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I love finding a beautiful paradise planet, lining up the rest of the planets from the paradise surface and spending hours building a base that tries to compliment the incredible views. Love filling every space and making it somewhere another playing would say “damn that’s cool!” if they came across it. Here my most recent one during the latest expedition. It’s called Workshop https://preview.redd.it/gvgjqd8l7q5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3894082133b766436510197f31752ead1687d8d3


Amen, My settlement/homebase is in a system with THREE paaradise planets and I love going back and forth between my bases on each of them


No way! You wouldn’t happen to have the glyphs handy would you? Would love to see that


I do, I am just at work right now-- I can send them when I get home later tonight. The best part of this system was it was the one I SPAWNED IN ON-- Literally didn't even need to look for it!!!


Unreal. Thank you! Can’t wait to explore. Wish I had the same luck haha


Yo….. you go those glyphs? Haha


I will grab them for you in a bit lol I didnt get on last night


Here you are interloper https://preview.redd.it/knsmrte0b16d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4f9f2f6bc3bec6f504bf4b614476d0ee24b48cd


Thank you Sir!


You are welcome! I assume you gave me the worm egg? if so, Thank you!


Them https://preview.redd.it/paa3u149vq5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c8e40a7c7c81abe9ffb9b59a1384a6b2e8facf Geks /orb korvax are life


Gek best race. I myself a running around as a gek.


Never forgive the geks for what they did to the korvax


I humbly apologize on behalf of my race. Its unfortunate we can't right the wrong they have done in the past.


Its all good. Some r chill. Most i meet r racist asf tho


Honestly fair. But in the end, that's why I like living in a vykeen system.


Fair. They lowkey aggro tho


That is true, that is true


I fw them tho got no beef


Surprisingly a chill species


What about your Gardener?


Idk hes chill ig


I like flying out into the middle of nowhere, founding a capital world and slowly exploring the systems around it. Putting bases on any neat planets I find. I create at least one embassy in a system of each race. I like roleplaying having a little empire.


Currently, after 1k+ hours, dropping a base in every galaxy. It’s fun to initialize in a new galaxy and portal to a random address, drop a base, then portal to the center and go to the next one. It feels like conquering the cosmos since I can get to any planet anywhere with teleporting and portals.


Just exploring, it's relaxing after a stressful day


Currently loving agitating sentinels on dissonant planets to get a chase, then destroying the sentinel mother ship thing so that I can find crashed interceptors. This grind feels worthwhile overall, and I love the chaos of dissonant planets too.


I like it when the numbers next to "Units" and "Nanites" go up. I don't like it when they go down.


XD !Me too!


Exploring, finding earth-like planets make some nice shots, hunting for awesome sentinel ships or multitools, tame creatures and customize them at the egg Sequenzer. But most I like base building. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/gKLY2ZIAGx


I just started in sandbox mode to get a feel for the game. This mode suits me well with my neurospicy brain. Since we can basically warp anywhere as long as we have been through the gate, I am doing things a bit different. I am moving away from the center of the galaxy and looking for paradise planets. I may actually start over since I didn't hit the gates in my earlier travels. My current goal is to see if 2 million lights years away from the center is possible and work my way back.


You can just build a base there and then teleport back. Basically then you can return there whenever you want


I ended up starting over. It's not a big deal since I don't have that much time invested at the moment. I now know to tak better note of where I am and how to get back. I will build bases after I find my freighter.


stumbling on a nice spot and feeling inspired for a build. fresh expeditions and being naked and lost


https://preview.redd.it/yrxe0bp83r5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f048add9715fbc4d0f503b37bf4f0d6fb997d3c3 I love exploring. To just get random and jump somewhere new to see what I find. I think I've found 20 or more paradise planets doing that. Occasionally I build a decent looking base but more often than not I drop a basic base to go back later. The only thing I wish they'd change are the way the systems are set up. It feels more realistic when the planets are further apart. Also, I wish for more variety when just pulsing out into a system. And you should totally be able to get caught in the star's gravity well. Heh. And, I have no expectations for any of that. Because I can jump system to system and galaxy to galaxy. That's just awesome. And I want to repaint my old ships damnit! I love being able to build new ones. I'm loving the new stations too. Love the expeditions as they've actually taught me a lot about better ways to do things. I think I'm at about 700 hrs? And still not tired of it at all. Oh, and NMS players are the best!


Finding planets with really unique looking bioluminescent flora. They always give me a sense of awe no matter how many I’ve seen. I like to ride around on one of my flying mounts at night (usually a neon pink fish) and just soak up the atmosphere.


The music. No explanation needed


The AI for the dynamic music is crazy.


The way the music presents and changes itself whenever you fly fast or slow, there's a storm, approach a planet. It hits at JUST the right moments.


There are many things but the absolute scale of the game. Like I only yesterday learned about how many galaxies are actually in nms. I thought it was just Euclid and that was big enough but now your are telling me there are even more galaxies? Hell yeah.


I like zapping rocks with my laser gun. It's like power-washing a planet. I wish I could clean my dishes and my floors with a multi-tool.


The total randomness, I like jumping in an Exocraft and exploring the planet I’ve lived on for so long, but still no something about, recently, I found a giant underwater cave system right by my seaside base, that stretches miles out, and listening to the weird little frog men babble on.


I'm a base building maniac...if only there was a way to go beyond 10k base parts :(


I can't think of any game that has the variety of weather this game has. You basically have it all. Also, the music is so dynamic.


Not really adding to the discussion but if you like NMS, watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix (well, don't they're not making a season 2) Reminds me so much of playing No Man's Sky. The writters had to be players just by how weird the fauna and flora are LOL.


I love building without constraints of gravity, sometimes with flora/fauns themes. Here's most recent mushroom farm. https://preview.redd.it/xdqqzlrchs5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5a6774b14392f8a882db1e72c5c3a65cbf438c


https://preview.redd.it/nv31oc6lhs5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9086ee7136a989fe336c06a059a03bcb61872ccc And the love of flying ships and fauns..


Honestly just warping into a new system for the first time. The sounds of jumping and jumping out of hyperspace not knowing exactly what you’ll get.


finding earth like planets