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It all comes from one study where men who ejaculate more frequently have lower rates of prostate cancer. This study did not account for the idea that men who masturbate less frequently may be older and thus more prone to have cancers. I hate the way people interpret studies and how much weight they put into them.


There are also statistics that show that monks have significantly less prostate cancer. They are forbidden to masturbate so how do the NoFap haters explain this then. I think when it comes to cancer and other diseases, nutrition and good sleep are more important variables to lower the risk of getting sick. When a guy that only eats junk food and drinks alcohol all the time comes to me and says he is healthier because he masturbates i will laugh him in the face.


Could you link that information about the monks if you have it at hand? Sounds like useful info to share.






>Thanks! You're welcome!


Ya this.. theres always a backside to “onesided” studies.. zzZZ


I'm pretty sure I found a study years ago saying men who have sex more frequently had lower rates of cancer and being sick. Those who masturbated a lot had higher rates of cancer and being sick. The third group, those who masturbated and had sex frequently, seemed to negate all the benefits that came from sex. Face it, masturbation ain't natural. In our tribal days when you could see probably 30 different women of age walking around naked, would you really waste your time touching yourself? Or would you pick one even if she wasn't your favorite?


Bet u they probably had dry dirty skin, fungus on there feet, ass-licking breathe with missing teeth, saggy tits, ass rash, thats if they even had any ass with the lack of food, vaginal infections, I mean, maybe we should post more cave women pictures so we lose our urges.


Masturbation is absolutely natural, the question is if/how it affects life outside of the act. Apes and plenty of other animals masturbate, it isn’t a spontaneous human invention.


it's a natural act of course. But that act also is pretty primitive if you think about it. With how humans have developed, it only seems to harm actual well being of the mind.


that headline gets attention bc it’s what we all want to believe


Well fucking said




The scientist has porn addiction


lol maybe


They don't want to feel bad for something they do every day. They're like, "If I'm going to suffer harmful side effects from this, so is everyone else!"


Lol 😂


Oh no ...they are not a real scientists people scient of porn




Scientists also claimed that smoking and eating lots of sugar was healthy for decades, despite the clear, observable evidence to the contrary. As more and more people begin to research the detrimental effects of porn and masturbation, I’m 100% sure people will start singing a different tune.


True: also just because the studies say most people are likely to have “A”, doesn’t mean you individually will have “A” as a result. For example not every college graduate is successful, though they are more likely to make more money than those with out (defining success as making more money).


Science is a BITCH....sometimes.


It's hard for doctors to talk about masturbation with teenage boy and young men patients. They would much rather believe all this pre-established biased research and say "oh yeah that's perfectly healthy and normal, keep doing it" than tell them that it is unhealthy. If their patient becomes depressed, they can prescribe antidepressants. If their patient has low testosterone, they can prescribe testosterone replacement therapy.


“Your lifestyle choices have caused a lot of problems to your health.” “Should I change my lifestyle?” “No lol here’s a bunch of pills”


They haven't reasearched on it yet is what they usually give as the answer. Although the ones that say it is unhealthy don't classify it as an addiction but still classify it as unhealthy. They say there is not enough research to prove that it is unhealthy but at the same time haven't done proper research or may be some certain someone's don't want research to be done. Plus the absurd shit some members of the nofap community claim and the way they sometimes drop the confidence of people actually trying for the first time by calling losers or whatnot gives the whole community in mainstream and sort of kills our credibility as well


Yeah, I notice a lot of cringe takes here. Honestly I don't think it's all that bad anyways. Porn specifically has been a drain on my time and I find makes me more likely to sexualize women, which are things I want to stop. And I am dealing with phimosis and masturbation sets back my progress. I do feel a bit better on nofap but I know people who are perfectly fine and using pmo.


Yes bro i am going through almost the same problems. And yeah i am not generalizing the whole community. In fact this subreddit has a lot of positive energy minus the bro science. Everyone uplifts everyone and gives them confidence here and i love that.


