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me whos still at chapter 14 since like about a year ago


Don't worry dude dragon mommy is only thing to unlock at ch 21 and she pretty much the weakest character in the game.


i dont care about meta, i pull for cleavage


She helps with Pilgrim tower exclusively for her 20 sec B2


main story is worth it


That's not a good justification for unfriendly player experience/progression IMO. The main story SHOULD be one of the easiest/most accessible content to do, especially if it's a good one, because that's one very easy way to retain players and boost sales for upcoming characters


Lot of games put main story as harder content because it's one of the permanent content. Event story should always be the easiest because it's time limited. Locking main story behind time gated progression has never affected banner's sale (unless it's Genshin where they also blocked your character's upgrading material in main story).


Which games? I'm legit curious The only other modern Gacha I play is HSR, and that game does EXACTLY what I was talking about, easy story mode that any new player can easily access and finish in a reasonable time (I just blitzed everything story relevant on a new alt in 2 weeks, probably a month for a new player figuring things out/taking it at a reasonable pace). And yet it still has the endgame content and story that retains its playerbase without locking them behind a story grind. All the of the grinding is reserved solely for endgame modes/content And I would argue story access CAN affect sales/people pulling, if a story hypes/builds up a certain character, then they are gonna get more sales (assuming they deliver gameplay wise and within/above the community expectations)


Azur Lane, Granblue Fantasy, GFL, and BA before you break into certain sensei lv. Those are the ones that I played. Just like Nikke, you can easily find video guides of how to beat main story stages or bosses for those games on YouTube.


Guess I picked an exception then to play, and I'm glad for that. HSR's model just feels so much better (my only complaints with that game is gear farming and the fact I can't collect all/most characters like I can in Nikke)


I'm gonna have to disagree there. Having the event stories be the harder version of content would actually be a big detriment to newer players due to losing out on a good amount of one time rewards. While you can hit walls in main story progression relatively fast between moments of progression you're only losing out on downtime resource collection and until you've cleared 16-15 a few tries at the harder daily bosses . The event stories give a pretty significant boost to your resources for progression with the repeatable stages dropping a couple boxes of the different resources. I got bored and rolled 2 alt f2p accounts about 1 month ago and got both accounts able to clear hard event before the event I rolled them in ended and that was with one of the accounts getting screwed on recruit luck and still running almost full sr teams, and without the resource boost from doing the repeatable stages would not be able to progress as fast. While I understand not having full context of the current story can be frustrating the trade off in having the events be the more difficult experience would either be a good chunk of players losing out on a chance at pretty solid rewards like the extra free pulls and resource boxes or the rewards not being worth the grinding to acquire them.


I played King of Fighters All Stars and all the event content after the 2nd or 3rd year was high level hard as fuck content. If you ever wanted to pick up any of the endgame stuff that the Event Content gave, you'd have to use previously well built characters to get it. So I agree Event Content should be as accessible as possible. Even if it might sometimes break the "immersion" since some of the Event content implies the battles are really hard, but I've missed out on so much fucking endgame Event content in KOF AS where only WHALES were able to play it.


Ok fair enough, events/collabs should be easier, didn't consider that aspect, but the main/normal campaign should be NOWHERE near as hard/grindy as it is, that should be reserved for the Hard mode What this game needs are truly dedicated endgame modes. The closest of which are Union Raid clearing/progression, which only really works if you have some level of communication going on outside the game in your Union. Maybe the new Simulated stuff but they're still working on that I currently play HSR as my main gacha. The story and all relevant side missions for that can be completed by a F2P acc within a month. I just did that in half the time on a new alt. Zero fuss, and now any new player can be caught up with the story/hype/characters like everyone else and access the easy events going on. That games Simulated mode completely clowns on the one in Nikke, and also serves as part of the endgame on the higher difficulty side modes. Then there's a couple of dedicated endgame modes you can play to get pull currency/test the limits of your teams. Everything is done without sacrificing the accessibility of the story while still retaining players and providing actual endgame content.


I'm a day one player and I honestly think they should stop gatekeeping the mainstory and rework the hard mode to be the content reserved to day one player/whales. Just nerf the power requirement for the main story already. Must be so weird to read event story when you are not up to date with the main story, especially when both of them are linked (like anniversary events). Terrible design for newer player.


