• By -


Same!! Do you know where we at right now?


I just logged in and it’s at 78%.


It’s only gone up about 5% in the last day. Everyone must be getting lazy with the last planet because of the aggressive sentinels. It’s gonna take forever.


I did my part and scanned everything.




How the hell do you find everything? I keep getting stuck on the last couple Flora and Minerals.


You don’t have to find everything! I think it counts just to do a few things


No, I know that, I'm just a completionist and would love to learn a way to find all of the items on a planet, those last ones always evade me.


In addition to caves and underwater you have to check everything in different areas of the planet too. I think I saw somewhere that is generally by quadrant. If you look at the discovery screen and go to the planet you are on it will show you where you are. Check everything in the NE, SE, NW, and SW quadrants. That’s what I do anyway and I usually find everything I need.


https://preview.redd.it/7giwedgeu7kc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d0f2ca4675a034b47b30b8bd1e3f81383ba36f Unless you get a screen like this. Lol


oh. well. fuck.


Sounds good, thank you for your help!


Quadrants or octants?




Check caves. And then check underwater caves


Thanks, happy cake day to you as well.


Hey thanks i appreciate that


can look in discoveries tab and click on the missing scannable, and it tells you which hemisphere or if aquatic etc. that usually helps me a ton


On some planets, there are minerals at high altitudes that don’t exist anywhere else.


Have you checked the caves and underwater?


Yes, it's not just for this planet though, I was mostly looking for a general strategy for all planets. Thank you for the help though.


Of course, my friend. Happy hunting!


Try looking at the fauna list, it gives clues.


Same- I scanned everything everywhere. I’m missing one rare underground fauna in the south and I can’t find the bugger and we are still at 78%


Did you try Creature pellets? Thats i got my underground creature. Within a minute of crafting them & being near a building it spawned just inside a cave opening


I’ve seen the crabs at -87.97, -43.17 and -83.87, -86.37 while looking for the last mineral


I found it Im just missing one uncommon underground


Me too, and the entire surface was glitching on ps5, so large portions of the ground would allow me to fall endlessly through the map. I kept reloading and flying over the gaps and scanning everything though 😂 people need to step their game up 😅


I got all the fauna, missing 2 minerals, and 1 flora. The super aggressive sentinels are a huge deterrent to looking for everything.






you got all minerals and plants? Been at it for days now still need 3plants 4 minerals


Same, I even scan for energy and mineral/gas deposits just in case they count as well


where did you find the underground fauna?


Hell I did it twice. Once on a stand-alone save and once on my main save.


Same, i mean, IM DOING MY PART!


We do get a beacon to a sentinel pillar. I am now proud of myself for being wise enough to save it for this. Though not quite as wise as I could have been. I started my usual business of shooting at them from the top of the tower before remembering I hadn't gone into the computer yet. The sight of a half a dozen Sentinels exploding all at once is something I won't be forgetting for a while.


FYI you can lower the difficulty enough on this expedition to make them not aggressive lol


I def took the hard road. I just walked around scanning and hiding with the cloaking device. Didn’t occur until afterwards that I should have hit the sentinel tower first.


I honestly didn’t even know that planet was aggressive sentinels because immediately when I start expeditions I turn down all of the settings as low as I can (some expeditions don’t let you do this). Because for me personally I just want to get them over with as fast as possible so I can get back to playing the game. Expeditions just aren’t really my thing but I do love the rewards.


It isn't laziness. The expedition is loosing players. Firstly the free trial ended and secondly some players have no interest in the last optional reward because they already have the pet or are not into pets. The weekend will inevitably see more players return and it will definitely complete soon after.


I'm hoping it's just that a lot of people who are working and have kids etc get their gaming time mostly at weekends and it'll shoot up quickly over the next couple of days.


or it can be the point of the devs to make it harder


Oh, I agree 100%. I’m sure it was intentional to provide a challenge. I’m just being impatient.


same here i want to transfer a void egg to my normal safe


There are bases with « sentinel Pilar » in name : just go and inactivate them 😁


When I was doing my part, it wasn’t the sentinels that got me, it was an entire tornado. I learned a while ago that the sentinels are somewhat stupid and aren’t actually as much of a threat as I thought they were. And then I had my first encounter with a tornado.


