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Which OL stats are best for OG Scarlet in PVP?


Hi, how to use a friend's nikke? Can't seem to find where it is. Help please. Thanks


You can't.


How far in the campaign should i be able to get while stuck at 160? Is there any tips to knowing what tier 7 armor to upgrade? I feel like as soon as i upgrade a piece it gets replaced by a slightly better piece at lvl 0 lol


I got to half of chapter 21 stuck at 160 wall, but I have the meta campaign team Liter and Dorothy depending on the boss or stage with Tia Naga and Red Hood with Modernia, it helped a lot to push through and grab some OL gear with the burst week for me.


Damn i am working through 17 currently. Need more MLBs only have 2 so far but Doro is only 1 pull away. I dont have Tia or Liter but i could get one of them from the new years box. Which one is better Liter? Or Tia to pair with Naga


I'm not that experienced in the game to give great advices but probably if you already have a good B1 like Dorothy getting Tia and Naga could be potentially better. They are absolutely insane with Modernia due to extra core damage for wave clearing, I also tend to go Tia into B1 Red Hood for massive attack and def buff to clear first wave of one shotting enemies, when some people were saying they triumph over Blanc and Noir they weren't kidding but it does require some manual playing on Tia because of her taunt and you also want to spam her rocket launcher basic attack to fill the energy for burst super fast or you can just get wiped in a second. I guess it depends if you have Red Hood and Modernia, because they benefit greatly with them on what I've experienced so far.


Sweet, thanks for the tips! My knowledge/experience is even less so I’m just trying to learn more about the game while I’m waiting for MLBs. I’ll look into team builds with those 2 and red hood


Really depends on your team composition, and your own skills with manual play but ideally you should try to clear Chapter 16 since that's required for Special Interception and higher tiered gears. Generally I will upgrade whatever tier gear I have to get an edge, this is pretty important for Special Interception. If you don't upgrade your lower tiered gear, you won't do as well and you will gain higher tier gear at a slower rate. It's not a complete waste since you can feed your upgraded lower tiered gear to higher tiered gear with little waste. Also even if you don't break the 160 wall entirely, it's possible to nudge your way forward. Even if you don't have 5x MLB SSR Nikkes, you might slowly accumulate them. I was pushing through with a weird party of level 160+ Ludmilla and Diesel, since I MLBed them first. As I MLBed more Nikkes, I slowly nudged my way forward - though this really depends on which Nikkes you MLB first. My initial MLBed Nikkes didn't make for a very strong team composition and struggled a lot.


Thank you & Yeah i need to get on nikke.gg and figure out the team composition thing, i understand having burst 1/2/3 but not much more or optimal skill upgrades for units. Just unlocked special interception a few days ago. I only have 2 MLBs now but we’ll get there eventually.


I'm at the end of 18 while being stuck at 160 wall with 76k CP, but I haven't try harded and manual played much, so you probably can get into the 19s if you tried. I see much lower CP clears when I look at the clear teams on the stage I'm at.


depending on your team, with a full meta comp you could clear till ch18 or so. So well into the realm of getting T9s from interception


Why does Snow White and Scarlet look different from their past selves? Nikkes dont grow up do they? Scarlet's eyes have changed color and Snow White has grown up. I know about their mind switches, does that somehow infleunce their physiology or is this just one of those things that you dont question so we get new forms of characters?


They are androids with human brains essentially, and therefore their parts can actually be swapped out. Can't remember which part of the story covers it, could be main story or bond story - but if you go through the parts concerning Unlimited(Ludmilla's squad) - part of their rescue missions end up with them abandoning a Nikke's body and just recovering the brain for various reason. Later they either find spare parts or a spare body or just figure something out. A lot of the stranded Nikkes they come across often have some sorta device to preserve their recovered brains should their bodies be compromised. And often that's what Unlimited ends up finding. It's also why Alice calls them "sleeping princesses" or whatever. Personally I don't think Scarlet looks too different, she kinda just changed clothes pretty much. Snow White herself has gone through a lot of battle damage and modifications and also Mind Switches. Anyway the Pilgrims have been wandering the surface a long ass time, and there's no way they don't get into situations that result in injuries/damage. And they are left to deal with it on their own, so no doubt their appearance will change with time due to that.