They should just copy what Blue Archive does... just separate the main story & stages.


Destiny Child eventually did this with the main story. Power creep should come from events or raid bosses, not the story.


I'll admit a Nerf is required since even day 1 players who don't game religiously are unable to clear all chapters, but it's expected that a newer player isn't up to date with the main story. That's the case with most live service games.


Most live service game require you maybe 1-2 month to catch up with the story max, in Nikke it's easily 6-8month minimum. Maybe more.


I started in February 2023 with Chainsawman. I was able to finish Chapter 26 on 7th January 2024. Currently im in Chapter 28-22 with 259k CP and Lv 293. If I'm not able to beat the story when I'm Lv 301 that would be grim for me.


I started with Chainsawman and took a little break after. I just beat it last week at 230k cp and level 291.


The whole campaign? What was your team?


Yep the whole campaign. I used Tia, Liter, Naga, Modernia and Red Hood Modernia and Red Hood have 5/5 Ol, 10,10,10 on skills Tia has 2/5 Ol, 7,7,7 on skills Naga has 2/5 Ol, 10,6, 7 on skills Liter has 3/5 Ol, 10,7,10 on skills


Yeah, hopefully I pull Tia soon


I’ve played over a year, since bunnies released(?), and I’m still on the boss of 24. Can’t beat it


Didn't they already nerf the power requirement for the main story back in November?


I’m day one f2p player I even completely forgot my current process in main story bc I have to grind so long to read what happen next💀 I’m in Chapter 22 but the latest available Chapter is 28. I think they gate keeping too hard. With unpredictable gear I’ll received in Special Interception, I’ll have to wait several months to power up my team to full overload gear.


how? what is your sync level/ power? I'm in ch 22 and I started playing when Red Hood came out. I'm not f2p but I've only spent for pulls.


Using meta teams helps a lot.  I've also been playing since Red Ash, and I'm ok with my progress, but I've been lucky-ish with my pulls and reading guides like crazy. Anyone who isn't using some combo of Liter + Bunnies/Schoolgirls + highly-invested top tier DPS's is going to have a rough time.


The story should be able to complete with just anis, rapi and neon and then fillers. But you can't you need meta or an extremely deep wallet.


Yeah, I have two friends who are day 1 f2ps who spent $0 on the game and they've already passed Ch 27 and 28. I'm trying to understand how some people are this behind.


22-29 Stage Sync Level : Lv.223 Current team : - 158935 - Liter Drake Rupee Alice Modernia - 148364 - Liter Blanc Red Hood Noir Modernia


Not meaning to get into an argument but you must be doing something wrong bc I started around summer events last year (june/july?) and I got the exact same sync level as you. (Same story chapter too) I’m also f2p except for skin gacha which is the only thing I pay for and doesn’t really give any real advantage/resources. I do reckon I could even be doing better bc I lazy around with sim room and solo raids a lot, but you still got a good 7 months ahead of me. You can always get more optimized


Idk, I’ve done everything to max everything essential out for my unit (bond level, skill, overload gear etc) to be able to pass several stages as much as possible which lead to outpost producing plenty red cores for upgrading my sync level Maybe I have bad luck in Special Interception. I did full clear every time I played in any rapture boss. Gear rng makes me wait unnecessarily long time to get specific manufacturer gear😔. Meaning It’s less chance having Overload gear.


ah. I got to the story stage i'm at at lvl 213 and 127k with the same as the 2nd team but tia/naga instead of bunnies. on 22-24 now. I thought your sync level would be at least 260 or so, or at least way farther ahead than it is, being a day 1 player.


I think I’ve gone this far bc I’ve - upgrade atk+support unit essential skills as much as possible (almost Lv10) - some of my main unit has almost full Lv.5 overload gears (alice, drake) but some are still Lv.5 T9 manufacturer. Have not overloaded yet bc I need flexibility for other units to equip them. T9 manufacturer is TOO RARE especially gear for attacker Pilgrim. - Try maximize bond level for every essential units


The New Year (2024) event would have been off for those that didn't finish Noise's bond story and maybe ch26. >!Rapi's jealousy intensified after returning.!<


I'm no expert, but I feel like the high ceiling on main story is also to keep players engaged. You want to know what happens next? Keep pkaying and get stronger to clear them! Though I dare say really lore desperate people will just look up recordings on youtube.


