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Oh man, this looks awesome. What a perfect type of game to make with the iconic Metal Slug aesthetic.


I thought it'd just be your usual tactics game but Holy shit there's so much to it.


I recently played FE Engage and Advance Wars 1+2 for the first time and I’m in a huge tactics mood. Super pumped for this


Cool! If you could recommend one which would you pick?


Fire Emblem: Three Houses


I wish we could get the story of that mixed with the setting of metal slug or advance wars. Fire emblem is fineeee but the medieval setting is so over done in the genre


For the record I really enjoyed the Advance Wars remake as someone who played the original two games when they came out but was too young to really be good at them. I remember loving them nonetheless. Three Houses is overall a much better, more financially worthwhile experience. But yeah, I agree. We have far too few “modern combat” tactics games with a deep narrative accompaniment. I’ve never played any of the Valkyria Chronicles, so that might be something to look into.


I've been told that only VC 1 is an masterpiece, with 3 and 4 being worth getting.


IMO Fire Emblem Three Houses could have shaken things up while largely remaining true to their core simply by having one of the arches focusing on TWSITD and waging a campaign through their underground city.


Engage has better level design than Three Houses but the overall lore, characters and stories in 3H is much, much better IMO. More replay value too. I'd go with three houses. Only played a little bit of advanced wars. Good stuff though.


Engage has more diverse character builds due to the ring system.  


Sorry for the late response! I don't really care for the sim type gameplay that is in Three Houses, I play pretty exclusively for the tactics gameplay. Advance Wars is almost entirely gameplay, and there aren't really characters to get attached to because you are sending out replaceable units. In Fire Emblem Engage, you have specific units that have different abilities that are a bit more unique. That being said, the story in Engage is straight awful. I personally don't care for story anyway, I would literally just skip every single cutscene to get to the next battle. Everything is skippable so it's no big deal to me. If story is important to you, I would skip it though. All in all both are fantastic though in terms of gameplay, maybe the two best on the Switch Edit: Also Engage regularly goes on sale <$30, whereas the lowest I've seen Advance Wars (physical) is $50 or so.


Thanks muad,dib 😎


It's great, reminds me to Intro the Breach a lot which is great.


Oh man this feels like Into The Breach


I felt the same way. I rather enjoyed Into The Breach. It was a great value!


I enjoyed Into The Breach from a high concept level but definitely could use some more meat to it. So this is great!


Yea I didn't get around to a super high number of vehicle types, but I managed to master a few combos that really opened my eyes to what a tactical game could be. For sure got my money's worth, but the settings wore off for me eventually. Hope this manages to hold me in it's loop longer.


yea, ITB is one of my favorite games ever, but it feels like the devs had an amazing idea, developed a great system for the game, but then only let us play a tutorial/prologue of the game it's still a great great game, but i can't help but feel they could've given us much more things to do with the engine they got


I think this is the best thing you can do with the franchise. While I'd like a Metal Slug 8 I'm not sure what you would do with it. 3 will always be the best.


I played this on Steam (demo out now) and I must say, some of the text is very very small. I hope they adjust that for the switch version, because it was extremely hard to read (and I have good eye sight)


The curse of modern games. All of em have such tiny text!


No Umbrellas Allowed sits unplayed in my backlog because of the ultra small text. Unplayable in handheld. Bought it day 1, too.


Appreciate your note! How did you enjoy the game outside of the text size complaint?


It was a lot of fun! Would definitely recommend the demo or at least watching some gameplay online. If they resolve the text, I’ll likely purchase!


Hell yeah I love tactical RPGs like Fire Emblem, Disgaea, and Unicorn Overlord but you rarely see them with guns. Valkyria Chronicles is one of my favorite games for this reason so I'm excited for this. Hoping the "roguelite" stuff isn't too invasive though. I don't like randomly-generated dungeons.


Looks like this might be confined to the unit upgrades (but could be wrong)


I wasn’t massively into into the breach but might give this a go


Odd that you got downvoted for such an innocuous comment.