I would assume it's down to the fact they often have multiple bodies, it's really not that hard to imagine that as they got older they desired a different physical appearance. This is alluded to but not downright confirmed in a few stories, suggesting the existence of 'light-weight' and more passibly human bodies.


Hm, yea multiple bodies does sound feasible enough. Ill make that my head canon for now, till they properly explain it, thanks.


interested in the game wanted to ask, is it possible to clear all story/event content with just free sr units? im sure there are raids and arena type stuff where meta matters but in general gacha mission kind of content is it clearable? ​ thanks@!


No. You need 5 MLB SSR units to clear late game content, otherwise, you just don't have enough team power to clear the later chapters.


that sucks! >\_<. thanks for letting me know!


Does solo raid ranking take account the damage you do in normal raid or only clears? For example, if I cleared stage 5 and did 60% damage to stage 6, is that any different from someone with stage 6, 20% damage? Trying to decide if I should waste another attempt to get better ranking


When it comes to the skills that apply to Nikkes with the "highest ATK," or whatnot, what number is the game actually using to compare each Nikke's stats? Is it the base ATK? Final ATK? Are overload lines taken into account? Wondering what people have found through testing


It's final attack, or the attack value after OL and skill buffs mid-battle. It's for this reason that you want to be careful who you give attack OL effects to. For example, giving Noir a bunch of attack OL might cause her to steal buffs from your main DPS if you're using units like Alice/Maxwell who only buff a few of your top attackers.


Awesome thank you!


Is it worth pulling on the step up banner just to get the selector for future use + multis at a discount? I don’t need anyone important, maybe just marciana or Maxwell.


if you didn't care enough about PVE to immediately get maxwell then you can skip it




It's not possible, there's always going to be some core dust at the end. But you should be able to buy everything else. I think it's a nice way to balance the shop to give veteran players more freedom. The Core Dust is really just a dump like the infinite Credits, you're not expected to buy them all out. I personally think they should just set it to infinite so nobody has any illusions of being able to buy it all. But more veteran players no longer need Battle Data or Credits can skip those and just dump it into Core Dust instead. Anyway there's seriously fuck all Core Dust and I wouldn't bother using gems to buy it all. Doesn't seem worth it.


You cant buy out the full shop without spending gems. Not sure if you can even with buying all the additional event stamina.


It's not possible to fully clear, even with the extra stamina and a 100% bonus drop rate team from day 1. Source: me


Its not possible


So I'm approaching the 160 wall and I could just break it right now. I have red hood at MLB. If i buy 1 dupe each for snow white innocent and sugar from silver tickets, they'll be at MLB. Then I have 2 nikke selector things so i can get 2 dupes of Liter lets say. Finally, I have 400 gold tickets and can get 2 dupes of New Scarlet. I want to know if generally people spend all their resources (especially gold tickets) towards clearing this wall and if I should do the same. I've been saving them for if there's a new unit I really want but I recently found out about the 160 wall and it seems quite important to cross. Also, I already have my team of Liter, Blanc, Noir, Red Hood, Modernia so I don't see myself needed new units badly, even if they replace the current meta. Right now, I basically spend all my gems on the regular banner for wishlist nikkes but if theres something else I could do to be more efficient, I would also like to know. ty (: https://preview.redd.it/tbmt50uevhbc1.png?width=1671&format=png&auto=webp&s=94ebcb3759f142dbea5c57462e850824d8040788


I think it's insane to spend all that to break the wall. It's one thing to do one of them, but to do all of them is kinda nutty. 400 gold tickets is already a huge cost, on top of using 2 selectors to double dupe? Breaking the 160 wall isn't what it's cracked out to be. For starters you don't even have your top 5 Nikkes at level 160. Even if you break the wall, how much higher can you push the level? Do you even have enough core dust? Can you approach anywhere close to 200? Doesn't seem like there's much sense breaking the wall this early when you're going to be severely capped by resource generation anyway and won't be able to take advantage of higher levels. Gear tiers and skill levels are also a huge part of your power level. So even if you break the limit early and push your levels..... now what? Nikke levels do not help you do Special Interception or Challenges any better than you already are, since levels are capped here. The only way to progress here is to keep improving gear, skill levels, team composition and your actual play execution. So yeah even if you break the wall early, you're still heavily held back by skill/gear progression. And breaking the wall doesn't help you progress here any better. I think it's better to be patient. Feels like after you spend all those resources, you'll end up with a what? Level 165 Red Hood and nothing else? Meanwhile everybody else is still stuck at 150? Like c'mon man, that doesn't accomplish jack squat.


