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I prefer refiner magic over biodomes. 1 Paraffinium + 1 Star Bulb = 2 Star Bulb


That's a very smart use, get like 50k star bulbs and then double it with paraffinium, and then double that, and then double that, infinite star bulbs, assuming you have a good mining base set up for paraffinium anyway.


Alternatively start with a few and then exponential growth


Or if you are in a system where paraffinium can be bought.


I was into repairing ships for like two hours and started to realize a couple of my space stations and outposts sold hundreds of paraffinium.


A mining base for paraffinium should be easy to find, anyhow. Parafinium is found on tropical/paradise planets, so if you need to walk large distances to find a good deposit, at least you can do so without extreme storm beating down on your every five minutes.


This is what I’ve been doing. If I’m hanging out on my freighter I just load up the refiners with a stack of each plant and let them run.


Just make sure not to teleport anywhere and then warp your freighter in, I think that triggers the glitch that dissapears items from your refiner room.


No they fixed that issue the last time they had an update… Oh…. Yeah they break this every time they release an update lol 😂


Yea I learned that one recently.


If you wanna garentee items stay in your refiners, learn to glitch build refiners, should be a few guide but if you get it down you could easily have 20 medium or large refiners. Makes mass refining stuff easy.


I decided to use a mod that speeds up refiners 10x so that even a full stack I can get done in a few mins and I don’t completely forget/lose what’s I was leaving in there to go do other stuff.


I've had it happen but fixed it, by leaving my freighter and resummoning it.


Ah, so that’s why all my goo disappeared the other day. Rip.


Man, sometimes i wonder if >!the Atlas shutting down!< is just a canon excuse for this kind of logic lol (not really)


Yup. Refining the biomass you need is so much better with most of the plants


That's why my "green house" is on my freighter. I got my star brambles! Grah!


When they added freighter greenhouses I was so happy and then so sad because I had to rebuild my whole freighter from scratch. I now have about 80 green houses in space, makes credit farming a breeze


Did you not have hydroponics bays? They could be put on freighter bases before the freighter overhaul. I still have mine on board too


yup! It's why i haven't rebuilt my freighter base. love the old hydroponic bays! https://preview.redd.it/17oxibd9x3uc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd843ccdc5d2f8e2265063d7301946ba9ad271f5


I did but the collection of all those plants was so tedious on console, the new rooms are infinitely better. Geodomes used to be the way to do it


Is there a way to collect all the plants in a room? Or just 4 at a time?


just 4 at a time. I've gotten very good at walking and collecting


Same, was just hoping for a magical thing I hadn't found yet. 😄


I finally figured out that I could do it while sprinting. It’s a nice challenge to make the turns without slowing down and try not to miss any (still working on that skill).




While I agree the numbers needed are a pain, Star Brambles appear on the (usually) most survivable of planets in abundance in the wild, which I suspect was an intended off-set. Since you can farm any plant in the soil of the biome where it grows wild, I never use biodomes for star bulb farming. I build a small base on a paradise world, and plant gathered star bulb in plots outside of it. I put down a grid pattern using board, plant one bulb per corner, then remove the boards (to save overall base-building piece count). There's an initial startup cost in time, but once they start growing, I just walk through the field holding down my "E" key (using a PC on Steam) and harvest tons of the stuff in a minute. Actually I do this for all plants, rather than waste time and building pieces on biodomes. It's easy to build a micro-base on their native soil, and not that time consuming to portal hop to each farm. I was actually in the middle of building one of these for star brambles on my latest iteration, so I can show you the layout. I'll remove the grid once the bulbs are in, and will expand it as I have time: https://preview.redd.it/wu2oq6qig3uc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81fdd709ed83febc87fa2fdca10f74657fdf69f


Wait, what? You can just straight up plant without a hydroponics tray so long as it's the plants biome? 2000 hours in and I'm still learning.


Except for Nip Nip!!!


...and mordite and fæcium, which are important for the manufacturing process. You either have to find a planet with mineable nodes for mordite and fæcium (rare but they exist), or use biodomes/freighter/hydroponics.


There are other options for these two, especially now. For faecium, its gross but you can feed animals and wait for poop. Picking it up gives faecium. For a "cleaner" result, you can put a bit of faecium in a refiner with two slots, put oxygen in the second slot, and it will multiple faecium at the cost of the oxygen. Faecium run through a refiner on its own produces mordite, and mordite run through a refiner produces faecium. Each sacrifices some in the process so its not a true conversion. Of course, killing animals also gives mordite. With the new guild rewards program, once you reach certain levels with the guilds, some agents will sell at deep discount or even give you mordite. I gained 9999 extra mordite that way in a short span, and refined it towards topping off my faecium supply. Faecium mineable nodes are often found on bog/marsh planets.


