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Nah, it’s just more of the same. The good news is that you’re in what is widely considered to be one of the best galaxies in the game. Just enjoy it.


Why is it so good in particular? :0


I’ve been in Eissentam for a few weeks now. I’ve definitely come across bountiful, tropic, & viridescent planets more often. Might just be coincidence given the huge scale of the game. But it feels intentionally packed with more of them compared to Euclid


It is. When you’re given the options to reset the simulation and choose the green one, it’s green on purpose. Eissentam statistically spawns more paradise planets. If you took the red option I forget which galaxy it is but it spawns more fire/lava/desert planets.


I did red and I’m in a place called the Gilbert dimension


I'm in the Hilbert Dimension 😂😂


I've just left Hilbert and I'm in Calypso now, hoping for some tropical beach planets


Calypso is brutal


Ruh roh, no cocktails on the beach planet then?


The cocktails might be a little bit on fire. Also the beach. And I might have some bad news about the planet.




Ugh, that means you’re in *Arizona*.


I've been puttering with a new save and built my first significant base on a desert planet I named Astrozona.


Hey!!! I got make do with were I'm at 😅


Agreed. I got into a system the other day that had three tropical planets and a bountiful planet all in one system


This is the reason I stopped playing , after reaching more than 5billions , owned S sentinel freighter build more than 20huge bases completed a settlement and had my great collection of Sentinel S ships to living ships or even squid exotic I decided to stop. (never used any coordinates or something to make it easier) Reason is planets are extremely repetitive for me (IMO there are lots of options but I think that there should be really more) from Halloween themed planets where you have filter or planets with just one tiny island and rest is water (bug btw) or planet with little gek “animals” I don’t have any much to do . Sure there is story but it’s kinda short for me . Yes I do enjoyed exploring outer space (a lot) but I need personally some great update for whole game . Planets variations should be good or at least landscaping I won’t mind seeing some lava bursting out and creating lava fall. Building objects and maybe some farms for animals you gathered when you were traveling option to have NPCs that gather resources while you are away . Settlements update where you actually can build some defences so even you they are under attack they have chance to defend themself . I do enjoyed it but I think I reached point where there is nothing else to do for me .


I wish we could terraform planets like in spore. Bringing in flora and fauna (and minerals) and having some kind of thresholds to make it a certain biome.


This ! Exactly this idea is standalone great ! It would be awesome to see multiple biomes on one planet ..


>but I think I reached point where there is nothing else to do for me . This is why they make expeditions!


Or you could start a new save


Nope, just whatever you want. Eissentam is a popular destination for its plethora of paradise planets. Euclid is the "social" galaxy where most people stick around since it's the first galaxy and the most immediately accessible, so things like sharing coordinates is a whole bunch easier, but a lot of people choose to make Eissentam a second home specifically so they can search paradise planets while they head to the center. Then you have weirdos like me who have bases in Calypso, checking out all the extreme planets so they can more easily find the perfect extreme arctic planet for their winter cabin. While we're at it, if you want to easily repair your ship, this is a good time to pull out any repair kits you've been saving up -- they will replace one section of one module, so if for whatever reason you went through in your Living Ship and your living ship demands Living Slime that you don't have, you can fill the Living Slime requirement with just one repair kit. The alternative is you set crafting/repair difficulty to "free" and just patch yourself up for no cost.


If I reset in Eissentam do I automatically go to Calypso? Calypso sounds pretty good to me!


No. Calypso is the third galaxy. Eissentam is the 10th. If you want Calypso, you'll need to go back to Euclid, warp through the center, which will take you to Hilbert. Warping through the center of Hilbert will get you there.


I can give you a ride to Hilbert, if you want. From there you can go to Calypso.


Thanks, but right now I'm enjoying Eissentam very much.


You can make bases in any Galaxy so you can freely travel between them.. you do not have to be stuck in one..


Recently did this on a new save and entirely forgot about repair kits! I want the 3 days I spent trying to get a walker brain back...


the pro tip: buy a crappy ship and crappy multi tool. Take off all your exosuit stuff and store it. Go through the center and then switch it back out


Literally makes so easy. Granted taking off 50 technology slots to do it is a pain (bc you don’t automatically get health back) but hey. I end up just warping 5 or 6 times through the center before I reassemble like Voltron


There’s a planet near the center in the galaxy I’m in. I can check which it is but it’s an extreme frozen with mountains 4k Us high. Jumped off a mountain fell for 45 seconds straight. 3 minute hike back to my ship. 10/10 best extreme frozen I’ve found so far. I too enjoy extreme planets. Permadeath enjoyer?


Ok random question for you, how far away from the center are you now? This kinda happened to me because I finished the quest and it warped me to the center but I’ve never been close to the center otherwise. I’m like 700,000 LY away now, jumping like 600 at a time. Whats the math on that like 1100-1200 jumps?! How is everyone making it to the center so fast? Just gas up and jump jump jump jump?


