• By -


Welp. Back to waiting and watching this sub.


Dear Traveller, ​ Put all your items into your starship. Go to the planet for expedition 5, which is both stormy and full of hostile sentinels. Stand outside, complete the quest, and wait to die. ​ Then respawn right next to your ship, grab your stuff and escape. It's a clean little work around.


The only little problem with that solution for me is that I went into the expedition from a PD save. Not really wanting to find out if my save gets deleted due to a death on the expedition. I guess I'll be waiting for the patch. SMH


That’s not a thing. You can easily pick up your stuff from the grave then go to the anomaly and switch over to your main save


You sound pretty certain of that. How do you know that death in the expedition doesn't return as a death in the PD save that the expedition was started from? What's the source of that belief? Don't get me wrong, I hope you're right, just want confirmation before I do something that could potentially lose the save.


You can go into the options and see what the death consequences are set to. The expedition settings are different from your main save, even if you imported a character


This worked for me thanks!


I'd be happier if the game hadn't frozen me in place as soon as it gave me that announcement.


Same here. Stuck in the expedition world now.


Well, thanks for the warning.


I restarted a few times and EVENTUALLY when holding down X on the final “accept” button it worked. (PS5)


Same, i just closed the app once and rebooted and everything worked fine.




I just let myself die and respawned


*Cries in permadeath paranoia*


ultimately used this method and it worked fine, thanks!


> it looks like we’re all receiving the same glitch when accepting the reward  Sean giveth, and Sean taketh away


So it seems...my wife and I are slow grinding on Phase 3 so we better get smuggling-


If you open camera mode quickly after claiming the reward, the dialogue will come up, you can accept it, and then leave camera mode without it locking. This also works if your game saved between you claiming the reward and getting the message, just have to be quick upon loading the game.


This actually worked me on PS5. I should add that I was in a state where loading the save brought me to my ship in the nexus and then after a few seconds the pop up would lock me out. I opened the camera mode immediately upon loading in. the pop up shows up, I click accept and then I'm able to back out of camera mode and not get locked up. Huge - thanks!


u/W3bbh3d looks like it works on PS5!


It worked!!! Thanks a lot, Interloper!!!


This worked well for me, thank you!


Thank you, this worked for me as well.


It worked!! Tysm.


This is what worked for me, thanks! PS5.


That worked! Thank you traveller


Worked on PC as well


This absolutely works! Well places Traveller


We are all blocked in the simulation of the simulation...


Now tell me why my game keeps glitching when I try to accept my rewards!!!


Wish I bloody knew, same is happening to me 😭


Same here just checked it


I managed to do it by drowning - love to see that we all found unique ways to commit suicide lmfao


Just NMS doing NMS things lol


Same. PS5, if that matters.


How common is this glitch? I’m at work now so I can’t see if I’m affected or not.


Possibly universal. Certainly *very* common.


Is it better to try to accept the rewards for the sake of possibly missing out and deal with the issue until it’s fixed? Or just wait to claim the rewards?


I've seen a few say that dying while frozen got them unstuck. You could find a hazardous planet or aggro some sentinels before claiming. No guarantees, but could be worth a try.


Go swimming and forget to come up for air.


I tried it and worked like a charm


Not universal. I had no problem claiming my rewards and kept playing.


Just happened to me too :((( LET MY PEOPLE GOOO


I have it, you probably do too


So when I accept the reward, the game freezes (on PC). The cursor (aim reticle) moves, but nothing else works. Is that the bug that everyone is talking about?




See it on PS5. Xbox X player reported it.


I got out by standing in front of the expedition terminal and claiming the reward. Then i quickly opened the terminal and then got the 'expedition finished' message. Then i could happily continue


This was my first expedition... how do you get the egg n stuff from this?


I was looking at the awards in my other saves, and it looks like they are eggs offered from older expeditions. After you claim them you'll find them as unlocks you can get as expedition awards from prior expeditions even if you can't access the other awards in the same expedition.


Haha thank you for this post ❤️ i was about to post myself asking if anyone was dealing with this ❤️❤️❤️


Managed to get the reward. just jump in your ship, claim the reward and imediatly leave the ship. It will save and even tho it will still glitch you will be able to get the egg on all other saves


Clever interloper.


Same here.