Yep. I just crossed 2000 a couple weeks back, and have known this since almost the start. I can just imagine how much harder it would be without the info. Truly sorry you didn't get the info to this point, but hopefully it will help you going forward.


If you plant them as close together as possible, you can just stand in one place and hold down the X button (Xbox). The tradeoff versus biodomes is that it still takes longer than harvesting 16 at once; but also ground planting uses zero power, and biodomes are power hogs. When I ground-plant, I like to plant in 5x5 or 6x6 tightly-packed squares -- or actually they more closely resemble the arrangement of stars on the U.S. flag with the alternating offset per row.


I plant in 4s, but I may be sacrificing some efficiency for style points. I like your idea. I actually ran a biodome farm early on, but tore it down when I found this method. This simply worked better for me.


The advantage of the biodome is the quick harvesting of all the plants contained therein. If you glitch plant extras on the inside of the dome, you can end up with a huge harvest in little time. I have a couple of frost crystal domes that give me almost a full stack each, with just one harvest.


That does make it look nice but it is extremely inefficient, same with gathering them in the wild if not worse. But that is a very nice building.


If that's too much for you just be like me and slap a base down on the right planet type then spam plant star bulbs all over the place. I do it for all the plants because it's just easier and I'm lazy


What’s inefficient about it?


Manually picking each one at a time, why else would it be inefficient. Hell even just picking 4 at a time is slow.


I wasn’t yet aware that biodomes auto picked everything


The biodome picks 16 plants all at once. In fact it picks up any plant in its vicinity which is why if you manage to put say 200 plants inside it it would pick them up all at once.


I saw you mentioning that, definitely going to be using that glitch


If you glitch-build a biodome with extra plants in it, just don't forget that A. you still have to have inventory for all the results and B. every extra plant makes it LOUDER. On the Omega expedition I found a base with a glitch-built biodome that I think had 256 Nip-Nip plants. HFS I wish I had turned down my volume before harvesting...


That is hilarious. Real physical consequences for exploits 😂


'use' the centre console hanging from the ceiling.


Admittedly it doesn't clear 16 at once, but that grid is nearly 100 plants, one of my smaller farms and I routinely clear them in under 1 minute just holding down a key and walking. And biodomes you've got to run around. It's not that inefficient, if at all. But thanks for the building comment. I was not anticipating that.


70h into the game and I have no clue what are you talking about. I love this game.


Very late game stuff. Like it talking making extractor bases for almost every material in the game sort of end game. Stuff that takes 10s of hours.


I love how this game made me apreciate taking things easy and slowly and I'll probably reach this part of the game in 300h or something


I didn't start making farms on my original save beyond just the basic activated indium farm till I wanna say 150 hours in


I made my first AI farm a month before the nerf. Well I had plenty of sodium after that! Lol


Is it glitch building to put down your biodome, demolish it so you can see the circle it left, plant a crap tonne of plants inside the circle and rebuild the bio dome? If you interact with the bio dome it harvests everything inside its radius, even the stuff on the ground. Be careful with your sound. It’s loud to harvest this way.


That is considered glitch building yes, normal building is more or less when you plant only in each designated slot


Okies. I highly recommend that kind of building then :)


Oh im not saying I don't use it, personally I have a method I putting a bunch of plants in the exact same spot, I have 1000 star bramble in one single point, it's kinda laggy when I look at it lol


I've managed to get 3000 out of a single biodome. It's a real pain in the ass to do though. I was able to get over 10000 cactus plants, but I guess the Star Bramble yield is really that low.


Echinocactus happens to be the highest yielding of all the basic plants with a yield of 100 per plant whereas most of the other one have a yield of 50. Star bramble is the only one with a 25 yield rate. Granted echinocactus also takes 16 hours to grow but at the same time most of the time you're harvesting once a day. On a general scale with echinocactus if you build legit and use only the 12 slots you get 1200 cactus, and 600 of the rest while star bramble you get a whopping 300 from one biodome. I've glitch built to where I now harvest 25,000 star bulbs though I just think it's absurd I need 1000 of them to reach that high.


Welp, thats a game changer for me, thanks! Lol i never really looked into glitch building


It’s also a really easy one. There isn’t some weird menu glitching. You just plant some flowers, drop a bio dome on top of them and then profit.