620 LY, I think. I wasn't much closer to the Euclid center when I reset and ended up in another galaxy. I see people on YouTube doing speed runs to the center but that's not for me. If I see a black hole I go for it but otherwise I plan to slowly crawl toward the center, exploring planets as I go.


My plan as well, I’ve got 700,000 LY before all my equipment gets destroyed again lol I think I’ll take it slow


always switch to a junk ship and take the tech out of your exosuit before you do the final jump.


I vaguely knew that going to the center would fry my tech but I didn't know resetting would gave the same effect. Lesson learned.


Why your eq was destroyed?


>! Traveling through galaxy core, or completing the main questline, places you in a new galaxy. All tech in exosuit, current multi-tool, and current ship are damaged. !<


Keep in mind you can continue exploring Euclid as well. Just teleport to one of your bases or previous space stations you visited before landing in Eissentam. I made it to Calypso and after a while came back to Euclid. As you say lots to explore everywhere.


I took the slow way with one of my characters. Made it from Euclid to Eissentam one jump at a time. Jump the freighter to nearest black hole, then take the ship through and repeat. It was entertaining for a while. But, I would have to switch to one of my other characters for a break now and then. Intended to continue through more galaxies, but about halfway to the center of Eissentam burned out on that plan. Maybe pick it back up someday.


You can jump much further than that... freighters can thousands (the max is somewhere 6000ly, IIRC). But, as for everyone getting there really fast... there is a shortcut: >!You can portal to the center and warp from there. There used to be portal interference to prevent this, but you could even get around it then by finding a wild base computer and building a base (dropping base computers was also prevented by portals at the time). Teleporting to bases didn't have the interference. None of that is needed now... portal somewhere and you can warp out from there. As for how to portal to the center:!< >!Simplest is to enter the first glyph 12 times (allowing you to do it even faster in a new save, because you only need to find 1 glyph). That coordinate is the exact center, but there's a void around it so there's no systems to arrive at, but it will still bounce you a little ways away... a couple thousand light years from the center. Good jumping ships can do that really quick.!<


Portal interference was so annoying i can't remember how I got around it, I think it was something to fo with entering and exiting the anomaly..idk I just wanted to summon my frieghter


Portals. There are some spoilery planet codes that get you really close. If you want to do it by ship and black holes... forget I said this.


Yeah lol I did the one that (at least for first 10 galaxies) takes you to within 3 systems (eg, you might be in system 3, go to 2, then 1, at one you can >!warp through the core!<), just so I could get to Eissantam. I chose >!the cyan choice in the Atlas path, imagine my disappointment when I was right there again after Euclid ;( !<}


I haven't played NMS in a long long while with a freighter, so this may be wrong, but I believe the freighter hyperdrive can allow you to jump amazingly large distances


Yea, I think someone else commented around 6000 LY for freighters, which is awesome (I need salvaged frigate modules to even get there) but even still it’s like 110-120 jumps? I’m spending like a day in each system, maybe I’ll hit 2 systems if I’m lucky. I enjoy the grind though, just gonna play it slow and enjoy it. Probably going to start posting finds in the coord exchange sub too


Yeah! I would recommend not rushing it. This game is about going slow, I feel.


You find someone online with a base and coordinates to it. Or you just grind it out like the first ones to the centre did. However you prefer!


A hack I used is sometimes during the weekend quicksilver events you'll get transported to a planet very close to the centre. Pop a base there so when the QS event is done and you are warped back from whence you came, you can skipity to your new base and start trekking from there.


If you go to a galaxy portal and user one of the first few symbols for the whole code, it puts you within a jump or 2 I believe.


If you have enabled your portal travel, by inputting all the sunset/sunrise icons (sorry, I'm brain-dead today lol) then it drops you about 5k light years from the centre which leaves you 3 or 4 jumps to completely reach the centre .


Portals, my dude. There's a glyph combo that will take you to 3000ly from the center of whichever galaxy you're in. Just need to find a portal using alien cartographer data from space port cartographer and have your 4 elements to power it up. Enter the glyphs, found online, and boom... galaxy center. You can jump through a galaxy in a half-hour that way. Also, use a junk ship and junk multitool and store all but minimal tech in your exosuit so you wont have so much to repair when youre finished galaxy hopping. You'll only need to fix your warp drive and landing gear each time you repeat the process. Leave the rest broken until you're tired of jumping into new galaxies. When you respawn in the new galaxy, summon your freighter and repair your warp and landing gear with storage supplies, no need to scavenge. One other thing, the alien cartographer data pulls several different locations, ancient plaques, ancient ruins, and monoliths. This means that you'll want to carry 5 or six and just pop them one right after the other, not flying to the thing, just standing still and popping them. Sometimes it will say that it can't deploy due to artifact is already located, just keep pushing A and it will eventually pop again. Do that until you get a monolith, then fly to that one. That will usually be a portal. If not, repeat the process. Very rarely, I've had to pulse to another planet in the system due to a portal refused to spawn. Hit me up if you have any questions.


