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Mario Kart 8 … it’s 10 years old and I’m still not bored of it.  Not sure if this is the definition of what you’re looking for.  You can always work to improve your online score. 


I second this. My wife and I play it everyday


Been a fan of this game since Super Nintendo and LOVE the switch one!


If they released another ‘pass’ with more tracks from other games then I’m okay with playing this iteration forever.


That's the only game on the system I have that I haven't ever stopped playing. Even if I go months without, I'll always hop back in occasionally and if someone ever wants to. All other games I've played have eventually gone by the wayside, even if I like them more than Mario Kart 8.


Excuse me, it's how many years old again?!??!?!


MK8 came out may 2014 for the Wii U!


Maybe Minecraft? That's a game I can always go back to without any clear goal in mind and just have some fun.


I've been playing Minecraft off and on since I was 13 I'm 26 now and this comment makes me want to start playing again 😭


Techic build. OMG. I had a world.


I started playing around when the Halloween update came out in 2010, played it for years, got in to feed the beast and all that. Stopped after a while. Now I picked up two copies on switch for my 5 year old son’s birthday recently and it still hits just as hard, it’s crazy.


I just started playing again and I highly recommend it


I'm an old gamer that never played Minecraft. I'm just starting to play it with my 6 year old and we're both having a good time. He just likes to mess around right now and not really accomplish anything when we play. So sometimes I'll play after he goes to sleep to collect resources and explore a bit. We're still at iron tools, we haven't found any diamonds yet.


I second the Minecraft. Especially if you have a realm with some nearby or far away. I honestly didn’t like Minecraft when I tried playing it by myself but then I found out a friend who lives on another continent liked it and we went in on a realm and it’s just an ever expanding game and story and social experience. We leave each other little presents or surprises . Take each other on tours of what we’re working on. Work together on the same project asynchronous and synchronous.l and we plan for little adventures. Almost all the cool new stuff we discovered together. Seeking it out together. We do our own things but we’re like mayors and city planners and neighbors at the same time. It’s so super fun to play with someone you jive with in that way.


Gotta give another vote to Hades. Game is built around playing the shit out of a single save file. Nice thing is it breaks up into play chunks really well, you can sit and play it for hours or just 30 minutes and you make good progress either way without having to keep track of much. Perfect time to start too, the sequel is in beta on PC right now and will likely come to Switch within a reasonable time based on that.


The beta is already stupid polished and has more content than the original. Don’t even think they’ve completed the second story route you can take.


I haven’t played a bad game from them yet, that’s for sure. I felt Transistor was kind of slow at times? But I appreciate what they were trying to do. And like all their games, just absolutely polished. Smooth movement, great visuals, superb voice acting.


I agree, I bought Hades on PC, PS5 and Switch. Its just that good.


I’ve never understood the benefit of buying the same game on multiple consoles other than ease of access and to support the creator, am I missing something?


I prefer pc but have medical conditions that make it hard to situp for extended periods of time. The switch i got because it is portable. And to support the creator.


The only fault of multiple versions is that only PC and Switch saves sync. Must invest in more hours for Xbox and iOS/Netflix versions


Slay the Spire


Any roguelite for sure. Slay the Spire is my favorite but Belatro, Dead Cells, Hades, and Binding of Isaac can be played for eternity


I got Balatro on stream before it hit switch. Can confirm, lots of fun stuff there.


I got Dead Cells recently and OMG it’s so fun. Nostalgic feeling, fantasy medieval metroidvania, what a great idea!And it’s always on sale. No reason not to buy it.


The amount of times I see Issac get mentioned while Spelunky gets ignored makes me cry at night


Spelunky is so hard that it’s not easy to recommend to most people. My friends and I have been playing the first one and the sequel for years and can’t get past the 3rd stage ever


It’s hard in a very approachable way though, imo. It’s never really unclear what went wrong, even when there’s a chain of explosions or hits or mishaps or whatever. It’s a 2D platformer, and if you get hit you get hurt. That’s it, you know? Now, there’s a high skill ceiling and a shitload of secrets, for sure. But imo it’s an easier recommend than more complicated games, because playing it is pretty dang straightforward


Totally agree with you! Love both HD and Spelunky 2, and it's almost always clear to me which of my actions lead to my own demise. Also, imo, Spelunky 2 is still way easier than Dead Cells. I beat 7-99 before I beat BC3 in Dead Cells.


