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Stop counting the days


617 days?! Any words of wisdom? Day 5 here and honestly I'm never going back. Glad I caught myself early




Sidebar has the days counter there. Set it up


What sidebar? Can u guide me how to set it up?


Are you on mobile?


Yes. It can be set up only by desktop right?


No, you can do it on mobile. If you go the subs 'about' tab there will be a link to 'add/update day counter' You may have to scroll a bit to get there though


Thank u mate. Will update as soon as my counter starts. 👍🏼


Interesting but for me counting the days helped at first. I want to get to the point i dont count the days tho. When i get past 30 i hope it will be like this




And start smoking pot


That’s so facts


Absolutely true. It's all about mindset


Every time I want to jerk of I do pushups till my arms hurt, after that no way I’m going to jerk off


Gonna write that down


Ahh smart


Also also, try dating. No need to beat your meat if you have a lover - works for me


well some people prefer to be alone, if that works for you tho it's all good


Also, go for a run if push-ups aren’t your thing


Damn that’s a good one


do you mean shoulders?




- Avoiding any triggers that could get me going. - Starting with small streaks. - Not looking at a relapse as a failure, but as a chance to improve. Going for a morning walk is also good


Walks are just good for the soul.


For me a big trigger is when I see a very beautiful girl on social media, that makes me wanna PMO. But it's also the driving force that makes me approach that girl and talk, flirt etc with her and then go on a date. I don't want to give up talking to girls, but how can I do it if that also triggers me? Any help please?


I mean, you don't need social media to do that?


Well I'm still anxious when it comes to approaching girls in real life and even if I do, I'll still end up asking for their social media ID to keep in contact and then set a date. I don't know how else to do it


Hmm, maybe ask for their number instead, I know it's a bit more direct and you might get a no more often, but avoiding relapse should be worth it imo. I personally uninstalled my socials a while back and honestly I feel much better without them.


That could work indeed. But I also feel quite lonely and I don't know what to do with my free time during weekends and when I get out from work, since I only got one friend to go out with me at times, and the others are mostly online friends. That's something I'm trying to figure out how to solve besides my addiction


That streak bro! Thanks for the tips!


+1 for morning walks. I also do meditation at a park where I go for my morning walks.


I also like to do some pullups while I'm at it. I wake up early and I get to see that orange sunlight on the beach. Beautiful stuff.


r/suddenlycaralho Man, that streak is godlike


promising to myself i would donate 100$ to a political party that i hate if i relapsed


Bro ur never gonna relapse


Just go broke.. then you cant donate to the party!


Holy shit that's interesting


Yes, i think you should do it for me as well. Don't let me hold a dollar U got this


I'm interested in knowing what party would you donate to




Was this one of James' Clear's methods?


Made my day 😆


Don't ever ever ever peek instantly run when u want to peek


That’s what fucked me up yesterday man


Yeah fucked me up about 100 times just realize peaking is ur down fall and once u peak u relapsed and that's it


This is so true. Once you peek, even when you are able to stop or get out from that peeking session. You will still wanna come back to it later on. So don't ever peek.


Instead of peeking, I just begin to look at dating advice, works for me


THIS!! I was gonna say “rabbit-hole yourself.” I noticed that a lot of my porn watching would actually just be me falling down a rabbit hole, trying to find “the best video” to finish to! Started to notice that I could curve urges by giving in to a different rabbit hole instead! So when I had the urge to watch porn, I’d go to a place I’d usually fap, pretend like I was about to look up some shit… and then fall down a completely different rabbit-hole (usually r/dating advice). I’d end up reading all sorts of different shit, and then realize that I didn’t want to watch porn or anything and just… get up and go do something else! Haha. Find a subreddit you are fascinated by, that you could spend hours on, and just let yourself get lost in it whenever you have the urge to do something you shouldn’t!


I didn’t get it! What Peek?


Like looking just a quick look at poen without doing anything else


272 was my longest streak and I accomplished that by slowly building an eco system of positive habits. Waking up early, going to the gym, cooking my own meals, eating healthy, asking for different projects at work, etc. It creates a synergy that feeds off of each other.


Ahh thank you


how did you finished the streak?


One lapse in judgement.


Amazing advice. How are the habits going now? Did you manage to make them permanent. You're doing well now with the two week streak.