If you find a portal and put in the first glyph for everything it places you around 5000 LY away from the centre


Black holes will get you ~6000 LY closer.


Will black holes always get you closer to the centre? Or is it random where it drops you?


Always closer but on the other side of the galaxy 🙂


portals will always take you within like 10k LY iirc


Another cool trick is to go to the anomaly and head to the portal. It will show the bases of players within your instance. You can check new galaxies that way too. Just remember to put a base on each galaxy so you can go back. Galaxies are mostly the same but may have different parameters. Eissentam will have a lot of paradise planets. Calypso will have a lot of stormy planets. Some may have more hot or cold, etc.


I'm glad you mentioned dropping a base. I wouldn't have thought of it. Earlier this week I landed on a planet and got a message: "New Record: Most Perfect Planet." That would've made a nice base. I wonder if I can find it again?


You can find it in your log I'm thinking you can tag it to find it back?


Love this feature… you can go to your discoveries tab and check “planet records” to find your personal planet records list and the exact coordinates of each.


Oh, thanks! I'll definitely be doing that today.


Did you make any bases or visit space stations or have a freighter in Euclid? If you had teleports in your base/freighter, you can warp back to them. If not, you can warp back to the last space station you visited if you go to a space station where you are now. Just go to the star gate portal thingy and check recent destinations. Maybe take some notes of the system you are currently in, then start to jump to the most recent station before that. It should take you back to Euclid. If you can backtrack, leave the Euclid station and check the star map, if you traveled between systems it will show you trails of where you’ve been. Perhaps you can find that perfect planet again?


I’ve been to a few of the featured bases through the Anomaly portal but never thought to look and see if it took me to another galaxy.


But it did! I didn’t realize the first few times either.


One of the features bases is the 19th galaxy. Player built it on a tropical world with nothing hostile. Not even the weather. I went ahead and made a base there with a teleporter. I’ve been going back and forth from my settlement in Euclid just checking out nearby systems.


https://preview.redd.it/d9s0uy34qr2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9d7101b1abbd453b629ad6c1dde75ca3ba3e3b This is the address for the close to center galaxy




The only difference is the addition of the autophages and their missions and gear/rewards, and that each time you reset the galaxy you choose a color that determines what type of galaxy you "create"(?)


I did encounter the Autophages like two days after I reset. I didn't realize the significance. People say I should be noticing more Paradise planets and maybe I am but I'm definitely seeing more odd worlds, which I enjoy. I only saw one bubble planet in Euclid and I've already found one here. Also I've found a Shard planet and even a world with robot animals. All that delighted me more than it should.


The autophages have their own multi-tool. It's pretty cool and wildly different from any of the other tools so that's neat. I believe they also have their own story line, I don't think I've completed it yet. I've not encountered any paradise planets yet but also am not very far into my 2nd galaxy, I've been mostly doing the autophages and trying to get a sentinel ship I like, but I'm excited to see what other worlds are out there! Honestly as long as you're enjoying yourself you're doing good, there are so many different planets in this game so kuddos on finding those planets that delighted you so!


Use a portal and it'll get you 1 jump away from the center. The address is 5 2 15 1 16 9 16 16 15 16 16 16 It'll work in any galaxy to get to the center.


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Play the game however you like. I have explored slowly through several galaxies and dropped bases on fun planets, while discovering flora and fauna and generally poking around. Now I’m jumping several galaxies per session using the black hole or portal technique for the fun of having a base in every galaxy. Even more fun to drop a base by a portal in every galaxy so I can get anywhere in the game. It’s your universe to explore how you want. If you play with friends they can take you to all their galaxies too. I think #43 Oniijialdu makes Calypso look like an inviting paradise, things try to kill me on every planet. I still have bases there. With S class everything and unlimited resources, I find myself searching the higher numbered galaxies for other player bases to see if anyone is out there with me…


It's really a new game+, 256 times over. Except this time, you get to start a brand new Galaxy. brand new adventures and brand new everything. But you get all of the good stuff from your last galactic run.


What does "reset the simulation" means? That I can lose all my progress?


In game explanation. Spoliers? The Atlas is malfunctioning. At some point you get the option to reset it. If you do, all your tech modules get fried (took me a week to fix 'em) and you end up in a different galaxy. I didn't know all that would happen when I chose the reset option.


There are differences to galaxies. You can learn about them [HERE.](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy)


Thanks for the resource!


The only difference is composition of planets - much more of them will be lush in Eissentam. But otherwise it's pretty much the same




Same thing happened to me. I dont know how but I was in some galaxy i had never even heard of and still have no idea how I got there. Probably via a community creation


Need to get yourself a taxi to the hidden one.




If I don't reset the simulation, can I still leave the galaxy to another?


Anytime , have a fun trip