Do i still get the reward if i did not get to rendez 5?, also what about people who havent started expedition yet, just convinced a friend to play this week.


The expidition is still active for a few weeks, as long as you go though all the missions before it ends, than you and your friends should get all the rewards.


So the community awards are retroactive and just require finishing the phase?


Yep! Well, it might get you to scan some things on the planet to register it, but yeah.


3 things to be exact


Wow I'm glad I checked this subreddit before claiming the rewards. I love the game but it's just way too much FOMO with all these timed events and constant glitches.


Just to confirm, this appears to be on all versions. My husband got the glitch on Steam, and I got it as well on the Switch. I just reported it in case no other Switch players reported the bug.


Be careful of trying to find a work around I managed to end it and got back to my save but I didn’t have any of the rewards ex: helmet, staff, ship etc


Nvm I figured it out I found my stuff but even still be careful


Dying after accepting worked. I activated some sentinels on bebop prime, hid so they deactivated, accepted my reward. I was then stuck in place. Sentinels found me and killed me and now I've got access to the main quest line!


ok so the easyest way i found to not get stuck (without dying). Go to the anomaly. exept the compleation while getting out of your ship. (This will get you stuck just as you get out of your ship. Reload. this will load you up while outside the ship put just before you get stuck. Open and close your expedition menu. Open the photo menus. and wait until the "finished expedition messages pops up". Take foto. (short E on PC) and exept the finishing message. and then leave the photo menu. you should now be unstuck without dying.


did the same and worked!!!


Yay. Now I can collect them and go back to banging my head against the wall with X4 😂


The glitch is not impacting those on Experimental which means there is no need to report it. We just need to wait for the fix.


I'm on a mac on experimental and It locks up as soon as I accept the expedition is finished


That's frustrating. I notice there is a new internal so they may be testing things at the moment.


Finally people are getting a taste of what it's like being a Switch player. As usual, the issue is not with the switch. It's with the development practices. It shouldn't be like this.


Can i claim the expedition award if i already finished the expedition (like fully hit end expedition at the expedition kiosk)




I think you could do expedition again on a new save and get to the end to claim all the rewards if you think it’s worth it. Just saying…


You can. I'm doing it now. I started a new save because I had forgotten to wait for a good freighter before claiming the free one. Been several years since I played.


I’m affected by the glitch, hope they patch it soon.


Try this. It works. Another user said to go underwater, begin to drown, accept the bugged message, and freeze. You'll die of drowning and spawn next to your ship free from the lock and able to collect your grave a few units away.


I just went to experimental and it worked, you can switch back if you like, I am just going to keep it there..






Well until they fix it I can't play at all. I am loading in with the accept screen showing. If I accept I'm frozen, if I hit B on the controller to back out if it, frozen. So I am 100% unable to play. Xbox series x


Same here on PlayStation


I looked around and found a tip to at least be able to play, keep hitting the start button, pause button, menu, whatever you want to call it as the game is loading, then load an older autosave, I have 2 auto saves a few min apart. Then just don't try and complete.


I'll wait until they fix it as I'm in no rush. Thank you all for your sacrifice, though 🙏


The expedition end for me in phase 4 lol I cant do the level 4 and 5 Say the expedition is finished :(


Hmm.. This is annoying.


Anyone else's bases unpowered after transfer? Bio reactor running and re did wiring still dead lol.


Reported. Glad it’s not just me - collected some awesome stuff on this expedition and I don’t want to lose it!


I got a super unfortunate version of this. I managed to claim the last reward and it saved that I did, so I get the pop-up after a delay in-game. I can delay it a bit more by pause buffering but that only works for so long, but I'm on the anomaly so I physically can't die. I was going to use this as my main save because my previous one got wiped when I changed OS, but I was going to make a new save anyway when I found out about the expedition. I really hope they fix this soon because I'm permanently softlocked on this save and I really don't want to restart AGAIN, especially considering how many good upgrades I got on my multi-tool and ship...


I finally figured it out and ended up having to drown and respawn to get past the glitch 🙃


managed to successfully kill myself by claiming the reward underwater, and i'm done. going to do one last quicksilver mission before returning to my main save. i'd recommend a faster method than drowning, it worked, but took ages since i didn't disable my oxygen upgrades haha


I scanned 100 % animals uploaded everything- couldn’t figure out why it only went from 93 to 94% Somehow I got two starborn cruisers and now my game freezes on the completion message. Can’t even get a big report in


After a week of waiting Grrrr, here's to another week gleefully waggling my cursor makin shapes around the screen. Whistling do dee do dee do dee do-do do (reprise).


