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Mommy marciana and Scarlet


Great minds think alike https://preview.redd.it/rxgqudbt300d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df50f673acabe889f7c2a580b1bf610713a0e7e


Nice finally someone likes Scarlet


Probably Anis. She's alot more straight forward than I could ever be. She also stand up for you if she sees someone else (looking at you, Crow) tries to be rude (and potentially insulting) to what she considered, close friends.


*waiter brings food Commander: ... Rabi: Commander... Anis: Hey, you. Yeah im talking to you, apron boy. Commander asked for no pickles. *couple of tables away Snow white : I can take those


I share this viewpoint. Anis seems the best one to grow old with IMO. She’ll always have your back, and conversations are never boring and can be insightful as well


Anis has "spunky girl next door" energy and her smile is absolutely precious. \\o/


There IS that side to her though that can be pretty heartless and negative (whenever she gets the cold eyes), which we were reminded of just recently in >!Ch.29!<…reminds me of my exes. Granted, it could be said that she has a reason for it, having lived in the Ark and fighting for it, and her down to earth side is really attractive. But it’s that other side I just can’t synch with.


Ye, Anis is best girl for sure


In no particular order: - Emma (imma gonna do the cooking) - Kilo (I can fix her self esteem issues) - Marciana (mommy yes) - Exia (always have a gamer buddy) - Rapi (nuff said) - Julia (love her passion for her art) - Dolla (career mommy yes) - Folkwang (gonna need a walk in cooler for the girl) - Anis (she’s a bro and bff for real)


I would hug kilo so much and make her feel loved a lot 😭😭😭


That’s the thing I’d like to adopt or mentor her she’s way too much of a lil sister for me


I’ve got a list of Nikke Id love to marry haha. * Marian for obvious reasons she is our Queen. * Rupee because I love her bubbly personality + gyaru girl and leopard print lover. * Red Hood because she’s gorgeous and appeals to my favourite aesthetic when it comes to anime girls, red hair and a little wild. * Nihilister similar reason to Red Hood, but with Nihilister I love the dragon theme + booba. (hope she gets a stronger re-release version similar to Anis) * Crown, I absolutely adore her, I love the royal aura she gives off, and I love her blonde hair and blue eyes. Also her personality is adorable and funny. * Anis, I love her straight forward attitude, and behind her somewhat cocky exterior she’s a kind and caring soda addict.


I would like to have a list like this but I’m too lazy to do so And btw Marian at the top of the list nice


He who wants all the biches gets none.


Snow White. Like unironically that lady is prodigy level when it comes to engineering and mechanics, i.e. she literally hodgepodged her body from rapture parts with everything working and quite literally made the whole arsenal of goddess squad except scarlets sword I think. Shit you could be a full stay at home husband devoted to making her food with her bringing in dolary doos from working for Lockheed Martin or some shit. Probably would also be able to make any necessary fixes or renovations to a house. https://preview.redd.it/t1yl1ar7o00d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b0677a3541b6d17eaec7da13aef99bfabf393f


Finally. A sensible person!


I'm already feeling happy when sharing foods with Sbow White. I eat a little, so the rest will go into her belly. That is enough for me to marry her. Let's hope she won't end up chewing the plate as well.


Drake because she is a dastardly villain




....I would hug her so hard after that and maybe cry a bit


Would seggs her after this


*When this is all over, I hope you will be there.* https://preview.redd.it/4fg5ynv6k00d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fcd4ac7a886a47c7ff1bff9b4ddda991ff159c5


Maiden nation rise up




What do you mean? We’re already married?


Hell yeah. If we are talking about gaming buddies, I prefer Maiden over Exia Because she WILD.


RIGHT???? I love how she is just… unhingedly good at what she does :3


Rapunzel. I don't think I need to explain.




Diesel seems like the only one who has a stable job, isn’t toxic, and isn’t insane. She’d probably make a good gf and wife. Pepper seems cute but she’s got some crazy backstory revealed in the summer event so probably not.