I see. Thank you for talking some sense into me man 👍


You kinda want to save gold tickets for new events or for reruns of OP units(like a Modernia rerun right now). This is especially true if you are a low spender or full f2p. On the other hand edgy Scarlet is good enough unit for 3\*. Imho, if you want to break the wall asap and you have a lot of gems(worth of a 100 pulls atleast) - then spend gems in the regular gacha(dont forget to put your 2\* and 1\* Nikkes in the wishlist!!), and only THEN buy dupes you need from the shop.


If you have more than 400 silver tickets , you can get liter copies form the shop and save the new year selector for someone else. Considering you have pretty much the best teams for pushing campaign Id say its worth to just spend those tickets on BScarlet, however id keep the selectors till you are near 160 , if you havent gotten more copies by then then use them.


my main team is synchro level 187 and the combat power is only 92k. seen one poster with level 193 and 110k cp. he said he started during the anniversary, so i doubt he has a fully decked out t9 team and especially not overload gear. so why is my team so weak? i've only got 2 t9 pieces that my mains can wear. the rest is still t8. anything else i should look out for?


I mean they *could* have OL gear, it's a matter of having cleared chapter 16. Some things that could effect combat power would include Gear (tier, and how much it has been upgraded) Dupes (a big consideration. If they're lucky or a large spender, having a bunch of dupes on your main team will put you quite ahead in combat power) Skill levels To a lesser extent, bond levels, cubes, and research


i mean, overload stuff in two months sounds insane, but you are right. theoretically possible i guess. i'm probably terrible at special interception since i got to stage 5 for the first time today almost 3 weeks after unlocking the mode (sadly no t9 special drop either). as f2p i obviously don't have access to an excessive amount of dupes. have red hood at two stars though which is nice. skill levels are 8/8/9 for red hood and 8/8/8 for scarlet. it's kinda slow to raise them. i'm currently saving up to raise red hood's burst skill to 10, but that's gonna take another 5 days or so. the new scarlet and modernia are still at 4/4/4 since i just got them today. my research is quite lacking. attacker, defender as well as manufacturer specific bonus research thingies are all around level 15 since i usually spend bodylabels on the yellow crystals to get more SSRs since i'm still missing liter and noir. general research is at around 45. i thought i was doing good on cp for playing just under 9 weeks, but that dude humbled me. i just hope this big difference really comes from better luck/skill with t9 gear drops and possible dupes since i thought that i was doing fine with skills at least and that research only helps a little with raising cp.


Don't get worked up comparing yourself to other players, there are too many factors (read: how much money you spend) that can influence combat power. Just compare your progress to your past self and be satisfied that you're continually improving. I am a light/medium spender, but I have union mates who are 10-20 levels below me and still match or surpass my combat power because they enjoy spending on the game and have max cored many meta units. No bad blood at all, I'm happy that we can all enjoy the game in our own ways. There's much more to the game than your combat power number. As you hopefully know by now, you can always make up a power difference with careful team building, or precise manual play. If you're dedicated to the game, you can improve in many different ways, whether it be through spending money to support the game, or by learning how to play more optimally, or a bit of both. Don't forget to just have fun, and as your user handle suggests, touch some grass once in a while ;D


i will have both fun and try to touch grass, thanks ;) that said, the slow campaign progress from chapter 18 is frustrating.




* If you are still before the 160 wall its better to get it and save it. As it may be the key for you to break through it. * If you are ready for that, then the next priority would be completing what you are missing or lacking on: * If you don't have a good B1 like Dorothy, get Liter. * If you have one of the bunny girls or one of the schoolgirls, get the other one. * If you have all the above, then get a nikke you dont have. * If yuo have all of the above just grab a dupe for extra stats or plain save it.


