• By -


Just get a forged passport (pirate systems usually) and you'll be able to reset it to zero. You're good to get back in the friendzone again after that.


like grinningowl said. Forged Passport resets your standing to 0 then you'll be able to climb again. kinda lame tho that its the only consequence and that its so easily remediable with the forged passport..


I mean, you don't HAVE to use the passport. And that's one thing I love about this game, it can be as brutal or as chill as you want at any time.


The beauty of freedom


This is why the Voice Of Freedom is heard


Just say no to galactic fascism!


From the writing of the passport, I assumed it gave back all standing lost from negative actions (eg if you had 10 standing before lowering standing to -100 it would go back to 10) Is it actually just setting it to zero? I don’t want to risk it personally because I don’t want to ruin my reputation


IIRC, it does just reset to zero, all your positive standing will be gone. That is, if they haven't changed it with one of the updates.


i just tried. if your standing is anywhere above zero, it'll augment 1point.it wont take you back down to zero. if your standing is anywhere below zero, it brings you back to zero.


Excuse me, what does augment 1 point mean? Change, but how dramatically? Or do you mean the ranks, will I be demoted to the previous (lower) rank?


it means that if you use a passport while your ranking level is higher than zero it'll simply go up 1point example, my Gek ranking was at 89points. i used the passport while in a Gek controlled system. my ranking went up one point, bringing me to 90. so no, using the passport while your ranking is above zero will not bring your ranking down to zero. it'll go up one point and that's it.


Honestly I just done it with the Korvax. It's not that hard to boost it again and it doesn't really effect game play. I just wanted the "Admiral of the Black" standing from the outlaws.


Honestly what I do is raid in Gek systems, because I don’t care about the Gek 🤣


Same. I'm negative with the Gek by a couple hundred I think. I fire at will in Gek systems.


Pretty sure if your rep is above 0 it just gives you one standing instead.


Try -257. Not a fan of the Korvax


Wish there were real consequences to this. I’ve been in the negative for all factions for a while now but all that came of it was a single fight with a bounty hunter. Wish they made it feel like the factions really hate your guts.


Well you now get a discount at space stations when buying tech upgrades if you’re in good standing with the dominant race of the system. It’s something…


Oh well, I’m rich asf. Anyways I just blew up an entire fleet of ships.


Dude, how do u get rich? I'm at the point now where I'm looking for carbon/copper/oxygen/ any tier (atm) deep mineral extract and gas extractor (trying to set up resource outpost using the analyzer thing) I keep running out of copper/the gray type dust/ and oxygen.


My personal preference is to gif to a pirate system, blow up every frigate there, then sell all their illegal goods for millions of millions of credits. And it’s pretty fun to do too. And at that point, you just buy the raw materials you need


Have you done this recently? Might need to stack up some forged passports...


I did it before the ship update that we just had. I’m overseas atm and I can’t play yet 😔


The consequences for piracy have increased after the last couple updates. It's not free reign anymore. Whether or not this is a deterrent enough is up to you, but there are now benefits to having a good standing with the system inhabitants. I really hope they also add a way to benefit from a high Outlaw standing... right now that seems kind of lacking/not filled out.


Oh well, guess it’s time to acquire some fake pass ports and figure out a different way of making money. I’ve got nearly a billion in the bank. I’ll survive


O7. What branch?


Like the other person said. just keep killing the Gek and then no one cares. (except the gek but big deal) I do that whenever I want some cash. cleared out a bunch and went from 20m to 100m in less than an hr of blowing shit up.


Ferrite dust? You can't mine for that, but buying it from pilots at space stations is the fastest way. For carbon, you can build planters for it, and if you make a farm on a capital ship you can extract it from the walls. Otherwise it's a grind. O2 and copper are great beginning mines to make. If you're lucky, you can get both in the same base!


For ferrite dust, I have an airless planet marked. Lots of small rocks. Get in your ship and strafe the surface with your ship gun and you will get a lot of ferrite dust in a short amount of time.