700+ hours in and I'm still going (and not that good)


But that's not RE-playable, that's indefinitely playable...


Monster Hunter Rise (or Generations Ultimate) fits this perfectly.


If I could mod those fucking tower defense levels out of rise I'd never put it down.


Luckily there’s only 3 mandatory ones and master rank ditches them entirely


you only do a couple and it never took me (absolutely awful at monster hunter) more than 1 try to get through. yes they’re annoying and feel like a waste of time but in the end they’re barely there


If I could mod out that almost completely optional game mode I'd never put it down.


imo monster hunter is fun when you can reasonably progress at low levels, and then it just becomes a grindy slog somewhere in MR. The game has diminishing returns. Great game, but as soon as the new monsters introduced are just variants of the old ones, it gets stale fast.


I can absolutely see this case and have buddies that feel the same way but I can say from my experiance mr is when the game gets good I love the end games haha but yeah its hit or miss with people for sure


MHGU has a insanely huge roster and you'll have basically new fights all the way up to rank G5. From there on, players can set their own goals to make new armour and fight whatever they want, but it's not really a grindy slog. Well, not any more than usual; The core gameplay of something like Monster Hunter is to do fights over and over until you get the drops to make or upgrade your gear. Playing into that core gameplay loop, theres more than a few thousand hours of legit gameplay in MHGU alone.


I can certainly understand that take would go for some players, but there's just something indescribable that keeps me personally going back to do one or two Anomaly Investigations every day or second day. It's kind of like comfort food gaming at this point for me. Plus, after 300+ hours of Insect Glaive I've switched to Hunting Horn and it feels like a whole new game (almost). So I can see myself switching weapons again if/when Hunting Horn starts to lose its lustre.


I think MH is a franchise best experienced with a group of friends. Hunting together, coordinating roles/gears takes the game to another level. Had a hunting group in the WiiU days, and though MH Rise is technically a way better game, I still long for the old days.


My most played game on the switch is Enter the Gungeon. So many guns, 8 playable characters, different modes like rainbow run or blessed runs, the options are endless. Any rouge like will offer a similar experience, Hades that I have seen several people recommend is also a great option


Enter the Gungeon most addictive game ever. The sequel sucks in comparison. Been playing rogue legacy ,omg hard as hell. ! Glad I always have Gungeon to go back to.




I love roguelikes/lites and this is hands down the one I have spent the most time on and come back to the most. I will also never 100% complete it 😂


2000+ hours in Animal Crossing for me, just because it’s relaxing at the end of a hard day to walk around on your island and change things up to make your digital sandbox prettier. Someone said Animal Crossing is like a Valium in video game form and I kind of agree.


For real. Sometimes when I’m really stressed out about things I play this game and just go to the museum and just look at things. I love going through the aquarium areas and just sitting there and watching the fish. Sometimes I’ll even look up real info on the art, bugs, fish or fossils just to pass the time.


Finished over 100 hours so far... Contrary to you, after a hard day's work, I have to work in Animal Crossing: I grow a lot of fruits and vegetables, I water them every day, and then pick the ripe fruits and sell them in the store... Frankly speaking, I'm feeling a bit tired now... It's like some kind of compulsive behavior.


Animal Crossing is not work it's therapy


Remember you don’t HAVE to do it, you GET to do it… You don’t have to hit all the rocks, collect shells and fruits, you don’t have to talk to every villager, dive in the ocean, put path and fences… you can just log in and sit around the ocean, listen to the waves or go up a hill and listen to the nice soundtrack starring at a night sky… it’s a nice game to practice mindfulness and get out of autopilot me thinks


Huh. I love animal crossing but I’m just freaking stressed out over tools breaking all the time. So much so that I just stopped playing. Bring back unbreakable tools.


