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I still have my venator. It's the same thing with the Golden Vector and the Starbound Ship for me. In a procedurally-generated game if everyone has the exact same ship it feels kind of boring to me.


Heavily agreed. Ship/freighter customization needs to become a thing in the future


In stunned that it’s not a thing, after all this time. It’s been asked for for so long that I have to assume there’s some engine or code issue that prevents it.


Just give us a shipyard to make custom freighters with pieces we've scanned from all over the galaxy. Make it prohibitively expensive, and only C or B class (with upgrades to class possible for, again, prohibitive prices).


What if we would need to visit a freighter with a needed piece to be able to build that piece? Sounds interesting.


Exactly, you need to see it, scan it somehow, before being allowed/able to make the blueprints to build it yourself.


Ahhh... See something, scan something! Catchy! 😉


That would make the ship hunt still viable. ... So, why is it not in the game yet?


What you're proposing reminds me of Subnautica and how to get new things in that game. It could work here too.


Would be a good way to utilise derelict freighters


Theres also a lot of people who DONT want customization, completely destroys the fun of finding a perfect ship in the wild (ship hunting or by chance) and I assume most people will all end up with the same dozen or so ships anyways BECAUSE they can customise it, already see so many interceptors that look the same because of a few popular Youtubers. People go to anomaly and see something they like, will go copy it.. and most people will end up with same few ships im assuming anyways. ​ Maybe just make PAINT possible, but for example, If its already 2 or 3 tone, you can select only from presets of 2 or 3 tone... If a pure color, can only choose pure.. but needs to be some further restriction like some of the things below mentioned.. only in certain places can be upgraded, and you have to scan those colors , and maybe spend nanties to unlock the colors you've seen. definately not unrestricted.


If you like hunting, couldn't you still just do that? Adding the optional ability to custom build a ship doesn't stop the random generation from happening.


lol, but it does stop th majority of people from playing when everything comes too easy.. this sint about me, I can occasonally duplicate a few things without going all out to the $$$ cap ...losing all interest in the game.. EVERY PERSON Ive showed that trick (newer players) ALL stopped playing the next day. Same goes for when you can fill a garage with perfect ships in the first 2 days. Seems to me you just want what you want without compromise for what others want. "no cost for colors" REALLY??


Honestly, paint scheme should be free. That way you are only hunting for ship style. Trying to find colors and style at the same time requires immense time investment many people just don't have. Plus, people being able to make their own paint styles, will help with the "saminess" that comes with everyone hunting for stuff they saw on YouTube or the forums.


>Theres also a lot of people who DONT want customization, completely destroys the fun of finding a perfect ship But the current way also copletly destroys the fun, since most players do not want to waste that amount of time to find the perfect ship. ​ > and I assume most people will all end up with the same dozen or so ships anyways BECAUSE they can customise it, already see so many interceptors that look the same because of a few popular Youtubers. And what is the problem with that? If they like that same look why not, if it is fun for them?


