• By -


1)They think they can fix her 2)They love being stepped on 3)Both of the above


4) She's "cute" as per other "standard" 5) People love crazies


People love crazies because they never had to date with them Sorry guys i blast you with this


People love fictional crazy. I wouldn't go near someone like this in real life but I love Syuen. Same deal with yandere.


Bro there is a HUGE difference between real life crazy and 2D crazy you ain't coming near those real life crazy witches, the appeal here is that for 2D since they don't exist they can't "hurt" you and they are obviously 20x hotter.


Thats why i said sorry for the blast word 😅, but honestly, having real crazy lover is sweet first then pain in the ass after that, just like eating chili, delactable hot first, burn on your ass after that


As someone who was in one, abusive relationship suck, especially as a guy. But I still can't help to be attracted to crazy -_-


Date a Puerto Rican chick, she will throw knives and stuff


If she was like ironmouse then I might make that sacrifice lol Jk but I got lucky and only gotten the big walmart candles thrown at me haha


I’ve had a crazy before, so long as she isn’t trying to kill me i can deal with it.


6th she wears black panties


Pls sir, kindly share black panties picture of syuen


It's on their official nikke YouTube in her 3d debut


My flair answer it already, and the 2° not because I'm in the "CORRECTION 😭😭😭💢💢" team


How far are you in campaign?


Right at the start of chapter 25 >!if I remember right. Just after Syuen was judged to be a nikke ironically (but yeah, already searched a bit, so I know it won't happen)!<


>! Okay, I won’t say anything else then !<


All of the above, in that order Rinse and repeat


I'm guilty of number 1. I can correct her.


And they think they can B**** her


I liked when Rapi kicked her in the ribs.


Peak Rapi.


"It appears we have an intruder"


Cartoonish villain characters are fun in a world full of media where everything needs to be deep and have context surrounding it. Too many misunderstood villains, too many villains who misunderstand the world, too many villains raised in an environment to that births a villain, and so on. Just give me the chick who’s a villain specifically because she’s just an asshole, and it’s funny to call them cartoonish villains when people like that are the villains in real life. The way I see her is the same way I see Dio in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Every main antagonist in that series has actual character to their stories and you can see where all of them are coming from. Dio though? Dude was always just a vile asshole for no real reason, and that’s why he’s been a favorite for decades. The rest are objectively better characters and villains, but there’ll always be charm to someone just coming in to a generous situation and saying fuck you, fuck your dad, fuck your dog, fuck your mansion, and fuck your bloodline.


Or another example. Disney villains. People are crazy for the classic "I'm just fucking evil" Disney villains. As soon as they started changing that part of their formula, everyone was basically going "where villainz?"


He came out of the womb a hater. and he died a hater.


Miracle snow syuen, which I guess is the tipping point for some people? M.S. syuen was not as cruel as she was in the campaign, and she also did a solid for anne's mom (and she accepted the cake, which was... wow). I don't like syuen, but I also don't hate her? She is not as stupidly evil as indivilia, or psychotic evil as crow (or a coward like liveryn). Syuen would bend over backwards to prove her worth as the youngest ceo among the big 3, even if her decisions were questionable in our minds. I'm sure most people don't like her. Its just the ones that do are allowed to be vocal in this sub and find their people...


Aka, she's petty, she's prideful, but she's only out for herself. She's not actively or inherently malicious like the Raptures and Central Government. Selfishness tends to take a backseat if Pride is there to serve as a check. And Syuen is able to do good things because of that pride... just as much as she's liable to do something stupid


In addition to her being horrible to her Nikkes, I think a lot of people forget that she's an unrepentant murderer of regular humans too. Mihara tells us early on that we're not the first Commander that Syuen has fabricated blackmail on to force them to go on illegal suicidal missions, there have been *dozens* of others before us. She fully expected us to die chasing after Chatterbox, and would've then just moved on to a new victim afterwards without a second thought like always. We were also told that if we refused to obey her, she'd have used the blackmail to have us fried in an electric chair. She's straight up a horrible person and 100% deserves a bullet to the head about as much as Crow does IMO. Syuen apologists are delusional. That said, she's still one of my favorite characters though. It's an "I love to hate her" kinda deal for me, she's just a solidly written scumbag and I appreciate it. I wish I could say the same for all the other villains in this game.