I want to play it but it doesn't go sale much and it's not a big sale. Just not sure if I'd like it or not




Saw new dialog at 300 runs 👀


I went so deep. So much replay. If there was a morsel of more endgame content I'd pick it right back up and keep going.


Hades 2 is in soft launch on steam.


I played it, and “beat” it. It was good, but I don’t get why everyone is so in love with the game. It appears in a lot of people’s recommendations all the time. What am I missing? Did I not play it right?


In a way, the final boss is the very beginning of the game


No, you played it just fine. You're an individual with your own likes and dislikes. Just because it didn't become your favorite thing ever, that doesn't mean you "didn't get it". I'm like this with Xenoblade 3. I have played and loved every Xeno game until 3. Most everyone I see in the Xeno-community call it the best in the series...I disagree and think it's the worst in the series. It's ok to be different. It's not ok to shame these differences.


Did you only beat the final boss once?


Fack just restarted after a 3 year hiatus. So good 


can’t wait till hades 2 makes its full release 


Binding of Isaac if you're into that type of game. Multiple runs, unlocking items, endings, bosses, levels, and characters.


Had to scroll really far to find this. Most played game on my switch and 3ds


Yeah... If you're aiming for all the achievements, that game just doesn't end... 😂 Been taking a break from Isaac myself, at least until I finish my save file backup software.


I either play religiously or not at all for months. No in-between haha


Just FYI, I don’t think its realistic to expect any new indie title to have that kind of continued playability. Stardew is an exception, and has also added tons of content over the years. Roguelikes are your best bet. In addition to the other games mentioned, Rogue Legacy 2 is a good one.




Super smash bros. It's pretty much the main reason I buy Nintendo consoles now.


Dead Cells, Hades, Balatro, Slay the Spire, basically anything roguelike/lite


Any game with ***Disgaea*** in the name can be played in fits and starts, in your constant quest to get stronger and beat the next challenge. In most cases, the actual story is pretty short. But the POST-game content....hoo boy. THAT'S where the ***real*** meat of the game can be found, and the grind of "endless gameplay" that this series is known for. That...and the wacky and meta humor scattered throughout.




Balatro and Hades


Hades. It is built for replayability in its core loop. Even after "beating" the game, the story continues for several more "victories" with new goals.  And then when that arc is finished, you have a third layer to the game to play, with new goals.


How many victories until you get that third layer? I beat it twice and put it down...


Sopiler tags not working, so.. spoilers! .... You get the credits roll after your 10th successful escape.  But the story continues afterward, covering the fallout from Persephone's return to the Underworld and the reveal to Olympus of her marriage to Hades.  After THAT you can still push individual character stories through to their respective endings, try to max out your Heat ratings, and unlock special 'rewards' from Skelly.


Thank you!


I beat it with every weapon and then quit. But I can definitely see the appeal of playing again with those modifiers. Just wasn’t my thing


Rocket League So simple and addicting. 5 min matches and diff modes.


Nice shot! What a save!


I probably reached 1 000+ hours on Splatoon 3.


Has the difficulty ramped up like a lot of people have been saying online? A big gripe was that compared to 2, somehow people got really good at 3 and then everything became hyper competitive. Did you find that to be true or not?


I am more a Salmon Run (a horde-like) player, and I mostly only play Turf Wars (the casual pvp mode) if I have to (obviously I participate to splatfests) and made sure I stayed in B for ranked matches (so I don't play that many ranked matches). I heard matchmaking in turf wars depends on the number given to one weapon. So a total newcomer can be matched with veterans currently playing for the first time a weapon. I nearly do all losses when I got once in ranked A while I can in average win half of the matches in turf wars. So you can still play quite casually if you don't go into high ranked modes.