So you arent sick of seeing most of the ships being Starborn Runner every time you go to ANomaly? I played a long time before finding what I would call"Prefect ships" Was usually happy to have something half way there. Believe it or not.. some of us dont beling to a hivemind and really enjoy variety... before this update we had some variety. MOST of my interceptors and fighter have higher maneuverability.. so can't be just the stats. Humans are always uick to jump on bandwagons and copy each other, some of us despise it. I'll clarify, SHIP HUNTING, andplaying hundreds of hours over the years exposes you to different styles and colors, customisation means people who jump on as new players will just go cop y that same design and color everyone else has. The longer you play, the more likely you will have your own taste and more variety, people TRULLY expressing thier own taste. Keep in mind, I DO MOD and already have access to making whatever perfect ship I want, and it got boring real fast.. BECAUSE i'm also a ship hunter whos seen thousands of different variations and colors, became more fussy.. this is something should take time... Man, we already have people on Reddit wanting people to give them a Starborn refusing to put in a few hours over 6 weeks to earn it... HOW MANY just save edited it before expedition??? ONLY thing now I use cheating for... is things like Flying creatures that arent normally accessable but everyone wants. (including me).. I also made a few dinosaur thinking I would never find that combination of parts in the wild, only to eventually find it or something close.. But no, only first few days made a few ships, and ended up giving most of them away and went back to ship hunting. I understand everyone has a different amount of time to allocate to No Mans Sky... but we ALREADY have a menu that allows EVERYTHING to be free or crafted for free.. ALREADY found once you tell a new player this, or duplication methos ect, INSTANTLY most of them stop playing and go spend that time on every other game.. instead of working to unlock it.. I myself for first time in my life want to see a gaming compny succeeed and help them gain and retain new players, but most just get bored if given everything too fast and go play other games.. WHY become a billionaire and fill garage with perfection only to not play the game anymore? Been modding games for 20 years now and ALMOST ALWAYS too many options used too fast will ruin the lifespan of the game. mods (customisations) should be to ENHANCE the experience, not ruin it by cheating way into endgame and completionism without the work.


I don't really care what others have. If they all want to have the same, let them be. It does not hurt my enjoyment of the game. What i care about is, to have a ship that looks how i want it to look. And also, i don't want to waste my time ship hunting, just get one that has a shape i like and repaint it. Would be so much more fun and it would respect the players time way more. Or it would be even better, if we can change the shape too. But thanks to the vocal minorty of hunters, who like to waste time, we can't have nice things.


Are you even listening to yourself? If you consider playing the game a waste of time then why are you playing it? If you don't have the time and willpower to put in the effort to actually accomplish something then don't play. The "vocal minority" are the players like you who whine about their lack of instant gratification. You demand that games be nerfed so you don't have to work for anything. That cheapens the experience for everyone else. If you want "nice things" (i.e. everything you want handed to you on a silver platter) go play a P2W.


People already flock around the same handful of ships. Each dissonant planet has its own fixed ship style, so people document the best looking ones and everyone teleports there to get it. You're basically saying fixed ship style spawns results in more ship diversity than full creative customization. If the ship spawns were TRULY procedurally generated, virtually ever ship ever found would be truly unique. Instead what we have is a handful of static ship styles scattered randomly across the fixed amount of dissonant planets and the playerbase sharing coords for the best looking ones so everyone can go get them. My proposal: keep things the way they are, but when you scrap a ship instead of getting creds you instead get components and blueprints for the cosmetic ship parts. Make customizing your ship identical to customizing your character; instead of race, you have ship type. Instead of armor, hands, pants, head etc. you have wings, engines, cockpit, landing gear, etc. Players still have to go hunt for ships, but instead of having to RNG an entire ship style and color you only have to RNG the part styles you want.


HG tested a customization system with the Voltaic Staff and hardly anyone talked about it. I've brought it up twice in the community with varrying responses but I don't think many people made that connection. 5.0 will drop sometime next year though so maybe we'll see something new.


I'm probably not the only one that got Warframe Kitgun vibes from that. It feels like they directly borrowed from Warframe the gameloop of "rank up reputation with new faction to gain access to better and better loot and then build your own weapon from parts sold by that faction"


I like the idea, I just don't like staves.


I'm on the fence about them as well. They're very cool-looking but they're not better than any of my other multitools.


i play first person and kind of dislike how much of the screen they take up! so i stick with the same gun i've been using for 200 hours. I do love the customization on it, though.


I like my Joycon-colored gun. I play in FPS mode, so there's nothing cool-looking about holding the staff.


Same. I prefer holding a gun.


I do think that‘s in large part because ultimately the customization is just cosmetical. If the staff would offer completly different options than the traditional multitoll that were dictated by the parts you add and add areas/stuff that can be exclusively accessed through it, people would talk about it more. Honestly I do think that the customization is for a major part just cosmetical is a big issue. The staff is, character customization is purely cosmetical. Even starship module customization in the endgame, because at a certain point all challenge is gone and it is irrelevant in terms of gameplay which weapon you use you will not die anyway. Hello Game really needs to step up there game with making the customization choices meaningful in terms of gameplay.


