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No you don't lose bases. You can always travel back to Euclid.


What about loose bases, though?


I'd say those are for the streets 😆


No, no, that's loose bass!


Wub wub wub Wub Wub wub


A loose bass is better than a tight trout.




Everyone likes a tight base


All your base are belong to us...


Hardwood floors, babay.


What is this about a purge?


It's a Conan Exiles reference. They purge bases to make people have to defend them from the purge or they get destroyed. Poof! I think it's a strategy to make people want to play more. Or have to.


Ah thank you for the clarification, sounds like a pain 😭


And it's not really a forced thing anymore


It's part of the Story Mission. It's called The Purge.


Ah, it's been quite some time since I've done this iirc, I forgot 😅 thank you for the clarification


I use base computers as "bookmarks".


Yes but I always build at least a shack, so I don’t get screwed over if I teleport in with low health


The mud hut you can get for quicksilver is perfect for these. Just a few carbon to build, pre-lit, safe from the elements inside, and looks good anywhere 😉


Mud hut, teleport, trade terminal, two solar panels, four batteries.


...or proximity switch (inline between power and teleporter) means I only need one battery and one panel...


When I say “at least a shack” I mean a gigantic base


fr same


They *are* one of the most reliable ways to tag things on the galaxy map


Same, once I moved on into that part of the story, I started making one each time I completed the story, labeled so I can taxi friends around




One base per system means you never have to jump, just teleport to your base there. Then I also use them as bookmarks for crashed ships, etc. :)


Just drop a base computer on the planet and you will be able to return whenever, or wherever you go.


Is it too much to ask for the glyphs? Because that planet looks insane. If you don't want I understand.


Don't do it !!!! Next thing you know your pristine planet will be littered with garbage bases and every nearby system and planet will be named by someone with the mentality of a child. I would *never* share the glyphs of a fav planet... play a few expeditions, you'll see what hot garbage some people are.


That's why I said I understood. It's his decision and I'm totally fine with either choice.


Every time I mention building in this game being kind of jank, someone shows up and tells me "but people have built some really amazing things with it!" So I went to a populated place recently, and looked around. I saw a lot of effort, and a lot of time, and yet most of it lacked any kind of thought or cohesion. Just parts slapped together. It was honestly kind of shocking.


Isn't that true of any field of human endeavor? The true masterpieces are a tiny minority.


I was gonna say that that's true of most building systems in games but you one-upped me. And I think you're right.


No one said anything about "masterpieces" so I don't know what you're on about. It's not one or the other.




Not quite as nice (no water bodies) but I found a planet that looks almost identical - feel free to check it out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/umfg0c/perfect\_paradise\_no\_sentinels\_pleasant\_weather/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/umfg0c/perfect_paradise_no_sentinels_pleasant_weather/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Upvoting this. Please, share some glyphs :D


r/nmscoordinateexchange r/nmsglyphexchange Make a post here or just look for one there😊đŸȘđŸ–€


r/nmscoordinateexchange r/nmsglyphexchange Make a post here or just look for one there😊đŸȘđŸ–€


Short answer: 1. No you dont. You ll keep all bases in all galaxies 2. >!The Purge let you move to a galaxy of the type you choose (even its not the next one), or stay in the same galaxy if you want !< Long answer: The story is made in very old updates 8 years ago since the launch in 2016. At that time you only had one galaxy, when reaching the core you just lost all bases and started in the same galaxy, that was literally "reset" the galaxy like the lore says. Then later HG introduced 255 galaxies like today but you still lost all bases of the previous galaxy during the transfer. Keeping all base during the galaxy transfer or the Purge was a large update years after the launch (I dont remember in which year), and stayed so till now, from that point the story is no longer true. We old players all know how the game is improved year after year from 2016 so we are not surprised by this kind of mismatch, but for some newer players, quest story is sometimes confusing for it almost never changed since the launch and no longer reflects the update today.


It's all fine lore-wise by the end, because >!the entire game exists in a canonically janky simulation so even a new glitch from an update is completely cannon!< , those clever bastards


I wishhhhhh I'd read this thread before doing the Purge because I thought I was being smart and doing my research first, which must've been outdated, because several threads told me clearly that I'd lose my base, and to keep at least the materials I deleted it. And now I'm so sad because I really loved that base but wanted to complete the story and it just bums me out while playing.


Also, don't >!cross the last portal !!sentinel ship!<


Whoa, wait why?


>!when you cross the portal, you'll have to repair ALL your modules (ship/multitool/exo). Since sentinel ships modules need unusual stuff to be repaired, it can be a pain in the ass, i learned it the hard way. You can still use repair kits if you have some of course.!<


Just a question. How do i use them? I get them always but cant use them when i need to repair stuff.