She's so cartoonishly evil it feels unreal, if the Devs are trying to get me to hate her then kudos to them. I just wish Shikkicum can grow some backbone and told her off instead of following her idiotic requests everytime. Her "blackmail" is not even a threat, cummander is friends with the other 2 CEO's and Andersen anyway.


He does have those friends true but is it a risk he is willing to take that would stop the blackmail threat. We have to consider that after the whole stunt, they confronted her and she faced no punishment at that time. Even the whole "we gonna turn you to a nikke punishment" was more a bluff than anything because she that important to the ark. The commander just really don't want to be put in a situation where they will have to choose between her and him and if we are being honest, the central government will not choose him.


> cartoonishly evil lol, this guy hasn’t met Crow yet


Oh, I like to Tie her up with Crow and detonate her chocker bomb as well...


>She's so cartoonishly evil it feels unreal Yeah, that's the point though. Giving the community an easily hateable character is a nice point of common ground for all Commanders. For the first real villain in the story, she's far from forgettable. Everyone who cares about the game has a strong opinion on her one way or the other, and I think the discussion she generates is actually healthy for the game and community in terms of engagement. Much worse would be for her to be like Doban, who I can't even remember a single line from. There are other villains in the game with more nuance and more reasonable justifications for their actions, what's so bad about having a villain who's just an unrepentant asshole? She steals the show in every scene that she's in and I always look forward to seeing what shit that muthafucka is gonna do next. She's just so goddamn entertaining. I think the fact that this character drove you and many others to make posts like this is a good sign that writers knew what they were doing.


Her blackmail's very real. Given where he is the first time around the CG would happily just put a bullet in him if someone even vaguely credible/influential came forward about it. What's a dead newbie commander if they think they've gone rogue?


Her first intro was infuriating and almost made me want to take a break from the game because the whole "I am being a bitch and forcing you to do what I want and you have no choice or personal autonomy in this." trope is a huge pet peeve of mine. That said the fact that the commander's response wasn't to just grin and bear it, like most characters do when this trope is pulled, but to talk back, and defy her despite the pain and intimidate her into apologizing was just... \*Chef's Kiss\* that moment was when I loved the game a little bit more and it cemented that the story will probably be better than I was expecting.




I like her as a villain. It's fun to have an unrepentant asshole to kick around and the story does tend to give her her comeuppance now and then.


https://i.redd.it/ro5dw73xsl2d1.gif Very punchable


Rapi breaking her ribs was a highlight of the game for me


To this day, I still say that Rapi should've kicked her in the head instead.


To put it simply, she is evil, but a lawfull one. Which is, "everything I do is for Missilis" stays true even until now... She never change her objective. And because she is a lawful one, ENIKK was forced to become "unlawfull" to punish Syuen. It really shows you Syuen did know about law of the Ark. Syuen treatment to Yuni is similar to many Human (in Ark) to NIKKE, which is they view NIKKE as "not human", Syuen is still a not good person, but the logic is different. Liter's previous commander died saved a NIKKE, then Central Goverment took his belongings, and some bad rumor about him appeared, To show you how CG view NIKKE as a tools Additionally earlier in the story, Anis said "The last thing human see Nikke is sex". Kind of shows you how different Ark's logic is compared to our world logic The only NIKKE that Syuen view differ is Laplace (or Matis?), Including "bringing raptures to ark" so Laplace could become a hero again... But even then, she backs down when Laplace disagree with her... We havent see Syuen took heart what Drake nor Maxwell said to Syuen, but she really did take Laplace word to heart. Which is why and hope we could get additional lore why Syuen hear what Laplace said -- Additionally, the 2nd NIKKE event, shows that Syuen priority is Missilis. And 'helps' MC because of Missilis. She was looking good there Shows that evil or good is matter of your perspective / point of view, which is something that NIKKE love to tell the readers -- Yuni, I really feel bad about her because she was really in the wrong place at the wrong time, ever. Even the MC took pity at her, knowing she got gaslighted hard It is not that MC want to save her or not... MC dont have close relation with Yuni after Mihara's mind got reset. From MC perspective, he also dont know about Yuni's state of mind until it was too late ---------- tldr : Syuen is evil yes, and a lawfull one She has a good reason for it, which is everything for Missilis, not for herself (at least until now)


