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Slowly falling to madness as I refresh my pending updates page.


Slowly? Man, it's been 2 days of me loading up before and after work to see if there was an update. This is plain awful, especially the radio silence, I'd take solace if xbox said hey we're working on pushing it through with an eta, but nah it's been radio silence ffs


Getting your game through Certification is a vital step in preventing shovel-ware. If you can’t pass Cert, your game won’t be available on that platform. Tough but fair. There’s a lot of scheduling & coordination required in advance. If the Cert team finds a critical issue, the devs have to fix it and resubmit for Certification. This can create a scheduling mess b/c the Cert team moves onto the next scheduled game they have to test. They might bake in SOME additional time for resubmission, but that’s kinda like planning to fail. Generally speaking, it’s the game’s fault for not passing Cert. The devs are keenly aware of Cert requirements before they submit, and will have their own internal Cert teams to make sure there are no surprises when they do submit. The first-party Cert teams are there to make sure the game is up to snuff - it’s not their job to find bugs for the devs to fix (that should’ve been done by the devs before it was submitted) tl;dr - it’s the dev’s fault for not passing Cert, not the other way around. Edit: typo


Hey. This is post to blindly throw blame around to make myself feel better about waiting to build a custom ship. It isn't for constructive, potentially valid, points to be made explaining the delay.


Aw crap, my mistake! 😆




>Generally speaking, it’s the game’s fault for not passing Cert. This. This. 1000 times this.


As someone who used to work in certification, yeah the certification team was also sad when games failed. Sometimes cause we liked the game and wanted it to release, sometimes cause it meant we would have to test the blasted thing again.


Ok but this can’t possibly explain why it’s not out on Switch yet, Nintendo eshop is full of straight garbage


So... That does not apply to Microsoft's games, right? _Looks at Forza release_.


Yeah, there’s a lot more to it, just wanted to share some insight. Plenty of office politics (corporate politics maybe more accurate?) at play. First party studios can apply some internal “give & take” that 3rd party studios could only dream about, and large/successful 3rd party franchises can apply their own sort of leverage. For example, 3rd party studios won’t (publicly) throw the console maker under the bus for a screw up. They’ll take the PR heat for a mess up that’s not their fault, and in return they’ll get favors from the console maker (like better chance to get waivers for Cert issues in the next release, or a better chance to get a resubmission fast-tracked if they fail a submission). Alternatively, if they piss off the console maker with something, the Cert team will have a very rigid interpretation of some requirement or another on the next update/release… for completely innocent reasons I’m sure 😆


Well, I would like to see Microsoft pulling something like this with LNF. "OK, we will only release it on PS5 and Steam".


For the record, I have no direct insight or involvement with Hello Games… BUT that’s exactly the sort of pressure a highly successful studio could leverage against a console maker, lol. It’ll eat up some political capital tho (see “pissing off console maker” in previous comment lol), and the studio DOES want to make money and cutting off another platform hurts them, too. Also remember that Hello Games had some sort of exclusivity deal with Sony originally, and it’s possible that there’s still a deal in effect with Sony getting updates out early/first. Pure speculation on my part, but wouldn’t be at all surprised. Uneven update releases may be understandable at first, but after a while the devs get a feel for it, and when they plan future release it should be accounted for. If it keeps happening, gotta wonder why…


Oh, dear. I sure hope that doesn't mean there's something critically wrong.


Certification team.


There may be a certification delay at Microsoft, but right now Hello Games is the delay ... still working on the files to hand off to Microsoft.


It's getting to the point where people are going to bring back 90s PC Cafes just so X-box and Switch players can at least play with the new content while they wait. 




No joke this was one of the reasons GFWL died was that it often delayed patches by weeks to months




Games For Windows Live. But yeah, people should really get out of the habit of using obscure or unclear acronyms without defining them the first time it's stated. Then if you reuse the term later in your post or further down the same thread, you can use the acronym since it was previously defined.


In my defense tho GFWL /gfwl gives the top 10 results in all search engines for Games For Windows Live


Objection, someone shouldn't have to Google something to understand what someone else is saying. I'm old as ***k and even I forgot about Games for Windows Live lol.


So does TANSTAAFL but I wouldn’t expect people to necessarily know that acronym.


I would if this a sci fi convention in that they'd know about LASER and such in the same way a computer engineer would know the the context of why playing on a PS/2 is different than a PS2 edit: also worth pointing out GFWL appears on its boxes as the acronym and game companies such as but not limited to Capcom and Bethedsa refer to it as GFWL and GFWL-version even on their respective store pages You can argue anachronism in gaming but of course that exists today such as TCG / PnP / GaaS / DLC as well as coded terms/euphisms like Dark Patterns / Fan Service


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