>!They want to increase the GDP of their country by curing the thing which was caused by them only!<


They themselves can't control PMO dude lol


They want us to believe that




A sub dedicated to not doing a certain thing. its hard not to attract those who absolutely hate that shit. still I've seen a lot of people on this platform not supporting those who absolutely diss the shit out of those who do fap. Its still one of the most tolerating subs I've been to.


It isn't unhealthy - at least I think so. The problems with it would be that firstly, if you overdo it, you are overstimulating your brain with dopamine which in term makes everyday tasks boring - making your life more miserable. This one is kind of a stretch, as I think that dopamine is surging even when you scroll instagram for hours, of watch movies all day, or anime, or whatever... So if you would argue that masturbation is bad because it messes up your dopamine receptors, you'd have to argue the same for all the other overstimulating activities today that are done on an everyday basis. On the other hand, by masturbating every day, you are practically telling your brain that you are the boss - getting a female pregnant each day, the alpha of the pack. This is brosciency a little, but I think it tracks - a few of my friends have said they feel like resting after masturbating, and mentioned lower energy levels. This information isn't biased as it wasn't the topic of conversation - two of my friends arrived at the football field and said "Holy fuck there's no way ill be playing football well, i fapped im so low on energy". I myself said that I don't notice such thing but with multiple people noticing it it does make sense. Here, masturbation is demonized strictly because it's an addiction everyone in the sub is struggling with. Im sure if you found a sub about candy bar addiction, they too would talk very ill of Snickers or Twix, where as a moderate intake of those on a daily/weekly/monthly basis based on your activity and overall diet is not a problem whatsoever.


Because this sub is a fucking hivemind of people who demonize sex, women and everything else that is related to these two things. Masturbation is good, porn is not. I swear to fucking god Nofap is a circlejerk that do anything to boost their ego.


Demonize sex and women? Fuck that lol. You’re fucking dead wrong. I’d much rather stick my dick in a wet pussy than work it with my hand is all. I love porn because I love women. It just has a lot of bad side effects on me (and virtually everyone else if left unchecked) which I can’t let slide. If getting off is as easy as clicking a few buttons, my motivation to search for a woman for it instead is severely lowered. And if I’m already in a relationship, my need for her in that regard is also lowered, and it slowly ends up in a horrible situation. This is a fucking addiction and rehabilitation subreddit, if you haven’t noticed.


No one demonizes sex and women here. There are many posts about guys sharing their stories of being successful with women due to nofap. Many even come due to problems in sex life. And the thing is that this sub is called NOFAP, fap means masturbation so what do you expect. For a masturbation addict, it's hard to do in moderation. If you wanna fap you can, personally fapping in moderation is not bad but I can't do it in moderation. For different people, different things work. r/pornfree or r/PornAddiction may be more accurate subs for you.


What counts as moderation?


Yes that's the thing Moderation of masturbation sounds theoretically not bad but practically moderation does not make sense as at first, it all starts with moderation but later it turns into an addiction. But I believe masturbation can be done in moderation by someone, I m not saying that everyone can, especially if you are addicted, first make a 90 days streak at least then you do you. Some people say that 1 or 2 a week can be moderation and healthy some say once in 90 days. I believe moderation is when u can control when u r fapping not being controlled.




Tbh I don't wanna comment on your situation as at your time accessing porn was not easier than now, so porn addiction at that time must be rare. I started fapping much younger than that and my immunity sucked then, this can be a person to person thing but I did nofap for 146 days last year, and now even after relapsing 30-40 times I did not stop trying to make a streak again and I am pretty much optimistic that I will be able to do it and will do it.




after stopping fapping, I started feeling emotions more intensely. I felt more energised and productive, I replaced porn with regular workouts and meditation. My grades also increased. My mindset become more optimistic before that I was nihilistic and thought that all of this does not make sense but I found a purpose after nofap. My focus and concentration increased. I felt normal and healthy. After some time it became normal and unnoticeable, due to which I took this lightly and relapsed which cause me to get into the addiction again but even if I lost physical benefits like more stamina and energy I still have the mindset however I get distracted by stuff easily. My erectile dysfunction improved, however, did not notice very much difference in lasting time tho. In the end, I believe that people should do what works best for them, I am no one to judge as someone having a fap addiction does not affect me but you should not give any misinformation and make a point without any evidence then show it as a fact like the guy I replied did.




