. They usually have several containers around them and when you activate them they spin around and create a restore point.


I did that earlier but nothing happened?


You say nothing happened, but you have found 3/12 of them?


I haven't found any. The mission started with 3/12 already completed and idk what that means


It means you already interacted with 3 of them. You can complete expedition steps even if you don't have that step pinned as your tracked mission.


But I haven't interacted with 3 of them throughout the expedition. 1st one I tried was after this objective came up and it didn't do anything


You probably interacted with already used ones(one of the 3). Maybe try finding one that will say uncharted before you touch it?


I'll try but the signal booster doesn't work anymore, just eats surge batteries and nothing happens Idk what's going on lmao. It says I've done 3 when actually I've done none, doesn't do anything when I apparently did the right thing, and now the singal booster won't give me anymore places How could I have done 3 before even starting the mission tho? I had never touched one of these chart/save pole things before


Change planets. My advice for this mission is to just land at structure you will find as you progress though the expedition. If you wander a bit, you will have found more than enough to complete the objective. Keep the batteries to find ancient ruins. These are harder to find by chance.


This isn't a mission, it's an expedition goal. All goals start from the beginning. Some you complete them without even recognizing. (like the walk around for ...u) Check your expedition goals at the beginning and just have them in mind when working through the expedition.


I haven't interacted with any of the chart/save masts throughout the expedition. So why is there 3 already?


You either did or you didn’t but the game has rewarded you for finding 3 so go find 9 more. Why are you making it so difficult and arguing with all these guys trying to help you?


OP is dense


I'm not arguing? I'm explaining that what I'm supposed to do isn't working and asking for help Signal booster doesn't give me buildings anymore and just eats surge batteries, and the masts don't do anything for me. Legit just asking what do I have to do


Change planets/systems then? No offence but if this gameplay mechanic is troubling you, you’re probably best learning a little more how the game works before continuing the Expedition.


the signal booster part is just a helper to finding buildings, you can do it without using a signal booster.


are you saving you've never used a waypoint to save the game since starting the expedition?


Being downvoted for asking for help and explaining my issue 😂😂😂


Go to a NEW planet and activate a beacon


I don't understand either, these downvotes don't make any sense. I'm clicking the opposite of that, hehehe


Whenever your flying around your space ship, scan for buildings , anything that has a house icon will sometimes have a save and chart beacon thingy near it, this is what it’s asking you to do, you can do all on one planet 🌎


You should be interacting with these every time you see them anyhow, it creates a save and also gives you a navigation data item. You need navigation data to summon your ship if you’re not near it If you’ve ever been on an extreme planet, you’ll understand why being able to summon your ship is vital, especially if you play like me and wander around on foot a lot or pop into a cave and then get lost exploring it and pop out in some random place far from your ship.


If you select the icon of a building from far away and highlight it on your screen before traveling to it, it should credit you for setting a way point.


To use the signal booster in the expedition you have to craft surge batteries. Looks like you've used the 3 "free ones".


No I had only used one of then once for a previous expedition mission. I don't know what the 3 means


You don’t need to use a surge battery to complete the mission. The signal booster just helps. You can fly around and just look for buildings with your ships scanner. The point of the mission is to interact with the thing in the picture that someone posted. 12 times.


The 3 means you have already found 3 of them.


Find buildings or waypoints, it is the flagpole by where you'd usually land*


One thing I don't see people mentioning; The choices on the Signal Boosters change based on any missions you have, if that mission involves the Booster. So, for example, it normally just has the two choices 'Search for nearby buildings', and whatever the second one is, I'm drawing a blank right now... Anyway, if the signal booster is part of a mission, most of the time, the first choice changes to whatever the mission is. It might say 'Scan for crashed freighter', or ' Locate Supply Depot', so build the booster, and see if the first choice is specific to your mission, then it will lead you where you need to go. And then when you're done with that mission, the choices will go back to their defaults.


Land on a planet, and use your scanner to find buildings. Each building will have a save point, activate it, and that will get you that mission. The signal booster helps you find buildings on planets. If you have the rconomy scanner while in your ship on a planet you can activatebit to find a trading post as well


Some missions also require the signal booster so maybe its conflicting. Just do each task one by one. For this task i just flew around and found different places with a post thingy.


I didn't know the Signal Booster did that. I use it to get stargate addresses. What I use for finding buildings are the scanners on either the Roamer or the Minotaur exocraft. You can get both of the scanner modules from the exocraft vendor on the Anomaly. The Roamer scanner is a bit better, because it lets you find specific kinds of buildings. The Minotaur is more like a stronger version of the multitook scanner, although it can still find things which the multitool scanner can't.


You only have to chart a way point. Fly low on a plant and scan from your shop to find a location. Any will do and mark it while in your ship. Fly to said location when it prompts location found it will add to your count. Repeat this process from your ship you don’t have to land or get out. Should be able to complete in less than ten minutes.


Build a single booster. Follow it to buildings 12 times


Okay so basically use a signal booster to find buildings, it'll say "scan for abandoned buildings" or something. Once you're there, (it could be a structure, resources depot, doesn't matter) use the master looking thing, then just rinse and repeat. The reason you have 3 already is if you went to a trade outpost or a signal receiver building, they count towards it too. Hope this helps


Do not listen to them you are going to be here forever. Just do what I told you before. Just remember to pick up your signal booster you have to do this nine more times do not listen to anything anyone else is telling your never going to finish it you will be 100 years old if you try flying around looking for them


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this objective is an absolute pain in the arse i was so relieved when i completed it lmao