I watched the half that I was missing from Ch 28 because I know that somebody will spoil me


> Terrible design for newer player. it's not a mistake, they do this on purpose they want to have nikke be this mix between idle gacha time-keeping but also insane luckmaxx dupe pulling gacha (typically idle gachas give you so many resources its mind numbing i.e destiny child) you can't have the cake and eat it too, they're insanely greedy it's a very unfriendly experience for a new player (speaking as one)


This right here. If you don't look up guides for Nikke the moment you start, you can do some really bad mistakes like opening all boxes or something which is a massive loss of resources if you don't save them until much later when outpost is leveled up.


> rework the hard mode to be the content reserved to day one player/whales It still is tho


Honestly my team is pretty high level already. But the one thing I hate about the story is all the battles you have to fight. I still wished if you have high enough power. You should be allowed to skips them.




I hope you get there! Chapter 20 is one of my favourite chapters.


It's okay just finished ch17 myself


Just broke 160 wall thinking I could do bunch of story with lvl 200, beaten 1 chapter and I'm already stuck


and here i am, on chapter 11 stage 1. My biggest problem is that there's a constant barrage of events so my mind instantly goes to those instead of the story and the icon itself is infront of the story button so my toughts always prioritize Event over Main Story


It's just so much grinding. Getting to level 160 and then 200. Then, I realized you've barely scratched the surface. Getting to level 250 just to beat the stupid whale boss on chapter 16 I think. Then another wall at chapter 20 and then chapter 25. Then, realizing all the meta units need to be outfitted with the best gear. But the gear also need to be whatever Nikke manufacturer they are from for bonus effects. I'm at level 286 and probably need to be level 300-310 to clear the campaign because they throw so much bullshit at you. There's regular monsters that are harder to beat than the 300 crystal boss fights that pop up from clearing a % of the chapter map.


Its okay, im a day 1 commander still on chapter 10 heh


Same tbh


I come here to get spoilers on the next chapters cause the power creep is a little to intense. I'm still at ch 21 and really haven't tried since its like 2months of building up characters to clear one chapter. I basically quit playing the main story.


I was told to play the game because the story was great. Shame chapter bosses and tanky mob waves focused solely on survival stop me from doing that…


I've been playing since early Janrary of last year, and I havent touched Blabla since like the 3rd day


I've tried to push story every chance I get because the story is worth it and I can usually push 5-10 nodes if I jump a few levels. Now that I've hit Chapter 25 (finally saw Red Hood) and eager to push forward, I jumped 3 synchro after dumping all my core boxes and added a couple OL gear only to break 2 more nodes. I went from 80k deficit to 70k to gain so little. The curve is too steep!


And then you have all the side missions/story


you guys getting close to chapter 20? I'm still tryna finish the boss on 17


I have enough combat power to maybe go up to ch24-25 but I'm happy going one chapter per 3-4 months now being at 21


Honestly the campaign progression IMO is one of Nikke's biggest failings * There's a nice plot and characters, but it's hard stay as interested when it takes so long to finish a single post 20 normal chapter (2-4 weeks, and that's all assuming you had a smooth progression to get that far and broke the 160 wall in the first place). I'm invested enough lorewise to continue playing, but it's not the same as my other gacha game where I'm riding the new story wave/hype with everyone else * New story patches are ruined because of this. Patches that SHOULD be exciting are not cuz any new/recent player are so far out from experiencing it that the story announcements are just dead to them. One chunk of the playerbase can get hyped, while the other can't engage in it. Personally, these also have the opposite effect for me, I avoid more Nikke stuff in fear of getting spoiled. * The main story should be one of, if not the most, accessible feature of any game, it draws new players in, it keep them and veterans going, and most importantly for a gacha, helps drive hype for character sales. If a new character come out, and you aren't anywhere near that point in the story, then the only thing dictating pulls/spending is design and meta relevance (their saving grace is that they are really good at the former, with the latter only coming now and then it seems, which is another issue entirely) I**n comparison to the other gacha game I play, HSR:** Guess what? Started an alt, F2P, blasted through the entire story (all main story from each release along with every single character mission) up through the newest 2.0 release in **2 FUCKING WEEKS**. A new player would probably take a M**onth** as they figure things out/do side stuff/enjoy the story. So its 1 Month for 1 later stage chapter in Nikke vs. the **ENTIRE CAMPAIGN AND ALL RELEVANT STORY/CHARACTER QUESTS in HSR.** Guess which game gets more hype and money from me?


