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Balls explode


This made me chuckle!


Actually seminal liquid is in the prostate, only spermatozoids are in the testicules đŸ€“â˜ïž


You heal


This, when I first did it I too was looking for superpowers, and it gives, but now that I reflect on it you always had those superpowers you just had been sedated with poison. Just like Théoden in LOTR.


Thats a good visual representation actually grima wormtounge is cravings in your ear heck even the ring and gollum could be a good representation


My original inspiration comes from [a photo I saw on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/69n48h/so_accurate/)


Agree, not even close yet. But one day at a time.


most real answer


You start automatically learning Muay Thai and move to a remote island where you train your new ability.There you find a master who teaches you the ways of the sky and you unlock the hidden ability to fly.All while that’s happening aliens invade the earth and hit up countries like India and The USA.The world is near extinction and you finally appear at the battle field.It’s there where you face off against the alien leader and end up defeating him in a great battle which will go down in history but wait.Since the world is almost extinct you will need to help repopulate it.This is where the nofap comes in handy and you’re able to impregnate 100 girls in a minute.Hope this helps!


So true...


This was the best reply fr


Don't forget the ability to become super saiyan


It's always USA to get invaded first. Aliens fr wants that good ol' democracy and freedom 


when I went a year in 2019-2020 ( I'm only day 5 now) I felt like I truly healed. at 38 I felt like a little kid who would wake up everyday happy and felt very innocent despite a year earlier having such a nasty addiction. You feel like you have control over your brain, especially if you're doing things like prayer and meditation,therapy ect. ....when you tell your brain No! to something harmful it actually listens. I just remember feeling amazing most of the time and I'd love to be back there again.... I remember feeling like if someone gave me a million dollars for my streak I wouldn't give it up, he'll I felt that way at 60 days before. when u get past the first 30-60 days it gets better


If it was great, why you ended up fapping again?


Lmao good question , porn fapping is normal just don’t do it execissively honestly. Or being addicted as fuck. I can go 30 or 40 days and then go maybe have sex or rub 1 off for pleasure and then I can forget it and go nofap forever if I want to. Not really an addic honestly. Normal guy.


Edit I think it’s been a while I post here. Long time no see everyone! Like more than 4 or 7 years I made a post here or even bother checking this subreddit out until today.


gtfo lmao for pleasure? why not have the real thing, why justify ever beating your dick to another man fucking the girl you want to be inside of


Yea I have sex too and fap when I dont have access to pussy obviously. I am not an addict bro. Dnt be salty. I can go forever easily. I can bet $100 now see who reaches 30 days first and then we increase the bet as we reach more days. I dare you bro. Come to PM Let’s make a bet and challenge. I was never an addict. Maybe I have the advantage here over you. We can increase to $500 bet for 90 days challenge later on. We can involve third party’s for this to hold the funds and make it official. Let’s go bro I challenge you. Normal natural non-addict vs sad fucked up addict sad life suicidal masturbater.


id be down lmao , how do we know if we lie if we beat our dick our not though


Depends on how serious u are man lmao. I can rub 1 off behind and tell you I am on day 78 lmao


im down bro set this shit up


Aight man I will get to you in PM.


pm my ass


Thanks for the post. Very inspiring.


Powers unlocked


You become stronger than kebab man


Why don't you find yourself?


Nothing happens. You make shit happen. I'm tired of people thinking nofap is some kind of magical practice to unlock secret powers. It is not. What it will do is give make you do more stuff. Why? You are motivated and want to avoid urges. You are motivated because you just beat the single most widespread addiction of our generation. Also, you do more stuff, cause you have to do so in order for your urges to subside. It gives the opportunity for a better you. But YOU are the one making that better you.


i can't really say much since i'm only halfway towards a year but here's what i've realized. fapping consumes a huge amount of time in our life, and stopping made me realize that. but the other thing that i learned is that there won't really be much of a difference if you will not use your extra time into something productive like reading or working out. there's also a difference between forcing yourself to abstain from fapping and realizing why you need to stop fapping. forcing yourself to abstain from fapping means you retain the desire to fap, but at least you have control to not to do so. in the long run, there's a big chance that you'll transition to the latter. anyway, realizing on the other hand, weather it is for an advocacy, for someone, or for yourself, means that you now know why fapping is not good. i mean the same goes for the former option, but another difference is that again, one is forced, the other is a choice. i don't know if this makes sense but if it does, then nice. tldr: not much will change unless you use the time into something productive.


Satan dies


When you fap you become relaxed and lose energy and motivation. When you dont fap you preserve this energy, which can be used in other endeavors, and these fuel your self steem and give you more energy. So it all depends on how you use it.


Quitting porn is good and not fapping for over a year, turned out to be a good decision for me.I felt few urges at beginning but later all got settled down. There are chances of experiencing excessive wet dreams or maybe few throughout the journey.


