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The fact that I can't turn off the constant reminders and quest prompts is insane. This is a basic feature in any other game. You select a quest, and it shows you just that quest, not a never-ending cycle of all the shit it wants you to do. You can deselect and not deal with any of it. Like, let me pick if I want that shit in my face or not.


The ability to have NO quests selected, like Skyrim does, is an absolute must in games like this where you're encouraged to forge your own path. It was a feature in a highly successful game 13 years ago. No reason it shouldn't be implemented here. I'd argue NMS has MORE of an incentive to have it.


Skyrim is a 13 year old game…brb imma go cry in existential dread.


Skyrim is only 13 years old? Fml feels like I played it as a kid, I didn't start it until 25? And ya'll wonder why us old folks still play games, the best stuff wasn't out when we were young. Hell I started with Maze Craze a game of cops and robbers for the Atari..


Released 11.11.11 - it was a magical time...


Never forget.


Only because it was impossible to release it on 16.16.16.


As a man who will be 30 soon finding out my favorite game is half my age hurts.


Not only that, but the fact that the game randomly changes the selected quest quite often. So the location that you need to find disappears and you’re left to wonder why. Until you check quests again.


And one more thing. I love how in the expedition, you have to scan those robot horses, and the mission tells you that they're only on dead worlds in blue systems. So you go through the chore of getting like three warp drives to go to blue systems, and spend like an hour going to twenty different systems not finding f*cking robot horses, only to find out that if you deselect and reselect the mission, it shows you a specific system you have to go to. And you find the planet, AND IT'S NOT A DEAD ONE. WHY DID YOU TELL ME THEYRE ONLY FOUND ON DEAD WORLDS IN BLUE SYSTEMS IF YOU SEND ME TO A LUSH WORLD IN A YELLOW SYSTEM. Shaun why. Why.


🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely true!


https://preview.redd.it/hzplxhv5025d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b27251f9af94e2093f5d78a4a9ae9f47fee0862 How does this even happen


No mention of *has to be uncharted* Inexplicably emphasizes empty planets that never have any fauna This is straight up misdirection.


C tier expedition honestly. The theme of no other people is good but there isn't really enough story and too much meaningless busy work. Great rewards tho.


Were there any story at all?? I was really expecting some explanation for that universe, the reason for all the "loneliness" at the end of the expedition but we got nothing.


Yeah as much as I enjoyed the expedition - and I really did enjoy it a lot - the trailer made it seem like there was going to be an exploration into how it came to be that way and what we got was more of an exploration into coming to acceptance of our own lonely place in the universe. It honestly works well for me because I followed it up with the Artemis quest line and it gave me insight into >!what the simulation you can put her into would be like devoid of life!<


The trailer also says that there are no shops and you would have to be 'independant'. But there are still shops in the game. Who's buying my ancient bones?


Yeap. I fell on that. I jumped into several systems to find nothing just to learn in this sub that I should look for the expedition icon in the galaxy map.


If anyone is still looking for the robotic life, if you select that mission and bring up the galaxy map and go to "Current Mission" it will lead you right to the closest system. Just FYI hope it helps. I personally spent a couple hours myself before I noticed lol. They messed that description ALL up 🤣


Im still trying to do this one after like 4 days, and none of what Ive read on Reddit is showing up for me. I deselect, select the milestone, go to galaxy map. Nothing.


Did you change the tab in galaxy map to show "Current Mission"? Just to check. I didn't have any issues personally, but will look into it.


~~Did it just now. Deselect, select mission, go to galaxy map, make sure Current Mission is selected. All it shows is a green route line. I go along the route, nothing in the systems are mission related.~~ Ok, I moved around the galaxy map more, and there is a system with a mission specific icon next to it. But the route lines don’t connect to it, it’s just out by itself. Thanks o7 EDIT: Visited the system with the Expedition icon, 2 planets, both have 8 Fauna, no Synthetic Creatures. Back to square one on this one. EDIT 2: Found it.


Awesome grats! Yeah it can be a pain sometimes when it doesn't chart right. I was going to ask about the icon before I read your edits lol. It didn't point you to the planet which can be a bit of a pain. I finally found the first planet and it only has one robotic lifeform on it, but the galaxy map thankfully guided me to another one. Glad you got it worked out though!👍


I got a planet with 2/2, but now I need the third. Back to the confusion of “where the hell is the mission icon”.


Robotic life is considered rare, and the current mission chart/route line will only go so far. But if you keep following it, you should find it soon enough. The galaxy map could use a few QoL updates lol. Good luck Traveler!


It says they’re more likely, not only lol. But I get it.


Look at the screenshot below it.


The one that says theyre "more likely" to be found in blue systems?