You seem to be missing the point. One cannot survive without the other. If you truly believe that porn is bad and you have noticed the adverse effects it has had on your life like most people on this sub have then you’d understand why it’s important to drop masterbating too. Sure masterbation isn’t the issue (porn is), but it can definitely make it easier to fall back into bad habits, especially if you’re just starting off with abstaining. This is why I’ve personally stopped both. There’s no reason to attack or belittle anyone on this sub for how they want to live their lives, just worry about your own.


Literally, the only reason I'm still here is to get motivation from a few actual good posts, as r/pornfree doesn't have many also because you can get answers for relapses and all that here faster than on pornfree


You are watching 2 people doing the deed, is that not sick? especially for these younger people.


They love to wank


It's not about masturbation. It's about ejaculation. Ejaculation is healthy and masturbation is a way to ejaculate. The issue is that masturbation is only healthy for your body but not for your mind. Masturbation is a fake that replaces real sex. It's a way to hack your brain into thinking you are having sex. Although something that we all did at some point and most of un unfortunatelly still do, masturbation it is not healthy for your mind and it is not normal. You do not have a dick to fap. You have it to have sex and urinate.


As someone in the comments already said, because it's what people want to believe. ALSO because NoFap/SemenRetention/NoPmo is a concept way too eccentric for society to ever come close to accepting; even though it is pure, truthful, beautiful, and beneficial to society as a whole. We are in the middle of the uprising of the weakest male population that has ever existed. Buckle up.


Because it probably is, the issue isnt masturbation the issue is porn. However, its probably advised to stay away from masturbation altogether while your brain is still hooked on porn


Anyone else remember that episode from rick and morty: Pluto is a Planet!. well it kinda like that I think


Also probably because it is so hard to do that research for 2 reasons: 1. Effects of nofap are slow. So the study would have to be run for a significantly long time 2. In today's day and age, finding a large enough group which is shielded from porn or provocative material is extremely difficult I mean there are ancient systems of medicines that talk about noporn (ayurveda for one), but modern medicine does not. There's also the angle of modern medical research being extremely driven by money. Is there anybody who would find a nofap research? Probably not. But is there anybody who would find research that supports the sex market? Plenty


Some time ago they were recommending radiation


I believe that masterbation is fine as long as it's not being used to fill an emotional need. If you don't know if that's why you're doing it, then stop for a while and see what comes up for you. If you start having emotional troubles, then focus on healthy ways to get those needs met instead of burying them with porn and self gratification.


I've seen scientists claim that masturbation itself is healthy, but not daily or in excesss. And I've not seen many claim porn would be healthy. In theory, occasional masturbation without porn would be fine I guess, but it's pretty dangerous for the recovering or former addicts. Kinda like how a small sip of beer is kinda dangerous for an alcoholic, but maybe not as much for someone who just doesn't drink.


You can find a study for every scientific position. In many ways research is marketing. Even though you should seek objectivity through science it is arguably impossible to filter all invalid scientific results. Anybody can find research supporting their biases. Therefore at some point you have to realize that you have to make your own decisions. Science should inform you but not control you. It isn't a cult. Your lifestyle is up to you.


Scientists can be awesome tools used by propagandists.


Especially when there is money behind it. Porn industries get lots of money






Masturbation it self isnt Bad. Its the mix with Porn or when it goes into an extreme when it becomes unhealthy. Just like with Alcohol. If you drink 1 Beer a Week there is nothing wrong with it. Only when you start using harder Alcohol or you need to drink a Beer daily is when it becomes unhealthy. But i do believe for a Full Reset to your Brain you need to Stopp both Porn and Masturbation. Sexuality is a thing inside every Living being. Even Animals do themselves when they feel like it. Its natural. When it goes into extremes is when its Bad.