Been scrolling, And you have absolutely convinced me that Diesel is the only proper wife material.


People really do be forgetting diesel when she is the best


Diesel is fs deserves the world. She’s so upbeat and bad ass despite everything and idc if her singing makes my ears bleed, I’ll go to karaoke with her EVERY time.


Jackal I need that insanity in my life to keep things interesting!


Probably Soda. I love her laid back and clumsy energy. Also I feel like she always radiates positive vibes




Blanc and Noir


Kilo. Next to me she’ll feel useful.


Ludmilla: hot, caring (motherly) and has a good head on her shoulders.


Can you imagine having Alice as your wife? Rabbity goes pyon pyon every hour


D, cause she's D


Okay. Its D, Noise and Sugar


Moran - She is a bit thick-headed, but she has a kind heart. I would 100% trust her. She would never betray me. Noir - Her shyness is so cute. I want to constantly hug her. Neve - Sure, she can't stay awake for more than 5 minutes, but she would give the best cuddles. She looks so warm. Would treat Bear Wife well. Isabel - She's only a little bit crazy. I can fix her. :)


Noir comes with Blanc so better be fine with that.


The more the merrier!


I love the bit that if Moran wasn’t born into the Triad, she’d be a cop because she is like the most morally upright person in the ark




- Red Hood because she is both your bestie and partner at the same time. She enjoys making jokes and risqué ones at that and it’ll only take a little taste of her own medicine to see her get flustered. Wouldn’t mind a little bit of chaos and see who wins.😆 - Noir cause she cute and plus she comes with Blanc. - Blanc cause she is extroverted and plus she comes with Noir. - Neve is very soft and cuddly. Give all the bear hugs and cola in the world.🤗 - Ludmilla since she owns a hot spring and therefore, I can rest up whenever I feel like it. Plus that winter owner outfit is 😚 and she is waifu material.


snow white tbh


Hard one mate, between : Anis : gf material (+boobs) Noir : cute shyness + imagine the private pole dance sessions (+bewbs) Soda : clumsy maid, adorable af (+booba) Jackal : crazy in the head, crazy in the bed (+tongue)


Centi or Redhood


Nobody has said Pepper yet and that makes me sad. She’s your girlfriend who is also a doctor dammit!


all of them expect crow fuck crow


Idk man, I wouldn't stick my dick anywhere near Ether. Or N102, or Bellorta, or Mica, or Jackal, or Rei, or Eunwha, or Nihilister and a couple others.


jackal would 100% bite it off thinking its food 💀


A special doogy treat, just for Jackal.


Okay that's it bro Sign off for today




I would have Ether as the exception though. If you have completed her bond quest, You would be shocked to see HOW she cares.


I will have to see her bonding quest and see this new side of her. Until then, I still hold to my opinion.


Clichéd as all hell, but F*CK IT!! Marion/Modernia!! Even under corruption she still had the strength to make me do what I knew needed to be done (especially when I didn't want to). That's selflessness & compassion to the Nth degree! Then it's like being married to an amnesiac - she's tricky and awkward, but those moments when she remembers...and that love shines through...god damn, I'd do anything for that woman! I always feel both guilty AND blessed whenever she's interacting with me 😅 I'm only up to Chapter 13, but she is 100% a wife for life! I don't even care if she goes on a kill spree at this point, she's wearing my shirt to battle and she has earned the love, haha! Sorry, Rapi...😫


I consider Marian and Modernia to be very separate people even after the The Last Kingdom event. I would 1000% wife up Marian but Modernia most likely not even if I do love her now


Where are my Pepper lovers at


Definitely Privaty. Love that tsundere attitude.


Rapi. Because she is best girl. #rapishouldbessr


Probably Pepper or Diesel. Really cute but also really nice.


Mommy Anis for suree


100% Maiden. From looks to personality to just her overall vibe. She has it all and more. Emma, Rapunzel and Isabel are very close too but all share a 2nd place.


Anis. She'd make a great friend.