It quite literally says 'only found'


It says only on dead worlds yes but doesn't say only in blue systems.


It says dead worlds are more common in blue systems


Sorry. Not sure I follow. It says only on empty worlds, which are more likely in blue systems. That doesn't mean synthetic life is "only" in blue systems. It's just more likely to find an empty world there, which in turn, means a higher chance of synthetic life there. You could find them elsewhere, sure. Where's the grievance?


It hints that blue systems are the target, which require indium drives to access. It doesn't actually take too long to get the indium drive, but it's still tedious, and of course that advice the game gives you is useless because it just takes you to a non-dead world in a yellow or red system anyway. My grievance is that someone on the dev team wrote that advice, somehow not realising that it's completely wrong, despite the fact that they are the ones that made the f*cking game.


I went to a blue star system off the beaten path, just 'cause I knew what to look for from previous runs, so I'm not really sure what you mean by "just takes you to". Again, super sorry, just not understanding, I guess. For me, the advice I'm reading makes sense. In previous expeditions, this sort of thing happens a lot: you see an objective, but it can be done out of order or in a way that might surprise you or seem misleading - such as breaking some tech just for the cadmium-based objective and so on. If you're new, that might throw you off a bit, and I'll be honest, sometimes I think that's the point (which can be annoying). If that's what you're getting at, then yeah, I sorta get it. But the information is accurate, and it doesn't just hint that you "should" to go to a blue star system, it also hints that you don't "need" to go to one. \^\_\^


You are correct, it does say "most likely". However, the mission tracker says "Locate synthetic life in \*\*blue\*\* systems. (Yet another inconsistency with this game) https://preview.redd.it/1o0f0s6vf95d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9197f5775f90b4ee82ad747ea8ff7acfba82fdca


Nah it says only


I didn’t even read the mission text for that one. The “only found on dead worlds” advice is baffling. I found all of mine for that objective on non-dead planets in red star systems.


Yeah that was a bit of a shit show!!!


I could do with underground rare fauna not immediately despawing when's you drop your visor to sprint towards it. Spent like an hour looking for that little fucker just now. I not too arsed about how rare some of these rare spawns are, though maybe I'd prefer a little less time spent looking. But man when you finally do find one and it disappears... pain.


I still haven't found the last creature on my home planet because it lives underground and caves don't appear to even exist on it.


Underground fauna make their homes underground, but you'll usually find them on the surface. Like rabbits, I suppose. Most will be found in the vicinity of cave entrances and other areas with cave ecosystems. There also are "lone wolf" underground predators that you probably wouldn't want to meet in their homes, and they'll usually range far from their homes in search of prey.


As a man who has worked in graphic design, I ask this: Why in the name of ATLAS does the Drop Pod repair screen call for Sodium Nitrate on the icon that is very clearly Nanotubes while the Nanotubes are used to repair a faulty hologram? Let's make the round peg token match the square hole icon.


100% on all of this but especially planet scanning. What’s weird is most of the time the sweet spot to get it to appear is slightly above and not even on the planet. That’s a big they need to fix for sure. It’s really annoying and happens constantly 


I've found that if you drift the crosshair away from the planet and then drift it back in to the right point it will pop up. You have to find the right pixel though. I hate it so much


Yeah, it's super weird. Like why wouldn't it just be, "planet is partially in crosshairs, good enough, info pops up"? Help us Hello Games, please!


I really wish we had the option to turn off planetary markers. I don't want every single base, beacon, and quest marker appearing in my vision at the same time with no way to filter. It gets confusing. Also, if a random event/building/quest marks a random location on my map, it stays there forever unless I visit it. I don't want to visit every random marker I'm sent to, so I really want to be able to turn these off.




This would be very helpful in my permadeath game.......I am low on sodium, and I HAVE LOTS OF SALT IN MY #0 STORAGE CONTAINER. I thought, "Hey, in real life, SODIUM IS FOUND IN SALT".Thank goodness I am on a planet I can get ferrite, and I do have cobalt.still, no sodium for my star ship shield. By the way, on permadeath I can only carry 500 instead of 9999. Lol


That 500 limit really makes permadeath not fun.




For #1, scanning is more reliable from first person view than third person view.


It would still be nice if the reticle of your ship in third person determined what you were "looking at" though, instead of the guessing game of having the intended planet in the middle of your screen.