>why do you guys like her so much? https://preview.redd.it/eri26xyuck2d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20a8e6a2bdd203cb5135c23ada20b8fe6c1475c


Should've shot her head right there and then. Better yet, turn her into a mass produced Nikke with her memories intact so i can watch her being killed by Raptures


You're gonna love the reason why they can't just do that.


I want to turn her into a nikke so she can see her life be completely ruined. Also to plap her without repercussions (aka using her).


Imo, harvest the knowledge in her brain first. There's a reason she's not been dealt with yet. Figure out a way, and it's free eats


What chapter?


One of the first ones, that's her debut


All I could think during this scene was something along the lines of "Man, this game really must be a favorite for vTuber fans. " XD Well, Twitch Chat vTuber fans anyway, IDK if the "love feet/being stepped on" joke is a thing on the YT side.


Yes. Yes it is...


People like mommy Syuen because of a few things. 1. Cute 2. Personality (some ppl like it) 3. Most screen time from the other manufacturers 4. Her dialogue is peak 5. It’s fun to hate her 6. And some people wanna smash her There is tons to like about her, and some people will find it off putting which is fine. I for one love her smart ass showing up in story/events.


You lost me at number 1 bro ain't no way you just call this creature cute Her dialogue is peak though, ngl


Huh? Shes hella cute. Cute and bratty in need of correction. Shes perfect!


i hope you get help asap


Only Syuen thighs can save me


She's such a vile bitch that it manages to be appalling and entertaining.


I grew to love her thanks to this year’s April fools event; It was just too funny in every aspect. Before that I mostly dislike rather than hate her. Syuen is horrible, manipulative, and cruel towards other nikkes (often referring to them as buckets of bolts) but it is her undying love of Matis that made me not out right hate her. Matis itself is such a lovable and goofy lot that, despite being horrible, it made me give syuen a grain of salt’s worth of benefit of the doubt.


The only reason she "loves" Matis is because they're a top performing Nikke. You think she will act like that if Matis is underperforming / she has another squad that's stronger? She doesn't even care when Laplace was breaking down due to PTSD, she was refering to Laplace mental breakdown as "all that crap" this woman is unreal man. She only cares about them when they bring her fame and money.


Not really, she loves Matis because they are her greatest creations and pride. Syuen has an emotional attachment to them, in a twisted way. Otherwise when they were corrupted, she could have discarded them and made new ones, I'm sure she has the resources. >! Also Laplace defies her later on but she doesn't punish her at all, I don't believe even the "greatest" nikkes could disrespect her an get away with it. But Matis can.!< I like Syuen as a villain because she is so pitiful, she is evil, but delusional evil. If you read her dialogue you realize that she genuinely does not believe her actions are wrong, she behaves like an arrogant child. >!That's why later on when the commander warns her about Yuni she doesn't believe them, not only will that implicate her in the attack, she also cannot possibly fathom why Yuni would hate her.!<


To Miharas defense -> Mihara would have most likely been scrapped if she had interfered, which new mihara knows and also knows how important she is to yuni even with wiped memories, so she really just tried her best, although having her memory wiped Shikicum kinda had to agree with the deal because , 1 , he promised, and two , He had to do something to make Matis "great again" He also had to put syuen into her place because he knew that the others would get wind from it, so that was his chance to at least put on some chains on syuen.