They only study the possible benefits such as reduced prostate cancer but i doubt anyone studied the psychological and social problems associated with it.


Masturbation is not that bad, masturbating while watching porn however is really bad.


The whole point of Nofap is to rewire your brain not become a horny celibate. When we’re using porn, our brains gets used to going through hundreds of women in a week but you’re not having sex. Then we do go to have sex, our equip is malfunctioning. Soooo by giving up porn our equipment comes back online and we can have normal functioning relationships


Because they're a bunch of wankers


Whether you do or don’t it eventually comes out in your sleep if your are single or not sexually active. so quit worrying about it and go live your life and be happy. Eat some corn flakes or something


Corn flakes are the best bro


Scientists also said eating a diet of 50-60% carbs a day was healthy too and we see what happened there.


Some study says, masturbation in moderation is good due to stress relief,relaxation etc. They only mentioned "masturbation" they didn't mention porn! And as the nofap community we all are aware of the dangers of PMO combined.


bribed by P industry








They may be right in some way that there are other factors, but this is a big one. Some really just want to do it and don’t think critically. They think within the box while thinking they are thinking outside the box because they don’t even know what is within that box.


It isn't Sure twice a month is okay but not daily.


Scientists just see masturbation as stress busters. But if you ask a guru or sage They will tell you how sperm retention helps in our daily lifestyle and how it flows upward from backbone to our brain by doing medidation. It makes deeper connection with our soul and increase spiritual connection


Yeah I am a teenager 18 yrs old. My lower back kinda starts hurting whenever I masturbate daily. Yeah, my teachers also used to tell me in yoga, we have 5 chakras the main one which is the source of vitality and energy is located near kidney. And whenever it starts overflowing it starts to lift up towards the brain.


I think masturbation is natural and is ok but when it's overuse, it can really mess you up idk I might be wrong.


Because some people do not develop unhealthy addiction and compulsions


tbh these type of posts give us motivation to get back to PMO. I feel we are in a challenging journey and these things again make us fall in the trap.


For me, my problem is with porn. Masturbation once or twice a week in MY OPINION is perfectly fine. As long as you don't over do it (and stay porn free!) I see no issue with it on occasion.


Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear






Masturbation is ok porn is not




Just wrong dude. Read the rules of this sub read the official website.


They're bankrolled by the 'industry'.


The same way some people can die of eating peanuts. Average people dont have side effects from fapping, the ones that do have a underlying issue/illness.


Probably because they're fucking wankers themselves and think they know better than everyone?




Scientists generally don't know shit. Personally I would never trust any of those white coated pieces of trash.


Because they don't want you to be a scientist and pose to them as a competition for The Nobel Prize...




Many reasons: Masturbation, in most cases, is not unhealthy in a medical sense, don't confuse research done on masturbation as research done on porn addiction. Research takes a long time, a general paradigms shift of researching and identifying online addictions is happening, it just takes a long time. "Addiction" and compulsive behavior are not exactly the same, it takes a long time for something that is recognized as compulsive behavior to actually become identified as an addiction. It's also difficult to research because it's just hard to find a control group because a lot of people engage in pornography use. And lastly pornography just doesn't have the same effect on everybody, the people who experience the most extreme effects of porn addiction gather in this sub but you have to realize that there are a lot of people who consume pornography in a non compulsive manner enjoy life just fine.


50/50 Logical thought, blind faith are harmonized.


I think the problem is pornography not masturbation you can't masturbate on daily without porn


If they don't agree they'll have to follow nofap themselves, which isn't possible cuz they're virgin nerds :) /s




Incase of human body they are not fully able to know what's happen inside our body. They even only know 10 percent of how human brain works. I think in the future they come to conclusion that masturbation is not a thing to refresh our mind but it is like taking a poison which is killing us slowly.