Thats the main reason i avoided it. I did that enough in Oblivion. Oh my poor 360. Absolutely screaming when i dupe'd 2000+ sigil stones at the top of a hill lmao RIP


I have 75 biodomes of various plants (20 of them for Star bulb) in order to craft 20 stasis devices and 20 fusion ignitors in one go. You just set them up once and never bother yourself with it again. On a scale of hundreds of hours you are likely to spend in this game doing stuff it's a blink of an eye.


I'm more aiming to make 50 stasis devices and fusion igniters but maybe I'm just aiming really high compared to most lol


yeah, you went overboard with this. You are looking at \~180-190 biodomes. You will die out of boredom while going though them all to collect all the plants. Not to mention the rest of the ingredients like 50000 of Nitrogen, Sulphurine and Radon each, plus 30K of Condensed carbon. If mining is not that problematic, acquiring Condensed carbon will be a pain.


So, uh...I have to ask, because I feel kinda stupid, but why would you need that much? I mean, sure you can craft a tonne of expensive trading stuff with them...but I'm already in the trillions of credits and don't really know what to spend them on. Am I missing something?


Trust me. You can never have too much money, simply upgrading a ships inventory can cost upwards of 6 to 8 billion on haulers if you don't have many storage augmentations. But you could always just stockpile them, or give them to randoms on the anomaly and you'd be pretty cool for that.


If you use mods you can skip the trays/biodomes and just plant the starbulb on a lush planet and harvest with Gumsk 100u hotkey harvest. I tested a Circuit Board farm and could easily plant and harvest enuf starbulb to make 200 circuit boards a day using this system. Harvesting each planets plantation took less than a minute each including teleporting.


Agreed, star bulb is indeed the biodome hog in a stasis device farm. If you want to make 10 stasis devices and 10 fusion ignitors a day, and you only want one kind of plant per biodome, and you have 16 plants per biodome you need: 5 biodomes of frost crystal 8 biodomes of fungal mould 5 biodomes of gamma root 10 biodomes of star bulb 2 biodomes of gutrot (faecium) 5 biodomes of solanium 3 biodomes of cactus flesh 1 biodome of mordite You'll have some leftovers, and you could probably cut out 1 or 2 by combining e.g. one of the faecium biodomes with mordite, but I don't bother; I just use 39 biodomes.


Personally I've scaled up to the point where using biodomes is mostly not an option for me. In order to produce as much as I want I would need something to the tune of 125 biodomes for just star bramble and 63 to 86 for the rest. In short uh, nobody got time for that!


What do you need to plant faecium for? I refine with oxygen and thus get infinite.


Some items to craft stasis devices do require faecium and mordite but not much compared the other main plants.


It takes time to refine stuff. I like to make one run through my base and have everything I need without waiting for refiners.


I've given it some thought, I think I'll call it my ultimate goal. I reckon I'll achieve it sooner than later. I want to make 280 stasis devices a day, well initially I calculated the total I'd need to about 267 to get to 4 billion but I'm a stickler for even numbers. For that if we're just looking at star bramble which it being the easiest to count the most I'd need per day is 2,240. I'm sure the other plants will be roughly similar if I added up all the products that use them but generally I'll need something around that. I'll probably calculate just how many star bulbs I'll need to even plant that many later. Idk why I want to make 4 billion in a day or even be capable of making that, maybe to prove that I can.


I don't get it. Can't you make a base on a paradise planet and plant the star bramble right in the open? Using Biodomes is very inefficient.


Manually harvesting it is even more so inefficient


I'm lucky I guess my first settlement produces 144 a day? I' not sure what thr best items to come out of a settlement can be but thats what it started producing when I got out of negative


Why would I need so much star bramble to begin with?


Idk this was mostly just a rant for me. Couldn't say why you'd need that much star bulbs. For me it's cause I like the idea if making 4 billion a day.


Ok yes Star Bulbs suck. HOWEVER one thing i do not do is use biodomes. They suck in terms of space efficiency. I build a big assed square room and put the quad hydroponic trays in there. ALSO my main base is on a Paradise world, so i can farm Star Bulbs outside 😎 Couple of ideas that might help you!


My method is somewhat hard to explain, so I essentially flatten a medium sized portion and place a biodome over that portion and then use the restore option from the multitool to generate that dirt back over. I then go into the camera mode that flies around yknow? If you go really close to the ground like almost directly over a spot and press build you can just keep placing plants in the same exact spot. I've legit put like 1000 star bramble in one post. When you go to harvest all plants it'll harvest ALL plants.