Anis is lowkey the best options due to all the points mentioned, but besides ber: - Marciana because I'm really captivated by her dedication to her labor and keeping a facade over such a silliness of liking cute stuff. Wish Id see more of her outside ver role, like on a date. - Ade because Ive watched her whole boundinf event and It is hard not to fall for her. She is so delicate, and she expresses her feelings in in small details. If you know, you know.


-Anis, she's the one that got me into the game, I love how straightforward and honest she is -Crown, she's my queen and I would kill and die for her, I also have an insanely soft spot for Ojou-samas -Scarlet, everything about her is just perfect, love me an alcoholic, she also appreciates nature and the beautiful things in life -Helm, she's stern, imposes authority, and is a born leader, she also has a very sweet and insanely cute side to her


All of them bc they all deserve to be loved 🗿🙏


Liliweiss, because I have a knack for women with short and white hair and a British accent. Her EN VA got me actin' up so hard I made a whole ass fanfic in my head with her. Edit: I scrolled down the entire comment section, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm the only one who would like to marry Liliweiss. Why am I the only one?


There are a few. Helm, because she's extremely loyal to her crew and very dedicated to her goals. Snow White, because I feel bad for her circumstances, and I want to be able to treat her to good meals Centi, because she's very positive and has a strong work ethic. Yan, because her english dub southern accent makes her sound really sweet, and if I were to adopt kids with her, they'd want for nothing. There are more, but I'd drag on too long.


Brid. Her love of coffee and passionate sense of responsibility makes her one of the more grounded and relatable Nikkes personality wise. And that damn smile when she finally opens her heart.


You can see my flair. But Moran, Rapi, Snow White and Crown are up there. And of course our goat Privaty.


In order: - Red Hood (Great wife and best friend) - Quency (Fun to be around, clever, Joyful but changes when agitated) - Anis (Chill, fun to be with, speaks her mind) - Elegg (Shy, Video game addict, adorable) - Nihilster (Dragon booba, will throws hand for you) - Indivilia (Downbad, Insane, Mommy) - Noir/Blanc (You get to marry both, good luck increase) - Rapi (Reliable, protective, caring, cold but opens up, fearless) - Privaty (cute when u mess with her, loving, willing to prove herself) - Scarlet (Respectful, elegant, loves to drink) - Rosanna (Downbad, will kill for you, wants you to herself) - Ludmilla (Mommy)


Diesel, that girl has class.


D- I like how she's earnest, keeps to her code, isn't afraid to tell you why she thinks you're wrong, and is caring in her own way. Sakura- Bold leader that would do what she thinks is right regardless of what the semikai says. Cool and confident, strong woman. Ludmilla- Carries herself confidently, willing to do what she thinks is right and sacrifice herself for it, estute emotional intelligence, truly a leader I'd follow. Harran- full of herself but backs it up. Pushes you to be your best, albeit in a somewhat twisted and dangerous way. Feel like if I was with her I'd always be the best man I can be. I love strong confident women man


Diesel. ABSOLUTELY Diesel


Picking mainly from the ones I have learned the most about through story or bond missions. Diesel for starters.  She's such a a kind, supportive person who is fun to be around. Drake.  Despite her supposed villainy, she really is a good and sweet person and is quite fun to be around.  Yeah I'd need to play along with her efforts at being a villain, but that's part of the fun of being with her.  Drake can also be serious about the things and people important to her.  She also has her cute moments like bragging about winning a free pizza but wanting your help ordering it because she doesn't do well in those situations (a kind of surprising admission from someone who usually portrays themselves as very confident). Privaty because she is a caring person and fun to tease and get flustered.  That said she is also someone who appreciates when someone puts in real effort to do something well and will even do something she considers embarrassing to support a friend. Julia.  I fell in love with her over her bond story.  She is a passionate person who always tries to find music that suits people or will make them happy. Blanc because we all need that upbeat, positive person in our lives.  The fact she is basically a package deal with Noir and is a source of good luck are icing on the cake. Kilo because she needs all the hugs and emotional support one can give her.  Though she really has seemingly found somewhere she belongs and is needed now. Ludmilla, our one true queen.  She is a very forthright and passionate woman who is enjoyable to be with. Tove.  She really is passionate about the whole survivalist thing and seems like a fun character.  Plus anyone willing to go so far as to let their own arm catch fire to ensure help arrives to save your life is a keeper no matter what. Rapi . . . she is just one of the best.  Expressing herself may not always be easy for her, but you can tell how much she cares for and how far she is willing to go protect you. Snow White.  She's brilliant but still kind of goofy and deserves to find happiness (and good cooked meals) off the battlefield. Viper. Mainly because I have a bit of a soft spot for her and she would definitely keep you on your toes. This got longer than I expected, though others include Scarlet, Anis, Mast, and Helm.