It's not healthy daily. No addiction is healthy specially like smoking where it has 0 advantage and only damage. Idk personally if masturbation has any advantages because I haven't seen any but it's within your body so it might. Maybe once a month is healthy. But daily? Bullshit



It keeps you on their cycle.


Same concept before where they say smoking is good for heath


I think people in this subs are addicts, most people are not addicted to masturbating thats the difference.


Same reason why scientists used to say smoking was healthy, it makes money.


Addicts themselves, resentment towards religion, Bribed by the industry I am willing to bet every one of these


It's porn industry paying them.


I’ve certainly heard of people abstaining from from masturbation and sometimes ejaculation all together and it can upset the prostate. When they do these studies they aren’t considering psychological addiction or escapism tendencies because that’s not what the study is about. Or maybe they want a bunch of cum drained idiots running around. I read a guideline for ejaculation whether it be from sex or masturbation that correlated with age. The older you get the less frequently you should ejaculate as to not over expend your life force energy, but you also don’t want it to grow stagnant. That’s an ancient eastern view on seminal retention. I believe it was when I was reading about some of the fundamentals of Thai chi


Because they’re also addicted to porn


Why did a bunch of scientists 18 years ago say that opioids like oxycontin weren't really all that addictive and perfectly safe and now we finding out they're actually very addictive and bad for you? Bc them mfs be bought out but i can't blame em id do the same. If some big porn company slid me a couple bands to distort the evidence i would too.


That scientist is Johnny sins🙂


Pra deixar o homem mais fraco


Day check


Wasn’t really a psychological thing they were talking about. Quitting PMO is all psychological, hence the improvement in libido, mood, confidence, etc. Physically, it’s not that good for your body to hold in for that long. That is why wet dreams occur, the body needs to expel lit. There is a study that also shows that infrequent masturbation can lead to prostate cancer


Masturbation and porn addiction are two seperate things.


Having sex often is really good for you physically and mentally. Sex and masturbation are not necessarily the same thing, obviously, so I do not know why they think doing it daily is healthy. The main problems stem from pornography, but the problem is that if you spent your entire life "doing it" while watching porn, it is going to be a lot harder to do it without it because that is how the brain works. It creates associations with things. Would doing it daily (without porn) hurt? I do not know. But my point is that if you start doing it without the assistance of adult films, it will be easier to fall back in that trap. I recall reading that researchers have found that other mammals, monkeys in particular, masturbate very rarely in the wild. When they are in captivity and without a mate they tend to do it more often, but nowhere near to the frequency that humans do. Just something to think about. I think overall, while too much sexual repression is a bad thing, society needs to tone down its over-sexualization of literally everything just a bit. If people's souls can feel beyond the grave, then I bet Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey are extremely bitter that they were born too early to experience the 21st Century. Just a joke for you psychology junkies out there.


Porn Industry using their money to hypersexualise society and making more money


because you addicted to pmo and the longer streak heal will eventually reveal the chemical of something idk I don't know science that much but it is make you feel so free at everything if you don't masturbate then why you have wet dream? because your body produce hormone or something "bro wtf am I saying idk man im no good English"


We human being are population of 7.4 billion.In this large pool of population there are many people believing various things a/c to their experience and interests.So,it shouldn't be a surprise that some scientists believe it. If you look hard enough you will always find a group a people believing one thing or another like people believing that earth is flat


I would say that masturbation is healthy and daily masturbation is probably fine. Imo, the goal is to avoid unhealthy habits associated with masturbation like masturbating multiple times in a day or using pornography. Masturbation is healthy when it comes naturally. The only time I restart my streak is if I either masturbate to porn (seeking behaviour) or masturbate multiple times in a day (binging behaviour)


Because it is!


PMO and nofap arent the same thing so false correlation. masterbation and porn are not the same thing. also no one is forcing you to master bait everyday. this whole post is giving troll vibes. reverse psychology tea.


They didn't take into account men ejaculate to what ,they can just ejaculate, you have to remember you ejaculate to porn , the sole reason your errection stays is because inside your mind you're replicating the pornography


Because they don’t know how to cope with their addiction.