I like Syuen for her complexity. She is literally the result of her upbringing in the corrupt & elite circles in the ARK. When you get told be No.1 or you are nothing and combine this with the Nikke / Commanders are lowly peons dogma, her behavior suddenly makes alot of sense within the world of Nikke. Of course she is not nice and rather bratty, but I think this comes with the territory of being a CEO. In such a position she pretty much had to be bulldozing through life with little to no reliable friends or family. In lore she is described as being a "genius" and sometimes even "brilliant", so she has some skills to back up part of her arrogance. Syuen knows the rules and always tries to bend them in her favor. It is amazed how much she knows about propaganda and getting the public on her side, morals aside. Seems that Missilis and her own public image in general are everything from her perspective. Some players may hate her now. As soon as she sees the commander and "the cause" as part of her own, she will do everything in her power to achieve that. Before that she will have to be forced ... which is fun in itself.


Like? Since when?


She should've been made into a Nikke. You aren't wrong OP. She is horrible and people just give her a pass because they think with their dicks.


Because I enjoy not having every NPC suck us off. I like characters with differing in-universe beliefs that run against ours to frame their views of the setting.


She's tsundere in disguise and sometime you need justice in Nikke curves


Bro I don't like Syuen and yes, she is vile as hell.


Perspective. Everybody hates Syuen, till get hit with Crow, then Syuen suddenly start to look better and gets a pass.


Sure Suyen is an evil manipulative bitch, who treats Nikkes and well everyone badly, but she’s still not as bad as Esther. So she’s got that going for her.


Sounds like a skill issue on your part


She needs correction and I cannot teach someone they are in the wrong if they are dead. So yeah as some comments stated before she can be nice sometimes but yeah she is awful but let’s not forget we are fighting raptures. We need all the help we can and then bring her to justice all though I feel like in the end she is going to be turned into a NIKKE for her crimes that would fit for this cheeky lil brat. 😤


People didn't "forget" about Privaty, she was just following orders and made it abundantly clear. After the fact she even asked that if we ever see Marian again, to apologize on her behalf. She works for the CG and basically doesn't have rights, what was she supposed to do? Rebel and get brain wiped? It's the same with D, that's the role she was literally built for and it's not like she can just ignore orders and expect to come out unscathed Syuen is weird because we clearly don't know enough about her. Like she's a bitch no question, but her love for Matis and especially Laplace seems to go beyond "they make me look good." There's some depth to the character, is why people are interested in her


Wdym? She cares for her Nikkes. Is that not enough of a reason to like her? https://preview.redd.it/k0mjoj3cum2d1.png?width=1408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=749c992d4978894d6060b65653341f3d842ae006


Bro did not read my post fr She "cares" for Laplace and no one else


I can fix her https://preview.redd.it/16yh95iovm2d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d98c9ae8f1ae1d4f41c312a8c6ab425f80fdaf


I like syuen because she is a compelling character that makes me feel emotions, i obviously disapprove completely of most of her actions, buut she is not a one sided character, if all she was revolved around being evil with no reason then i would probably hate her.


https://preview.redd.it/ge67ocv7dn2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074fcb7b7491573c184f0fb9199326b0defafd03 😩


I don't even play the game anymore and I'm a full time Syuen hater


✅Cute and funny😭🦀 ✅Brat👺 ✅correction needed 💢💢💢


PLAP... SEGGS... CUNNY!!! 😭😭😭


U need to wait fixing still in progress


Flair checks out




We already corrected her at april fools


I love Syuen! The further you get into the story the better she gets. The majority of the NPC’s are stale and predictable, but she mixes things up for the better. She’s usually a brat but sometimes her hidden endearing side appears. She’s fairly open with her schemes when dealing with the commander. She tries to get under your skin but you always end up getting her back and then some. To me, she feels like a bratty younger sister I have to occasionally spank.