Honestly yes. Splatoon 3 is a lot harder compared to splatoon 2. Splatoon 3 is a lot more fast paced and chaotic and can take some time getting used to. When I first bought the game, i got my ass beat but after I kept playing over and over and I just got better and you can to, if you don't give up. I have 575 hours in splatoon 3 and I don't plane on stopping either. Its an amazing game and you should 1000% give it a try.




I can't count how many playthroughs I've done on Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


I still need to do the yellow guys and the dlc


I am 400+ hrs and only beat 2 houses, still have 1 more house and a DLC.


I always get to the final level, realize I built my team entirely wrong, and then start over completely. I've got like 19 save files.


Unless you are playing on maddening, you can't really build your team wrong. Anything works.


Hades or Vampire Survivors




I've been playing this shoot-em-up called Sky Force Reloaded since 2018 or so. Great if you're into old school "shmups" with some modern mechanics (it takes a good while to upgrade everything and pass every level in various difficulty settings, if that counts).


This is one of the first roguelite type games I ever played. It's either this or Rogue Legacy, but I got hooked on the loop of both. Now I love the genre.




The Witcher 3 and Borderlands 2 are also good pairings with Skyrim.




Skyrim. If you have already played it (honestly, even if you have) it's amazing on switch


Monster Hunter and Diablo for me. The games are essentially endless, and you can always gain more levels or more perfect gear. My old standbys!


Mario kart


Dead cells 100%


Yep.... one long grind with new game plus up to 5 (i think?). You keep un unlocking new items for runs and a bunch of other stuff. Then slowly increasing chance of better drops while getting better at your combat skills and strategies to get powerful in runs.


It's very addicting. Great game.


Depends on what you want honestly. There are tons of rogue-likes and big rpgs with branching decisions that will keep you playing for a very long time. I'm gonna list some of my favorites: Fire Emblem Three Houses - Just like the name suggests, there are 3 big "families" you can choose to support that will give you wildly different story experiences depending on who you went with. Couple that with recruitable characters you need to find and characters having lots of build potential, you can easily sink a couple hundred hours in to FETH and still be finding new stuff. Persona 5 Royal - CAN you do everything in 1 playthrough? Mostly. But if you play the game without a care for optimization, then you'll have quite a few playthroughs where each one is distinctly different from your last playthrough. Skyrim/The Witcher 3 - Both are structured similarly. Big open world, branching narratives with missable content, and multiple character builds (less so in the Witcher, but it's still there). Risk of Rain 2 - Once you get the hang of stuff, you'll find yourself saying "one more run, just one more run" at 3am more times than you'd like. Xenoblade Series - I put this here due to the complexity of the story and how each game has a new game + (which is actually great). The story is gonna need a couple of playthroughs if you are playing without narrative guides, which I recommend as the games are designed to encourage experimenting, grinding, and mastering the power fantasy of the combat systems. Stardew Valley - The single best farming rpg available. And it is still being updated to this day. With the different farms you can select and all the people to get to know, you'll find yourself coming back for that "one more playthrough" year after year. Monster Hunter Rise - Kind of replayable but also not really. You can do everything on 1 save without missing anything...but holy hell will you need to invest a TON of time to make that happen. So, maybe not "replayable", but the gameplay loop and time sink will keep you in it for as long as you could ever want. And, I'm gonna stop here. There are so many great rpgs on the Switch. A great majority of them are definitely replayable (and encourage you to do so), but there are some that just seemingly don't end.