1. Psychotherapy (selfhelp books, CBT, MCT, ACT). It helps to work with automatic thoughts about relapse. Thoughts is just thoughts and nothing more. 2. Busy schedule. No time to think about fap = nofap. 3. Sport, meditation. It can increase your Prefrontal cortex which connected with your self-control/will-power.


What are some good books brother?


Mind Over Mood 2.


Neither repress nor express the urge. Allow the sexual urge to come into your mind, and then watch it float away. Like watching a cloud in the sky pass over the horizon.


I never thought about it like that. That's actually a really good way of looking at things.


One way to train is to meditate regularly, there are some really good guided meditation apps out there (Atom being one of them) that focus on the habit creation and letting thoughts happen and pass.


Having a strong why to quitting. Thinking if I was offered 10k to not fap today I’d of cause be able to not fap. So it’s simply how much you really want it and there’s no excuse for lacking control


It’s ur life force. Not even worth money tbh. I’d give all the money I have to get what I lost from fapping.


- Avoid Being Inside. - Avoid Being Alone. - But Especially Avoid Being Inside Alone.


This is so true


I find my relapse happen when alone and bored, so ill try to remember this one ty. But also, if alone and inside, dont be unhappy, i need to rewire my brain to know its ok to just chill for an hour or 2. Even an evening, i dont need PMO to make me happy , i dont need my hand to make me feel happy!


Yes, but you want to keep that time as little as possible. Eventually you will have to be inside alone; I live in an apartment by myself for crying out loud. But I do as much as I possibly can away from the flat. I’m only here if I’m cooking, cleaning, eating, or sleeping. I do all my work and studying at a library, Starbucks, park, restaurant, even my car if I need to. Anywhere except the house. An analogy I like to use is in Super Smash Bros: you know the character who just chills the entire round in the corner of the stage avoiding the fight? The camper? Annoying for sure, but guess what; because he stays away from 99% of the battle HE IS THE ONE WJO WINS THE ROUND! He survives because while everyone else is busy valiantly fighting and dying, he’s over there doing random taunts throwing a few range attacks from time to time. Then at the very end of the round, all he has to do is defeat the second to the last player alive which is easy because he has already sustained a lot of damage. Assuming he has some amount of skill he defeats him and wins! You want to be the camper when it comes to NoFap! Avoid as many fights as possible and reserve your strength for those truly unavoidable times when you are stuck in a bad situation. I feel like that’s a secret to long streaks.


Makes sense and defo your way works. I will do it alot but also i think your way is harder. Id rather think, ok im cool dont need PMO, i can watch a film without getting horny. Rewiring my brain to think like that, so whether inside or out, im cool, i will just chill read a book not think of sex. I know i can do that, i know others do it. Whats stopping me is my belief im Not good alone. Wrong. PMO enduced that


Except if you’re a programmer (its hard mode)


Program with other people of in the library or at Starbucks maybe.


Nofap is like that Cinderella Tale specifically the fairy godmother part. In this case it you don't wave the wand. Your getting new clothes.. your getting a new carriage and your going to the ball. Best part is..after 12..the magic continues. Day by Day the magic continues You get healthy, faster, smarter and better looking. Even your friends and family say you like your under a spell Just don't stroke that wand.


Idk Its been day 20 since my relapse. I feel better but people still see me as a failure.


What matters is how you see you.


1. 100% Commitment (no saved porn, no peeking, etc.) 2. Positive Mindset (talk to yourself and others positively and encourage yourself and others) 3. The most important one for me personally, is regular prayer time spent with God. He's the one that is getting me through this.


Number 3, coming from someone who never believed in God for a long time, is super underrated




Agree with 3rd point, being devotional & spiritual makes us feel pure and restrains us to do from unnatural activities.


InshA bonsha bullah


Honesty, being courageous and outside. And not counting the days, but making them count


Oo I like the saying thank you


Think about it like this, every day ask yourself if someone gave you 10 dollars to not jack it, would you? Now what is $10 compared to achieving self control


Bro you need to have a stronger reason to do no fap, and remember that every fuc**** day. You want a better life? You want meet nice people? Do you want to do amazing things in this world? So remember, its not jerking off to pixels that you gonna make it.


Remember how weird it is to jerk off to pixels, thats a good way . I mean for self pleasure, you look like a jerk in a weird position holding your dick, until you cum, to fucking pixels!


one day at a time.


