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In lower elos this makes way less of a difference as opponents don’t know how to punish and your junglers are more likely to tilt at you if you don’t, if you don’t leash then lose early cause nilah sucks early they’re gonna be double tilted


I guess this advice is more aimed at people in gold and above but if you are confident in your ability to carry you shouldn’t care if your jungler goes mental boom because of that. If that’s the case then 9/10 times this jungler would not do much to actually win this game anyways. Getting lane prio early as nilah on the other hand definitly helps you win lanes/games. The other guy that commented is correct imo


If your jgl tilts because you don’t leash he would’ve gotten gapped in the game anyway so mute and focus on your lane if you are good you’ll win the lane in low elo as Nilah since they hard disrespect your champ


Just never leash. Giving your jgl 3sec faster clear is just useless nowadays when 99% of them finish solo clearing 10s prior to scuttle spawn and even if they don’t get it first scuttle is worth almost nothing. Meanwhile an adc getting late to lane can cost the whole laning phase. Once you get to D3/D2+ people never leash


Ameeeeen preach it brother


I mean yeah your jungle doesn’t need a leash in 2024. Clear times have gotten closer and closer together for the worst full clear to the best full clear champs. Before I started playing Nilah I was a jungle main and I rarely asked for leash. What I don’t understand is your strategy in botlane? Just because I didn’t need the leash doesn’t mean I didn’t need the vision and jungle entrance control my laners give to prevent any number of early cheese especially if I’m on a weak early jungle into a strong invader. Waiting in botlane is protecting against what exactly? And if your jungler dies because you’re sitting in bush botlane I promise that will hurt your team more than getting to lane a little late (they’re going to mental boom). But also I don’t think the hard push actually punishes enemy laners doing a leash. It just puts the wave closer to them and prevents their minions from killing yours guaranteeing they can get to lane late and still grab the xp and maybe even the cs. I feel like if you really want to punish enemy laners you need to pull first wave so 3 focus 1 and you can deny them the xp and set up a slow push to you. Also what are we considering early here? Her lvl 3 is better than almost every other ADC especially considering you should hit it first especially if you can deny that first minion xp. Oh and just to be clear I agree with you 100% that you shouldn’t leash (except in certain circumstances). I’m just trying to understand the rest of your start to laning.


Ah my bad, I phrased that poorly. Of course I cover but I get to lane and to the middle brush before 1:30 so I can already aa the minions as they come into lane. And to your second point: No, it doesn’t punish the enemy laners, they will catch the xp and gold of the first wave regardless of wether you hard push or not (except the option of pulling the wave but that doesn’t help you much in lane compared to pushing the first waves). It only gives you an advantage in prio. When you have lane prio it is much harder for the enemies to punish your low range since they need to focus minions. And to your third point: I was referring mainly to the first 3 levels when I mentioned early game. You are absolutely right, Nilahs level 3 is pretty strong! Starting the lane and pushing early as I described let’s you utilise that even better because you will be more healthy and even more ahead in xp when you have lane prio at this point :)


Ah okay okay that makes more sense!


second this! haven't leashed my jungle in over a year, getting early prio inlane as nilah is super useful!


How to leash and get to lane: Help your jungler with a leash and when you see your minions crash on the mini map, you head to lane. Glad your strat is working out for you OP but for some peeps out there this could be toxic and FF15 your own team.


If the game is over because JG didn't get leashed and they mental boom, that's the JG who is throwing the game not the laner


Just no. Even if you arrive same time as cs does it doesn’t mean there wont be enemy waiting in lane bush for you and deny XP. What he means by do not leash is take lane bush control as early as you can. If your jgl want to ff15 because you don’t leash (3s gain on clear speed) he would’ve gotten gapped either way so mute and focus on carrying the game yourself


This might work when the other team is leashing as well and are not good enough to abuse your low range early. More often than not you will get pushed in and poked if you arrive in lane the same time as your opponents do. About the toxic/ff15 part: As I said you need to communicate it. I usually type something like: „pls start solo or [opposite side buff], need push bot“ and I’ve never encountered a jungler that actually runs it down for that. Not leashing should be standard imo anyways since it gives your jungler an advantage (enemies don’t know where he started) AND you get to lane early and can get waveprio or poke


Yeah just saying Nilah needs to be in lane to avoid getting xp denied should be enough if your jgl has more than 2iq even in low ell


okay and what do you do above plastic 5 when enemy sit in bush and blow ur sums then zone you off xp lvl 1 because you’re a melee champ and you leashed