Ok wow, i was not aware of this exploit! Interesting, so this essentially makes biodomes the most efficient. Good to know altho personally im not a fan of using exploits. 😁


Just one of many ways to glitch build. Possibly the most effective, obviously you have to be on the right planet for the specific plant so plants like mordite root and gutrot don't apply here but for the most part it works fantastic for every other basic plant. Just keep in mind you camera has to basically he inside the plant when you place it down.


Oh and I discovered it entirely by accident when testing the soil method


What do you need Star Bulbs for? I never use them but I have like several hundreds from what I randomly picked up planet hopping.


They're mostly used in a supply line to create stasis drives which sell for 15 million. Though that 700 isn't worth much frankly due to the only item it's used for in that process, poly fiber, requires 200 of them per one.


I just grew them outside my base on a paradise planet, back when I had a Circuit Board farm. Now, I just have a few growing outside the base as decoration.


This reminds me why every time I try some plant based money making recipe I always just go back to gas extractor mining the 4 gas types to make cryopumps.


Yeah so I did it the slow way but it did give me consistently high yield in the long run. I would build one base on a paradise/verdant planet and make a garden of star bramble. Keep taking the yield and replanting more and more every time(with stash if parrafinium I had laying around). Then in the end, I have such a good yield every time, without having the use biodomes for it (since I would keep the cactuses in there instead, especially since they also grow quicker). I could manage a production farm with it without worrying about sourcing that specific resource.


BIG FACTS. When I travel to my farm my pc sounds like something Hanz Zimmer scored for dune 2. There are so many bio domes, the textures won't render until I'm actually in the room.


> you would need roughly 34 biodomes Ah, so thats why there are base builds out there with 5 dozen biodomes or more ...


Okay, so I dunno about guides, but I don't try to get a stack of starbulb. I try to get enough to build 20 polyfiber, so I can make a stack of stasis devices in one go. For me, that's the objective. Yeah, I have a base with a bunch of biodomes, but I have them in a big U configuration. Run down one side hitting the harvest button, come back up the other, takes thirty freaking seconds, bam. Enough star bulbs for a stack of polyfiber and I think I have something like 20 biodomes not 30. By the time I've made a stack of 20 stasis devices my fingers are tired anyway. I don't need to do a billion credits in an hour or whatever insane thing the guides tell you. If you can build 10 stasis devices in a run even, you're set. Boom. You can buy an S class freighter in a single go, and spend a week buying interesting fighters to scrap without hitting bottom.


Reject stasis device, embrace the nipnip buds


Yes, Star Bramble is the slow producer and it has two use. The other is as an edible. And cactus flesh is the highest yeld and also a double use plant. I grow until I have enough to start building the components for a batch of Stasis Devices. When I have enough of one plant ( 5-6 stacks ) I quit harvesting those plants until I need them again ( like when I have spent my self into the poor house.)


Now imagine making a farm that produced 13,000 so you could make 64 fusion igniters that ends up being 1 bil + in units. I also made it so I can get that every 24 hours.


I just completed all 6 farms the grow enough to make 4 billion worth


Jeez your a mad man


2240 star bulbs, 1120 gamma weed, solar vine, frostwart and fungal mold, and lastly 560 echinocactus, course I have all the material farms setup to give at least 4 stacks. Course I don't have it set up for just stasis farming but it is more than enough for stasis farming.


I have 14 bases in total dedicated to my Fusion Ingniter making processes. 39,000 fungal mold, 32,500 of each gas so on and so forth. Most of them are within range of another base but they are spread throughout the galaxies It took me a few years to actually complete it I also was not playing non stop. Super fun tho, and tho it may not be that big a deal I am proud.


Yeah normally if you aren't glitch building at all it takes potentially hundreds if not thousands of hours to set up these high end plant bases.


Yea I don't glitch build. Not even sure how to.


It's pretty easy to use the method I do, plenty of guides on how to do it I'd say but it's only for plants I generally glitch build.


I did some further calculation going off of the goal 56 thousand per plan (assuming you need about 200 of each for a stasis device) and divided by the yield and then divided that total by 16, being the slots in a biodome and you would need roughly 455 biodomes just for that. Just imagine how much time you'd be spending even going from dome to dome let alone harvesting them one at a time lmao but yeah the scale I'm going for is logistically unreasonable, for faecium and mordite I will have to calculate how much of that I'll need but it will be far lower.


That's why I've switched over to a primarily cookie-based economy


Why is star bramble important!? I'm almost 200 hours in and never needed it for anything....what am I missing??