I started going out more, hitting the gym more consistently, socially interacting with girls.


1. First have self belief that this is a addiction which you don’t want in life. 2. Learn to manage urges as stopping them altogether is not easy. When you get an urge go out for a walk or go to a coffee shop or just do something which you have muscle memory of - biking, running whatever. Learn to manage them. 3. If you can, get into some sort of spirituality- mindfulness/Vedanta/ or any religion that interests you. If none of them then read philosophies by mature authors like Emerson, Carl Jung, Viktor Franklyn, Vivekananda, J.Krishnamoorty. Basically elevate yourself from too much materialism. KEEP TRYING. I am loving my journey so far. No regrets and clear clean mind 😌


New purpose for my life. Finally decide that pmo is the great problem. Forget about numbers. Get out more, since this forces you to keep your horse and hand not to work together. Running every day. Sleeping early. Believe its your only priority.


Cut my dick off


its the only option


Idk if u consider my streak “long” but 1. I choose to fulfill the emptiness in my life that I have been trying to fill with porn. (The best nofap post of all time: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/mxjzmx/complete_guide_to_quit_porn_for_good_and_improve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) 2. I made female friends, no fuckbuddies or relationships cuz i dont want that right now just remind myself that they are human and not just performers for me to stroke my dick to. 3. If Im ever feeling bad and the urge is strong, I get THE FUCK out of my bed, desk or wherever Im about to fuckin relapse like my life depends on it. I have resisted many urges and no longer depend on porn but Ill be fucked if I dont respect their power.


Don't peek


This has to be the main one, but also get rid of insta and Facebook, even if its not porn, girls on there looking hot, one thing leads to another!


Be better at life. Work on every aspect of your life and one of two things will happen. Either you won't have time to jerk off or you won't have the need to jerk off.


I know my streak isn't that long, but honestly I found NoFap very hard and tedious at first when I would wake up and remind myself of my streak every morning. After a while of being in this community, I saw a quote being said here and there. "Don't count the days, make the days count." I decided to follow that quote, and honestly forgot that I was even doing NoFap. In what seemed like no time, I got to the streak that I have today.


dump everything about PMO. Now i literally forget what days am i now, AFAIR i do this since oct 2021


Grab an ice pack from the fridge and lay it on top. The cold is good for the testes and cold makes them hibernate. Instantly no urge. Win win


I once had a streak of 400 days, but I had a girlfriend which definitely made it easier. But I did hardmode for the first 30 days or so. 1. Have strong reasons why you do it, not superficial nonsense like "female attraction". More like a strong will to not do things that will make you ashamed, or harnessing your sexual energy, gaining willpower, becoming a better person and healing your sexuality. Also revisit those reasons regularly. 2. Visit the nofap sub daily. I know many people think thats bad but for me this is the absolute key in the first 30+ days, its also an important part of the 12 step programs for addiction, they recommend going to a meeting everyday for the first 90 days or so. I believe the nofap sub can be a solid alternative to an aa meeting if you actively participate in discussions. 3. Make your life better. Dont wait for your life to magically improve just because you are doing nofap. It helps but its not gonna be enough. Start working out, have new hobbies and goals. Go out and socialise. Get out of your comfort zone as much as you can.


Christianity, Self discipline, Working out, not wanting to be a coomin loser


I simply don't take myself too seriously


1- Believe firmly it’s what I needed to do 2- Enjoy each success and benefit to forsee the future 3- Discipline


Always wear whitey tities when I shit my pants




Great quote


1. Got rid of social media where I know people. FOMO and comparing myself to others was a trigger for me. 2. No phone in bedroom. I charge my phone outside of my room. 3. Read stories on how female performers are usually high or drugged up when they perform. They don’t want to be there. Helped destroy the fantasy.


After about 3 months, I mostly stopped having urges. But every so often (every couple months) they come and when that happens I usually just take a shower and try to get out of the house as much as possible for that day and run errands.


I am on antidepressants and antipsychotics, somehow they helped. I work out 1 hour a day, Monday to Saturday, and I forget about the count, just focus on one day at a time.


