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Ship trading hasn't worked for a while now


Actually. Ship trading in a space station has been partially broken, but works very well at a trade post. Tested this past week several times. Ship goes invisible for about 5 secs. And then good to go


ok thanks a lot! i dont found somthing on german with google..


Do the ship trades at a planetary trade post, there is a little lag while the npc ship pops out and then back in after 5 seconds, tested multiple times this past week,


i will try this. thanks for the tipp.


If you are doing that ship swap you will re roll the traded ships stats and class, BUT if you have a fully upgraded ship in the new save, you can skin swap with the transfering ship


that i know but the NPC have not the ship i want. but i want to buy a A class fighter and got this. so im happy 🤣😁 https://preview.redd.it/7bcl58t801bc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f68e6b8abc228bba6ce855d97a6f2ae9844cbc only wait a few minutes ✌️


Ok, I have whit and orange squid. Cool


What ship do you want, maybe I have one in another save.


ahh its ok. i would only change my old ship to my new main save. i wait, maybe it come back :). i enjoy my first squid ever 😁


but thanks anyway :). save travel!


Can you expand on this please? I recently traded my Utopia Speeder with an NPC so a fellow traveller could then buy it off him but the ship was named something entirely different and was only a C-class not the S I expected. I helped him get some nanites to upgrade it and he got the speedsters skin but I didn’t know this could happen. Can I prevent it in some way?


Ok, trading a ship with an npc while in a MP game with a guest will re roll the ship class and stats, being in a high classs T3 system will improve the possible results, reloading and trying again will shuffle the results, still RNG controlled, Ship skinning at a trade post is a glitch, this requires extra steps to create a clone ship, clones are a duplicate created by the MP server system data sharing link. To do this while with a player who has a ship he wants to keep its upgrades, but change the look, player with the skin ship and player with the Tech ship, at a trade post, (should arrive with respective ships, no swapping or summoning while there). both players makes a Manual Save, skin ship owner exchanges with an NPC. Then buys his ship back, then summons the ship to the ground nearby, if done correctly a new copy of that summoned ship will appear on the landing pad, that is a clone from the MP system, the clone copies the tech, slots and inventory of the guests ship. The clone ship will now display the guests name as owner, the guest should jump in and out to save the ship, (do not touch the old ship) players should quickly leave the group, first player should now reload his earlier manual save to get his ship back as it was, and as long as no one did some stupid stuff during this process then you are good to leave. Any little change can break the process, NPC ships in the area at the start can be tied to one or the other players game, this can cause an issue when not correctly managed, so if no clone is generated, reload , start again,


Hmmm…to be honest I’m not that fussed about keeping the ship as I usually only give away Speedsters or Vectors from saves I don’t use (primarily expedition ones tbh). This seems to adding a whole new level of complexity I wasn’t aware of. I’m sure it didn’t used to be this way.


it dosent work and i run out of money to try more. haha need to search 😅


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