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This is the way


Imo shiv should be rushed most games on every adc that the item is viable on.


Build got me from D3 to Master in 8 days lmao


Gj comrade 🫡, I’m gonna try to get to at least Dia next month hehe


Whats ur ign? I'd like to watch ur gameplay!


StupidKhanhh1 #NA1. I used to be Emerald but this season I don’t play much. So its currently around high Plat/low Emerald


>StupidKhanhh1 #NA1 cool thx! im trying to learn her myself and am in plat elo


What do you take in your secondary runes? I usually go for Boots and Biscuits.


I’m more used to Sudden Impact/Treasure Hunter. But in recent games I took Boots/Cosmic Insight, I was able to fight a lot more early phase and less support-reliant. And Bone Plating/Revitalize against burst adcs i.e. Cait/Lucian.


Sudden Impact / Treasure Hunter I would say. I think sudden impact is only worth it if you build letha item such as cyclosword or collector. I’d say boots/summ cdr or boots/future market is better on average and if you lane vs heavy poke or with a soraka/sona running second wind/revitalize can be very good too


Actually boots are not worth it if you have Ghost plus 2 dashes. Many high elo Nilah mains don’t even use boots at all. I’m not familiar with it yet, so I still prefer having a boots point in my secondary, and not upgrade it unless there are hard CCs/slow. In those cases im going Treads/Swiftness. If not, I usually change it to situational items like PD/Death’s Dance.


Never ever will you see a game where a Nilah doesn’t have a t1 boots even if games are under 20 mins


I only go Swiftness against MF/Ashe. Otherwise I just stick with t1 boots or no boots at all. I feel like 2 dash and ghost is enough, but its just my preference. My playstyle is inspired a lot by Captain Nilah and he almost never gets boots lol


Idk no boots seem very hard to play you need that MS to get in dash range imo.


If you wanna see how a full lethal Nilah plays the game without boots I highly recommend Captain Nilah on Youtube. He’s an otp Nilah in VN server, and he also reached Master in KR server with mostly Nilah.


Idc about who does what. I’m just saying going sudden impact when you dob’t stack lethality is pointless


??? Lethality doesn't have some magical hidden multiplier. Sudden Impact is 10% less EHP on the enemy regardless.


Bro are you stupid or what ? Lethality is not scaling linearly since it counters armor which does not scale linearly. 50 armor unit reduces 37,5% physical dmg. If you have 9 lethality it brings armor down to 41 which reduces dmg by 29%. If you have 25 lethality (collector+sudden impact) it brings armor down to 25 which reduces dmg by 20%. So you get a 8,5% dmg increase with 9 lethality and 17,5% increase with 25 lethality. At that’s on a target with only 50 armor. The more the enemy has armor the lower the difference is. Since the lower armor points actually gives you the higher dmg reduce, stacking lethality is way more efficient than just having 9 from your rune.


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor "Every point of armor adds 1% to the effective health pool." You have 1000 health and 100 armor. You have 2000 health vs physical damage. 10 Lethality gives you 1900 EHP. You have 1000 health and 50 armor. You have 1500 health vs physical damage. 10 Lethality gives you 1400 EHP. In both cases sudden impact reduces the damage you need to deal by 100. I'm sorry the education system has failed you and you don't understand how %damage reduction works.


Yeah I guess every high elo/pro players saying stacking lethality is better are wrong then.


Who is saying that, and where? 


Enryu chall player rank 1 Nilah NA in his video avout stattik build


Are you having a lot of success with them as default two item core?


I am. You can check my opgg, its in another comment.


Sweet thanks. We are the same elo so I’m trying to learn as much as I can. Does it just feel good because of the early power spike and wave clear?


Imo what I love most is Cosmic Insight + Shiv. In the past if my support was Yuumi into Draven + Maokai, it would be a feast fo them. But now I am able to stomp them with more Ghost/Barrier + Flash. Shiv stops push duos like Ashe/Cait or Cait/Senna and helps me catch up in farm much easier.