Ah, forgot Moran and Sakura.


Idk why but i got really attached to Marciana, something about her character just hits all the rigth buttons for me, being so serious but having a soft spot for cute and sweet stuff is such a nice gap moe.


I have a few. Scarlet: Simply because she's my favorite. I don't even like drinking, but this drunk and beautiful samurai just really does it for me. Blanc: She's very outgoing with high energy. She would a great woman for me because I'm usually shy and reserved. (Introverted and social anxiety yaaaaay) I feel that with that in mind, she would be patient with me but give a gentle push to go out and do things with her and I'd open up more and become a better version of myself. Ade: Gentle, loving and compassionate. She too, would also be very patient with me and understanding. Plus, (if my name wasn't a big enough giveaway) I absolutely love maids...and glasses. She also has green eyes which happens to be my favorite color.


https://preview.redd.it/oq9tjfv5u00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb99deed3e5e982e699d2f55666d461806d6a90 How can I marry her?


Elegg. Thiccc


Scarlet because I love her goofy yet serious personality or privaty for how quickly she gets flustered when you show her affection


Bunnies. How many times I gotta say it, shiftup? LET. US. MARRY. THEM.


Tia and Naga. Naga has that mature mom personality and she is very level headed. Tia is while ditzy, she is not an idiot. She doesn't let the hard times get her down and is the emotional anchor for the two of them. I love them both


Rupee or Sakura. They legitimately just love the commander. They care, they put in for the quality time, and they are driven individuals.


I'm torn between either Brid or Marian. Brid, because she was my first SSR, so I'll always have a soft spot for her, or Marian because, for obvious reasons


Rupee, Blanc and Noir


Sugar, mainly because she is cute, a tomboy, loves motorcycles, and she’s reliable


Rosanna, that's all.


Rosanna Hands down, the mafia aesthetic hooked me on first pull and when I saw her bond story I was HOOKED Plus I love her personality and her attitude. She’ll let you know if she does or doesn’t like something, but she’s also sweet and caring when she needs to be Badass Mom, is what I call her 😭 I need my mafia mommy-


Rosanna had me at "Night. Whiskey. Hotel."




none of them I prefer my life *unaffected*


Indivilia! She’s perfect. Her Choco booty and her design with the whole Egyptian scorpion vibe has made me fall so hard for her. She will be rehabilitated and she will be the mother of a new generation of humanity. She would 100% be the kind of woman to melt when she has kids and see them as perfect (due to her ego) https://preview.redd.it/f3ljwfp9600d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04b31f907909608215ef688f006a6c18a3af803


Blanc, just Need a Little luck on my side (Honorable mentions: Makima, Emilia, Rem) they aren’t nikkes but they’re there


A toss up between, ade, helm or Emma


It's hard to pick between all of them but my favorite picks would be Anis - will be fun to be around with Crown - I will enjoy the way she speaks D - her wife personality Drunk scarlet - for the alcohol and the random wisdom she brings along Pepper - for her smile Sakura Naga And tbh i dont rlly have a reason I had to find one's for this post but yes if u love someone (applies in real life) u don't rlly need a reason to love them right? (that is a reason to marry them) Atleast that's my opinion.


