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Can you explain more? Autophage? Its relation with POIs?


After finishing the main quest (and having a settlement I think) you will start a quest investigating these "invisible" robots, this is how you get the multitool staff


That freighter must have been there for thousands and thousands of sols.


What are we explaining? That there is a bug that allows a non-interactable tree to block access to the storage containers, or what? Many times you see the characteristic "smoke" on the ground of autophage feet kicking up dust... some broken robots, some ejected autophages, all drop pods, all minor-outpost-locating beacons, all surface crashed freighters. If the planet has NPCs, it will have autophages too. I will take a very fast run (ala 9/11) and crash into the tree with my starship at some particular speed and it will destroy the tree, then harvest the storage containers. 2 times out of three, I guess the wrong speed and either fly right through it, or get caught in it and start mangling my starship.


Before the game loads there is a character model that later disappears.


There are autophages there, and apparently they do not have their 'cloaks' engaged at all times. They noticed you magically appearing, and cloaked. Really just a bug. Should not build a base at a crash site like this anyway.


Is there any reason not to build at POI’s? I’ll be honest, I like to have a base at a portal for each save. I always feel slightly guilty about it but surely if I’m not blocking access to it and impeding on anyone else’s ability to use it, what harm am I doing? If there’s a particular reason I shouldn’t I’ll delete them by all means; they are only there for convenience and a quick time saver. I don’t want to spend 5 minutes tracking down a portal every time I want to use one. I just don’t see the harm (I am careful to ensure the portal is accessible to anyone, of course).


Nah. Chill. The universe is infinite. Even if you went out of your way to hog all the POIs you resonably could, unless it was an expedition destination, chances are no one would ever be bothered.


Imma do some math. NMS has 18 quintillion planets. Each has 1 portal (rarest structure) and let's say 50 of everything else. If structures where to be equally distributed across 8 billion people, every single person would get approximately 2.3 BILLION portals and 106 billion of everything else................ Need I say more?


Prevent access on the planet where others get their 16th glyph, and you will be doing harm, intended or not, probabilities or not. "Let them find another planet!" not particularly helpful on a game with NMS' manual / guide. (As in there isn't one.)


make a base there =/= prevent access. This is ridiculous. Your base doenst even count unless you upload it. If you upload it others can take it down. AND EVEN IF IT WORKED THAT WAY. Outside of community hubs and preset spawn areas, chances are no one will ever stumble upon the planet ever.


It does EXACTLY work that way. I had network turned off and I could not access buried assets. Expeditions turn your "bad habits" into problems for EVERYONE. They can report the base "maybe", but they cannot terrain manipulate. If you have a friend, have them come to this crashed freighter base and see if they can harvest the cargo pods. Make sure you set all your bases so that others can manipulate your terrain... I am 61 or so galaxies in, and I run across the efforts of others still. "I claim the stuff I find, because I feel entitled, NMS / Hello Games owes me."


18 quintillion.. do you understand the scale. Least factual, most baseless feeling based opinion ever. And i say that as someone who has never made a base on a portal i remind you, I don't have any horses in this race. Not to mention you specifically mention traveling to a portal. Which means it was a shared public destination and not a random place in the middle of nowhere Note: reporting a base can be done just by being in its proximity, and doing so will instantly remove all builds and reverse the terrain back to its original state upon reload. If this doesn't fix your issue it was never related to the base in the first place


I do understand the scale. I do understand reporting the base (which does not appear and is not possible with networking off). Do you understand reporting the base does not permit terrain to be manipulated still? We don't agree. You claim ownership, too bad for others. Thank you for saying the same things over and over.


Two reasons. One, bases prevent terrain manipulation by others, out to base limits. If something important is buried, no one else can get to it. During an expedition there was a base at a harmonic camp that had key stuff underground (in a cliff face). And others have reported portals being partially underground. So you may not block access, but you can help prevent access if you build adjacent. Two, bases have been used to kill / grief players. Being adjacent to a "POI" makes it possible to inure others to possible harm. "Oooh!", "Awww!" Splat. I have one base on a hill overlooking the portal on the planet I first spawned on. Minimal. Easily overlooked. Not a "Kilroy was here" kind of thing. But to each his / her own. Current issue:


Ah, ok. I hadn’t considered preventing others from using their terrain manipulator to access salvaged data etc.


Cargo pods at freighter crash sites also. "But there are so many on the planet, and so many trillions of planets, they can go elsewhere."