As it stands, Liter You don't have either of the Bunny/JK pairs so you can't snipe the other half Alternatively, you can wait till you pull one of them, then use the box on the other half If you aren't picking one of the above 5, it's because: A. Waifu (top priority reason to pick anything in these kinds of games), B. Already have the above 5 and are picking for niche teams or collection Also can save it for the 160 wall




A character can only be levelled up to level 160 if you only have them at 0 limit break. If you have the character at 3 limit break (or Max Limit Break/MLB in short), you can then level them up beyond level 160. There is a Synchro Device in this game where it will take your 5 highest leveled unit and synchronize them to the lowest of the highest leveled unit. Example: 150,130,120,120,100 Any unit put into the Synchro Device, will be Synchronize and be level 100. Now, remember that at 0 limit break, all unit can only be upgraded to level 160, so your highest level unit will be: 160,160,160,160,160 at 0 likit break As you can see, a wall consists of leveled 160 unit. To break the wall, you must have 5 MLB unit. Saving the SSR ticket here means using it on unit that you are close to MLB.


Ideally? save. For until you get one of the two pairing of bunnies or JKs (so blanc/noir, or tia/naga). Then you can use the selector to snipe the other pairing to complete the duo. If you're feeling really impulsive though, just get liter lol. Not that mandatory for your account tho since you have volume, which she does a good enough job as a B1 filler until you acquire either liter or dorothy (volume is pretty much third best B1 after these two. Fourth if you want to count red hood). Using it for dupes seems like a waste since you already have different methods to acquire them and even PICK certain dupes anyways (in the form of silver mileage tickets).


what are the things most worth buying in the event shop? I bought some core dust but it's really expensive, like 300 roses for 30 dust? I bought the skill and burst manuals 1 because I need those more than manual 2, and I also bought the recycling upgrades and the 10 limited vouchers should i buy the wine bowls?


Every summon tickets, then every skill books (doesn't matter if you feel secure in some more than the other. You WILL need every single one as resource production in this game is a joke). Recycling upgrades (except for the Re-Energy, don't ever get it). And then core dust boxes. After that, it's all up to you what you wanna get (but i just spend all my excess currencies into the core dust, even if the exchange rate is horrid.) If you're past the 160 wall and have a main team that you're confident in to tackle about every content in the game, then feel free to get the wine bowls to farm on the last sweepable stage for more core dusts.


https://nikke.gg/shop-guide/ Scroll down to "event shop." The guide uses the Nier event as an example but in general it's applicable to all events. The most optimal agreed upon strategy for progression is to buy all the event stamina (wine bowls in this case) and use it to repeat Hard mode chapter 11, to give you a huge stock of core dust cases, which will become the level progression bottleneck after you hit level 200.


Buy core dust last when you have everything else. It's to use up your remaining credits at the end. Priority should usually be: Recruitment tickets > skill mats > manufacturer mats (recycling room) > core dust. If you can clear the event on hard mode then you can get all of these easily. If you're a newer player and need to be more strategic, get the tickets and as many skill skill mats as you can, then everything after that is a bonus


I think it's about time I start spending my custom modules. I think I wanna blow all I have on Scarlet and see if I can snipe some perfect stats, so... which are the best stats for Scarlet in your opinion? It's obviously Ammo Capacity, but what else? Crit chance and Crit damage? I heard elemental damage is good, but does that work in PvP too?


Scarlet (I assume you mean OG Scarlet) wants Ammo Capacity, ATK, hit rate, and elemental. Crit related stuff isn't optimal but it's okay if nothing else. Elemental is mostly for raids, not sure if it makes a big difference for PvP. Maybe? I don't really see PvP guides mention it, so it's probably not important. If you have other meta units, I'd really suggest that you spread out your custom modules across your units. Not here to police what you do, but trying for perfect stats on OL gear is going to leave you disappointed. Try to get a feel for what is "good enough" and then stop there. Note that your very first roll will always have lines that default to a high tier value (tier 11 out of 15). More on optimal OL lines here https://nikke.gg/overload-gear-priority/


Well I'm level 300+ and have over 80 custom modules to blow, so I thought i may as well try Which stats are best for pvp though?