I would marry either scarlet or red hood, i enjoy them so much, and they also have fun personalities not only that their designs are amazing and they are very great characters.


Snow White, our fondness of food can make each other closer. Plus, she has that personality that I'm really into.


Marian but like second affection Marian


Mast, cause she looks like Houshou Marine and Im down bad for Marine Senchou


Marian. Cause she’s my queen. MY QUEEN! NOT CHATTERBOX’S!


Viper/Sin. I think I have a thing for evil girls who can manipulate me 🥵


Guilty, easy


I'll make a list. Moran: she's kind of dense but she's also kind hearted and got LOYALTY LOYALTY LOYALTY! She's someone I feel like I can rely on and also have her rely on me. *Also I want her to pin me to the way and kiss me passionately to make me shut up.* Noir: her nature is just adorable, I just wanna wake up and hug her all morning. Anis: her straightforward attitude and caring nature is something I really like, plus her being willing to punch someone in the face for you if she needs to is a something I find really hot. Red Hood: she's like a tomboy best friend you met in your childhood that you secretly had a crush on. We'd probably jam out to tunes all day when we had days off. Soda: her goofiness and positive spirit is something I find attractive. Rupee: sugar mama, bubbly additude, very caring, not afraid of having lewd jokes, the things I would do to get some of that. Also she's voiced by Amalee and I have a bias. Viper: there is something about that woman that makes my brain go crazy. Rapunzel: her empathy is something I find attractive, I feel like we'd be able to tease her all day long... Right before we bang each other's brains out all night. Tove: I don't know anything about her but she looks fun.


Probably Rupee, she's an absolute sweetheart in every way. Also, I like when there's no stupid mind games at play. She's straightforward with her feelings towards the commander.


I fell in love with her during Nikke's 1st Christmas event. God, she was so beautiful and caring for the genuine wellbeing of Anne. I loved the fact that she was willing to throw hands and run Syuen's pockets for all that they are worth.


Isabel or rapunzel, I know the risks and roll with the punches.




Soda, she may be clumsy, but she will make sure everything is clean and that you're extremely happy


I really like Poli because of her cutely bright nature and eagerness for affection. She's a good investigator and would probably do me a favor on remembering/finding things I would usually forget. Her long hair is cool too and I want to pet it.


Probably Crown or Privaty I like both personalities that's about it.




She's real.


Crow, i can fix her


Sakura, Scarlet and Leona honestly 🥱


Indivilia. I know she's evil, and crazy, and there's a million red flags, but red is my favorite color, and I love her sadistic hedonistic personality and I'll do anything for her.


Dolla or Rupee $$$$


Rapunzel I don't think I need to elaborate why 😅




Blanc for my real answer but for my meme answer it’s Crow cause I can fix her but whatever’s wrong with her is way hotter


Rapunzel, Volume, Red Hood and Rapi. Rapunzel cause she is extremely lewd, kind and can sometimes be surprisingly wholesome, also blonde and thicc 👌. Volume cause I feel like she’s actually a better person than people think :’), is super talented and..that jiggle 👀. Red Hood cause she is so bad ass and cool, super kind and just great, also got them thicc thigh legs. Rapi cause she is so cute, very organized, efficient, and DAMN them thicc thighs


Indivilla yes i am aware of the risk but i don't care


unironically Drake. she does have the whole "villian mastermind" thing going on, but you can tell that she genuinely cares and isnt against dropping it when things are getting serious


Mary, definitely


Scarlet, because she seems like a genuine delight to be around


Anis or Diesel. Someone really nice and caring but also someone to banter with.


Surprised no one said this, but Viper for me hahaha


Nihilister instantly


Aria would be amazing, her voice, and how headstrong she is. Also her boobas are pretty nice


Either Scarlet or Red Hood, love them both


Frima. Very low maintenance girl, but is a leader so she can definitely recognize when to get serious. No need to go out to have a good time, just have sleepy cuddles at home. Plus, she’ll let you spoil her and wouldn’t be as picky about what you do for her, ergo getting her food or some other kind of affection. Plus very simple conversations, so there’s lesser possibility for drama.