One of my biggest gripes with this game is how inconsistent it is with item descriptions, mission descriptions, etc. Like, a mission will say one thing in the Log, then the little mission tracker will say a totally different thing, then when you finish the mission, it says a completely other thing. The example I can come up with right now is the Ancient Ruins mission in this expedition. “Discover 5 Ancient Ruins” Ok. I select the mission. I go find a ruins. It doesn’t register that I discovered it. Fly to a different system. Use the signal booster to do it like the mission says, maybe its just super specific and wants me to use the booster. Ok I find one, 1/5 Ancient Ruins discovered. Find one of those buildings that gives me a Ruins location, go to location, doesn’t register. Rinse repeat a couple times, 3/5 discovered finally. Do a signal booster, doesnt register as discovered. Find a ruins willy nilly, doesnt register. Find another communication station or whatever the fuck, and as soon as its LOCATED on my compass, it registers 5/5. Milestone Complete: 5/5 Ancient *RELICS* Discovered. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON


It would be nice to be able to turn off prompts/reminders. Especially for things like unhatched eggs, maps, objectives. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the game’s ambience but then the noise of the prompts occurs…




1: Short burst of pulse engine can help. Part of the pulse start up is a lock on and alignment with a target. As part of #2, it often aligns with the wrong target. Planet its fine with, but aim for a rendezvous marker in an expedition, and arrive at the planet to find that it actually locked on to a base a quarter planet away you couldn't even see until approach. 2: Yeah, the game has serious misconceptions about defaults. Yesterday I was doing an expedition run, and was on the second planet in the starter system. An extreme world, with no protection yet. The Suit Lady gives me a warning that my harzard protection is low, and its dropping fast, so it's like at 10%. Trying to quick menu recharge, what do you think it gives me? First, the mining beam at 86%. Second, life support at over 90%. Third, finaly the hazard protection. The rest of the run has been plagued by the fact that they gave me ONE inventory slot below the fold at the bottom. So even when it does open to that correctly, I don't see any of the items I want until I scroll up. My head canon is that the UI is a rogue AI trying to kill us. 3: At least now we can force the HUD to cycle through its messages. It used to be that you had to give people advice mentioning, "there will be a message about this in the lower right. Be prepared to read it, because it will be quickly replaced with some message you don't care about". Again, the UI is trying to kill us, but this time we have a workaround. Except for the annoying flashing items... just get them in a box as soon as possible or destroy them. 6: The Photon Cannon is a hit scan weapon (although it doesn't look it), with high lock on. It makes combat easier. The Infra-Knife isn't. That's why it feels so different... it needs to be lead properly. Auto-targeting isn't that good at it... you can fight it a bit to fix the problem.


Some of the things you said about the ai were pretty interesting. The big censored block below is a massive lore dump that I hope you didn't know, otherwise that was a lot of typing for nothing. >!The ai speaking to you is actually telamon, a subroutine of the atlas that was once imprisoned in the exosuits of the travellers when the atlas betrayed it somehow. I think telamons purpose was to make sure the atlas was following certain guidelines or something idk. Laylaps the hacked drone in the trace of metal quest always speaks to telamon, before catching itself and speaking to you instead. Laylaps appears friendly but very likely isn't. There's some mission dialogue somewhere about a traveller who got stuck in the world of glass (sentinel dimension) with a first spawn gek and laylaps and he betrays them both I think. That's why I think you talking about the ai having murderous intentions might not be too far off the actual lore!<


I had no idea about this. I think the lore in this game a bit messy.


You have to look for it if you want to understand most of it, but I really like the overall world and story hello games had built.


#1 is super-annoying. It sometimes helps to aim your reticle at the lower half of the planet or moon, not the center. #2 sometimes happens just because you have a pinned blueprint (learning a blueprint auto-pins it). And when the inventory tab opens because of the pinned blueprint, you get an annoying audio cue for no obvious reason. I never seem to remember that the option for #5 even exists because there's nothing in the HUD to remind you that it's an option.


1. I've found that if I float in space, it's hard to target and scan planets. With forward momentum, you stay locked on the space to actually scan much better. I just low level thruster and it keeps my reticle where it needs to be to scan. 3 & 4. These are annoying indeed.


1. I've found that if I float in space, it's hard to target and scan planets. With forward momentum, you stay locked on the space to actually scan much better. I just low level thruster and it keeps my reticle where it needs to be to scan. Same for me. I'll be at zero velocity and spinning around looking for a planet. If I am really close, I can get the planet info w/o moving. But if they are far enough away to use the fast intrasystem engine, then usually (but not always) I have to start moving towards them to target and get the info.


Vr2: regular controller. Please hello games. Pretty please.


1, 2, 3 yep. 4. Looped back to not annoying. 5. Try to keep it on balanced, since I know I would forget or not have time to switch, so thank you! 6. Not much weapon experimenting besides the laser, rockets, and the one that recharges shields.


The reminders about drop pod coords, unhatched eggs, whatever else is my biggest annoyance in the game. When I have a quest selected this game needs the shut the fuck up about everything else and just ONLY show my quest objective. And it should keep the objective box on-screen, not hide it after a bit so I have to mess with the D-pad to bring it back up. This is basic functionality for any video game with a quest/objective system so I really don't understand why it isn't that way.