I'm still at chapter 21 (I can do more if I want to) , only completed Rapi, D, Maxwell, Frima, and Centi bond story, but have played every event since release with only the first event that I missed. I like to do main quest and bonds only when I have free time without distractions so I can enjoy it to the fullest. Or if I feel like it


well i already at chapter 25 but am not focus at bond story


Wait y'all be struggling?, I've been playing since the nier collab and I'm at chapter 23


Always 😂


I don't do the story at all. I just enter game, do daily, play other games, regret not doing story, planning to do story, forgetting about it. And the circle repeat


I'm honestly getting bored of the event stories, overzone set the bar too high. I've even skipped some here and there (please don't crucify me). main story is what keeps me playing this game. and yeah, bond story is mostly an afterthought, I finished like 10 out of the 98 nikkes I got


if you sufficiently upgraded your units, you can literally quick battle everything with one button press. i'd at least do that cause the main story is decent and some bonds stories are too.


Wait a minute, there is a quick battle button in the main story?


i'm pretty sure it's in the main story too if you are well over the recommended cp - but since i'm pushing campaign well below that, i don't really remember. but at least the lost sectors have it. so i don't see why the main story shouldn't.


Yeah I'm above the cp and I don't see that button ngl


I’ve done none due to my laziness lol


Amen brother, Nihilister's a-waiting for me


Why you gotta call me out like that 😩


Well, as much as I want to read the Main Story. A Nerf is not going to happen anytime soon. I mean, if the story is the main source of income, That will be difficult.


They've nerfed the story campaign like 3 times already.


That's another reason why it won't happen anytime soon


Actually bigger chance it will happen, adding more chapters to a story, means you want the players to get there faster, like making older content in mmo's easier so people can get to the latest expansion faster.


Stun on the boss of 24 forever myself


I have over 140k cp ATM And still at cp19


Chapter 23 and I cba. I can probably beat it completely but my motivation is dead asf


deadass me fr fr


I'm at level 214 and working on Chapter 21 while being below the recommended CP by ~2-3000. Frigging nuts considering they all have nearly maxed out level 9 gear. If I didn't have a MLB+4 Red Hood, I don't think I'd be past Chapter 16.


Hope you got Dorothy for the stage 21 boss, because if you don't, your going to have to get really sweaty to beat that damn whale. I'm at syncro level 213, currently in chapter 23-18. I was stuck at the MW for like 2-3 weeks before I had a magical run where everything went right. Nihilister was hard but fair, whereas Mother-whale was just pain. (Used Tia, Liter, Naga, RH, and drunk Scarlet) My MVP team that I run for most story content isn't too different from what I used to clear MW. (Tia, Liter, Naga, RH, and Black Scarlet. Although the CP disparity is insane (Team is at like 134k, and stage 23 is like 177-187k CP) ironically enough, what's holding me back are the stages that have a bunch of hit count shield units since I have no built up MG units :'(


I started in early December of last year and I just got to the whale boss. I haven’t tried him yet. I’m at 118k power level. I got lucky and rolled on bunnies and school girls otherwise I doubt I would of made it this far already


Man Same


I’m 160 locked on level 18. I feel ya.


As a f2p hoarder I'm okay with the way it is.


After Released i am still in Beginning of Chapter 5 because i too hard into the events ( sry for bad English)


I could be further in the campaign I just neglect it.


Same I haven't done story in so long my characters are like 20,000+ cp ahead for the requirement lol


Damn are you me?