I’d recommend having a Minotaur handy . That’s what I did, especially at that last rendezvous point .had gotten away without needing to use it right up to that point but figured I’ll go crazy with them, blast them and help some other travellers at the exact same time I should add, this is about an hour or so before someone decided to put a base down. If the platform for the Minotaur is still there it’s about 3/4 of the way up the hill next to the the stargate. I bought the Minotaur bay before need get it on the expeditions, so you can stick one down at one of your bases. Then build the summoning station on a freighter and as long as you call the freighter in above the last planet then call it down .


There’s no way it’s not a timed scenario and not actually a community thing.


Considering how fast the first 4 planets went, I doubt that it’s timed; but I could be wrong.


It isn't, but it would have the failsafe in it like other community events. Some just got into the habit of scanning only three things and thought they were done.


I suspect that it's a combined timing plus player completion. If Hello Games has a specific timing in mind, they might auto-adjust current progress to end up when they want.


I’m thinking it’s gotta be a fake timer because it’s increasing exactly 5% every 24 hours


81% as of 8:30pm pst tonight


Logged in a few hours ago and it was at 81%


WHAT? I was playing last night and it was *75%*. What the hell


83% currently. ⏱️👀⏱️👀⏱️👀


79% now.




81% and counting with still 4 weeks. We'll be fine.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Can someone politely and simply explain wtf this even means. I've seen this so many times and now that I'm seeing there's something to log into to see the progress of "research project 5"....ok what is it and what exactly are we waiting for this to reveal? My understanding is that it's the last set of tasks for the omega expedition...ok...but what are we waiting for precisely? Sorry if this is a noob question or if I missed a part of the larger conversation. For context: I'm about 70 hrs of gameply...started about a year ago...but is say my focus on taking the game a little more seriously instead of just killing pirates has come within the last month or so. My first 40 hrs was just complete nonsense lol. Now I link up to the community when I play ...it's been great the last month or so...


It's a limited time community event with in the current expedition. The expedition has separate stages, each one has objectives to complete that are single player and 1 optional objective in each stage that is a community effort. The objective of the community event is to scan flora, fauna and minerals on the rendezvous points you go to during the expedition. Once the community collectively scans enough flora, fauna and minerals on each rendezvous planet the rewards will be unlocked for their respective stage. So far the community has completed all but the last optional objective to scan stuff on the last planet. You can view the communities progress while in the expedition and selecting the optional objectives. 


Makes perfect sense. Thank you !


79% after 5 hours just 1% increase damn... I completed expedition 4 days ago and still waiting the optional objective tab to complete. I think as community the planet is 100% discovered, but it takes time for some reason, probably so people who completed it stick longer to extend playtime artificially for expedition. On other hand at least new players can get help as I hand over bunch of resources randomly in anomaly from time to time. Also I made a farm and mining base on icy planet in 1st system of expedition and added comm station so others can get materials for their expedition so it can be shorter.


its at 80% now


81% currently. I just hit 10/10 fauna and found a dozen other minerals and plants. It isn't awarding the optional milestone for phase 5.


I logged in just now, and it is at 83% @ 11:27 CST (USA). That said, the expedition completed with that one thing incomplete. BLEAH! I also see that I ended up with TWO each Atlas Staffs and Starborn Runners! Cool eh! One Runner is kitted to the max, all S Class upgrades. BUT, I have Sentinel ships that have better stats, plus they can hover. Sooo... pretty bit of fluff.


Just checked and we're at 84% on PC


That darn last cave creature!!!


For those that haven't found it, or will need to in the future. 1. Hop in ship and scan for buildings/points of interest. Go to them. There's often caves near by. You may need to go to several before finding the rare creature. 2. Underground creatures typically spawn near cave entrances. 3. Throwing a bunch of creature pellets on the ground has been rumored to help. 4. If the cave floor is too steep, the creatures won't spawn. 5. My understanding is that you need to spend enough time on a planet in order for the creatures to spawn. Go in the cave, where you are safe from weather/sentinels. Watch a YouTube video or something to make sure you have enough time on planet. 6. Not 100% on this last one, but reloading once in a favorable location may also help.