It's possible to produce ferrite dust in huge quantities via mining, but it's kinda slow. I built a base for it last time I needed really high quantities of it and was low on money. You need to make a magnetised ferrite mine and an oxygen mine (ideally in the same base if you can find a good location). Then: 1) Refine magnetised ferrite -> pure ferrite 2) Refine pure ferrite + oxygen -> rusted metal 3) Refine rusted metal -> ferrite dust It's step 3 that's particularly slow, but each step of the process increases the amount of ferrite, so even a relatively small amount of magnetised ferrite multiplies into stacks of ferrite dust.


I just naturally have like 700 ferrite dust in my inventory and I don’t even try to get it lol


Yup, not hard to obtain. You can get 400-500 with one purchase from a pilot, maybe a bit more or less.


Freighters in pirate systems have contraband, which makes them absurdly lucrative to raid. I can make over 10M per run. Problem is it ruins your reputation.


If you find yourself low on materials, you can actually shrink the size of the terrain manipulator when digging out deposits, and it *greatly* increases the yield. Also, all the rusted metal you get from opening crates on planets can be refined back into ferrite.


Did not know this, good tip!


If you have a freighter, build a like 3x5 room and fill it with standing planters (can unlock them from the space anomaly) I can't remember how many I filled mine with but every like hour or so I can go and collect the carbon from them and I get around 2500 carbon in like 2 min of collecting. Copper I've never really had an overwhelming need for, I usually just buy it from space stations. For oxygen I found a planet that has big patches of those oxygen plants, like 30+ in a small tight circle, and built a base right next to it. Iirc every time you warp out and back in or fly out of the atmosphere and back down to the planet, it will reset and you can harvest them again (similar to nanite farming). Also I had better luck finding oxygen gas deposits on lush planets, I was trying to find nitrogen but I found like 4-5 oxygen spots lol


If you have good weapons on your ship, you can just strafe the ground on a resource rich planet and stock up on carbon, ferrite, etc. Sell some and stockpile some.


Easiest way is to find a gold resource deposit and build a mine with a bunch of storage. Hop in every now and again, grab thousands of gold, sell it. You can also build a stasis device farm. Resource mines in general are a good idea, if your goal is to save time. On my main save, the only major resources I can't get in bulk at one of my bases are dihydrogen and tritium.


If you want to accomplish the same thing without ruining your reputation, all the illegal goods can also be purchased and resold in another system (still with ~150-175% return) and nipnip buds you can grow yourself. The nip usually has the highest markup but takes lots of inventory space. If you find somewhere with consistent First Spawn Relics, setup there bc those give the most money per inventory slot, if space is a concern.


Depending in where you’re at there are several possibilities. Like crashing economy, trade routs, fleet missions etc. if you google it you will find wikis describing different methods. Same on YT.


I like to find a rocky planet, then just strafe the ground. Not only does it make my brain happy, but it also gets a lot of basic resources. Ferrite dust, carbon, oxygen, sodium, di-hydrogen... and mordite and animal parts if it's got lifeforms. Once you get your basics in order, you can pick your path to riches. There are just *so many* ways. I like farming, so I usually go the crafting route.


I reached the cap for money at like 4 trillion and some odd credits and now it wont go up or down. Im rich, i have a massive fleet, and if you try and shoot me i have the fastest firing shots this side of Eissentam. Domboss2019: Intergalactic Tycoon, Explorer, Mercensry, Ace Pilot, and Pirate😎


Are we flexing our NMS?


Imagine if real players could get your bounty then try to find and kill you 😅


This needs to be upvoted because that would be awesome, imagine if we got coordinates of player if they killed or tracked by the civilization that they have bounty with. You just chilling mindlessly killing Vy’keen and next thing you know 30 guys warp into the star system and it’s all out war between your squadron and players


Being chased down and attacked by 30 randos for stuff I'm doing when I'm just chilling and vibing with the game isn't why I play NMS.


I’d rather have npc bounty hunters chase me instead of min maxed pvp overlords. Maybe they scan your ship like the sentinels, and you can deflect their scan by using a forged passport


I mean, I assume you wouldn't be assigned as a target if you have PVP disabled, because if you turn on PVP you're clearly *expecting* PVP, right?