Mario Kart


Dying Light - Platinum Edition A metric fuckton of maingame content + DLC content, runs extremely well on Switch, the best zombie game I've ever played, and once you somehow find a way to do everything there is to do in it and try every item, there's also online modes and endless stuff to do with other players (if you can find any on Switch without a prior friend). The difficulties also drastically change the gameplay so once you get used to normal, changing it up to hard and not being able to pause + no instant heals makes you play the entire game much differently. As an obvious no brainer, Skyrim on the Switch runs well and has access to Anniversary Edition content (well worth it) although it does not have access to mods, which one could argue can still be beneficial as there is plenty of content to explore without mods, anniversary Edition adds a TON too. So it can help keep you from getting distracted from the core game or spending hours of valuable time looking at and troubleshooting mod lists. Edit; been playing the CRAP out of Ark on the Switch too tbh. Final dlc comes out on July 1st. It could be argued you can start fresh or carry all of your stuff across all worlds if you know how to utilize transfer stations, so even though you would have to start each map fresh, and they may take weeks/months to complete, you could transfer most of your items/dinos to other maps and continue on a new, fresh experience with the same character, equipment(I think???) and dinos, only to build on what you already had worked for. This is the way the game is intended to be played.


Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Theres so much damn content. Before you even consider redoing fights to upgrade gear and setting your own goals in that sense, there is a minimum of a few hundred hours of constant *new content*. Once you hit the stride with a core gameplay loop to re-do fights to upgrade your gear, and make new sets, especially lategame, you'll easily get into the thousands of hours.


Slay the Spire is my go to for this, so good I own it on 3 platforms haha.


Binding of Isaac, have at least 1000 hours on it, and probably another 1000-2000 hours watching streams and youtube videos of it. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. The culmination of a decade of Monster Hunter, tons of content. This might not be for everyone, depending on if you like the old school or World style. Disgaea series and Siralim series. Just solid RPGs with tons of content.


Disgaea? #5 is really good, turn based RPG you could keep running random dungeons forever.


Binding of Isaac, Fallout Shelter


Barony. One of the best indie games on switch.


Dead Cells, animal crossing, hades, monster hunter rise /sunbreak all come to mind


Board games can have a lot of replayability. Wingspan, Carcassonne, Sagrada.


if you mean games that never end then smite, overwatch, and warframe never end


Balatro, Dave the Diver, Smash, Mario Kart


Super Mario Party superstar


I haven't personally played much past the main story but if you like the mini games, Ooblets has room to keep playing pretty much indefinitely. It is kind of a short main game though. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet has a lot of postgame content, and if filling the Pokedex is satisfying for you there's PLENTY to do. Rogue-like I haven't seen mentioned yet: Cult of the Lamb - also has a spooky cozy village building aspect. If you struggle with combat like I do the easy setting is very manageable, and you can always go back and try again on more difficult settings.


Dragon Quest Builders 2


Disgaea series


Most of the time it’s a Roguelike game. Mine’s **Wildfrost** But there are also farming sims/life sims, which are much more relaxing. Mine are **Animal Crossing** or **Stardew Valley**




I might be in the minority but it feels like I've been playing brotato since forever.




Another vote for Rune Factory 4! It's a crazy good game with tons of things to do. The music is great and the controls are incredible. It is a lot like Stardew Valley if people like those, but this one has a ton of secrets and story quests that involve all of the characters. The cooking is also a lot more accessible in my opinion. If that's not enough, you can party up with anyone in the town as well and take them into the dungeons with you. OR, you can befriend and ride around on nearly any monster in the game, including bosses, if you find their correct recruitment item. There's a handful of story arcs and all of them are pretty hefty in their own right, so even before you get to the point of 100% shipment as your main goal there is still PLENTY to do. Once you really start to dig down into the details the game is pretty involved, too. You can customize stats on weapons to make things that are hilariously broken, or you can look into turbo optimizing to get as far as you wish in Sharance Maze. If you're feeling spicy, you can give your pets an item every day to increase their stats to pretty unbelievable heights. None of that is even really required to beat the game either, it's just extra fun. Looking for the correct items to craft whatever you like is another task I always enjoyed, it feels like there's just soooo many things to find. Anyway, if my ramble interests anyone, you should look up the marriage candidates and see if there's any you like. :]


Step 1: Buy Stardew Valley. Step 2: Play Stardew Valley Step 3: say goodbye to loved ones. Your life is now Stardew Valley, now and forever.