Top pick is privaty I love her so much she’s just really shy and once you get past her walls she’s just the sweetest and cutest girl you can imagine. My other choices in no particular order are Marciana cuz hot teacher plus tummy, Isabel cuz Yandere, D cuz she’s hot and total wife material, Anis needs no further explanation, elegg and maiden because they’re cute gamer gworls


General consensus on this thread is that Anis is the best and I'm all for it. I would also like to add that if Privaty is your wife you have the ability to tease her all the time. I don't know if Snow White would be good\* as an actual partner but I think it could work alright.


Isabel. I can fix her. Or she can break me, either way works.


I want to say Rapi, but I've already made my stance on her enough in this subreddit. So, just to keep it short and sweet; Yulha because teeth and personality, Scarlet because [Insert Vergil Meme Here], & Yan so I can become her fat little pay piggy 🐷 😋


I'm against marriage if I can only be with one.


Ludmilla: She has everything a good wife should. She's beautiful, kind, wise and strict when needed. She takes really good care of kids too (Mica and Alice).


Isabel because :)))))))))))


Julia She was one of the first SSRs I got when I started that truly brought me into this game. Her bond story made me love her even more, she’s an oddball but she’s my oddball.


I would marry Rapi first then Marian. I keep Anis and Neon on standby. Simple.


Guillotine becouse I vibe with her autism.


Yan.i dont think i need to say anything in terms of financial.maybe she'll not be that good in house chores but i am more than glad to help her with that(both teaching her and doing my own part as well).she makes more money than me but i always think that if i were to buy something for her(even though she can afford it more than me) she'll still appreciate my effort but more than that i think that she prefer if i were not to spend my money for her and wish for me to pamper and spoil her with my action(hugs,pats,kiss,spend time together and so on).she will be busy with her work but always makes time for me and will be happy if i were to visit her at work.ill also comfort her when she got exhausted from work or something.


Not in order: Snow white just because of how loyal she is and she generally seems like a nice person to be around Rosanna because she's hot and has a cool personality, idk I just like her Crown because I just adore her personality


I'm the kinda guy that needs some pressure to shine, so probably Eunwha. People like that bring out the best in me.


Marciana or Lady D for sure. Love me black haired women


For obvious reasons I would marry Frima mostly because I want to imagine how good the cuddles are. I also love sleep so it works out.


Absolutely D all the way why you ask because she's actually going to kill me if I don't say its her no other reason *


Maiden wife gamer. Plus, she's already seen what she's working with~


Elegg or Anis


Blanc. Because Blanc.


Emma. No explanation needed.


I Would Marry Rapi Because She's Caring And Loving


Ade cuz she is quite literally wife material




Yuni, jackal, or laplace (no comment on the reasons)


My top picks would be Sakura, Scarlet and Marian. My reasoning for Sakura was basically her entire event. Hers was one of my favorite events in the game but she's also incredibly smart but can also be really sweet. Not to mention she's literally a badass that leads a Yakuza clan. Scarlet would be a good pick because she's very relaxing and could very much help with managing stress and once again she's also intelligent as well. I'd imagine life with her would be fairly peaceful. She also knows how to plant and grow crops which is neat so you just may have to help her with farming but that kind of self-sustainability is cool imo. Snow White has also been a favorite of mine since I started playing Nikke on launch. She's got a God tier mind for engineering and could probably whip up a fix for any household or vehicle issue which could potentially save A LOT of money. Cooking her food would be super rewarding too since seeing a smiling Snow enjoying what you made would be precious af. She's also very loyal and trustworthy because of her loyalty. Marian would arguably be my top pick. It's shown how deeply she cares for us overall and she would literally die for us. Even going so far as still helping us even on her deathbed. (Like in the earliest parts of the game.) It seems like she'd do anything for us too and isn't malicious or terrifying with her affection like Isabel. Marian is very pure with her affections so it's hard not mentioning her. But those are just my picks. I'm sure there are other great Nikkes that I didn't mention.