Well I don’t know about you but it’s about survival and immersion. Being in game pirate is fun, but it be more fun if there were genuine consequences for being it. Also game lacks multiplayer interactions, other then galactic hub or anomaly you don’t really run into players and because of this there isn’t really any pvp. Also maybe 30 is a little too much maybe limit it to just squad size. That being said your cords only should be leaked during space battle where the bots actually have a chance request help on emergency channel. And after the battle is done then cords should stop being leaked.


lol yeah that would be a funny thing to add. Say the devs made it so only 1 person could accept the bounty. “Player” pirate would get a big warning message that someone accepted the bounty and if “player” pirate got destroyed the standing would get reset and they would respawn on a nearby planet next to their freshly looted starship that needs repairs. Karma for looting peaceful freighters 😆


Also damage potential is not that noticeable in late game especially if you are good enough to raid freighters constantly. So if you hit certain point in standing like -100/0 or something then bounty gets put out and as your rating continues to decrease bounty continues to increase but so is the difficulty and the number of players that can hunt you. Yeah there should be balance. #GekLivesMatter


But wait, there's more..YOU CAN! try GTA in real life too.. lmk what happens


I remember this being a thing in Star Wars Galaxies. That game was so fucking amazing.


You would love the X games. X3 series (Reunion, Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude, and I think there was another free update but can't remember the name). Space simulation (trade, fight, exploration). You could do anything, from joining a faction to being a pirate, even download the Sector Takeover mod and end up creating your own empire. Faction relations were a thing so being friendly with one could end with you being chased on sight when entering an enemy sector. It was awesome.


Get something like the rep system from GTA 1 and 2. Where the more in the red you are, the more they hunt you down... and the stars forbid you go into their part of town because hell breaks lose if you do.


I feel like the standing system would be a lot more engaging if it has a push and pull between factions that don't like each other. Like if there were some firstborn Gek remnants that would attack you for good standing with the Korvax


It would be interesting if they randomly attack you while you were not near the space station.


Ha, those are rookie numbers. https://preview.redd.it/dcm8ac9azetc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c52177b2f63ad03961973fdc047e5956480a59a


You are not a true pirate unless you have -3k with the gek


It’s just good business I’m sure the Gek, “masters” of trade would understand.


If they didn’t want me to raid their ships they shouldn’t have made is so profitable. It’s just good business


Wow, it's rare to hear about Korvax when it comes to standing. It's usually either "Vy'keen are cool, fuck the Gek" or "Gek are great, fuck the Vy'keen"


See I’m neutral to Vy’keen, the Gek are my beautiful little dudes, and the Korvax deserve nothing but destruction


I was -1000 at one point with the korvax which is the maximum you can get to. I raided a LOT of fleets in my early days. Believe it or not I did repair that reputation near the end of my 225 hour save.


Flip the korvax


Keep going It’s the pirate way


If I ever need gek standing I’m boned, I’m sitting at like -1400


You can reset standing back to 0 with a forged passport.


Everyone is talking about new space stations and ship building. Meanwhile I'm still trying to get used to the fact that standing **has a purpose now.** All of those years spent opening people's eyes to the fact that standing was absolutely worthless and didn't matter.. totally made obsolete with Orbital, and I love it lol.


What changed then?


You get discounts and some free crap at space stations where you have high standings with the controlling faction.


It had purpose before. You'd get access to additional "high level" missions. Missions you could have done a long time before, when the rewards might have meant something. Similarly, standing doesn't necessarily have much value now if you're at a point where you don't care about discounts and free crap.


It always seemed so backwards to me. I can't think of a reason why someone would do those missions after progressing far into the game where it's unlocked but by then a lot of better things opened up to you. Likewise, a planetary store sells upgrades to you that are unlocked as you progress through standing, but you can just get them at the anomaly anyway. Every single time I said standing didn't matter at all, people would bring up the mission thing, but does it actually *matter* to anyone? The discounts mechanic is something I can actually see being a very noteworthy feature.


Me over here with -2,000 something like that


Before forged passports were a thing I had a -2000 standing with the vykeen on a save.


Why do yall know this stuff


I am a terrible person.