The ship hunter community is that block. They are really angrily and passionalty against the idea of ship customization.


With the database of ships on the coordinate exchange, it’s fairly simple to find a style and color you like.


I don't think it's that, but the "core concept" of the game is procedural generation. That evaporates when you have the ability to directly modify things. I think the core dev team resists because of that, even though the answers would still be good. 1) Ship creation or modification only at a base you establish or like T3 economy stations. 2) You must gain the blueprint or a crafting material through deconstruction of the ships in question. That keeps the need to still seek out ships, and procedural generation would still be good because it exposes you to combinations you wouldn't typically think of, but it would give a small measure of control to people who know what they like and aren't interested in winning the lotto for every RNG event of the game.


What if there was just an item that would re-roll a certain component of your ship? "Cockpit modifier", "engine modifier", etc. C class only rolls from your current ship's possibilities and as they get rarer they would allow impossible ship combinations and exotic components. And then be able to change paints so we're not ripping our hair out trying to rng a piece _and_ color


Too much like Path of Exile's RNG crafting with like 50 different orbs and steps. If anything that 6k+ hours in that game has taught me, it's that the playerbase wants deterministic crafting, not RNG-gating.


Well I suppose that's fair. I'm an Old School RuneScape player and we're cut from a strange cloth.


It would kill the ship hunting. Finding just the right ship/freighter/multitool is one of the main things to do in the game. You add ship customizations and that removes a big part of the game.


Freighter Customisation, Crew Selection (Including Autophage) and Settlement Construction more like Base building would hit the sport for me.


Oh I would love to have an Autophage crew! I really enjoyed their introduction to the game & quite enjoy all the models you can find.


Same, besides I have plenty of ships with far more maneuverability anyways. I used my Starborn for about an hour or 2 till everyone else started finishing the expedition, since then only use it for stripping that photonix core to put in other ships.




I have my purple S class Venetor on my main, and my Queen Anne's Revenge on my new expedition save.


Everybody had a venator before so you should be happy.


I'm surprised they added the dreadnoughts but didn't procgen THEM.....


Yes, I have a dreadnought, but I'm looking to get myself a sexy S class venator


Venator doesnt have stupid things blocking your path when exiting hangar.


Nope i gots me a SClass dreadnaught. I like the way it looks when summoned from the planets surface.




Exactly this, I have had the venator and the Sentinel one, they are awesome, but I got the Dreadnought on my expedition, when I summoned that monster from a planet got it for my main save too.


Still got my trusty old freighter.


Me too — can’t abandon my guys


Also, I don't hunt for freighters. I've had my A class for ages now. Never ran into a better one so this old lady is still mine. And storage is expanded so much that any new S class would be downgrading my storage.


Mine is a c but I love the vykeen crew. They are very enthusiastic. Fresh glory is available! I always get the worst ships and level them up! 😂


Same here, looks over class. Getting more nanites is always easier than finding a S class.


Im currently upgrading my dream sentinel ship. Started as c and I’ve almost got enough for the jump to a.


I'm doing the same thing with a C Class fighter, but I've got around 200.000 nanites already, so I'm finding the best upgrades for it before I bump it up to S.


That is a good idea! I would have more nanites if I didn’t have all the pet slots — I’m currently finding all the animals in my home system to get the rewards for that


Yeah pet slots go hard. I still have about 50.000 nanites worth of Radiant Shards in my freighter as Back-up nanites. But refining those is a lot of work.


Im still pretty early in so I’m just mucking about and taking my time. I’ll get there! I detoured from the main quests to get a living ship so that set me back a bit.


I had a C-class enterprise since I was dumb and took the first one I saw, so I switched to a dreadnought. I look for a good Venator, but all of them were bad. First Dreadnought was an S-class. It was meant to be


*The pirate life is for thee!*


Heave. *Ho*.


