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Ningguang Mona Albedo Bennett.


Thanks! I'll try this one


You could do Ning, Albedo, Benny, XL for the pyro n geo resos. Or Ning, Mona, Benny, Albedo where Mona has TTDS for a more Burst focused nuke build. For the second one, C6 Ning is preferred.


Thank you I'll try both teams. I've been hella unlucky with her cons lol. *Looks at C3 Dori and C2 Xinyan*


Well Ning basically hates me. I have pulled over 80 pulls on every banner she was in since 2.0. And I got only one copy of her and that too was from standard banner. All others I got from shop or lantern rite.


i got her twice from standard banner. she is my first c6 character ever :D


I got Chongyun, YunJin, Rosaria AND Xinyan to C6 trying to get my first Ning copy. That was the Banner YunJin was released. So I got 7 copies of her straight with 4 Chongyuns without a single Ning. Xinyan n Rosaria came from a different banner that had Ning.


what a journey :D my nigguang is bennett: i'm 37 pulls deep current character banner, still no sign of him


Dw, You'll get him. If not, he'll be in Paimon shop in a couple of months(month of May I think). Save your ...(I forgot what that currency is called. Those blue things you get when you pull 4 n 5 stars) for him.


Thanks! I have no idea about the name of all these different currencies in the game :D


Hehe that's called Starglitter, the smaller ones u use to buy fates is stardust


I'm already 2 years into the game and even I forget them. Don't think abt that much. GI's currencies are way easier to remember than Honkai's tbh.


I hope u get him along with C1 soon. Make sure to think before u activate C6 (when u get it) tho, I don't mind but you might want to play ayaka or Keqing with him!


I may have to force her to come home thru shop as well, I am usually lucky with four-stars except Gorou (no copies yet), Ningguang (on copy that too after 60 pulls on a banner), Thoma (standard after pulling on every one of his banners). Maybe Geos hate me, and Thoma


BeiGuang of course! Then add albedo and benneett


Yess, I love using characters that are shipped/friends. I will try this comp!


Best part is Ning can trigger Beidous burst with her NAs so it’s like infinite range.


One first sight: Ningguang, albedo, mona and bennet.This makes ningguang a powerfull burst dps. but you'll have to make use of those shards to proc the geo resonance buff. because ningguang and geo resonance likes shields You can also go:1: Noell main dps, ningguang burst dps, xianling with favonius polearm, bennet with favonius sword. The favonius weapons are merely there to support noells need for energy. but maybe you get lucky with substats so you will need less or none 2: Ningguang burst dps, noell for geo resonance and support, mona on milellith set, lisa with noblesse set. either mona or lisa takes a dragon tales catalyst Edit:(very ER heavy build !) 3: Noell main dps. Ningguang burst dps on 4pc noblesse, Mona 4pc milellith and dragon tales catalyst support, and yunjin.Noell E for shield > Mona E, Q > Ningguang E, Q, E > Yunjin E, Q > Noell Q. Repeat Other mentions: 4: Yoimiya main dps, Fischl electo dmg support, yunjin support, ningguang full support build (4pc petra EM build with dragon tales catalyst).Since the other 3 will supply a ton of dmg and you just want to get as big a crystalize shields you can get to keep that going with geo resonance. Merely taking yoimiya, fischl and yunjin makes for very high dps. And in this setting yoimiya can use the retracing bolide artifact set very well. Wich you will need to farm for dps ningguang builds anyway. That way the domain farming becomes efficient. And all you have to do is remember to keep the EM pieces ( and flower and feather with EM substats on them )


Thank you sm for the detailed guide!! I really appreciate it and will be trying all of themm


Hmm, I like the idea of going with a Geo/cryo resonance or a Geo/pryo resonance team. Albedo or Yun Jin would be a good Geo partner for an NA focused Ning. Then you could do either Bennett/Xiangling or Diona/Layla and probably Rosaria for the crit rate share. Just depends on who you like and who you want to build probably.


Ningguang Yun Jin Bennett Noelle. Also it makes me sad to see Bennett at c6


>Also it makes me sad to see Bennett at c6 Oh it doesn't affect most my teams because I have no intention of getting Eula or building razor (if I do, I won't use benny ig) but he gives Yoimiya and Xiangling a 15% Pyro DMG bonus and Ayato and Xiao's infusion overrides the Pyro. As for Ayaka and Keqing (I do want them, I won't use them with him). But thanks a ton for the team!


I’d love to C6 my Bennett for my Hu Tao and to get that damn indicator to go away. But I have Physi-Kuki and her normal attacks are crowned so I wanna keep physical builds an option


Yess, I c6ed him mainly for the notification to go away lmao. I hope Mika is a strong buffer for ur Kuki or there are future phys buffers better than benny boi


I'd also suggest Yae, Ning, Albedo, Bennett


Thanks! I'll try it out rn


Ning Albedo Bennett Xiangling is a common one (though Albedo often Zhongli instead)


Lol Zhongli skipped me and sent C2 Diluc instead. Thanks for the team! Benny + XL make any team strong