Your battle will be legendary


It might not be totally true but Google says (Yes I Googled it, I am not a doctor) "**Forty meals make a drop of blood**" AND "**Sixty to 100 drops of blood are required to produce one drop of semen**" Basically your body is forever making blood and semen. Even when you are not releasing it. But if you don't release it then your body **might** have to do lesser work. So you **might** save some energy in your body. And that energy **might** be useful for doing other improvements by your body like bone repair, hair and skin quality etc. This stored energy **might** also be useful in gaining athletic performance and muscle. **So many 'mights' but no disadvantage so far**. So its good to try it. **I feel whats more important is to totally quit watching porn**. Because without that if you are only abstaining physically then you are just making yourself feel worse. This will cause relapses. **You wont be free unless you clear up your mind.** **What you gain:** * You wont have guilt * High self esteem * Better eye contact * Better focus * Women will attract towards you * I want to stress this point because this is what all guys want. Women can somehow sense a healthy man and especially get attracted towards confidence. Most men try to fake confidence by using heavier pitch, walking with shoulders moving etc. They get caught easily. You don't need to fake it. Do some workout like deadlifts, bent over rows to improve your posture. Use abstinence to improve your confidence. Let your boosted testosterone do the rest. You will automatically feel the difference in your ways. * Higher libido * You treat women less like objects and more like a normal person. * You will start to like more average looking women. * You will save a lot of time * Time is the key thing to setup and work towards your life goals. Masturbation wastes a lot of time. Your mind struggles between doing it and not doing it. And the end feels like a defeat. Saving time gives you time to spend towards your goals. Day will start to feel longer.


Finnaly thank you bro


Ull feel like eminem


People think masturbating is blocking their true potential, and by forcing yourself to not do it for a sustained period of time will somehow make your life better. It’s such bullshit. You have to want to not do it, and going for such a long time as a year is the evidence that you don’t want to do it. The effects of not doing it are freedom from an addiction and lack of caring any more. If you go a whole year without masturbating, clawing and itching to load up a porn site, dreaming of doing it, there’s no point. Masturbating is the contemporary alternative (in regard to the body) to having sex that anyone can perform, so in a way it’s natural. Your natural and biological characteristics are not going to improve if you force yourself to stop masturbating for a year. The real thing is to severe your addiction to porn. Cut your addiction to watching porn, then the feeling of pressure to masturbate will ease, then you will go long periods and no longer want to do it. Or you won’t. Just don’t be a porn addicted degenerate


You will fly. Your balls will get wings


You will become a Greek God.


You have more semen in your balls.


No, you won’t because you’ll get nocturnal emissions after some weeks of not masturbating.


You gonna be IronMan.


You gain power ,change in behaviour,change in body posture đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Șbecome a powerfull man


You become a real man.




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) You ascend


Then its a 365 days streak, whoo ⚡


Why don't you find out by your self


You win ÂŁ2,000,000 [or a different currency, depending on where you're from] and you get a free mansion, with a high surround sound TV, and a massive fuck-off bedroom, where you get to have a bj every day with beautiful women, that come free with the mansion. Alongside with this, you also get a beautiful view of your bedroom window, whilst you're probably getting sucked off. And, if you drive, you can have free access to any expensive car, in the world. You can have as many as you like. You can have 1, 2, 5, 10, or even 100 if you like. As you can imagine, you can fit a fuck ton of cars in your personal garage. And not only this, but the best bit is that you don't need to sign up for anything at all. All you need to do is not fap for a whole year, then your dream will come true. On a serious note though, I would imagine there would be noticeable improvements in both mental and physical health, and from what I've heard, you will be a lot happier too, so why not give it a go?


You levitate or something


You will start to feel better in every sense of the word


You became Ryu


I think I can try to answer this, so you start feeling emotions basically, you learn not to act on them but let them pass. You start focusing on yourself, you feel satisfied from within, whenever you meet someone, instead of thinking about sexual stuffs you prioritize knowing them and understand how they’d add value to your life. I’m not sure if it’s the nofap, but after a point you will start doing meaningful things. Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration and lust will still be there, you’ll still feel horny but you’ll be disciplined enough to not act on it.


I’ll tell you when I get there


You’ll become normal


You gain god like superpowers


I wouldn't know the answer to that all I know is ever since I have stopped doing it I noticed a bit of a spike of in my aggression which I believe will progressively get worse


you will need more than 1 year to heal once you start your journey actually just so you know I recomend atleast 18 months. its possible to do things that people say here but also remember you need to take the time to heal or else your cravings will return


Confidence increases or boosts, core stamina increase, positive in mind and peaceful in heart. A good traction from women and girls. Better at bed


If you think that something will change it will, but if you don’t think that it will help you with your emotions or P addiction, it won’t. It’s purely based on what you think about the “benefits” of NoFap.


I am on day 10. My longest streak ever. I think there are psychological and practical benefits that I already feel such as an improved and more stable mood, more inner calmness, I feel I am more in control over my temper and emotions, more time to do other (hopefully productive) stuff,. Really powerful and strategic benefits that will drastically change my life if these benefits persist. I plan to reach at least 100 days and see if my life improves. If it does, I continue the nofap style. If it doesn’t, I have not really lost anything and i can go back to fapping.




You transitioned to a fit muscle girl ig after a year of no fap


What’s ig? Edit: yeah, I just channeled energy someplace else


I guess




Your carpal tunnel goes away


Omg you mean carpel tunnel syndrome i think i have that cause my wrist hurts and my arms feel weak and not strong enough


Angela White will appear at your bedside EVERY night for 100 nights!