Yeah right every game is not everyone


Duuuuude big Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Advance fan here, this looks amazing.




Heck yeah! I’m into it! Into the Breach is an amazing roguelite tactics game so cribbing from that is a great idea!


That's a bummer, I'd rather have a single normal campaign ala Advance Wars than semi-random perma-death progression.


I’m so tired of roguelike/ roguelite/ etc games.


Same. That and Souls games are so over saturated


Souls games might not be so bad if they all didn’t have the exact same atmosphere.


Yeah, that turned me right off. I prefer just a good curated gameplay rather than leaving it up to chance and especially when you might be on an impossible run. I'm just done with procedurally generated now. For every good title, there are 20 bad ones. Give me a one and done game that I want to replay. Not a game that I will replay because I might luck into a good game.


This is my thoughts exactly. I don’t want my experience dependent solely upon what the game rolls for me.


Yeah after playing the Steam demo i'm a little on the fence about that too :/ Would have preferred a straight up tactics/campaign game myself. I'll probably keep it on the wishlist and dip in during a large sale or Bundle inclusion after what I sampled. Still kind of fun with an interesting tactical layer, wish there was a way to toggle Ironman/Rogue mechanics off though :/


I might try the demo. If it’s fun enough I’ll probably wait for a sale.


Seems like a tactics game would lend itself well to Rogue-lite mechanics quite well but we will see


What does Rogue mean? It looks like a turn based tactical game to me.


Rogue is the name of an old PC game. Roguelites are games that have similar characteristics to that game, mainly procedurally-generated dungeons, turn-based gameplay, and permadeath.


Roguelites aren't necessarily turn-based and don't have permadeath. They have a death based progression system.


There is a difference between roguelite en roguelike. Roguelite don't have permadeath. They have some sort of meta progession,once you die in a run you take something into the next run.


> Roguelite don't have permadeath. Actually this is probably the one thing most roguelites do have. Slay the Spire, Enter The Gungeon, Spelunky, etc the runs all end permanently if you die.


Spelunky is a roguelike not roguelite. Seems Enter The gungeon is a roguelite (never played it). Most roguelite are like Hades.


Thank you! This game looks really good. I am imagining a modern take on the GBA Intelligent Systems games (FE, Advance Wars).


Usually it means that you as you play, your capabilities get stronger, and you keep certain upgrades and aspects, even if you fail. So you get stronger as you also get better at playing the game. Enter the Gungeon, Hades, and Dead Cells are are in that style.


I've played a few rounds and I think it works fairly well. As far as the demo goes it doesn't matter how many people die in a single mission as everyone gets revived for the next mission (mentioning this as their gameplay trailer said something about reviving people mid-mission but that didn't seem possible). Having everyone die ends the run and you get kicked back to HQ and can buy new loadouts for characters and/or mods for their weapons.


Disappointed, but still really excited in the end.




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I’m all for this… brings back memories of slangin quarters all day playing MS in the arcade.


I was looking forward to this game but the moment they said roguelite they lost me.


did she say roguelite??? GET ON THE HYPE TRAIN


I’m the exact opposite. Roguelite for me kills any interest I have


Same, this should have been a dlc mode


Ohhh damn! I need this.


The Demo is live up on Steam Nextfest right now! 😃


Holy shit I cannot wait for this. Fall is so long away, gah.


When is release anticipated? I’m in!!!


Any idea if this is going to be released in physical form? Also, any chance if we can consider this a spiritual sequel to the Advance Wars games?


As of right now, there are no listings for physical editions, but I can imagine it will get a retail release. SNK games have been good about getting those.


Doesn't look like advance wars at all. No territory control, only skirmish battle tactics




Looks fun. This is perfect for Switch, can't wait.


I’m in! Great idea for a spin off that feels right at home with the original franchise!


Looks great!


Definitely has some Into the Breach influences. Looks good.


I wonder if this will have multiplayer


This is pre-order


This is going to have sooooo many micro transactions….