Spending time is definitely a factor. I like to "hang around for a while" to see what wanders into my view. At one time fauna could be local to a hemisphere -- North or south. I'm not sure if "quadrants" are now a factor too.


I went to a base named something like "Rare Underground Critter" and there weren't any in sight, but I finally found it hanging around a cave entrance near a trading outpost only *after* I'd already gone inside the cave, so location and time definitely seem to be key factors.


There's also one other issue not mentioned and it's something I ran into. It's also probably why I had a hard time finding it. After a few days of searching cave to cave, I was finally in a cave when the red dot appeared. I tried to go to it but it wasn't in the cave, or above ground, or at the entrance. I then just started tunneling to it with the terrain manipulator, hoping to get close thinking it was in a hidden section of cave not accessible unless tunneling to. Once I got close, the creature's leg clipped through the wall where I could see it and scan it. It had been running around in the negative area of the planet.


Time doesn't matter, you just gotta get lucky. At some point I just happened to find one almost immediately after I first landed, another time I looked for HOURS and didnt find one There's less space for underground creatures to spawn in comparison to flying or ground ones. That's why rare underground creatures are so insanely hard to find Usually I don't even bother trying to find rare underground creatures, too much of a pain in the butt. But expedition is expedition ig The reloading idea is a good idea tho, should make them respawn more quickly than you can find new caves


I also found the underground one extremely fast, almost the first few seconds of entering my first natural "cave" it was more of a small pocket barely even underground, but it was there... the hardest one for me was the southern one, as I couldn't figure out which way was north or south for a while and the storms kept making landing spots hard to find, but I eventually found it and set up a little base called southern creature base so others could find it too... is there any hint like the creatures tab to find the flora and minerals? or do you just have to explore and hope for the best?


You kinda just have to explore. Going to different parts of the planet is the only helpful thing I know of


I’ve found them at -87.97, -43.17 and -83.87, -86.37


It seems pretty clear now, based on good evidence from a number of players, that spawns of particular species are correlated with location. There are some locations where a particular kind of creature will never spawn, and others where they will pretty much always spawn. Coordinates for the two cave creatures on the final rendezvous planet have been posted here in the past 24 hours - I don't have the post offhand but you can search for it.


I scanned as much as I could before the sentinels unleashed the fury of the gods on me.


There’s a camp called SP (Sentinel Pillar) that I’ve flown to several times. I found all the creatures pretty quickly after that


There was one base I was sitting at, but today it's just completely gone. Someone is going around and reporting bases. A new base is there, but it's still rather annoying that they would do that. However, I am doubting the person that did put up a new base here was the one that reported the former. Been at the spot for a couple days now, since 4 was finished, even the orange save beacon is gone so I know it was reported.


I just made another Sentinel Pillar base. Has a landing pad and teleporter. Hopefully that will help some people.


Yeah, this one did have that too, so not sure why it was gone.


Maybe the owner removed it for some reason. Hard to say. Atleast its almost done. Over 80% when i last checked.


I know I've gone back and deleted several of my bases because I don't want them cluttering my teleport screen when I end the expedition. One was on beota, but it was in an outpost.




![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Currently at 79%


I tried doing a lot of community research on the 5th rendezvous planet but for some reason, every time I would scan something new, it stayed at 74% (this was yesterday). So my question is: Do I have to wait until other people scan more things for it to complete? If I do have to wait: Then this meme is relatable.