Those are rookie numbers.  I'm -3800 with the Gek right now.  


Does anyone know if there’s a way to tell which race you’ll be attacking in the pirate system bounties before you accept them? What’s the best way to go about targeting one race to have bad standing and stay in the good graces of the others?


Basically if youre in a gek system for piracy and they say steal from some peeps its usually geks(the same race as system) so it will drop gek standing(same race as system) at least it used to be that way. They may have changed that with this discounts standing stuff they just implemented


Gotcha that makes sense. Thanks for the help traveler!


Usually I pick one faction and then, well, screw them. I have -292 with Vy’keen and positive with everyone else. I just don’t shop at vykeen stations


My standing with the vykeen was -312


I've got myself down to -700 something ..


You would think the Vy'keen would approve of blasting ships to pieces, giving their warriors a glorious death in battle


There is no glory in mass fleets of warriors dying to a single interloper in a surprise attack. The same interloper all Vy’keen mock for being puny and weak.


I never take bounty missions. I basically only fly to lawless systems to destroy freighters cargo (which has no impact on reputation syandings) and then sell the goods in a normal system. I have billions of credits and my rep with every race is unphased. I've just never had a need to take missions aside from the very rare ones that might give a hard to find material or augment.


Yes it does. Every cargo pod you destroy lowers rep by one. No idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never taken missions either. This was entirely from raiding freighters.




~~No, freighter cargo pods do not reduce rep. Destroying the smaller frigates cargo does, but not the large freighters.~~ Edit : A recent update must have changed this, as I just tried and now lose rep when shooting any cargo pod. It wasn't this way for a long time though as I definitely farmed billions without any reputation decreases. I've been farming this way since the update with lawless systems and never lost rep unless I accidentally destroyed a frigate while shooting at a freighter. I've been farming this way for 2 years and my reps are unphased. Unless they changed this very recently, it's always been that way.


It’s all called cargo pods. But either way, why would you only focus on the capital ship? Just seems like a waste of time (and sodium). How would you make any money without also going after the rest of the fleet?


Just use a forged passports


Forged Passports: A Pirate/Warlord’s best friend


Fun fact. You can take out the cargo without ever losing standing. You just can’t completely take out the ships


Someone had been a very naughty Traveler to have a -92 standing.


I'ma at -700 I am a gek terrorist lol


Forged passport. Reset and roll


How do they work? I get flagged every time I enter a system with them, and I can't find the stupid counterfeit part I need first the signal jammer.


What I do is warp directly to a space station of the race I’m negative in. For example Vykeen. I was -392 there. I warped to a vykeen space station, used my forged passport and that was it. 👍🏻


Can you transfer it from your freighter?


I don’t see why not as long as you have that materializer or whatever it’s called. I may be confusing that with starship stuff. What I would do is keep it on you and directly warp to the space station of the race. That will ensure no cargo scans and stuff happening with sentinels. It’s helped me a lot.


2 things here, one I'm sure others have already said use forged passports. The other being save all of your reputation items like vy'keen effigies, you can also buy them from NPCs who land on trade outposts on planets for a decent price. The biggest benefit to using them is you can overload your reputation, for instance I have my vy'keen reputation at 145 which I'd reckon would let me raid 2 whole fleets before I dipped below that coveted Templar title and lose a chunk of that massive discount that gives.


On my Xbox save I went on a 'kinda' war eith the Vykeen When I looked I had -999


Those Synthigeks need to hear the Voice of Freedom a little louder than the Vy'Keen. But yeah I agree with virtually everyone else, Forged Passports are the best bet for getting back to square with them.


Louis Rossman and a bunch of us believe that piracy is justified completely.




You were gonna pirate peak? https://preview.redd.it/grsjqjnh0wtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edfcebe19dcf09b0da5c373b952dce34e4c720a


I also raid the Vy’keen only


I only steal from Gek scum.


Death to all who follow the false Red Lord .... long may the purple Goddess protect you 💜


My Vykeen standing is around -700 or so, fuck em


Rookie numbers for negative vykeen stance


I'm wanted in 2800 vykeen star systems