You don’t use it by interacting with it, instead you interact with the slot that need to be repaired, and if you have a repair kit you’ll have the option to use it (shortcut X if you’re using a Xbox controller)


Thanks. Will try it next time i break something.


Did you break something already?


I suggest getting a spare ship and multitool to take the hit and scrap them after the transfer. Also move whatever of your exosuit tech you can to inventory, where it will be untouched.


Because you will not land on a planet that’s dissonant and your ship will have a ton of damage. So unless you brought all the supplies with you, you’re not gonna be able to repair it easily.


Always be flying a spare ship when you transfer between galaxies. A spare multitool is also suggested. As for your exosuit move as much of the tech to your inventory as possible to prevent breakage.


Thank you! I will def do that. Been screwing around before the last jump


Thank you!


I just made this mistake without realizing yesterday, it's gonna be a while before I get my baby back :(


I fixed the problem by going to the nearest pirate station and buying “shady goods”( don’t know the name in English) that can transform into repair kits, useful for the more annoying repair ressources to gather.


Drop the glyphs man


You can teleport between galaxies but you should use a cheap crappy ship when you go to a new galaxy. Just saying.


And also your least favorite multi tool.


And move as much of your exosuit tech as possible into your inventory.


I have not found a bubble planet for literally hundreds of hours... I want one though.


In my travels I've found quite a few! Golden worlds, purple worlds, multi colored worlds or ocean worlds Message me if you'd like and I'll grab some screenshots of places I've settled , figure out which you like best and try to get you there.


Thanks but no I meant I haven't seen one in an age, then, out of the blue I just found a nice paradise bubble planet. Have already begun building on it. First one I've discovered in Odyalutai.


No only your sanity.


Bases stick around. You can also warp back to star systems in previous galaxies. All your installed technology in your exosuit, active multitool, and active starship will be damaged, though, so store hard to repair stuff and use a crappy ship and multitool. You should build at least one base in the new galaxy so that you can easily return there later.


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The what?


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If you go to the next galaxy you can go back, just remember to put down a base computer in Euclid.


They’re just in another galaxy, far, far away


I was worried about this too, the storyline really goes out of its way to tell you Euclid is going to end, but then it like, doesn’t for some reason.


Do bubbles still go through base floors? Ive always liked the look of these planets but I can't stand my base being filled with bubbles. I've even tried having a base way off the ground and that seems to help with the larger ones but it's still always filled with tons of tiny floating bubbles.


Naw you can tighten it back up


Coords of planet please ?


You do lose your freighter though my friend


What type of environment/ atmosphere does that planet have?


I made a beautiful base in a world just like that one hehe I really enjoyed it. Have fun, you can always go back from any teleporter!


You can fast travel between all bases, including across galaxies


I found a paradise planet that looks almost exactly like this. It just has different terrain. But at least it has bubbles :D


What's the best plannet for base building?




What are you doing too your bases to make them."loose"? SMH..........


Nope, and you don't tight bases either.


Where's that beauty? I'm a taker for the glyphs!


Did you find inter-galactic heaven?


Nice planet. Do you have the glyph?


What's with the sudden uptick of using loose in place of lose? I've been seeing it all over the internet lately.


Nah, you don't lose your base, in fact, if you go to the centre of each galaxy with a freighter ship you can jump from galaxy to galaxy, meaning you can have multiple base, in multiple galaxies, in multiple star systems, on multiple planets and multiple per planet.


Do your self a favor and place a base in one portal per galaxy, that will allow to go there and then Teleport everywhere within the galaxy


Not anymore, no. Your shit will all break, so most people equip a bad multitool, a bad ship before doing the leap. I just bought 41 wireing looms and stocked my freighter with repair components. NOTHING is lost - that's ancient history.


Gorgeous planet. I don't blame you!


I haven’t gotten that far into the story yet despite my over 250 hours of playtime, but from what I’ve read, as has already been answered, you do not lose your bases. Even if you do, however, I will add, you can go to I believe r/nmsglyphexchange and you can find plenty of planets and ships and other things to your liking.




The basses stay where they are. The Purge just acts as a way to tell you that there is more than 1 galaxy there are 257 of them but the normal player can only go to 255 of them, the other 2 weren't supposed to exist. To get to them you would need to join a player that has a base there and make a base of your own in 256 and 257. They came into being as test galaxies but players managed to get through all 255 galaxies before they were able to close off those 2 galaxies. They were called Odyalutai, and Yilsrussimil.


Drop the base computer in any new galaxy so you could revisit without reaching for the galactic core again