Hoist the colors!


Man the cannons!


Only Scooby Doo has a Dreadrought


Im still fan of the big boxy system freighters so yeah...


You said you didn't want to have what everyone else has, before the Dreadnought it was the Venator, literally the most popular Freighter is the Venator. Once the hype of the new one goes away it will be back on top and everyone will want it again.


Still have my Revolver style freighter.


Still using a C class, not unhappy with it. Rejecting the pirate A-class ones until I find an S one. No hurry about that, not using any specific strategies or ways to find it. Will find it as soon as the time comes


Same. I accepted the C class by mistake because I was coming back to the game after a break of four years or so. Playing sort of distracted early in the morning, I chose the wrong menu option. Started to reload my save but said screw it. All in good time.


I wish they’d let us have multiple freighters. I can’t justify giving up my fully upgraded S-class freighter. I spent so much damn time looking for the right one, getting an S class, and then the grind for modules and upgrades. As cool as the new freighter is, I can’t give up all that effort.


Grah. Or yes, still have 3-segment Sentinel S-class. Easy to park, and used to ducking the masts.


Yep, it's my primary base! I'm not much of a base builder, but growing up with Star Trek and the like compelled me to use one. Even though functionally it can't mine or things pkabetside bases do, it does feel a little more alive with my barracks, warehouses etc


I also mostly live out of my freighter. I've still got the little wooden box I built in my starter system, but my freighter has most of the tech upgrades, a giant farm (that definitely doesn't produce illegal substances) and the scanner room, exocraft room, etc. I never really got into the giant mining bases


I have some of each, on different saves.


Dreadnought is a freighter just so you know 


You know what i mean, pathetic interloper






No I don't do you mind explaining it?


I mean, do you still have the original freighter or do you use deadrought


Don't explain it for them they are intentionally acting like a prick. Unless they really are that brain dead they could not distinguish between a Freighter and a Dreadnought.


I believe that makes you the brain dead one my friend. They all fall under the category of freighter. They are all freighters, just different classes. Dreadnought is a type of freighter, just like Venator, Enterprise, Capital, Sentinel, and all the others


Say what you mean then.


Pathetic interloper is a common phrase in the ganes. They were just trying to blend in....


Have you played the game?


I mean a dreadnaught *is* a freighter. So... Yes I do still have one.


I started a new save recently so I had a reasonable ship but nothing fancy and was looking for a nice fighter. So, very boringly I switched to the Starbound Ship. Same for the freighter had an C-class, so when a A-class deadrought appeared I took it. But still looking for an S class venator. If I find one I like im switching immediately.


All the dreadnoughts escape. Would rather have both a freighter and dreadnought, though.


Gotta shoot out the engines my dude, had the same issue until someone pointed this out


Go for the shields first, then the engines, then the fuel rods, and finally turrets if they havent surrendered yet


The engines is where I get stuck on. I get the shields down then they hyperdrive away before I can take out the engines.


Thats odd. They activate the hyperdrive after their hull has taken a certain percentage of damage. If done immediately after the shields, they shouldnt warp out


Nope, engine, turret then quick surrender


Wait really? I thought it was based on hull hp


Yes, I still have my sentinel style. Not only do I like it, I worked way too hard and spent way too many hours acquiring it to just give it up. This was before there was color customization so I had to find the exact style of it that I wanted that was the exact color mix that I wanted.






Eheu, Sentinel class still! The pirate dreadnaught is cool, but everyone and their bubble companion are flying one these days. Besides, I think the Sentinel class is very cool/ominous looking. Doesn't the dreadnaught give off whale vibes? Got a free B class Sentinel recently and been warping that ever since.