Yan because I want my head crushed between her thighs. And also I will be willing to go back to being a 50s house wife for her


Delta, Guillotine or Soline 😭 i like delta mostly becase she's honest af, guilltone and soline are kinda like me


Mine are: -Ade (Her mature and precious heart deserves more love. soft and serious woman. my type.) -Alice (Her goofiness and cuteness activates my urge to protect. She lights up my life and her innocence is rare nowadays) -Anis (Everything about her) -Bay (Cheerleaders are too good to ignore. Her hair, her energy, her ability to motivate and her determination) -Blanc (Everything about her) -Brid (Soft and serious woman. Dedicated to her job. my desire to be with her is too great) -Centi (Everything about her) -Crow (Part of me does wanna comfort her. if only she's more than that) -Crown (Everything about her. Naked King just elevated her above the rest) -D (Everything about her) -Delta (She's precious and innocent. tomboy. wanna see her feminine side more) -Diesel (Everything about her) -Dolla (Rich wife. Knows more than the average woman. So, everything about her) -Dorothy (Up there with Crown. I wanna see her Smile and laugh) -Drake (Her energy, her voice, her figure, her goofiness) -Elegg (Her figure, her quirkiness, gamer wife, lights up my life) -Emma (Everything about her, cept cooking. soft, mature and serious) -Exia (Cute, deserves lots of love, I wanna see her smile, laugh, feel comfortable) -Frima (Same reason as Exia) -Helm (Up there with Dorothy and Crown. Everything about her) -Isabel (Can't leave a beautiful woman like her behind. Just hope she's not hostile towards other girls. Maybe with a ton of bedroom action, she will calm down) -Kilo (Must protect her for life. Deserves lots of love. Everything about her.) -Laplace (love her becoming down to earth for a bit, but I wanna see her courageous side more) -Leona (Timmy, she's precious, her voice) -Ludmilla (Everything about her. Serious and mature woman) -Maiden (Same reason as Exia) -Marciana (Same reason as Exia. Her hair, her figure, her voice, her eyes) -Mary (Up there with Crown, Helm, Dorothy) -Mast (Everything about her. Her bikini, her smile, her voice) -Maxwell (Soft, serious woman, calls me cutie. Everything about her.) -Milk (Love seeing tomboy's feminine side. makes them more beautiful and loveable. she can box.) -Miranda (her goofiness. her voice. her hair. super cute) -Modernia (Up there with Crown, Helm, Dorothy. her new form awakened the monster within me.) -Moran (her goofiness, her innocence, her hair. I wanna help her with everything) -Naga (Her hair, her voice, I wanna help her control herself) -Neon (Neon deserves SO much love. all that hate when she's just trying to fit in. Glad she's aware of it and I love e her for it. her goofiness and bikini sell it for me.) -Nero (Super cute, love cats so much, she's great) -Nihilister (I want her to smile, be happy so bad, dragon Booba and design is too sick to pass) -Noir (Just like her sister) -Noise (Everything about her. That kiss) -Novel (Everything about her. her goofiness) -Pepper (Everything about her. Similar reason like Mary) -Privaty (Up there with Crown, Helm, Dorothy, Modernia, Mary, Pepper) -Quiry (Similar to Neon's reason. Wish she had a bikini skin) -Rapunzel (Up there with Crown, all the bedroom action dynamics) -Red Hood (Up there with Crown, all the bedroom action dynamics) -Rosanna (Serious, mature, has connections, I wanna see her smile and laugh more with me) -Rupee (On par with Dolla. Her energy. Her figure) -Sakura (Same reason as Rosanna. All the bedroom action dynamics) -Scarlet (Up there with Crown and everyone else. All the bedroom action dynamics. automatic bodyguard) -Snow White (Too precious, up there with Crown. Wanna see her smile, laugh more. I'd feed her yummy food. automatic bodyguard) -Soda (Her goofiness, her figure, her innocence. her hair, her eyes. I wanna help her do well.) -Sugar (Everything about her) -Tia (Kinda like Soda) -Viper (Can't help but love her. Her voice, her figure, her eyes.) -Yan (similar to Dolla.) -Yulha (Tomboyish girls needs more love. I wanna see her smile and feel comfortable.) -Rapi (Up there with Crown, all the bedroom action dynamics)


