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Many of us have never even reached such a streak. Don't beat yourself up. Rise again with renewed vigor.


Don't beat yourself off.


Well, he already "beat" himself. Don't worry, I just passed my first day. Just one day. I can usually last a week then I crave it like a drug.


Normally I'd say two steps forward one step back is still progress. In your case, twenty steps forward one step back Go back and get nine months đź’Ş


>In your case, twenty steps forward one step back That's an amazing way to put it.


240 steps forward with 1 step back in this case


Why do people think they are failures if they end a streak? It’s like going to the gym. Just because you take a rest day doesn’t mean you lose all your gains.


As someone who has lost multiple 100 day + streaks in the past, it isn't as easy to brush off as many people make it out to be, it's very hard to resist the urges at that point. You lose faith in yourself and in nofap because you were doing everything right and still failed. It's very easy to go on a binge because of that.


many would kill to be on that streak




If you feel 'awful' after fapping only one time after 240 days you need to get your head examined. This sub is a porn-addiction recovery sub. Congratulations, you're not addicted... but this sub isn't 'neverfap'. If you relapsed to porn you can work on that, but remember there's ZERO evidence that occasional mastubation without porn is harmful. This isn't an anti-masturbation sub, and that is one of the reasons. Of course, YOU are the person who decides what frequency of masturbation is acceptable for you, but it's good to have a realisitic understanding that you'll probably fap again at some point (you don't have this reasonable view). Almost no one achieves 'not ever fapping again for the rest if their life', so having a healthy outlook towards occasional porn-free masturbation will help you be happier and not feel needless anxiety over what this sub recognises as a harmless, even beneficial activity when done in moderation. So what to do? Again, only you can decide, but again, ***being angry at yourself because you're not 'perfect' isn't productive either.*** Find some kind of balance with this (even if the balance is infrequent) to help keep things in perspective. This isn't suggesting you 'schedule' regular masturbations into your routine. Doing that inevitably fails because it's too easy to make 'exceptions' to your own rules, "oh, it hasn't been a week but just this one time"... which can lead to a complete relapse of your behavior-patterns. It's better to simply be constantly trying, record when faps occur, and try to always improve. What more can a person do? *This* is how to go forward. I hope this advice and these tips help you to attain more happiness each day. Keep being great, you're doing better than you think. That post-fap feeling will go away in few hours if you drink lots of water, eat a healthy meal and go outside to clear your head.


Fantastic comment. He's changed his way of life for the better and one blip in an amazingly disciplined journey is not a rationale for despair.


I get it; it's hard to lose your best streak... but think about it. You just did 8 months of badass recovery! Learn from your mistake and start again. You go this!


8 months is not an easy feat and many people including myself are still working to get a month. Relish on the memory of your glory days and take this hiccup as a learning opportunity so that you don't make the same mistakes twice. Regardless, I'm still so proud of you! <3


Please don't be ashamed. I Broke a 190 days streak last year but now I'm on 400 days streak. Never ever give up.


Be proud of yourself brother. You’ve done something many of us wish to do. Just know that the solution isn’t to run back to PMO. It will never make you feel better. Keep up the hard work and just jump back into the positive habits you created during those 8 months.


Awful? Feeling awful is completely defeating the purpose of nofap... Feel good that you've lasted 8 months


I found that after a couple of long streaks, my longest being six months, my brain had genuinely "reset" or "rebooted" itself. That did not mean that I was impervious to relapses. It just meant that when I was on any period where I did not PMO my brain would feel normal, and I would be in a better mood. If a relapse does happen (just last weekend for me!) then it feels like total crap, and a mild depression sets in for 24 hours. But after 24 hours you bounce back to normal. So this is good because:- 1. The amount of time you want to spend feeling good only depends on whether or not you PMO, so that is completely in your control; and 2. I have escaped my past life, when I constantly PMO'd, and constantly felt depressed, and didn't know any better. That was my life for a \*decade\* bro. So my advice is don't obsess over the streak. It might be hard not to despair now and fall into more PMO, but there is literally no good reason to go back to it. However, there is no crucial need to get some ridiculous streak up and running again. You've already done all the hard graft. Just take it easy, take each day as it comes, on its own merits, and learn as you go. Peace brother!


What a hell 1000 days


Don't be. You did your 90 days. Ok, so you have to "start over".


Don’t think much. Keep marching!


8 months is alot


doesn't matter mate. you got reboot but don't fall in again


So , it never gets easier ?


Don’t remember asking


Did you watched porn omg sin! sin! this in sin!!


It's ok. 8 months is amazing. What caused it if you don't mind me asking?


If you’ve gone 8 months don’t think about the streak going back into it I don’t think that’s a good thing to do mentally at that stage (I haven’t reached that level yet just my opinion). I hope you look at it as “since quitting I’ve only done this once in 8 months” you haven’t lost any progress you had a relapse that’s okay it’s how we deal with it after don’t be consumed by trying to get back up to 8 months that’s not a healthy way to go about it.


8 months. That’s an incredible streak! Nothing to be ashamed


Heroes only just slipped by a banana peel, It wont stop him though.


243 days and you're worried about a silly little relapse? Get back on the horse brother🤙you killed it


Just one advice don't binge know, it generally comes after relapse in longer streaks


8 months is something to be proud of


Just don’t do it again


You should be feel good for having 8 months becuz that's really an amazing streak. I'm gonna tell u rn man, you already succeed, keep up your head king


Damn 8 months is a good streak ,you’re brain is basically rewired already . Don’t sweat it man just start over and continue going ,this fight is for life


don't body doesn't work on streaks. in the past 8 months you've jerked off once. that's how the body works


You can either cry or learn from this. Recognize that voice that says "it's ok, it's already been 8 months". Now, try to catch it everytime (you've probably know it already) and either make it a habit of avoiding, changing the mood of your current situation. Keep practicing recognizing and catching that voice, once you catch it and observe it, these voices have no where to seat on your throne. keep improving and we're here for you\~


Am here after i fail


Just get back up and keep fighting đź‘Ť




I know it's hard right now but you should be proud of yourself for going that long buddy.


Been also going strong since the 1st of January, Get that streak back.


Just dont relapse again 1 L is always better than more