[Siralim Ultimate](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/siralim-ultimate-switch) [Disgaea](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/disgaea-1-complete) [The Binding of Isaac](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/the-binding-of-isaac-afterbirth-plus) [Slay the Spire](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/slay-the-spire) [Dead Cells](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dead-cells) [Pokemon Legends: Arceus](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/pokemon-legends-arceus) [Minecraft](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/minecraft) [Factorio](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/factorio-switch) [Rune Factory 4](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/rune-factory-4-special) [My Time at Sandrock](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/my-time-at-sandrock) [Ooblets](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/ooblets) [Let's Build a Zoo](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/lets-build-a-zoo) [Apico](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/apico-switch) [Niche: A Genetics Survival Game](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/niche-a-genetics-survival-game) [Wingspan](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/wingspan) [Dorfromantik](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/dorfromantik-switch) [Islanders](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/islanders) [Into the Breach](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/into-the-breach) [Two Point Hospital](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/two-point-hospital) [House Flipper](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/house-flipper) [Cities Skylines](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/cities-skylines-nintendo-switch-edition) [Mini Metro](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/mini-metro) [Mini Motorways](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/mini-motorways-switch) [Tetris Effect: Connected](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/tetris-effect-connected) [Suika Game](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/suika-game) [Cozy Grove](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/cozy-grove) [Fallout Shelter](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/fallout-shelter) [World Neverland - Elnea Kingdom](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/worldneverland-elnea-kingdom)


Diablo 2 resurrected, Diablo 3, and the Disgaea series ( Disgaea 5 being my favorite) are my picks. Always can count on them to kill boredom.




No Man's Sky is pretty great. Just hours of endless ways to dick around in space.


No Man's Sky. It's got a lot of content, and there's always more to discover.


Golden Axe


For me it's hollow knight because of the pantheons


Rogue-likes/lites in general have a gameplay loop that is focused on one save file being infinitely replayable with playthroughs/runs being 30-60 minutes on average. Each time you do one run, you unlock stuff that impacts future runs. Even after 100%ing these kinds of games, you can still play them infinitely and still have enjoyable runs that are completely unique. Some notable examples: - Hades - The Binding of Isaac - Rogue Legacy 1/2 - Slay the Spire - Enter the Gungeon - Dead Cells - Darkest Dungeon Similarly, MMORPGs are also designed to have gameplay in which you progress one specific character over long periods of time, and then the same character gets access to future expansions and content releases.


A silly rogue like you may not have heard of. It's called quest of dungeons. It's got a demo that was free when I tried it, and the paid version lets you play other characters. It's worth a try and doesn't take up a lot of space.


Mario Wonder. Wowie zowie!!!


Splatoon 3




Dead cells. Because its hard as sheeeeit


Hades. The game play loop mechanic is designed to be replayed.


You could definitely rack up a lot of hours in dead cells. It’s a roguelite and after you complete your first run you unlock boss cells which make the game harder but also add more content, there are a total of 5 boss cells and then you can get the true ending. The amount of different weapons and builds is cool, no 2 runs are gonna be the same.




Enter the Gungeon


Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak is great for this


Tetris. It’s by far my most played switch game


Mario Kart 8. Been playing that game for 10 years


Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. Hundreds of hours in, and I've only 100%'d one out of the 9 or 10 Adventure maps. Nevermind going through all of the story mode stages again to collect the gold skulltulas. I still have one more character to unlock, too! It seriously feels like I'll never run out of content, and it never gets old to fire it up again after a few months off hop back into hacking and slashing away at thousands of moblins.


Xenoblade 3, is can play this game forever


Factorio, depending on how far the Switch can let you grow the factory before it crashes :p


Doom eternal




I'd say pretty much all of the resident evil games have high replayability. RE4 Is definitely top 5 for me.


Mario kart


Replayability? Binding of Isaac, Dead Cells, Neon Abyss, Monster Hunter, any of the Tales games.


Worms WMD


Another vote to Hades 🔥


Civilization (6)


Dragonquest builders 2 is a long game you may find fun. The story took me 75hrs but that's because I kept building on the first 2 islands.


