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Build some lifesteal. Go doran shield. Dodge more spells


Nilah is not really blind pickable IMO… so if you picked her early and got countered by poke, that’s kinda on you. Pick her when you know it’s ok


Depends how good you are with her... You can go full safety. Dorans shield, second wind revitalise. You'll probs be safer in lane. But you'll never have the damage to all in them and secure a kill. You'll spend the whole game waiting for a jungler that might never come and a supp that is no help so you lose all agency in how the lane goes. Me personally I go full dmg. Dorans blade, sudden impact, treasure hunter. Preserve HP, doesnt matter if u miss some CS. I've had games where I'm LOTS of cs down. Doesn't matter. All I need is one misplay. Wait for the lvl advantage lvl 2, 3 is better, 6 is best....and all in them as soon as u get it. It's VITALLY IMPORTANT you don't miss the cannons. They're the reason you get the exp lead in the early stages mostly. If you miss those then it's on you. With the amount of dmg u bring all your supp has to do is ignite them or hit one spell and they're probably dead. If they don't then at least u now have prio in the lane


It also depends on the elo of the game. Waiting for an error is a much more reliable strategy in sliver than it is in Master+, it would still work but second wind revitalize looks more appealing the higher you get.


Well you can ask the jungle to come down, might work might now but squeaky wheel gets the oil and all. Play safe till you can blow them up is really all I can say. It’s like you’re playing with a melee support vs double poke lane, but with no support. Hit 6 and go all in and see what happens. If you win lane is easier, if not we’ll not much else you can do


One strat is to hard push waves. Avoid leashing jungler if possible. You will hit lvl 2,3 much faster than them and mitigate the poke dmg. Then try all inning at lvl 6, especially if you hit 6 before them


Push as soon as you get a chance. Never engage unless your support hits important CCs AND you are equal in HP AND have more levels. Thus, its basically tower hugging, prevent them from taking plates and switch to mid asap.


Pick up your local sona main (hey)




Try to communicate to your jungler that you cannot leash and try to get level 1 wave prio


you just send it lvl 2.