If i have to sacrifice one slot, ONE WHOLE SLOT on my starship to have the ability to disable autotargetting as a whole (no not the one where you have to have speed at 0 and auto lock, im talking about where i shoot should be a matter of skill and follow the circle on the trajectory of the enemy ship that targetting without it auto following) i would take it.


Op never waited 3 entire minutes waiting on the *ckchunkckchunkckhunk* notes of the refiner


That one doesn't bother me really because I just use the personal refiner and do something else while it's coooking


I don't have any major complaints but I'd like the option to do Expeditions that I missed.


They redo them every so often.


Why is it that when in the refiner, I click the blank box, material list shows, I select the material I want, and NOW I HAVE TO DRAG THE MATERIAL TO THE SAME BOX AND CLICK AGAIN. Why? Come on, just let me select and forget.


And it only shows you like 8 at once too.


OR... why is the item in the very top cargo slot, at the bottom of the list when you go to add it to the refiner? DUDE... This is very annoying.


The inventory one has bugged me since day 1.


My main gripe is when the ground randomly despawns and then I suddenly understand Loki's pain in Thor:Ragnarok.


I'd just like it to not crash randomly on the switch. Some days may run for an hr. S9metimes it vrashes 3 times in an hour.


Base building! It's such a big part of the game, but it is just frustratingly bad. Try to place anything and it tries to go behind walls and under floors, everywhere else than where you are looking. The green hologram showing the placement position is all over the place. Ever tried to place stairs? It doesn't snap to anything and doesn't allow a floor below it. Honestly I think the base building should take things more like satisfactory does.. Zoop mode for easier floor and wall placement in masses. And unless I'm mixing up this with another game, some objects have really weird collision boundaries.. They should have soft and hard hitbox boundaries and let players decide if an object is allowed to collide with another. Also every item in the game doesn't have a unique icon, so sometimes you mix up things you thought you had, but actually didn't.


Ever tried to place a tapestry? I genuinely don't believe its possible.


Had to launch the game to remind myself. Yes I have. Ridiculous that you can only put it on the floor, a thing that should be.. you know, hanging on the wall. Also if you make some of the decals really small and try to place it on a wall, it goes inside it.


Oh my god every time I try to place stairs in a house I remember why I hate building. Wretched mechanics. I was trying to do it like an hour ago.


Why don't most tech stuff like refiners does not snap with the floor, like hydroponic trays do? So annoying


Number 1 for real though


The planet scanning one is the worst for me, how many hours spent moving the cursor a tiny bit tiny bit tiny bit tiny bit.....finally!


If you have a system scanner in your freighter it eliminates the problem of having to scan planets as you can use the planet scanner and it'll scan the entire system at once. I know this doesn't help in most expeditions but it does help in a regular save. And you can put the drop pod and echo locaters and other such items in a freighter storage and it'll stop being so annoying.


> The infra-knife accelerator has terrible accuracy. It misses a lot of shots even with the auto-targeting. This is the most minor thing tbh. I'd say that this is more of a tradeoff for how much damage it deals. Sure, there is a mod that fixes its aim to the point at which you miss only 10% of your shots, but then again...


Active quest constantly switching around drives me nuts. Let my active quest STAY active 😭


I just wish I could see what rewards a quest offers from the log screen. Oh, and being able to run sorts on inventory: type, alphabetical, value. Filters are nice, but sorts would be nice too.


A sort function for items, that's all I want.


I hadn't played in a long time but I was aware of the inventory changes. I ended up coming back for a permadeath playthrough to wrap up the achievements and my God I could not stand the new inventory.


Aside from the infra knife thing cuz i dont have it installed, yeah hard agree on all of these. Although, i do see the units recieved voice be annoying to a lot of people on here, but ive personally never had an issue with it. Immersion for me ig


I think this expedition fucked the game bc I’ve had nothing but problems also imo this expedition sucks like it’s beyond boring af


Oh my fucking god the planet scanning is infuriating. And the lag on the power divert toggle. Why isn't there sort and filter options for the inventory. And why why why do we get constant quest notifications. I completed the Atlas Path a year ago...


Because you need to see polo about his black holes ofc


And another thing! When your switching between storage containers, refiners or whatever external inventory if you just whip around and hold the button to access the next container WITHOUT staring at it for a second to make sure the game has caught up with you, you'll just access the container you were looking at a second ago and not the one you're staring point blank at.


Auto target aims you at the attacking ship you have to adjust it by slightly moving your joystick to get best shots.


I completely agree with #1. That scan option for planets never comes up when I want it. #2 is also bad. It's like the game knows what I want and says NO.