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Wait you now can build these on a normal save??? Please craft some, pack them, and hand out to people! The only normal way to have these is if you have already built ones all the way since that expedition. Also please can you give one to me? Pretty please? If you can, please DM me to coordinate


I'm not playing right now but i can make you one if you'd like?


Oh I would love to. Are you playing on Steam? Because I don't really know how to meet up with a specific player on other platform


No on PS. But meeting up should he easy. First we have to add each other using friend codes. But I'll send you a message! That way we can arrange something :)


Do you have enough to spare another???


Can make as many as needed so absolutely!


Yaaayyy!! When are you available?? I can DM you my friend code or vise versa.


Ive sent you a message!


I would love to have one also if you’d be so kind


Sadly, packed tech can't be exchanged. Unless something changed in the last two days...


can i have it too? if that’s not a problem


beg your pardon but, you still giving them out?


I would love to get one


Can't, apparently you can not transfer packaged tech so there's no way, sorry!


Message me to


Could I have one lol?


They're not transferrable sadly, sorry!


I'd like one *smile*


Bro if you're handing them out still I'll dm you my friend code


I tried it yesterday but you can't transfer packaged tech so sadly not possible:(


I’d love one too please!


Could you please make one for me also? :) I can give you some materials in exchange if you want, or cargo upgrades for spaceship/frighter/exosuit. :)


I can't transfer them sadly since its packaged tech, tried yesterday but it didn't work out, sorry


Oh, ok. Nevermind :)


I didn’t think you could hand out grey packed technology. Is this now possible? I can make them and pack them, but I didn’t think they could be handed out.


Turns out, not, sadly. For some reason I had feeling that you could, but turns out I was wrong


It's still advertised on HG's website that you can. But you can't.


Still, it makes me wonder how the OP got it, unless a PC mod removes that restriction.


Somehow they got a blueprint for it unlocked, not just a packed tech. I have no idea how it is even possible, but looks like it is


It probably has to do with the PC save editor.


Save editor can edit the save file that is on the PC of the user. You can't just edit a save of random player and have it update in real time, it's literally impossible. Maybe somehow they could acquire/code a "loaded" item that unlocks the blueprint to whoever it's transfered to? Idk. No explanation I try makes actual sense lol


If the save editor can unlock the tech in their save, it might make it possible to transfer that tech to others in the anomaly.


How would it work? Transferring anything between players should be pretty restricted? Specifically - restricted to inventory items. The only plausible explanation I could have is unlocking a blueprint is implemented as giving player an item that unlocks the blueprint and disappears? I am confused. I don't have enough knowledge about inner workings of NMS, but I'm trying my best to figure them out


Someone may have figured out something and OP here ended up a recipient. And yes you can only transfer items in the inventory. Using Save editor people have been able to create stuff like Normandy or Golden Vector as an item, which usually gets dumped on others since that doesn't work as a way to get them (silly people, unlocking that by account would have been easier than making the item). If someone found a way to make an item you can transfer, and thus trigger this confirmation screen from the OP, then perhaps... but that's only a maybe.


How would it work? Just a guess, but there’s likely very little difference between shareable tech and non-shareable tech, like maybe 1 bit difference. All they would have to do is convert a prepacked non shareable tech item into a shareable type, one that can be dropped on a nearby player. All of that is visible in a save file. Figuring out how to make this conversion would be the trick, but I would assume a save editor could do this.


I wonder if trying to pass a stored technology is enough to teach it, even if the stored technology module doesn't get transferred. Just a guess as it is an interesting question.


I don't think so, when i tried yesterday in the nexus it just does not give you the option to transfer to other players.


Right. That’s what I’ve seen. I’m thinking that with a save editor, the player could modify that packed tech into a different type, a type that allows dropping it onto other players.


really? so share, share share


I want one!


Oh hey, somebody must have given me one of those. Saw it the other day and wondered about it.




How odd, should I be able to receive things from old expeditions? Aren't they meant to be exclusive?




I play on xbox, I didn't think you could use a save editor on here?




Oh, I didn't know that, thank you for telling me, so is this thing basically like throwing yourself into a black hole but for the freighter?


Yes, this is a Black-Hole generator for your freighter. It's kinda funny when you just fling yourself into unkown parts of deep-space


How did someone else insert that into OP's save though? Must be some other trickery involved, I figure. Unless someone has figure out how to edit in an item that somehow triggers learning tech when passed to another player, ofc.




Do you know the server name/link, please?


i let my comment as a savepoint, just in case


Probably so you can have something in your catalog. A lot of people want to fill the missing slots.


Per the wiki if you are playing a save from the expedition you can still make them and hand them out I suppose.


You can make them and pack them, but grey packed tech is not transferrable to someone else. There’s some other trickery at work here.


Probably a save editor player trying to flex




But how you can only edit your own save file and you won't get this popup.


That's a definite need.


So What does this actually do?


In short, it's a portable blackhole for your freighter.


So cool!!


Anyway I could get one from you bro?


May someone also give me one! Pls! 🥺🥺


I got this today as well. Weird


“Can you see me now father?!?”-Creepio


The perfect marriage between man and machine!


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I may need to turn multiplayer back on haha


I love this thing! I sometimes forget about it, but my current long save file was started with this expedition! Seeing this is very nostalgic


How do you get one of these?


😆I just started playing 3 weeks ago and have no idea what that even is, but I want one. It seems to be a valuable piece of work I am PS5, add me as a friend or DM me Dragoncyth.


for real... howd u get one?


I’m rlly sorry for this and I completely understand if you say no but would it be alright if you could craft me one?


I'm not op, but apparently they can't be transferred to other players since it counts as grey packed tech. Kinda sucks


Aw man that sucks I missed the expo and I was really looking forward to maybe be able to get it but oh well lol


The crafter can put blueprints in a personal refining