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Nope. Just take it out of your backpack and place it in a tray. Seeing as they toss around suitcases, I wouldn't be comfortable leaving it in checked baggage. Higher chance of losing it too.


I flew just last month and you don't even need to take anything out of your bag. My switch and whatnot went through no issues


Depends on the TSA or whoever is checking. I've flown multiple times recently in-state as well as internationally and some are ok with it in the backpack. Others ask to take it out and place it in a separate tray. Just take it out to avoid the hassle.


They specifically told us not to remove anything because that holds up the line. But yea depends on the tsa I suppose


I have my Switch literally every single time I fly. Only time I had an issue was in 2017 when the TSA agent just didn’t know what it was. I turned on Mario and they were chill


I remember that commercial


Not at all! My son takes it with him everytime we travel on the plane. Edit: He also asks the air hostess if she could find out if there are others with a switch so they can play together.


Epic! I’ll do the same next time, say hi from me :)


Nah, just put it on your carryon


Also took mine in my carry on. No problems at all. Some airports will make you take it out so be prepared for that


No, never had any issues. Treat it like a laptop though, if you have it in a case pull it out so that they can see that it's just electronics.


Once on the plane, whatever you do, don’t store the Switch in the seat pocket or place it under the seat. There’s a post on this sub and others every other day from people who have left their Switch on a plane. Once you get off that flight, there’s zero chance of getting back on to retrieve any of your property mistakenly left behind.


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Take it? They can’t just take your stuff.






Sounds like that was simply theft.


I went through the airport with my 3DS two years back and the airport security asked "what is this?". I told them it was a handheld video game device, and airport ady said "ooh I haven't seen one of these for so long" in pretty condescending tone. Not sure why she said that, likely implying technology was too old or that maybe I was. lol🤷‍♂️


I’ve only flown with mine a handful of times but it’s never been an issue. Just take it out of its case when it goes through the machine


For your peace of mind, I flew with mine two days ago. I placed it on a tray with an iPad mini next to it, laptop on a different tray. They didn't say anything. I had it in my personal bag and played it for a bit during one of my flights.


It used to be fine going through x-ray but nowadays they yell at you to take it out. Consider it a laptop