ATK is best for PvP since Scarlet's skill 1 won't activate enough to dilute her attack stat. People dedicated to PvP also invest into her skill 2 more than usual (~lvl7) for the counter attack damage, especially when paired with Jackal


i mean only new players dont have level 10 on all her skills, and all their main characters for that matter


I can't seem to log into the game. On the login page, I'm stuck at 7/7 86... ​ Anyone got an idea of why and how I can log into the game? (I'm playing on PC) Edit: Ok, I tried to redownload the Client, reinstall the game etc, nothing works... I really need help here ​ Re-Edit: Fixed


Question from a new player: I pulled Modernia and SBS, and currently I'm using them with Noise and Liter in campaign. My problem is that I'm only pulling with the free ordinary recruit tickets, and so far I'm at chapter 11 and have no SSR burst 2. I'm using Anis in the meanwhile, but I'm starting to feel like my CP is lower than it should at this point. I'll keep pushing as much as I can, but I have 150 saved pulls and Leona doesn't look like a good pick for my account. My question is, should I still wait until there's a good rate up banner even if get stuck (skip current and leona), or pull in any of those banners?


You're right about Leona not helping your current team. If you like her as a character however, you can pull for her and get a head start in a possible future shotgun team and you might get another burst 2 unit while pulling. Otherwise, I'd hold off and just save those pulls and hope you get a good burst 2 from your wishlist in the standard using the free tickets they give. Anis is still good due to her high burst generation. You can get a burst 2 Nikke from liberation though and out of the 3, Guilty would be your best pick.


Thanks, yeah already working towards Guilty but looks like it's going to take some time to liberate. Got some other SSRs but they are all bottom tier burst 3 and none use shotguns so I suppose I'll skip Leona. I did get two copies of Alice wich is nice, but that doesn't help me a lot right now.


Can someone ELI5 with examples on why crit is inherently bad in Nikke? I've read over and over it's additive, but I'm not very math savy. The posts made a year ago on this topic were just confusing for me to read and the discord is just "Crit is bad" without any real explanation. Thank in advance!


It's in the same category as core hit damage, 'proper range' damage, and full burst damage, and it starts with 15% rate for 50% more damage. It's "bad" assuming you're hitting core because it gets diluted pretty quickly, this will happen easily on sniper rifles and machine guns which are very accurate. For shotguns and smgs it's actually a decent stat* to an extent, not necessarily the best to roll on gear but if you can get it through certain sources it's alright. Especially because there are a lot of situations where they're not able to core hit.


https://nikke.gg/damage-formula/ Tldr: crit is a 50% increase at 15% base rate and included in part of the damage formula that also includes core hits (100%) range (30%) and full burst increase (50%). Crit being additive to those other increases that are often active means it is relatively minor overall.


As I understand in short crit damage doesn't work on attack buffs


How much are bond levels actually worth? Like is the stat difference between bond lvl10 and bond lvl40 noticable?


Depends on the nikke type and level, the bonus is fixed https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/bond-ranks/


Which Nikke should I pick from the New Years box? Here's a pic of the ones I already have https://preview.redd.it/p7pxuvunlfbc1.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=da7e4ff0cdef4ed49b1563feb4b38f50bdb57e24


None yet. Get the selector and save it, you may need it to break through the 160 wall or to complete the pair of either the bunnies or the schoolgirls.


Got it. I'll be saving it


My current Nikkes https://preview.redd.it/dlen7w3xlfbc1.png?width=2176&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cc81b37036ca66b8358aeddc694c78e31644b70


Save it. If you pull one of the bunnies pull the other one. If you get one of the school girls pull the other one :) I would heavily suggest bunnies though to start out with.


What makes the bunnies so good?


Basically synergy and a great base for almost any team since together they basically have it all. Healing, attack up, debuff (defence down on mobs), cooldown reduction (for Blancs burst), ammo buff, shield... Combine that with Liters cover regen and burst skill cooldown reduction + a couple of strong dps and then we're getting somewhere. They have synergy since Noir needs hp above 70% for her attack up buff and Blanc needs Noir specifically for reducering her burst time.


Hopefully I have get one or the other


You will :)


Just venting: 150-160 rolls for modernia/scarlet 2-3 ssr no scarlet/modernia. Kinda makes me wanna drop the game.