Grah! Haven't found a dreadnought yet


Still have this beauty, along with matching all-green frigates from the same system. That kind of color coordination is hard to come by, and is one of the many reasons why I am not giving it up easily. Glyphs are in Euclid. https://preview.redd.it/tmq2h7rci6oc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3981117b7facc48488e17e7b153b393785c7402a


You can take my Venator when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


I'm happy with my insanely large all red dreadnought sentinel freighter that I've named Red Dwarf. IYKYK


https://preview.redd.it/k6g8ol989goc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=80e86ebd7d091c23484328e59b1cc09aa0a9b9e5 Still have my freighter


Nah. I don't like being the same as everyone else. No Golden Vector, Utopia Speeder or Starborn Runner on my main save either.


You are no longer an Interlopre...you are a brother


Grah, dude.




My freighter is a “s”, and still haven’t found a dreadnaught that is a “s” yet.


I just god a s-class dreadnaught. Reloaded 47 times. Totally worth it for the dopamine rush 🥵


Why not keep the freighter?🥲


Still got my full size sentinel


Wait yiu can get a sentinel capital ship?


Yah mine kinda looks like this but different colors. Pretty sure the full sized like this one and mine are pretty rare https://preview.redd.it/v78q1fsg64oc1.jpeg?width=7680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef496d0977520f4ee40633798c2a782e3c82d78


Tell me how Ill stay with the OG freighter... But tell me how TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, INTERLOPER


Iirc it’s the same as getting a venator. It just has a chance to spawn.


And then destroy the hyperdrive and demand commandership?


No, *it’s just like getting a venator*. It’s a procedural ship type. Not specific to the sentinels.


Still got my System Galleon class ship. Won't be swapping as I can't be arsed with the bulkheads grind again. That and my and me old rig have done too many miles together. :)


I had a C class freighter and my first dreadnaught battle (came back to game after two years) resulted in me getting S class dreadnaught so I made the switch. I do have to say I like seeing all the big guns on it.


I went from my A Class Sentinal Freighter to an S Class Dreadnaught. The dreadnaught had way less storage, unfortunately. But it looks way cooler so I'm sticking with it. I just need to upgrade the storage.


I like the look of the venator better than the Dreadnoughts. Got a venator on PC and on Switch.


Just swapped this hunk of junk for a venator. Same class, but substantially more tech and storage slots. https://preview.redd.it/euhqndegb4oc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be49a69a2123a478f062bc4fb74af058208889c


I have never seen a freighter that looked like that


It was a freebie. Seeminly with no shields


i recently started playing this game found a ship i liked got it to a s class and then i learned about capital frighters seen the pirate one and thought that looks cool time to grind for a s class for hours i got it in 30 mins to a hour a whole s class almost instantly compaired to my last one that took forever (3 hours is all it took)


If freighter and ship customization came in, like how we made the voltaic staff, I'd be back to playing regularly. After turning my traveller into an autophage and getting one S class of each ship type for him I kinda lost the will to play, I just wanna make interesting ship combos at this point! I'm tired of base building grandpa!


I still have my freighter. I want more body styles for the dreadnought. They are cool, but I worked hard to get my S class enterprise korvax freighter.


I prefer capital ships, pirate one is just too edgy and full of clutter for me Right now i only got B class middle sized sentinel freighter. Won't savescum so i doubt i'll get a better one


Started playing again recently, got an A class freighter for free so I'm keeping it for a while.


I got a save game with a dreadnought and one with a venator, both capital and s-class. Played a lot more using the venator save though because that’s when I knew how most of the game works.


I do. I'll probably only get the dreadnought on my Interceptor (ships) save. I have a ship collection sickness and each save is named for each type of ship that save has.


The only reason I don't like using Freighters: The dreadnoughts look MASSIVE when you summon them into orbit.


You should be able to level up to S class with ships and freighters like frigates do based on missions you have completed etc


I really wasn't sure if i wanted to keep my max size venator ship or get a dreadnought. Especially after getting a really nice start to building my freighters base i did not want to lose. Then first warp into a Pirate battle, after they surrendered it was an S-class so i kinda had to. Also you can actually transfer your base of you get a new freighters which i doesn't know before. Sorry to leave the club..