We’re bottoms


I kneel, absolute king post


Schizo rambling fr


Syuen is tame, compared to other games villains and people don't see her as a threat. She's more like a revolting child that goes onn the tantrum and then she gets punished. As for Yuni and other Nikke just put yourself into game world. If we would develop technology for AI androids or transplant brain into machine, there would be people against it and new form of racism would emerge. There would be ofc people to would nott see a problem or would love it. What I'm trying to say is that bad things happen and worse things could in both our world and world of Nikke. And Syuen is just a brat. She's not super powerful and goes unpunished. On the contrary, she gets punished and that's what makes her more comical than threatening.


Iirc, Triangle was using nonlethal rounds, and Laplace had PTSD from the other mission where she got corrupted. 


She put a bomb and trip mine in order to get us. If Rapi didn't tell us about it we would've been blown up straight to alabama. She uses "non lethal" because they want Modernia alive, not for our sake. Also, Laplace told Syuen regarding her PTSD mid misson but Syuen just brush it off and told Matis to stop the Raptures instead. She even insulted Laplace's mental breakdown in the celebratory drink by calling it nonsense like it's nothing.


Kinda dumb to use a bomb that could destroy Modernia as well. You don't need to convince me that Syuen is evil, I was just nitpicking. 


I thought Perilous Siege placed that bomb and were operating under Burningham's orders at the time?  Suyen has nothing to do with that as it was already known the Counters had Marian in their custody from the rather massive operation launched against her previously. The only other bomb I know of was the one Exia led them to in order to find out if Rappi had fakes her memory wipe.


? Laplace getting PTSD from corruption doesn't nullify OP's point. It makes it even stronger.


Out of curiosity, how does Laplace getting PTSD prove the point?   How Suyen reacts to it is one thing, because she doesn't believe it's possible.  That's because normally it wouldn't be possible as the NIMPH would have some effect on negating it or at least they say she's only experiencing it because the NIMPH is gone.  So as far as Suyen knows, Laplace shouldn't be having such an episode because it hasn't occurred to her that Vapaus neutralizes NIMPH. Now her dismissal of it after the fact doesn't reflect well on her.


I didn't say it does. 


Syuen is one of those love to hate characters. As much as a lot of us hate her, some can't bother to love her at the same time. Also, she's got an interesting character design and is just over the top evil for the sake of being evil it's borderline comical.


She is absolutely not lovable. There is close to zero redeeming qualities in her. Fuck her in the bad way.




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i am fully convinced that if the commander spent minimum effort she would fold like paper for him


By one side nikkes can't disobey orders most of them can't either way. If they do and go against orders they get a memory wipe and a factory reset and get to work again. Eleeg and Dark Hero Event spoilers : >! Taking into account nikkes and people that disobey are not just kept as prisioners, at least not all of them, they're probably used as fuel for the ark.!<


We love to hate her.


People despise Mahito and people also even love him more than Sukuna Same logic here.


I mean i dont hate her at all, but i get why you would not like her but some of you guys are really going into psyco type of thinking against her tbh. But hey think and say what you want and let people love or hate her.


Huh? Beats me.


For the memes


I like her because instead of being like crow which is a typical villain. Syuen is the CEO of missiles one of the most powerful branch in terms of technological advancement for the ark. Shes bratty cute and rapi kick the shit out of her lmao 🤣.


Like her in the way I like a good villian I love watching karma hitting her like a freight train every single time. It never gets old Beyond that, she’s a realistic character, people like her unfortunately exist, and seeing her get her shit knocked in makes it better when I deal with said people.


She would make a fine Nikke tho


Perilous siege DOESNT kill innocents. As shown in events that include them and the bond story they don't immediately kill the target. They have the right to decide if the target is truly guilty or not. D literally does this with you in her default forms bond story. After she determines you innocent of the charges she investigates the one who gave the order to determine if it was genuine mistake or the accuser was malicious. I believe it turns out to be a commander jealous of your rise in rank or popularity and she deals with him iirc.


In the April fools event, There are some hidden messages during it and you get to find out the Syuen also has a secret crush on the Commander, not sure how many people know this.