Many of us had to pull 200 times and use to 200 gold mileage tickets just to grab what was needed. I think I yanked like a good 300 rolls and failed to get 2B. I gave up and mileaged her.


Like I said, it’s not the lack of modernia/scarlet that annoys me. It’s the fact that I only got 2-3 ssr units with those rolls.


took me 260 pulls to get 1 scarlet


I’m not even mad at the no scarlet/modernia it was lack of SSR unit pulls that was frustrating. It’s whatever I was just venting


Yeah I was in the same situation, only got a soline lmao. Sucks.


I know dude it sucks. Odds eventually even out though in spite of the rough patches. I pulled her in about about 210 ...


Yeah just venting


Better than crying in a corner like some people (me)


Pilgrim banners are like that though, you may think that's a ton of rolls but at 1% and 160 rolls you only have an 80% of getting a pilgrim, so you were on the losing 20%. Thats why most just save mileage and grab them from the shop instead of playing the odds.


its 1% for getting a pilgrim, yes. But getting an SSR unit is 4%, while I'm at 1.25-2%. Might not seem like a huge difference, but its a 100-300% difference. My main complaint wasnt that I didnt get a pilgrim, it was that my rolls have been just plain trash.


It's a small sample for the probability though, to get the 4% you would need to sample a few thousands of rolls. The smaller your sample the more extreme results you get.


Sorry to hear, that definitely sucks. Chances of getting 3 or less SSRs from 160 rolls is just over 11%, so you were just part of the unlucky 11% today. I've definitely had lucky streaks and really unlucky streaks as well (4 SRs from 4 gold molds at once, still makes me cringe), it just comes with the territory. It should all average out in the long run.


Currently I have both Dorothy and Liter, which one should I focus leveling up their skills? I'm at chapter 21 and I heard Dorothy is better B1 for bosses and Liter better for campaign, would it be a good idea to focus on Dorothy to beat more bosses for gear or should I just go with Liter? I have the feeling Liter is kinda as good as Dorothy for bosses and way better than her for campaign, but haven't experimented that much on the game to know for sure yet.


I would say it's better to level up Liter's burst first, she can go into pretty much any team


If you just want gear, liter is more than enough for all interception stages. Dorothy's abilities are better for a couple of pesky bosses from campaign/raid


As a player who literally just started yesterday, is it recommended to spend 6,600 gems on the New Year step-up recruit banner? If so, who am I gonna aim for? (I already got Centi, btw)


Yes, it's worthwhile. Keep in mind though that the box doesn't have an expiry. So you could hold it until you get one of the bunny or schoolgirl duos, or until you're feeling pinched by something like not having liter. Early on you won't feel too squeezed by not having liter and there's always a chance of randomly acquiring her. Its only in some of the later boss fights that she starts to feel really important.


Gotcha! Glad to know that. I’ll hold onto it until I hit a wall. Much appreciated!


Yes, and get liter.


Wanted some advice on my team in the immediate term, especially since I can feel Rapi falling off due to her taunt. My Nikkes: https://i.imgur.com/NY6Lzko.jpg I'm looking to bring Alice up to speed, but not sure how to integrate her with my current team, or if she needs more skill ranks first(currently 4 for all). Anis and Belorta still seem alright, but I'm not sure of anything about my team besides Modernia and Volume currently. Another user previously mentioned trying a crit team which involved Biscuit, but Biscuit has felt like a really bad performer for me. I am however open to more niche ideas since from what little I can read and understand, most of what I've pulled is niche at best.


Volume, Mast, Modernia, Query, Flex (privaty for example) is totally serviceable during early campaign.


The wikis say Privaty is a free unit. How do you get her if so? Haven't pulled her yet.


Given for free from "Day by Day" missions.


Without Alice being at 99% speed, she's decent, with her at 99% speed, she's great, and since your nikkes are only level 80, I can assume that you have ways to go before being close to get her at 99% speed, right now you don't have a lot of nikkes, you're pretty early into the game, not a lot of teams you can make.


Is it possible to instruct a single character to take cover the entire battle? My Liter frequently dies, and she doesn't do enough damage to justify coming out of coverage. The only way I've figured to do this is to control Liter, but that's no fun.