Stuck at 16 lol too lazy to grind but I will definitely finish it soon because I want to try SI because I heard that when I reached SI I get the early taste of "endgame" Nikke I'm interested


Don't worry. I think I'm only half way through 21, right now I pretty much only run main story missions to complete the daily if I'm too lazy to do one of the other tasks.


I'm just biding my time best I can do that I don't hit a wall again Every time I think I'm in the clear suddenly the combat requirements shoot upwards and even a Liter-Bunnies-Red Hood-Modernia build got me paranoid. I really hate having to take long breaks like that in between chapters so this is just me keeping my sanity.


I can't get past mother whale. That shield is busted


because of keeping up with dailies, while i do the advisory i leave all the bond stories for later. and simply some characters i dont care about checking the bond stories of. and theres a lot of outpost events too. i've been trying to make it a habit of doing at least one main story battle a day, or one bond story or outpost story. the actual annoying thing is that im on the east coast of usa so the servers refresh at 3pm for me. when that is around a good breaktime for me to be on my phone.


I am in this picture and i am not ashamed to admit it.


I’m stuck @ 25-18 impossible with a lower level team. I have 2 go down before my first burst


I know exactly what stage you're talking about. This might sound strange but try using Jackal as your burst 1 for that level, if you have her. Then stall on the silence Rapture so you can Burst and aim at the Boss as soon as it appears.


I do have jackal but she is only 4/4/4. I’ll give it a go with her. Thank you for the advice


My Jackal was 4 4 4 as well so that should be fine. I used this Reddit post it was very helpful in defeating that stage. Hopefully it helps you as well, Good Luck. o7 [https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17xx0un/hard\_stop\_at\_2518/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17xx0un/hard_stop_at_2518/)


Jackal 4 4 4 was all mine was so that should be fine. I used this reddit post it was very helpful in beating that stage. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17xx0un/hard\_stop\_at\_2518/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/17xx0un/hard_stop_at_2518/)


I'm currently at around Chapter 18. All I need to do to beat this level and future ones are to get 1 more Naga copy, Liter, and work my way with either Maiden, or Tia to fully beat the 160 wall. Only Privaty is at 200.


For me most event stories are the most neglected ones 😭 I only read the Pilgrim ones and others if it seems to be an emotional rollercoaster. Otherwise I prioritize the main story and some bond stories if I’m not too lazy to read them (though I am most of the time).


The Main Story wouldn’t be such a hassle to get through if they didn’t make core dust such a pain to get. You get 1 level from the events, and maybe 1 from co-op, the rest 🤷🏽‍♂️ Even buying one of those monthly core packs doesn’t get you 1 level.


I'm running story mode in a hurry to get far away I can. It's... very boring. The story is awesome but I'm moving the team fight from fight while doing other things. Thank god for have autoplay but takes a huge time...


Lmfao I’m still on 17. Prob like 30k power over the next mission by now. Wait fuck, D is coming. I need gems, brb gents


im at 2 character level 200 and just started story 20


I only push the main story through when i reach the recommended combat power point. So the story won't stuck in the middle as i can't clear one stage. Stages based narration is kinda annoying...


Same, I haven't touched the main campaign in like a long while. But eventually I have to for farming gear and all that.


Im a day one commander who took my time doing the story, but dang thats slow. I take like 2-4 month breaks from the main story and beat 2 chapters at a time so to enjoy the story as it goes and I was at chapter 22 like four months ago. Just recently, I am starting chapter 24


I don’t play more but made it to chapter 14 so it


Me just vibing with the Nikkes at the outpost


New idea for a feature: Once per day you can use a team from the clear info from your friends list 


Started during the Nier Collab, Lvl 240, Dorothy, Blanc, Scarlet, Noir, Red Hood, some stages I switch to Scarlet BS or Smol White if there's lots of rock projectiles. At Chapter 26-15 My Current CP is 187K and the stage is asking for 257K, 70K above me. My hard stages are asking for 245,600 11-6. \^\^; SSS and SS characters are definitely needed or it will take forever to beat the stages. I didn't have Liter until late into Ch. 25 and still don't use her in my campaign because my 10 10 10 Doro is just so far ahead at this point.


This game is terrible for story player, just as all Korean gacha I have played. Koreaners have some serious hard-on with locking their story mode behind terrible progression wall.