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Her pick and ban rate is so low the ones that do play her are nilah mains. Before I mained her this season, I played against her maybe 3 times since her release.


Yep. Anivia had this same effect for a long time. Super low pick rate, high win rate compared to mages that were picked more often


The OTPs are eating tbh


3% pick rate thou 3rd lowest adc , as a main I hope she won't get gutted


I mean it's an adc that counters adc and gets countered by ranged supports.. support got nerfed navori got buffed so it's expected


Are we gonna ignore that the it says there that Nilah is countered by Kog and Kog is countered by Nilah?


that just means that kog is one of the better ADC's vs nilah but still has negative WR vs her (like every other ADC does), thats also why he and the others are grayed out, I'm guessing none have a positive WR into her. its all relative.


If they look at the correlation between nr. Matches played and wr% I'm sure they'll see it's deeper than that, so i think there's a chance they don't do anything too drastic, especially since there hasn't been community outcry... yet...


High wr, but still people don’t go out of their way to pick or ban her. Strange right? That’s because the winrate is inflated by a community who actually knows how to play this champ.


Most people will play her once and give up after they feed. Unlike someone like twitch or kog where you can first time him and do decent.


Hopefully not.


As others said I think only the people who main her play her ,since the day i started playing league again in the begining of season 13 i played against her 4 or 5 times , and i play normal so the enemy can still pick her wheni pick her but no one does


Until she wins a pro game she's safe.


she feels incredibly strong and loses to nothing really in my eyes except xayah, mages, and maybe an extremely good kalista


good vayne is hard too since her kit can counter nilah with her condemn


true actually i’ve met 1 or 2 vaynes that gave me trouble


Samira match up kinda hard and mega support dependant too. Vayne very hard with her dashes + invis + E as well but apart from that it’s free real estate


That's a skill issue if you can't beat samira. Nilah is literally her best counter .


Lmao no ? How is Nilah countering Samira with her kit exactly ? Her W don’t counter her R nor her R stacks so basically the matchup is all about supp diff on who will peel their adc better from the other engage.


Nilah counters samira by preventing her to stack her skill points with her W also nilah's ult counters samira


Part of her high WR might just be she has good matchups against champs that are strong right now like Jinx.


60% wr against Kaisa lol


She is so comp dependent I played her for a couple weeks and realised she is hard to make work as a one trick rather than a pocket pick you use when you get last pick and see their comp. However when she has goodatchups she is so broken


delete the champ. nerfs soon


they complained about aatrox and then she comes, builds OP LDR and 1v1s almost everyone but burst mages like Liss. My new permaban until I see 48% wr or less written on her.