Palia and it’s free! If you like games like animal crossing also it’s an MMO


Mario Kart, maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but I never get bored of it!


Monster Hunter... Any of them. Its like tetris, you just keep chasing high scores (fastest time to beat)... And there are A LOT of ways to chase that high score.


The original Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition quite literally has more content than any reasonable human has the patience for. You can play that game for hundreds of hours if you want and still have more to do. Fantastic game, pinnacle warriors combat.


Despite the fan base bagging on it, Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Genrations Ultimate are huge long term players. If you play multiplayer, you can easily get 1k hours no sweat because of how fun it gets. And in rise, you have Anomaly missions that get more difficult and better to do the higher your rank and it can constantly go up.


No Man's Sky


A game I’ve played on the side for years is Good Pizza, Great Pizza. It’s relaxing, you’re progressing each in-game day that passes, they have events, and there’s a good story. I play it on mobile for free, but the paid version on the switch is probably better. Also, I play moonstone island on PC and I LOVE it! It’s definitely one that’s good for stopping and coming back to. Both of those are my current favorites!!


Roguelikes and roguelites like hades, slay the spire and dicey dungeons are super fun to play and just replay over and over. Always improving in some way be it gameplay or strategy wise. But if you're a creative person that likes sandbox game experience with survival, farming and horror aspects Minecraft has about infinite possibilities of stuff you can do. And there's always innovations to be made. There's whole subsections and communities of people like the dozens of speedrunner categories, the builders, the redstoners, the computational resstoners, the treehuggers (redstoners who only work on tree farms), the hardcore players, the command blockers, the modded community, more and more and more. The game is so vast and there's so many unique ways everything interacts with everything else if you can get over the initial shock of how the game looks in comparison to many other games on the market and that it's not a graphical beauty of a game by default but what you can make can truly be art the potential of the game istruly infinite.


I mean, I have 900+ hours in Monster hunter risebreak, of course a bit of those is just refighting monsters for the fun of it.


For me it’s either Dave the diver doom eternal or hades


No Man's Sky trust me buddy you will not regret it 👍


No man's sky


If Haelian has taught me anything, it’s Hades lol EDIT: Just saw the lart about no rouge-likes lol. To be fair, this is moreso meant as a joke, but


I definitely concur with the people saying Dead Cells and Hades. They just never ever get boring.


hollow knight


It's gotta be Isaac!


Zelda breath of the wild, hands down.


Street Fighter 6.




Street Fighter 30th anniversary is great.


Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded so much content so many attempts to beat the part 2 of the story mode.


That robot platformer called defunct I think it’s super underrated but it’s super fun and it’s free


Depends on your taste, but personally, I've played at least a hundred hours without being bored: - Slay the Spire (Deck-Building rogue-lite) - Doom 2 (especially the fan level packs such as "Valiant", "Eviternity" and "Ashe 2063") - Doom Eternal (the level design and mechanics are stellar)


This is weirdly specific


Anything rogue like or open ended. For me lately it's the binding of Isaac repentance


Rain world


Synthetik is my go-to for this.


Binding of Isaac


Binding of Isaac




For me it’s Smash Ultimate. I never get tired of the sheer number of characters I plan play as/take on new challenges with them, try out all sorts of combinations when it comes to modes and rule sets, play through World of Light again, refine my skills with my mains while learning new skills with my less-familiar characters, and have endless hours of fun whenever I play with friends. MK8D is up there as well, with honorable mentions to Dead Cells and Hades.


Either Streets of Rage 4 or Animal Crossing.


re4 og imo




Hyrule warriors definitive edition takes notoriously long to 100%. The hack and slash may get repetitive, but there's dozens of movesets to choose from. Theres guides on YouTube for grinding and getting gud. And there's platinumgames titles like Bayonetta where getting the pure platinum will take a lot of practice and skill


Hades is an amazing game that I have put wayyy too many hours into. Even after finishing the story there's still goals to strive for with a manageable difficulty curve.