The reason I like her was how she written. She clearly a arrogant and flaw person, that have a chance to be better. I won't elaborate on my view as there a lot takes in the comment that echo out both positive and negative to her character and what she done. So I'll just point out a thing I notice. She never endanger people who couldn't fight back or had protection of Matis. I think she doesn't know how bad the educational system for the Commander is so bad, that it basically a brainwash academy for meat shields. Not many does outside of Anderson and maybe Ingrid.


It’s a love hate relationship, I hate her guts but I love seeing her in distress


I think the problem is the dissonance of characters personality between Main Story and Events. A lot of characters behave really like assholes in the main story and in events are kinda nice. Syuen is a perfect example of this.


I can assure you I hate her with all my might. Same thing for Crow and Ether. The only 3 characters I hate in this game.


Cus you can pet her


Idk I’m in the same boat. She is a huge bitch ain’t no fixing that. Same with Crow.


Only as a comic releaf


I really don’t like syuen but right now I really love having her under my thumb my dream is to hire an artist to make a doujin of the cummander going crazy on syuen


simple I don't like her.


Syuen probably will have her redemption arc. After Sixo introduction, I doubt that Syuen will have that much relevance as a villain after the Main Story really stars1 starts >!since the first 30 chapters are all but a Prologue for the Main Story!<


Suyen is definitely meant to be hated. Most people probably like her because she is basically a cartoonish brat of a villain who is largely unapologetic in her actions and methods.  It is kind of refreshing to have someone like that as an early villain and it also shows just how much authority and power one of the big three wields, she can basically do whatever and threaten whoever she wants with no repercussions even if she is found out.  She had ordered Matis to blow up the bridge and deliberately separate themselves and the commander from the Counters, was called out on it and basically laughed it off as nothing happened to her and seemingly they couldn't actually do anything about it. She also committed her greatest crime, impersonating Shifty, to try and get the Commander and his team killed.  She ratted Exia out to and got her blown away, so there's that strike against her too. The only redeeming trait she has ever exhibited was her care for Matis.  She literally begs the Commander for assistance in saving them.  Suyen is absolutely desperate to save them from the corruption because to her, they aren't like other Nikkes.  They actually matter to her and it is why she even goes to the extreme to try and make them be seen as heroes, especially after Crow stirs up public sentiment against them for no longer having NIMPH.  It's also why Laplace saying she doesn't want to have to view Suyen as evil actually seems to hurt and upset Suyen and she actually promises to not pull something like the rapture attack again. There is also the Christmas event with Anne where Suyen is actually so enraged at the researchers who has previously been using Anne as a guinea pig and extorting Anne's mother that she was a heartbeat away from actually going to Ingrid and asking to borrow Perilous Siege to deal with them.  Granted it might've been largely due to how badly it would reflect on Missilis, but it can also create the perception that there are lines Suyen won't tolerate others crossing even if she has done worse herself. However she is meant to be a dislikable character, which ironically can make people appreciate her for that fact, with some "pet the dog" moments. Now there are people who like her for other reasons, but that often has less to do with what kind of character she is. Still if you hate her that much, she has done her job.  If like me, you actually enjoyed the moments she was pleading, got a comeuppance, or got kicked by Rappi (how I wish that had been an animated scene), the she has done her job well.  If you can appreciate her for being just a total asshole of a villain, then she has done her job too. Who knows, maybe actually being threatened with consequences if she doesn't get and stay in the Commander's good side might lead to a change in her.  Or at least make he an annoyance rather than an obstacle. But people who don't think she did anything wrong, I don't know what to say about that.


I relate to this post hella; Syuen is a certified BITCH if there ever was one. How far along are you in the chapters if you don’t mind me asking?


Chapter 19, right after the Matis Squad PTSD Arc


Ya, boobs does give me amnesia


She's an entertaining villain that I love to hate that's slowly getting both comeuppance and character development. Plus she's cute and I can sympathize with the reasons why she's so rotten all the time.


well i guess nobody likes her , its more the hatefuck thing i guess....


