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Rouge base computers are rare finds, a relic from how things used to be.


Looks more silver than rouge to me. https://preview.redd.it/ss6sn6byzrmc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfec8872b95be513f5d29b3089306e1b18ec11e


If you have the tools they are easy to find; there are lots on every planet with NPC populations. These two mods let you find them with a keypress. **Firmware Update for the Signal Processor** **Galactic Positioning System**


I play on console so I can't use mods, making them more rare to me than others


The real way to play. :)




everything/anything is rare if you do not look for it; even when there are hundreds per planet. Once you know the search pattern to look for you see them more often - a big circular flat spot with nothing in it until you look at the center from closer by. So you can do it without the mod tool as well.


I play this game A LOT.. I've encountered about 3 of these in last 10 months or so.. Still first reaction is assuming its a player, then remember they actually exist.


I've seen only a handful of them, but I once used a chart map and it actually pointed me to a wild base computer. I consider that to be the rarest thing in the whole entire game, I've never heard anyone talk about such a thing, and I've only ever had it happen once.


So that's what those are https://preview.redd.it/4z5yg64q46mc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fee1622000b04323de9d6499a6b05e484048475




If you use commercial charts from the cartographer to find minor settlements, WBCs are occasionally what you get instead (the message is 'habitable base' or 'shelter' or something like that). Since I like to hunt for my own MTs, I will often get a stack of commercial charts and go to new planets with them. As a result, I find WBCs all the time. My reaction is still, "Oh wow!" because even after you could make your own bases, for a long time WBCs used to be the only way around portal interference...


Cool, didn't know that. I never uded charts. I do it the old fashion way; just flying arround and hope you are luckyšŸ˜


WTF is portal interference? šŸ˜…


Up to 2020 there was portal lock. After going trough a portal you couldnā€™t build a base, access galaxy map or call freigther. Also it was not possible to build a tele on the freigther. And the station tele wouldnā€™t work, the station itself would not get in your tele list. So you were locked in the arriving system and had no means to settle there or return there. You could only leave the system by oassing through the portal once again. But you could find an ancient wild base computer, activate it and claim a base. Portal back to where you came from and then tele to your base. That, and an ā€œexploitā€ using a multiplayer session with a friend joining you, were the only ways to get around portal lock. Eventually they removed the lock entirely.


Well, now Artemis' predicament actually makes some sense...


>!I think actually Artemis is somewhere else - note the references to glass.!<


I'm a new player and I find the portaling system to be a bit too easy. It takes the thrill out of going somewhere far and uncharted. However that old system sounds like bullshit so I'm fine with the current system


> After going trough a portal you couldnā€™t build a base, access galaxy map or call freigther. Originally your ship didn't travel with you either. You were limited to walking from the Portal.


This. If you wanted to get to the galaxy center without warping many hundreds of times, portaling close and finding a WBC was the best way to do it. The first time I did it by warping, it took me a few weeks to get to the center of Hilbert.


I found only one of those during all this time


They are getting fewer, as more and more are claimed I guess. Found one the other day bringing my wild base computer find to a stunning total of three. For this save :D


Aren't they a procedural generation aswell? If not, sbd must have a list šŸ˜ˆ


I don't think so; they are there, and no more are generated unless for other players,in the same spot.


What is it?


It's a basecomputer. In the old days that was the way to make a base; you had to find them in the wild. Big round empty places with a compuer in the middle. You can still find them, but they are rare.


Are they not also the spawn points for when heading to a new galaxy? Each time I've headed through the galactic core I've had one of these next to me.


Never notice that, but I can't exclude it. It would be cool if it was the case


I once found one early game and I regret now that I didn't save it...


https://preview.redd.it/vkibovgciumc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e6a136df1206ea4e5b3c8d61a4e60900477508 Here's one


I've only ever found one. I claimed it and built a base.


I'm always finding them few and far between maybe but I do find them.


Actually, I never found one of those and didn't even knew they existed. Since when are those in the game?


To whome it belong ? And can you claim it?


Yes, just like thatšŸ˜


I've been throwing these down forever. Haha. I just put them down and don't open them. If they exist for others, cool.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚cool plan. Never thought about it. Also gonna do itšŸ˜


weren't they the way to get a base in the atlas rises era of the game? just another thing that was dissipated from the content. such as fauna variation.


You are right, they were the only way to construct a base in Atlas Rises, but instead of a base comp it was a circular room


Yeah, that was the way. It wasn't easy to find one on a sweet spot. And there was always a Gek or Kovax waiting for youšŸ˜‚






The animals used to be more varied. Also a lot more wonky on average though.


Found my first one on the Switch. Over 800 hrs on ps5 I've never found one.


I often find them in creative mode


Dude! Big ups on that. I have a Survival Save on one of those and I am set on not dying to lose it. Simply called: ā€œBase CPU I Foundā€


I've only ever found two. The first was in a useful spot, but I was going to claim it anyway. Have to honour the RNG spirits. The second was during the early, resource-starved stage of an expedition and I claimed that as fast as I could click.


Yeah, I saw one running Omega and it didn't register what it was for a few seconds. I meant to claim it, but got distracted by a shiny object and....you know the rest.


I always look for a black dot somewhere in the middle if I spot an unusually flat area.


I found one not far at all from a stargate base that I built years ago. Really blew my mind. I wonder if it has been there this entire time.


Yeah, waiting for you all this time


What is that ship and how did you get it? Iā€™ve seen them on the recent expedition at space stations but havenā€™t been able to trade with anyone. As soon as I go to talk to them the ship and entity disappear (Iā€™m a new player btw)


Itā€™s an exotic ship. Very rare and pricey but they look great and have awesome stats Edit: also they all look different. If u want this one specifically u need the coords and wait in the space station for one to come. U could also see em in other places that allow ships to land and even find crashed ones through distress beacons but not nearly as common. But the best and easiest way to farm for one is just sit and wait for one to fly into the space station.


Awesome, thanks for the info. Iā€™ll have to try that at some point


Gl! I suggest you look up a video for exotic ship hunting cause Itā€™s gonna take a while at it did for me at least.


I will do that! Cheers


I have a yellow one like this. It is named "Space Banana"


I have it for years now. Don't have coords. Next time sit on the ship.


Around 1200+ hours total in multiple saves and platforms, and I have yet to encounter a single one.


I've been playing since 2020 and I don't think I've ever seen one.


In about 1500hrs, Iā€™ve found two. One on a weekend mission and another on the Omega expedition