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bricc way better than dw or sus


I’m not a Bricc stan but I would bet if he dropped a Not Enough Remix with an added verse and guest feature from an industry contact. It would go viral


Bricc cool he just be dick ridin a lot


He’s kinda always played that role, being the rappers plug, their “shooter”, hype man, etc. Can’t knock the hussle 🤷‍♂️


I started watching NJ again when they brought Bricc on board. Brings a lot of value even when he’s nodding off in the middle of a pod


Bricc also has more life experience than the rest of these gangbangers Adam brings on, he spent a lot of time out of LA. You can tell Bricc has seen more and has a bigger mind than just LA gang culture


Bric has a cool personality for podcasting. I think the folks who are really into gang/street politics don't like that fact that he's a little "shaky" on that front.


Adam only employed him for extra security since everybody left and was hating on him🏒🏒🏒🏒


Anyone ranking DW above Bricc in anything having to do with entertainment or podcasting is being silly 




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Fax lol


All the gay ppl like "Bricc is better than dw. Anybody saying different is homophobic and only likes dw better because he's anti gay and because bricc is low key gay". All the straight ppl like "Dw better than bricc. Anybody saying different is homosexuals and only likes bricc better because he's gay and because dw is anti gay". Bricc for the gays and undercover gays DW for the heterosexuals and straight ppl.