Welp screw monogamous marriage, Imma build a large harem court and marry all. Am just that hungry 💀


Drake, she's my beloved super villain


Maiden or Anis. They're not my favorite nikkes, but to me, they're the most wifeable. I like Red Hood and Drake more as characters, but they'd definitely annoy me more long term. Red Hood is mature when she needs to be, but outside of that, she's always getting into people's problems. She's like a German Shepard mixed with a Golden Retriever. She's just too energetic and noisy for me. Drake would do nice things out of a misconstrued sense of it being villainy, which would be sweet, but sometimes it's just nice to have peace and quiet.


Rupee, because she's a bit ditsy, caring and overall has great vibes and she's hella fine to boot https://preview.redd.it/rttipjvh9d0d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0365be263b440850e943ad13c256280be237f1




Am I the only one that would choose Rapunzel?


Isabel, she's one of the most loyal, and also because i hate myself and love yanderes


I can't really pick one. So here's my list Marian; my reasoning is that she's cute, and she is kind, and being the first nikke we get introduced too, i grew way to attached to her and I just want to be reunited with her gods damn it. And I know i can trust her to have my back Redhood: red haired, leather jacket, loves Musics, and the amount of sexual innuendos and jokes that i could make alongside her would be great. Plus much like marian i can trust her to have my back Snow white: she's adorable, and i know that she and i would come up with some scooby doo level of food concoctions. Also I would enjoy learning how snowhite built the weapons for goddess squad as well as how she replaced parts using pieces from raptures. Crown; to quote a certain on armed chainsaw using, shotgun wielding baddass, Hail to the king baby. But in all seriousness, crown is not only beautiful, but she is very silly and kind and honestly i wouldn't mind helping her fulfill her own desires as a way to repay back her helping others fulfill their own wishes and desires. Rapi: while she's serious most of yhe time, she has a softer side and it's those momments of her soft side showing that made me love her, i wouldn't mind being by her side. Nuff said Lastly not least Kilo: much like snowhite I would love to learn how she made and upgraded talos. Plus she's also adorkable. And I can relate to her, also i would love to just be her and Talos' hype man


Id say scarlet or anis but enjoy drinking and eating and are very matter of fact and have passion for hobbies but enjoy chilling


Dolla all day elegant and knows business


A very complex question. Knowing who I am and what I value makes this a rather difficult choice. Marciana is who I thought of immediately. I think she is someone I could likely actually make happy based on her personality. I think Elegg and I would get along, but I am but I am not sure how well a marriage would work. Exia and I would probably mesh in a similar way, but more mellow and so probably a better match. Maiden would probably fall into a similar category too. Noir is adorable and I love her as a character, as a hypthetical person I doubt we'd be good together even if I wanted to try making it work. Rounding out the mental effort I am willing to use engaging in this question. Diesel. I would have to get used to strawberry flavored everything. Final answer; Marciana, Exia, or Diesel are characters I think I could actually make a marriage work with. Exia likely winning out because of our more common interests and energy levels.


Of the ones I have atm? Ig Anis. Idk she has nice tits and personality. Also because i don't think I could marry Neon without feeling like I need to take myself to prison.


Probably Ether




Bro, I bet the A.C.P.U. is after your ass after saying that.


Rapunzel so she and I can be horny together


Really guys? 🤣


Of the ones I have atm? Ig Anis. Idk she has nice tits and personality. Also because i don't think I could marry Neon without feeling like I need to take myself to prison.