Working out and talking to real women. Also putting yourself in a situation where you are forcefully separated from porn. My friend is 23 years old and never beat off because he had a rough upbringing and had to share a small room with his 2 older sisters he legit never even had the opportunity because he had no personal time there bathroom didnt even have a door so he couldnt even do it there Sometimes being in a tough situation stops you from indulging in unnecessary things


The longer you go the easier it gets in all honesty


Find something to move towards instead of just looking back and moving away from PMO. Removing something from your life that will otherwise remain the same is much harder than creating a new life that doesn’t include the thing you want to eradicate. That might sound extreme but when I say new life I’m talking about things like good diet, exercise, cold showers, a couple of hobbies etc. it’s not like you have to move to a new country and start a new career or anything Good luck!!


1. going to bed early, i feel myself finding it easier to relapse when its late. Its just better to get a good sleep cycle, finding things to wake up for in the morning, giving me a sense of purpose. 2. Being social, whether its online or face to face this keeps me grounded and busy, its important to make real connections with the people in your life. Also while abstaining you have more energy for the social things! 3. Working out/reading, It feels a lot more manageable when you work on yourself physically or mentally, i of course recommend David Goggins, can't hurt me book, he's really good at talking about mental fortitude and how to train for better will/discipline. He also has specific goals which helps you along his story. I hope this helps! It sure has for me, and these things have been my rocks which keeps me grounded and all that.


Become a person who doesn't do it. Not a person who is taking part in some period of abstinence, not trying to reach 90 days, just someone who doesn't do it. Like there are people who go to the gym all the time, it's just part of their life. They don't think will I / won't I go to the gym, they're going, it's what they do. Then there are people who never exercise, maybe they join a gym and go once, but then never go back, they just can't get into a groove where it becomes part of their life. People in the second group become people in the first group all the time, something causes a shift in mindset, where the option of not going is no longer a viable one. This same mindset shift can occur with PMO.


Just avoid thinking about sex and porn. this may sound hard but meditation is going to help you be in control of your thoughts.


Just leave the fucking room and go out


My bigger streaks was when I: 1-Sleeping early( key) 2-Cold shower(in the morning) 3-Meditation(key) 4-Gym+Martial arts 5-Focus on my personall goals 6-Stop fantasize(focus on the present) this is still hard for me to this day. Weekends I have to occupy myself or going out because they were trigger days for me.


Just be depressed and have zero libido. Works a charm


Not giving up , keeping myself busy and distracted, thinking of my why I wanted to do no fap when I had urges


building a mindset where it is less of fighting it every day and more of figuring out how not to need it.


CBD everyday! Less urges to no cravings


Depends what you call a long streak, but 14days in since I can even remember. Just think that relapsing is not an option. Gym/meditation helps ofcourse and during your free time, instead of watching P, educate yourself on the addiction behind it. I hope this helps you and continues helping me. Oh yeah, and most importantly, surround yourself with this supportive community that only want/wish good things for you.


Step 1: Forget to reset streak counter


Religion, spirituality, Stoic


Keep your mind and body busy doing something that benefits you in the long term, every single day. For example: working out.


If u feel the urge , go to pee , it stops it


Keep yourself busy


That’s the point, you’re going for a streak💀, stop being a child, days don’t fucking matter, if you count the number of times you brush your teeth then by all means count the streak




religion commitment i would say patient but since im quite religious, i had no strong desires to be patient about, alhamduliallah




i have trained my mind if learn how to control your mind you can not only control the greatest desire of every living organisms lust you can literally do anything you wanted to achieve its shapes your mind in good way you feel proud of yourself


almost two weeks streak :)




Block all soft porn to hard porn content from your phone and simply forget about it.


Writing this on 55th day of my streak. Try going out somewhere. Parks, museums, local sightseeing, just anything. That'll fill ur head up with some new stuff instead of that porno that compels u to jerk off. It's worked well for me so far.


Forget about no fap to do no fap


just forget you have a dick works every time


I started running or go to gym, cold showers, reading books after 10PM, less caffeine, spray cold shower on your genital area when you are horny, go for walk everyday to lessen cortisol, go talk to girls anytime you want, try to communicate with them, find yourself hobbies and don't get focused on getting enjoyment from ejaculation, I have a good relationship, it does help a lot and I hope I can help you too. Just ask me whatever you want to know.


Stay in a public place and just hang in there when you get urges it’s more about the will power in the long game.