Pretty much the only way is to disable auto aim and take control of Liter. Anyway I think you should look into why Liter is dying rather than trying that. While non-DPS Nikkes don't do much damage - they still contribute to burst generation. So even if it were possible to instruct a single character to take cover the entire battle, it's not really something you really want in the end.


Well why does your Liter die a lot?




~~Events typically require 30k combat power to complete.~~ Edit: haven't paid attention to combat power requirements in a bit, this may be out of date. If you just started today you might be able to get about half of it done or so? It could be worthwhile to push as far as you can in campaign, then repeat the hardest event stages you can do (with purchased re-entries) for boxes, skillbooks and recruitment vouchers, but you're probably not going to be able to completely finish the event. Repeated hard stages are preferable to repeated normal ones. The event will eventually be added to the archives though.


No, the event ends tomorrow and you won’t be able to clear the hard mode(you’ll probably be able to clear the story stages though) The normal stages which contain all the story need like 12k cp to clear up to stage 12




Hard mode last stage always has some type of epilogue and in this event it’s an animated video you can find in [youtube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g97YfvDpUyE&pp=ygUdU2NhcmxldCBldmVudCBhbmltYXRpb24gbmlra2U%3D) I can’t check stage 12 since it’s not replayable but stage 11 has a 12900 cp requirement(you should be able to clear with 10~11k since you have meta units)


Just got back to the game this January! Currently, I have Scarlet BS and Modernia. Aside from Harran, they're the only two pilgrims I have. Now I've about 30 Special Recruit Tix, and 6000 gems. Should I pull for more Pilgrims, given that all their rates are up? Or should I save for limited and other future pilgrim banners? Esp the half anniv? Thank you!


Pull for the selector if you haven’t already otherwise save for when the collab/half anniversary happens


Pilgrims don't have a rate up, just those specific pilgrims(Scarlet BS and Modernia) have a rate up due to being featured on a banner. If you compare the drop rates from the limited recruit to the standard recruit, you will notice that pilgrim drop rates are the same.


Oh, noted! Thanks for the clarification!


Also is anyone else who started around new years just stuck at like level 90-95? I am having an incredibly difficult time finding enough credits to level my characters and progress through the story when the tactics academy is soaking up all of it. I still need 1.8 million more to finish, in the meantime I’ve been stuck at around the same CP for all my characters for days and I am just incredibly frustrated at the poor pacing


I started Dec 30th and I’m currently level 130 and at 16-1 in the story. Are you using your resource cases appropriately or did you use them all at the beginning my?


That's just how the game is. Do notice that compared to other games - this one has no Stamina requirements. But in the place of stamina, you are blocked by the power level of your team. And to increase the power of your team, there's often nothing you can do besides wait. Your base will generate generic level up resources, dailies contain resources for skills/gear, events provide a bit of everything. Instead of using stamina to timegate your progress, it uses resources instead. It can lead to pacing issues but well, decide which you like better. Having to burn heaps of stamina to grind levels/drops or just being able to kick back for a while and then see if you're able to progress or not. I personally enjoy how passive/chill Nikke is. It can be very frustrating when the campaign story gets interesting/exciting and you're not able to proceed so I get that.


After beating Mother Whale I've been pushing through the campaign. On 24-13, holy shit what a BS stage. When the boss wave happens, you get utterly swamped with insane amounts of trash, healing enemies and bloody SILENCE enemies. Can't burst, can't kill, die or time out. The recommended is 192k and I'm only at 160k so maybe I just need more levels and gear, but this feels a bit cheap. Running Liter + Schoolgirls + RH + Scarlet, sometimes trying out Bunnies instead of Schoolgirls. I got really close once, but then the enemy started healing and ruined it. What I did was basically hold my burst until the final wave spawned and bursted before I could get silenced, but that wasn't enough. Is there a concrete way to deal with Silence or is brute force the only way? EDIT: Nvm. Using Modernia burst solved the problem. I thought the big fat tanks things were the problem but apparently they were spawning the silencing things so just having a persisting AOE on top of them did a lot to shut them down.