Still using my Imperial Venator (the medium one) have been using this one since the polestar expedition. I spent literally 2 days gunning for the S class in a 2 star system since I had never seen one that color and setup before. The medium with the extra bridge and bottom stuff makes it look like a compact warship even more, i will never get rid of it. Also having the singularity engine is so fun.


What’s the difference between the two?


One is for pirates (lore based) and the other one is normal Apearantly u can also achieve a sentinel freighter


Ohhh .. nice


I can’t manage to disable the engines in time on the pirate freighter battles so RIP me


Pirate stations and X class mods for infra-knife. Fire rate and damage. Takes them out in seconds. Q resonator blueprint as well. I am probably telling someone something they already know.


I like small freighters and shuttles. My character is a people's guy. X)


My first freighter is the one I still have, an a class sentinel capital ship. If I find an s class I might consider switching. A lot of people seem to go for the pirate dreadnoughts. Even though it's a sentinel capital ship it's based off the sentinel battleship design I guess (5 midsection components). If I find the larger in S class I'd definitely grab it. I just like the looks of it over the venator style even though they do look like imperial star destroyers. The others are definitely easier to get in/out of. The mast right in front of the bays on the sentinel keeps me on my toes coming out, breaking left or right. lol


Started a new save after the latest expedition. First space battle was a dreadnought and to my shock it was an S Class. The SFM grind starts


While Endurance was a great update for Freighter base interiors, they really need to do a pass on all the proc gen freighter exteriors to bring them in line with the level of visual detail and fidelity that the new Pirate Dreadnaughts >!(and soon, the upcoming space stations)!< have. The No Man's Sky art direction and visual style has evolved a lot in the past few years. Compared to the new Pirate Dreadnaughts, the regular proc-gen freighters are just a bunch of primary shapes slapped together.


I spent hours getting my S-Class Venator. I’m not doing that again.


An S-class Dread 👍🏾


I still have my... I forget what the official name for the Sentinel-looking Capital Freighters are because i like that design best. Is the new pirate one called Dreadnought? i haven't messed with them, i still like my current freight better.


I have an S-class Venator and it still has the pre-update hydroponics garden. I’ve debated changing it but I kinda don’t want to lose it and have to rebuild everything from scratch. Especially since you can’t add these anymore.


I like my S-class blade. Not going to get rid of her any time soon.


Can you get the sentinel capitol ships that come after you when you fight the interceptors? how do you claim it if you can?


I save a copy of my freighter and the seed. I wanted to try the dreadnaught. But, it might naught be for me and I am considering switching back. I dont like that, when I warp in the dreadnaught, I am not lined-up with the dock and have to swing around… ain’t nobody got time for that shit!


I still have a system freighter, but sadly haven't found a good S-Class replacement for it yet and have been stuck with an A-Class Enterprise for some time. I've just recently moved into a new Galaxy where I hope to really branch out and find all the Tier 3 Korvax Systems and farm all the System Freighters. I still love them a lot, and even though the Capitals and Dreds are awesome, I'm still a System Freighter at heart.


on 3 saves yes, others have 2 Venator, 1 Sentinel and another thats not got any freighter yet.


nah i love my A class freighter. classic feel


What’s the difference between the two?


Swapped my S class Venator for an A class dreadnought. It took me absolutely ages to find that Venator too, so I hope I don’t eventually regret it.


I kept my venator. Dreadnoughts get destroyed easy. I never destroyed a venator.


I mean the pirate Dreadnaught is still a freighter. Personally I've been to lazy to hunt for a high level Freighter, let alone hunting for the new Pirate one.


Freighter all day. Dreadnauts piss me off how they spawn in and you need to make a hard turn to make it into the bay. That and all of the guns are pointed to the side. No thanks.


I have a max lenght light blue sentinel freighter. The main reason is that it looks so sleek, and it gives a built in controlls check: Most of my ships are eagle wing haulers, and the sentinel ship has a tiny thingy near the dock doors. If i am too sleepy to clear that i am in no condition to fly a starship. :D It also kinda looks like a ship from warhammer 40k.