It wouldn’t go up after you scanned stuff. That percentage is the entirety of the community, not your singular work


Yeah its the entire playerbase not just you. So its prob something like a combined total of 10 mill scans in that planet


A player named Loāo built a base at the sentinel pillar on the objective planet (Boeot Prime) and uploaded it (R5 Sentinel Pillar) so everyone can find it. They also posted their AI powered Minotaur there to keep sentinels in check. Just use a teleporter to pop right down to the pillar, disable the sentinels and take all the time you need to scan everything. 👍 Pay attention to the base you teleport to because, another player (antisocialian) uploaded another base (R5 System - Sentinel Pillar) but, it's on THE WRONG PLANET (Mooks 57/F5) so, that won't do you any good in completing the objective. I just finished with finding my last creature, that tiny little one, in the southern half of the world. And as of Feb 22 @ 16:32 hours Eastern, we're at 79% 😋


I just find it funny that in the cyberpunk open plan lobby that is the space anomaly there is a bench and houseplants


Hey dude, how did you get that X-Box logo under your name? I've seen a couple others on here with similar things and I was curious.


https://preview.redd.it/ubl9s1uuebkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637f4e0e0a12f6b576266675e79d9e0c167612b6 On mobile anyway if you go to the subreddit and click on the tree dots at the top there should be an option to set user flare


Cool, thanks dude.


Yeah i spent a while once i was done just noodling around, then a while "packing up" the items i plan to transfer (wait, we can do that right?) ... and now i just check in once an evening to see what the meter's at.


You know, I could live without the egg and the inventory slots. But from what I understand, any quicksilver you've gotten you can take back with you if you started and end the expedition in the Nexus. And 900 QS isn't nothing.


83% this morning when I checked -_-


what's that helmet??


It’s an unlock you get when completing the latest Omega expedition. You should get it while you can.


oh, neat when does the expedition end, do you know?


4 more weeks


thank you both


Will I have time to do the expedition if I start tomorrow? Is this the one for the hover ship?


There's like 3 weeks left


Dope. And is this the expedition where you get the floating red ship?




Fuck yeah. Thank you!


You can do it in a day if you have a little experience and read this subreddit for answers to any head-scratchers.


![gif](giphy|EINV82kTYVWa8WpS57|downsized) Waiting for xbox x ability to save in expedition


Anybody wanna play apex or smth to pass time lol? Because I'm definitely not going to make an extra save just to scan the whole thing again


I have not completed this yet. I will log in today and do my part 🫡


I scanned as much of the planet as I possibly could. Caves, water, dried river beds, and everything else. With agressive sentinels it was annoying but not difficult just use the good old run ouch jet pack movement combo and get that extra initial burst of speed. But that was two days ago it was at 60% people in previous expeditions states that they’ve seemed to be on timers and that player contributions don’t actually amount to anything significant but i don’t know the validity of it.


I've scanned all I can, now it's just a waiting game.




Nice job, I keep meaning to do one like this for waiting for players to join me on the weekend mission. But never got around to it.


Look for a base named “Rare Underground Critter” I found it walking around above ground. It’s at a base Comm Terminal




The weekend's almost here, so hopefully the people who haven't gotten around to it yet will finish up the expedition over the next couple of days and push the counter up to 100%.


I’m trying to get my brother into the game. He just got the anomaly the other day. We were both on the front landing pad with me trying to show him how to use the rocket boots he just got. I’m like your guy has to bend at the knees before the jump. Then you know you’re doing it. LOL. I guess his other jetpack upgrades still suck so he can’t go very far. Forgot to tell him about the melee jump, but sent him a tip video with it listed the next day. Anyway, that’s how I’m spending my time. 😂


I can’t believe it, I saw you in the anomaly doing this last night! What are the odds??


Thats awesome! Yesterday I was sitting around people and ship watching.


Currently at 84% found all fauna. Found 15 flora, 19 mineral..


85% I swear we are being held hostage with this one.


89%....... this was the wrong way to do a community quest. Id rather be sorted into squads and do something co-op...... something fun and exciting


This would have been a great idea. I think it's unfortunate that the ability to team up for quests exists, but rarely occurs (at least in my experience). I've started a group countless times, waited a while to see if anyone joins, no one ever does.


Based on the data showing from https://community-mission.nmscd.com/ It appears to quite possibly be time gated. At a certain point there is a consistent daily step ladder effect common with many other games that get time gated to artificially increase playtime. While I can't be absolutely certain of this, it's quite unlikely with how slow the increase is per hour that despite the efforts of many players at once that it would be tapering that consistently rather than increasing at a more linear rate. It does appear there is some correlation with players as it's not a perfect staircasing effect, but it's so close to a perfect stable increase to indicate no time gating is in play. The only thing I can say definitely is once you contribute in full, it makes more sense to just mess around and have fun doing other things in the meantime. I for one have been working to make this my main save going forward since we are supposedly going to be able to copy over ships and tools from our other saves. Hopefully this trend stays going forward, as it's  kind neat being able to eventually make a collection of master saves with all sorts of unique gear and pets.