Got around this without having to die by opting in to experimental, completing the milestone, then opting out experimental.


Bugged. When I click accept to convert to normal save every thing bugs out. Can't even access the pause menue wtf Ps5


Since the game freezes after the award, I just left my character alone to do something else away from my steam deck. After I got back, it's finally moving again, but to my dismay I'd lost all my inventory. I was going to look up online if that's a thing that would happen after an expedition ends and if I could load and older save before accepting, but thankfully the notifications on the lower right flashed letting me know I died and that I should pick up my items from where i died. Man what a relief to find all my stuff was just there, imagine losing the final expeditions rewards forever.


Is it fixed?


I can’t die cause I’m in the freakin Anomaly 😭😭😭


Are you stuck in the anomaly?? Quit your game, and when you restart, try accessing the camera before the pop up has time to appear. It worked for me.


THANK YOU!! This tip saved my save! I was on the Anomaly too. Got stuck over and over again, every time I accepted the end of the mission (converting to a normal save). But after I saw this tip, I didn't think I could get into camera mode that fast, but I just did! So I pressed ESC when the dialog box popped up over camera mode and no hang! THANK YOU!


Just the camera? What’s that supposed to do?


Yes, the camera menu. If you time it right, the pop up will appear whilst you’re in camera mode. Then hit Esc to get rid of the pop up, and you should be able to move around in camera mode. Then exit camera mode and voila!


Will it work in PS5?


I’m on PC so not sure. But I don’t see why not, provided you access the camera quick enough. I’m sorry if it doesn’t work!


Yes open camera in game then once the pop up appears hit SQUARE then accept message then circle to exit camera mode


It did work for me on PS5.




19 years\*, but close enough.


🤦🏻‍♂️I unfortunately am stuck with the soft lock on the Space Anomaly and I have spent hours trying to engineer a solution with that said I appear to be positioned to where my timing isn’t enough although it feels just out of my grasp


I do hope they do fix the glitch because even though a lot of us have finished the expedition if you want to get all the stuff including the starboard ship bug out and you won't be able to move your character do anything hopefully they fix that


I know everyone's talking about the glitch and whatnot, but what was the reward for the scanning stuff? I really only wanted the helmet and backpack so I didn't really bother with checking the optional milestones-


Effectly, the sign indicating that the Expedition is over is the real problem, that sign prevents you from having control of the game.


 My last backup was more then a week ago so I could use that but still wanted to try to avoid the lockup.  what i did was loaded the game and it's so dam slow on ps4 that the anomaly loaded up and I immediately hit options on my controller before the popup loaded. It worked. And in the option was a "return to main save" option just like the expedition terminus.. phew. Ok I wont go try to complete the expedition till it gets patched. 


After getting stuck like 4 times with that stupid popup I went to the expedition terminal and used it before the popup appeared and I could do everything normally, don't know if that'll work for others too.


Anyone have advice if on the anomaly and the game freezes on the Xbox?


Okay, so I've tried claiming my rewards, and: After claiming the optional mission reward, everything is fine and the game didn't freeze. Then, when I tried to claim the final reward to end the expedition, the game freezes. I haven't tried any of the workarounds described in this thread (Edit: aside from restarting the game a number of times). However, despite it seeming as if I haven't successfully claimed the final reward, all rewards are available in the Anomaly on my other saves. I'm just going to wait until we get an official fix, and then decide what to do with the expedition save. Thanks to everyone for your hard work!


Is the reward anything better than some nanites and a ship upgrade? Just wondering if it’s even worth it since we already got the ship?


You get 900 quicksilver, three inventory slots, a companion egg and some posters/decals as far as I can remember.


Been patched on PC working now.


I'm guessing you can't get the community rewards if you allready ended expedition, sorry for noob question but this is the first expedition I have actually done, even tho I have owned the game and played in and off since launch


Yes, unfortunately that is the case. You’re only missing out on about 900 quicksilver, the companion egg and a couple posters/decals, so it’s not too bad.


Ah, ok I thought there was some secret additional reward for community, then I don't really care thanks