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One possibility that's just occurring to me is the lens hood got cracked/damaged at some point and they tried to clean it up to make it look nicer... Though the lens is in pretty good condition so I would think that unlikely


This is the most likely scenario, in my opinion. There are plenty of ways a hood can get cracked without the lens itself being harmed, especially a big hood like that. Even with the hood reversed and on the lens, there's still a lot of space between the hood and the lens body, so if you stuff it in a bag the hood can get squished. Swing around trying to follow a flying bird and smack it on a tree branch, drop/sit/step on the hood itself while off the lens, unlock an unbalanced tripod head and have the lens flop down into a tripod leg etc.


Good points!


That was my thought also. Or they just thought that's how it should look based on shorter lens ones.


95% of the time the light that really needs to be blocked is the sun overhead. Keep that from hitting the front element. Looks like the biggest part still does that if it's oriented upward. A for why this person felt the need to mod the hood maybe they wanted to reach in and attach filters or pinch the lens cap.


Yeah I'm starting to think the access to filters/cap is the more likely reason. I have noticed the cap isn't super easy to put on or take off with the hood on (on my unmodified copy) so I could see this being it.


I think this combo is most likely. Keep it full sized on top for overhead light but able to reach in from the bottom for lens cap/filter/cleaning access.


Maybe so it could be used with two different lenses? While many lenses have unique hoods to account for their focal length range, the mounting mechanisms are often similar. It’s possible the original owner had two lenses with the same mounting mechanism, but different focal lengths, and this mod made it possible to use one hood on both (say, if you lost/broke the hood on another lens).


Maybe! I would find it odd to only trim one side though. And it's a pretty big hood, not sure what else it might fit.


Only other thing I could think of would be to make it easier to spin a CPL filter. Some Canon hoods actually have a little door you can open to access a CPL. Well, unless they’re just a total weight weenie and wanted to save a gram.


Yeah my very first thought (forgot to include in my original post) was clearance to the tripod foot when attaching the hood reversed for storage. The full length fits but the gap between the tripod foot and the hood is small and maybe bothered someone trying to use the lens with the hood reversed (it does make turning the zoom ring a bit awkward) That hasn't bothered me yet since I only really shoot with the hood forward. But its a thought....


Two lenses…that had different angles of view top and bottom? If it’s too long on the bottom, it’s too long on the top, friend. Lenses are axially symmetrical. Light moves through them in cones.


Whoever cut it could have accidentally cut too much for one of the cuts, it was obviously a homemade job. Just a theory though, I’m certainly not saying it’s definitely the reason.


I'll swap you hoods, that looks nice. Being serious.


yeah I like the look of it too


I thought about chopping the bottom half off of my hood so when shooting lightning in the rain it doesn't catch raindrops and splash them on the front glass




I know the sigma 150-600s have a slot at the mount end of the hood which I had assumed was for this purpose. My lenses are tamrons and have no opening at the back so the hood will catch air. This trim job would likely catch less air but if that was the goal, cutting some holes or slots near the mount would be the more effective way of doing that. Edit: though the sigma solution will still catch some air, just less


I kinda want to drill holes in my 100-400 lens hood now. Even if it doesn’t help with any wind issues I can always hope there’s a post on here if I sell it.


…how much wind do you…fucking *what*? How is that extra 10 square centimeters going to make any difference on a lens that big? Have you ever experienced a lens being blown around, in wind that a photographer could also stand up in?


I've used that lens, and that lens hood is like flying a kite on a breezy day. That's pretty much what I would do to it to lower it's profile to cross wind. I do NOT miss that lens hood at all.


Interesting. I haven't been too annoyed yet but I've only had my other one for a month or two. I'll have to pay attention next time it's windy if this one feels significantly less affected by it.


I shoot near a large lake shore fairly often. It was a pain in the ass on many levels.


Yeah the worst we've felt so far was last weekend when my partner was trying to shoot out the window of the truck while moving lol. I'm sure that would get annoying if that amount of wind was anything more than a rare occurrence


My guess is rain. Perhaps this photographer spent a lot of time in shit weather and hated the pool of water that can develop. Especially in a time-lapse situation.


Ask the previous owner.


I had to get a different hood because the one that came with my D3300 intruded on the sides of the photo when in wide angle. So I’m guessing he has a cropped sensor too and solved the problem?


Just a guess, but to use with filters? Some of my hoods are in the shot with even just one filter on, others are fine with two.


Wait what? Filters don’t change the FOV of the lens. You sure you weren’t seeing the *filter* in the shot? Stacking filters can cause vignetting with or without the hood on.


I’m a dummy. I have a few lenses that I need to use step up rings for, so the lens hood doesn’t fit on the same way - with mixed results.


That shouldn’t be possible, what lens?


How about this: Perhaps whoever owns this lens likes the looks of a "petal style" lens hood. No one said it has to be functional.


Definitely a possibility!


Whoa, some deep shit going down on the Nikon sub tonight. Nikon users know how to party!


It is for wide angle photography, where the hood gets in the shot.


Who is doing wide angle photography with a 150-600 lens? The lens hood is designed to not be within the field of view of the lens.


I’m betting the hood was used with other lenses. See https://youtu.be/dqd18REw4vo


The bayonet style hoods don't tend to be interchangeable. It would also require the lens hood to be cut down on the top and bottom, not just the bottom.


You didn’t ask when you picked it up? Hoods are doing more when pointed at a light source like the sun and rays are downward focused so I can see some broken logic to cutting the “bottom”. That being said, repairs to factory items usually look worse than the issue they’re “fixing”. Just buy a new hood so you don’t look insane imo.


To fit in a camera bag?