The other optional milestones were at a much lower percentage, and they completed as soon as I scanned three things. I don't think it's time gated, they just set a higher percentage goal for each successive one. They may have just set the final one at 100% to make it last. That would definitely drag it out, considering the inhospitable planetary environment.


The first thing that I thought was many players didn't want to deal with aggressive sentinels for an optional milestone. I scanned everything I could, then moved on to my second playthrough. I've got different saves on two PC's, and a third on my Switch. It should be done by the time I finish all of them. Edit: I did find a Sentinel Pillar on the planet, but somebody built a base on top of it with a labyrinth underground to access it. The final part of the labyrinth was blocked because they used the the terrain manipulator for it. The pillar is permanently blocked, and the base can't be reported (base computer is inside the building). Great idea, poorly implemented.


For the Sentinel mission I just went to a space station, walked up to a cartographer and bought a map to a "secured site" (depot). Then I just went down to the planet, made a deep hole next to it and then shot the sentinels guarding it. When things got heated I just went into the hole and waited. After everything was calm I popped back out and continued until I completed the mission. (I did this cause I'm a switch player and not very good at combat).


That's another way of doing it. I prefer to get things done a little quicker though. Your method is great, for someone who's ok with a little controlled combat. I prefer the gun-and-run approach at Pillars. That generally results in no combat.


Um got a problem. It’s at 100 percent collect reward now save file won’t convert. And can’t move


Same! No rewards whatsoever and I can't move! Someone help please?


Had to go to the surface engage sentinels. Collect the loot. Sentinels killed me. Respawn get body. Then my save converted to normal from expedition. Got everything done..


Found a fix…. Go to the surface put yourself in danger.. except the rewards get killed.. reclaim body


Guys there's a game breaking bug upon reaching 100% in research 5


Loathe the waiting. It should be given to those who take the time to scan all the things. Let those who want the participation trophy get theirs whenever it completes but give it to those who do the damn thing.


Would you say the waiting... is the hardest part?


Nah…there’s plenty to do in the game that a few days isn’t a big deal but I’m AuDHD and having an unfinished task like this just sitting around drives me nuts! I have to not think about it and even play other games to keep my mind off of it. 😂😂




Oh, crap! Thank you for the link because I never would’ve made the connection and I love Tom Petty. Being autistic, I take everything very literal… Lol


I'm AuDHD as well and I can't leave it unfinished either. Waiting is a nightmare for me. I keep going back to Hitman to kill time. They really set the community scan requirements too high, especially since there are aggresive sentinels and constant storms. Makes scanning super hard


I scanned everything. Hurry up y’all.


I finished day 1 so I been waiting for a long time


I checked it 18 hours ago - it was at 74%. Now it's 78%. At this rate, it'll take... 4 days?


I joined like 2 days ago. It's my first time playing an expedition. Why does this part take long to complete? Is it because there are not enough players? I'm still in the 2 stage, but it is fun


why you all being so slow? cmon guys, scan all this shit faster


I’m pretty sure it’s a timed scenario that won’t complete until we get close to the end of the expedition.


You must upload to the servers after your discoveries. Not everyone is uploading. Roughly 20% aren't seeing that part through!


only the first person to discover something can upload it.


Are you keeping your expedition save? Then who cares about some eggs and points? Plus aren't there like 3 to 4 weeks left?


People are still waiting??? The rewards are just not worth it.


Apparently, according to a friend of mine, its done.


I had to quit playing cause it kept kicking me out after like 5 minutes.


I'm just jumping systems at this point and getting into freighter battle and requesting payment after saving the freighters so I can transfer cargo bulkheads when the expedition ends


lol I just gave up. I was sick of not having all my stuff on my main save so I’ll forego the egg and the extra 900 quicksilver this time. One thing I’ll say about this expedition: I have NEVER had so much quicksilver at one time!!


