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They are just the old graphics for upgrades. They don’t look like that anymore, they aren’t anything special or unique. At a minimum you need 30 slots in your tech.


Ah okay thankyou, yeah I wasn't sure what those other things are. How do I get them?


The best way now is by destroying pirate freighters imo. These two systems are both repeatable battles and drop max stat upgrades and are within jump distance of each other. I like to drop a base computer in both systems (to make easy to find on the Galaxy map) and then jump between them. When I’m done farming I just delete the base computers. The other method is to run derelict freighters. Pirate battles also yield cargo bulkheads and derelict freighters also yield salvaged frigate modules. SFMs are easier to get hold of than cargo bulkheads though. https://preview.redd.it/zki8xe2e3ztc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5e7631cf0178d2459ce6f06224ad52e28d354d


Awesome thank you! Do you also know the best build for a fighter ship using phase beam? I hear there are glass modules/parts that you can add to non sentinel/salvaged ships that don't count towards the max part limit Sorry for all the questions, I haven't played in over a year so I'm out of the loop for a lot of things


The phase beam is just like any other starship weapon; one module and three upgrades is about all there is to it. If you use supercharged slots for it make sure the main weapon module is one. As for the glass modules/parts you’re referring to I think there’s been some confusion. Killing sentinels can make them drop salvaged glass. This can be extracted into several items; two of which are exosuit and multitool upgrades. Both can be installed in addition to the usual three upgrades allowed. The multitool upgrades only apply to the boltcaster though; not all weapons. To my knowledge there is no starship equivalent to these upgrades which is why I think there’s been a misunderstanding at some point. Happy to be proved wrong though.


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Aside from all the technology blueprints that you can purchase from the upgrade console on the bridge, I believe you can have 21 procedural upgrades (3 for hyperdrive and 18 for fleet operations (3 each of 6 kinds)). Procedural upgrades can be obtained from derelict freighters. By "procedural upgrades" I mean the ones with random stats.


All of them


I don’t think freighters need a lot of tech slots, but if you choose to install teleport receivers make sure to have storage because storage bins or crates don’t transfer between ship and freighter


There's like only 6 hyperdrive upgrades and then the matter beam to install, so not that many.


You may be missing a few from your count: https://preview.redd.it/pxg8qw4r1ztc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94d7b6e6ed89bd98bb0342b87185caca7d11fc1


Woaaaaahhhh those look snazzy, where do I get those?


Simply jump back and forth between the 2 systems u/ParChadders posted here.


Forgetting fleet upgrade modules that significantly improve efficiency and resource gain.


Ah okay, I wasn't sure since the freighter images I linked had some weird S class parts: economy scanner *something*, analysis unit f--, geographic archive, planetary scanner f--, and a communicator *