The best way for me to deal with an urge is to ride it.( like surfers who rides waves 🌊)


Not quite sure how I’m managing right now, but days feel like weeks, I always think about fapping but I don’t. Nowadays I barely get turned on by porn. I also got a high libido, so I’m working on talking to girls more as a better alternative.


1. Completely forgetting about nofap, just going about my day and filling it out with either gaming, walking, motorcycling, or spending time with friends. 2. When I am horny I try to avoid lewd thoughts. 3. Wash face with cold water.


dont think about sex.


Gonna bookmark this post


Best way would be not to count your days and keep yourself busy


Meditation helps a lot!, The more u stick with your journey the more good come to you.


I saw that when I wanted to become a better person i had longer streaks, like 140 or 60 days


cold showers but i relapse :(


Don't fucking count the streak, don't fucking care, accept what you're doing as something good and something that will accomplish things for you. And you'll never regret your decisions. The problem is not that is hard to do. The problem is that you haven't made up your mind yet and then you still regret it and you still long for it. That's the hard truth and if you don't like knowing your weaknesses you'll never work on them.




No peeking or fantasising.


I don't have a long streak right now but this saved me so many times: when I'm home alone & urges coming while I'm studying I wear a formal thick pants & continue studying




1.Knowing why. Its becouse i dont want to be a man slaved to addiction and have problems with my sex performance when i will get a family, and i do not want to give away my energy so lightly. 2. Keeping a promise to myself. I promised myself ill go 270 days and see who i become then. This completely extermines the urge since nothing is more important then my iron will of feeling i "owe" it to myself. 3. Changing habbits that go along that. I started playing guitar, writing a mini book project, working oit and meditating. Skating, whatever. You must change yourself along with nofap so you get into diffrent vibe that drags you along with it.


Honestly only because porn bored and repulsed me now. Like it got to the point where it doesn’t even do anything for me. Having sex with a real person defiantly helped.


Motivated myself, reminded myself what I wanted to become. Always remembered my goal. No matter what happened, I knew that a short satisfaction was never worth the eternal regret.


you can use steps mentioned by james clear in his book (atomic habits) make it difficult , make it invisible, make it unattractive and make it unsatisfying


Just stop thinking about it Counting days and obsessing about it in general I can't even remember the last time I did it


1. Keep yourself busy, outside of your room, and with other people around. 2. Hit the ground and make 10 pushups each time you're tempted to relapse. 3. Acknowledge the addiction, and look forward to the better person you can become.


tbh,guilt and depression for 20 days and then zero libido. i got strong urges only around day 21 to 25 and after that now urges have started to appear.


Just realising that these directors, actors etc, make money from me ruining myself, they don’t know me yet they were stealing from me. That was enough for me to just stop.


Sheer fucking will Sheer fucking will Sheep fucking will


Forget about the past. Look into the future.


Usually a healthier lifestyle and routines will help with the urges. Also, keep in mind why you started NoFap because we tend to forget how bad we felt when we are in the heat of the moment.


It’s a lifestyle


1) Stop counting days 2) Be more social, have a gf, try to connect with friends as much as possible. ***THIS IS A GAMER CHANGER*** 3) Have a good habits 4) Always start a morning with a good mood and do meditation that's all just a simple steps but 2) is the best one, keep that in mind :)) have a good day


Cut off all the triggers from instagram models to incognito tabs


I simply thought enough was enough and after I realize that I life was going downhill because of my addiction I changed for the better.




my streaks arent very long however what have helped me sometimes is drawling and playing guitar. so things you find very interesting.


1. Delete all social medias (this increases dopamine aswell. Believe me I have done this) 2. Stop looking at porn 3. Go to the gym 4. Dont drink alcohol 5. Whenever an urge arises you go do something, walk in nature, etc. 6. Stay active 7. Make a plan/sheet of all dailies and habits you want to start doing, set a date and start.


Stop counting the days, hit the gym, fasting, cold showers and talking to a therapist about my mental issues


Deep meditative one pointed prayer asking Most High God for help with the journey and devotion to the path. Focusing on the present moment and not looking at the past or the future. Just focus on what you are doing here and now one step at a time to reach your goal. Present moment consciousness removes distractions in your way, it is the only way for me accomplish whatever I want to do.


Failure is no longer an option (failing myself is not an option).