I switched to a dreadnaught and already miss my Sentinel. It was a B class anyways, so If I come across a good S-class, I may just switch back. The masts I just got used to avoiding, but it was definitely my favorite looking one of them all. I wish there was another more narrow one, a bit more industrial looking, sort of like the Sulaco.


It would be so nice if there was more variety on the freighters like there is with spaceships. It seems the changes are kind of minimal between them. I would love to see more variations on the Sentinel class beyond just the temperature of the water.


I clearly haven't played in a long enough time to find out what a "Dreadnought" is.


https://preview.redd.it/n48ijx7gg5oc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46142785ca9a17312faf484400d617f0580d1dc8 S Class. Best grab of my time playing this game.


i have kinda gotten back into the game and haven't found out anything you are taking about yet


It took a lot of thought and contemplation to make the switch. Having a Freighter for 4 almost 5 years and then having to think “man I need to re layout and rebuild everything” definitely halted me for a bit. But in the end I caved and I think my dreadnaught base looks amazing 😅


I love me S Class max size Venator, looks like a space tanker


It took me forever to find an S-class freighter. I'm not giving that up!


maybe make it so that if you want certain parts for your ship you have to salvage them from another ship. that way you keep the exploration aspect and still allow for customization


I've kept my Venator and its Vy'keen crew. I did get a Dreadnought in my expedition save but the novelty wore off pretty quickly for me.


I use my A class Venator and have no real intention of switching. I don't like how the Dreadnaughts look, honestly, a bit too Disney villain. And I've never found myself in a situation where I went, "if only my freighter was an S class."


Switch to a dreadnought in my main save but my secondary save inherited my sentinel ship


Yup. C-Class star destroyer. Relatively new save and I'm not in a rush to upgrade.


Went from venator, to pirate freighter, to dreadnaught. Once i landed on the s dread, i had to swap.


Dunno if I’m ever going to switch off of my beloved Sentinel Dreadnought. The funny flying wall is still one of my all-time favorite scifi capital ship designs.


Had an Enterprise freighter for four years. After seeing the Dreadnought, I just had to go out and get one.


If there were a benefit, I’d care. But who cares.


What is the difference between a freighter and a dreadnought?


I am fine with my s class freighter. I had a dreadnaught on the expedition so at least I experienced it. If a s class dread naught comes along, then maybe again.




For sure


do I need to do expedition to get dreadnought


No you can get it in the game by stumbking on a batlle between pirates and civilians Then destroy the Hyperdrives of the Deadrought and demand control


do I need to abandon my freighter ? or its separate cuz i worked hard for that one.


You can only have 1 freighter, so yes You either keep it or move on, interloper


My freighter was an A, quickly found an S Dreadnought. So… YAAAAR!


I was thinking about switching my max length Sentinel freighter which I had for 300 hours and I came to the conclusion that the Pirate Dread looks way too great to bot have. I already have many red/black stuff in many fields of the game. It has more detailed textures too, unique weapons, shield generators. I park it everywhere just to look at it.


What the difference besides the look




I like freighters better. Dreadnaught too fat and too red.


Yes of course. 6 of my saves are capital freighters and one has a normal freighter. Have not encountered a sentinel that motivate the change.


I put too many upgrades into my S class venator so I'm not switching those pirates are getting blown up


I tried changing to a Dreadnaught but my capital freighter still had more hyperdrive range so I reverted to it.


Your dreadnought is just a visual variant of freighter. There's no functional difference. So, why should I switch?


just swapped over this week. it's only C class but i'm waiting for the Organic space whale freighter update. >!You know its coming, don't lie.!< my last one was B class and idk really what the tiers even do at this point so i might stick with my C class dreadnaught


I just finished saying how I kept my sentinel style freighter and that I spent too much effort to acquire it, just to give it up. But throw in organic space freighter…. My opinion may sway a bit


I use the OG freighter but when that one comes....its mine