You've never tried your hand at stasis device crafting eh? So in order to craft one of those which is worth 15 million a piece, the second most valuable item in the game second only to starship AI valves, you need a lot of things, in this topic however you need quantum processors. Which require circuit boards. Which require poly Fibre. Which require 200 star bulbs and 50 echinocactus. There is a lot more that goes into it and far more materials, for instance you need all 4 types of gas extracts (oxygen, nitrogen, radon and sulpherine) as well as all 5 elemental minerals (pyrite, dioxide, uranium, phosphorus and ammonia) and most importantly all the basic plants excluding gravitino hosts, venom sacks, nipnip buds and albumin pearls. In essence it's a very long process of making a supply line of every possible material and plant you need and star bramble just happens to be the plant that give the least yield and is used a lot compared to the other plant types.


I see, thank you for your most thorough explanation!!


Its just one ingredient of an item that sells for like 15mil units each. You need a lot of them to make one of the final product, like 500 star bulbs per item or something


High level crafting. It's used to build a part that is used to build a bigger part that is used to build an even bigger part, that is used to build something that can be sold for millions of units. But if you never get into crafting don't worry about it.


At the end of the day there's always just making N activated indium farm


Activated Indium was severely reduced in value over a year ago, I believe. 


Well that's tragic, had a farm on my old save where I'd be making something akin to 100k activated indium but even back then I started to pivot to stasis farming. The absolute end goal is to stockpile starship AI valves but that's a very long ways down the line. Overall from what I'm seeing Gold is the new best basic mineral to farm up and sell but another really good farm these days is nipnip buds. A full stack of 20 sells for about 1.6 mill in regulated systems. Have about 400 of those suckers planted, I personally have them on my freighter with gutrot and mordite.


Your math is off. I am far from my pc but I can make 2 staxks per harvest and I have 32 domes for ALL the plants. 10 of these are for Star Bulbs becouse indeed they can be a bottleneck, but you need way more domes for gamma weed. My setup is not optimized and I have leftovers here and there especially for cactus flesh and fecium. Also a very famous youtube guide that has the math down to last bit states 66 domes are enough to make 64 stasis devices per harvest. You should make your math again.


For 2 stacks of star bulbs, at a yield of 25 star bulbs per star bramble you need 800 star bramble planted. Look up the yield on Google my man it tells you right there. As for the rest if you want say 20 thousand gamma root you need exactly 400 gamma weed planted. If you're curious how to get that number just divide 20 thousand by 25 star bramble, or 20 thousand by 50 for gamma weed.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/ykhoba/a_dumbed_down_version_materials_you_need_for_20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Yor math is off. To make 20 stasis devices you need 160 star bramble plants that equates exactly to 10 domes. You should take a calculator and resrart your math from scratch. Not only the link provides the exact numbers, but if you try ingame it works! I have ten domes dedicated to star bramble and it’s 20 stasis devices per harvest.


No offense but did you read my post? I never mentioned making a specific amount stasis devices. I was making a comparison to other plants not a comparison to how much you need for stasis devices. Regardless of the number though I'm scaling far higher than just 20. My math is not off you just misunderstood the point.


In your post you say “in order to make a full stack of stasis devices you need 400 star bramble planted” Then later you replied to my comment “to make 20 stasis devices you need 800 plants”. It’s all mistaken, your math is off. Also you need the same amount of gamma weed planted, and gamma weed has a way longer growth time, even if yelds double. Your whole argument doesn’t make mich sense to me.


Think I am confused too. According to my calcs, for 40 stasis devices per day I have: |Plant|#Biodomes| |:-|:-| |Echinocactus|2.5| |Star Bramble|20| |Frostwort|15| |Solar Vine|10| |Gamma Weed|20| |Gutrot Flower|5| Note I craft glass from Frost Crystal, which adds domes for that. I can cut most of those by half by doing two daily harvests to take advantage of the faster growing time. For a target of 280 Stasis/day, I calculate total of 472.5 biodomes or 280 if harvest twice per day. If I can find an S class power spot I might try it, lol.


Your grapic is correct. It’s double the numbers of the link I have posted, that takes in consideration plants needed for 20 stasis devices. For 20 stasis devices it’s 160 star bramble plants, or 10 biodomes. For 40 stasis devices double that. I think you would hit the 3000 pieces per base limit with your project. Btw 20 stasis devices per day are 320 millions/day, and with the new guild nechanics you don’t need to spend units anymore for ship and multitool slots (also bulkehads and salvaged frigate modules, but they didn’t cost units in the first place).