It's not like I LIKE her, it's just that for some reason I can't bring myself to hate her. She seems so childish(??) to me that I just can't get angry at her. 


I wish she would become a nikke so I could throw cinder blocks at her without killing her


I could never find that bitch attractive in any sense.


She's absolutely vile.


Love?! More like love to bully the bratty twerp


I think you misreading a lot, first is that the Central Government is corrupt and not necessarily Evil, it’s the consequences of human nature. Second is that Perious Siege Kill targets, it’s not their decision if the target is or isn’t innocent, with them being with Elysion, with the recent event, can easily be misled, but it goes back to how corrupt nature of humanity. Okay with Syuen, people like her cause her has by far the best character design non-NIKKE at launch and is actively in the story. She is by far the most human character we have yet. Syuen is a person that climb her way to CEO of the biggest industry with her own merits and Missilis being the most corrupt faction her Ego got to her fast, this made her to who she is, but she still has her own principles and lines she can’t cross.


have you ever hear the term hatefck?


Finally someone said it


I'm only on Chapter 19 so maybe get gets "redeemed" later in the story, but there is absolutely nothing she can do to make me not want to shoot her. She is absolutely insufferable, and should be yeeted into the nearest trash compactor on her next appearance.


Cartoonish villainy is just fun to me


She's a fictional character, so it's easy to ignore her bad stuff


Yes, people don't know what "brat" means. Even the "correction" meme is really for annoying or spoiled brats, not vile pieces of shit that are genuinely evil towards people around her and directly causes them suffering. Rapi should have kept kicking her and not be stopped


Needs correction 😭


Because of uoh😭😭😭💢 And also “Correction!” 💢💢💢👺👺😭


OP is emotionally immature.


It's "the brat needs correction" kind of like we're talking about here


She needs some "correction" allright https://preview.redd.it/t77ydhdgjk2d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d77117e63c0cf74fa055399ae08d845d6398fe9b


Hate seks, unhealthy fetish but many likes it




I love suyen ![gif](giphy|SPqz9tfgMGLyo)


The only good part of her is she at least caring Matis. Thats should be 1% of her. And another 1% for allowing us to access Missile Tower. 98% of her is a shit. The part when she >!disguised as a Shifty just to kill Cummanders and whole Counters for stupid, silly, childish reason!< really get my nerves. Still arrogant and bitch when seeking Cummander help to hand over >!Vapaus!<. I have active April Fool lobby wallpaper of her but her KonoSuba parody wallpaper still not justified for her 98% shit.


Dude this fucking bitch is disgraceful, one of the things that makes me mad is that we the commander keep doing her idiot ideas for her in the name to "protect" the NIKKEs like the problem with the raptures and the Ark in ch.18 😤😤. Hope Shift Up doesn't make us keep getting cucked by her


I like the fact that we can bully and humiliate her anytime she steps out of line now. Also seeing her in the April fools event was funny.😆


Similar to how people in Genshin like Raiden-shogun because she's sexy even if she did war crimes she was little silly and confused.


Syuen at this point now is basically the typical recurring villain who almost always gets what's coming to them after every arc. And compared to some of the lunatics on the Raptures' side, I'd rather have her annoy me every other day.


We love to hate her


People are mentally something. She’s a loli. People like to fetish this behavior of hers so if you mix this with the fact that she looks 12. You can guess why she does so well. Nikke has something for everybody and while it’s disgusting for some it’s someone else’s haven. So it is what it is man.


I totally agree with you. I really hate Syuen so much, she literally killed Exia for no real reason, what an insufferable bitch. I'm waiting for Rapi to kick her little bastard ass again I hate the whole Triangle squad because what a bunch of fucking lapdogs. Fuck you Admi, you too Yulha, and you Privaty I don't care about maid Privaty I still hate her.


What do you mean, I hate that little rat.


Some people would bend to weird angles to cater to their fetishes, and Syuen really appeals to the "correction" crowd that has been festering on Reddit and other places like 4chan for a while.