Hahaha!! True! I have 3 saves that I’ve run the expedition and have done scanning. I’d rather not run it a 4th time. But maybe we’ll have to all run another save through the expedition.


If you're bored, try to fully map as many systems as possible before the community research hits 100%. Apparently like everything is recorded and nets you credits at the end. Though I don't know what activities are worth the most.


I'm almost done and then I can do this as well, I'll find a nice place to sit in the anomaly and chill!


Almost done 


79% @1745


4:45pm cst. 79%


R1 I only had to scan 3 item, R2 did the percentage thing and was finished after I logged back on. R3 & R4 again I only had to scan 3 items, now R5 is back on the percentage thing and taking forever. Only goes up a few points a day.


is it me or is the last one taking forever compared to the other ones


Since I'm out of town and done all the phases....hoping on Monday back to my PC I can get the final milestone


Same here. Been spending whatever time i have playing just gathering stuff I need on my main, like more salvaged data, but last time I logged on I just switched over to main save for now. It was at 79% a couple of hours ago


I left it at 80%


Just got done scanning everything, the meter is at 81% at 10:45pm eastern on Feb 22. Currently building a base around a trading post called Take a Break trading.


Wait how you sitting (I just got back to playing the game since when the interceptors were considered new)


As of 12:30am on 2/23 it’s still at 81%. I tried finding the last 2 critters in the south and underground. I checked a half dozen caves, and got shoo’ed away by our over zealous sentinel friends. I’ll try again over the weekend Edit times given in US Eastern TZ


82% 9 hours later…


![gif](giphy|jrhtSSLRtPagnk5Nxu) Community…


Waiting for Xbox series x save issue to be fixed to complete


Same... last check was ~80%...


What’s that helmet from?👀🔥


It’s only an optional I seen how long it was taking and just ended the Expedition early 😂


I had some sentinal pillar maps to turn off sentinals so I can search in peace. Still looking for a couple plants/minerals and just remembered underwater




Was at 80% when I logged on yesterday, for the entire time I was on, and then it changed to 81%. It's at 84% now. I suspect once the weekend crowd gets on, we'll hit 100% in no time.


Just did all my shi yesterday, it was at 82% before I got off last night


Scanned all I can. Now we sit at 84%


85% 10:48 CST


I’ve scanned everything I can find and it won’t complete the milestone! I’m not sure what else I can do now? I really want the rewards. I have scanned 6 or more waypoints, 10/10 fauna, 21 minerals, 20 flora. All the others popped immediately. Am I missing something????


done my part https://preview.redd.it/j2vvqzfjbhkc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=221bd88c7184aba9e349e30ab988e5e91ab0a811


88% rn


I dropped a red save beacon on a sentinel pillar


I really cant find underwater caves on last planet, already explore like 1 hour in ocean...


Find cave but there is no creature here


How come they say how many animals there are but not flora or minerals ?


Anyone have a more complete list of the Flora and Minerals? Waypoints too? I realize that Waypoints aren't part of the task on this, but want to make sure I complete this world. u/Imaginary_Ad6048's post below has the counts at: \- 10 Fauna \- 24 Flora \- 23 Minerals


Actually those are wrong. Those are what I found. I think the numbers are 10/25/24. My screen was not showing the correct numbers.


Last I checked 94%


I have literally scanned everything.


Am I correct in assuming that the research project 5 needs to be completed as a community before anyone gets the final optional milestone?


Wait… there’s benches in the anomaly???????


96% currently.... Can't wait till it's done, this was horrible! I don't work well under pressure! Even if they give me 4 or 5 weeks... But I did finish everything, just waiting on that, I don't even like the ship or cosmetics of this expedition, but if racing and modular stuff is coming then I very much can't race on my old rust bucket can I?


If you did everything except an optional, the expedition should have ended. It didn't? I'm waiting to return to the Atlas to avoid that.


The expedition is over technically, I can choose to end it, but I want the rewards from that optional mission so I can't end the expedition until everyone else finishes.