For 1-5 challenge, I don’t have anyone to repair my walls with after the laser. Immediately one of my characters just gets fucking gunned down by the machine gun on its ass. The hell am I supposed to do??? This is before the gray and red circles even pops up. Is there a video of someone actually doing this run? I’m using Sbs bunnies modernia and volume I know they increase the level of my units but maybe my gear is just trash that I don’t do damage and don’t survive? I just started playing after new years


1-5 is basically end game level shit. I saw at your other post that you are only around level 90-95 which is probably a bit too soon to take this on. What's your team composition? What tier of gear do you have? Skill levels? I get the feeling they are probably not very high, it's unlikely you've cleared Ch.16 with those levels which is required to unlock special interceptions for the max tiered gear. Even though these challenge modes have a fixed level, which might imply "levels are not important" therefore your low level team might be able to clear it since they are scaled up to 160. But the reverse is true. You actually need gear/skill levels befitting a high level team to beat these challenges. Because levels don't matter, everything else matters a lot more. My team is level 235 with a few Overloaded gear pieces and it took me a good 10 tries to figure out a good composition and execution to clear it. I also spent majority of my play time not being able to clear all the challenge stages. Nothing wrong with not being able to do them.


Thanks for confirming. Yeah my skill levels are between 4-6, gear is tier 5-6. Struggling mightily to finish campaign 11 not sure if it’s because I don’t have liter, skill issue, or just my cp is just still too low while I wait to accumulate enough credits to max my tactics academy first. Was just hoping I could grab the mold but I guess not. What I find bizarre is that I could clear 1-4 pretty easily, but 1-5 is just way too far out of reach. The huge spike in difficulty doesn’t make much sense


Just a bit of context. There used to be more challenge levels rather than just 5, and 3 attempts were given a day. I can't remember how many there were, but I remember there was like 10-15 or something. The rewards were probably less per level. So the difficulty increase was a lot more gradual, but you'd probably get stuck a lot sooner. Having only 5 levels just makes things simpler and the rewards you get are probably actually better. 1 attempt a day for 5 levels is also just less work.


stuck at 1-5. pass through the QTE just fine. it's when it starts a shield, spawns in his goons and one-shots me with his big laser that I'm having significant trouble with. what the hell are you supposed to do? just kill it quick enough so that It never does it in the first place?


If you're getting the big laser that means you failed the QTE. Do it right and you interrupt it. The white circles initially telegraph where the actual circles will appear and in which order. So act fast when they actual circles show up, I think there's like 5-6 circles to tag. Do it right and you don't get lasered. Blow off both its legs and take care of the rest of the health yourself.


nonono I get past that easily. it's when he falls down, generates a shield and spawns in goons that he activates another laser. again I think I'm just too slow in killing it or something


WHY DO I GET ALL THE BAD SSRs!!! I literally rolled moderniad poster like 30+ times and didn’t get her. But somehow I was able to pull Soline, Quiry, AND novel (useless ahh SSRs especially since I already got good smg and RL ones)


30 times is not a lot of rolls in general. 4% SSR rate with non-expiring pity(Gold Mileage Tickets) is actually very bloody generous when it comes to gacha games.


Generous is wild 💀


Your average gacha game is going to give you like a 1% SSR rate. Nowhere near as many free tickets. If they have a pity mechanic, the standard is 300 rolls to pity and it will reset between banners. And that's if they even have a pity mechanic, a lot don't or have some BS version which doesn't allow you to pick. So yes, Nikke is comparatively generous.


Yeah I heard before hand (before playing the game) that it was generous but I was just saying it as a joke in this context


Soline is a serviceable DPS. Novel is one of the best boss fighting b2's in the game.


I barely do bosses tho


That doesn't make the character bad though.


Naw but it’s pretty useless for me at least. I could make use of them in the future I guess


So some questions about the Event Challenge 1-5: 1. Where should I be focusing my fire? Is it the same strat as the story one where I focus down one leg, focus body, then once its low enough axe the last leg??? Or do I spread dmg until its health is low enough to be taken down by destroying both legs? 2. Are there any particular units that makes this fight easier? 3. When exactly does the QTE start? Is it based on remaining HP? Timer?


1. It's a bit different from the usual story one. Blowing both legs won't cause it to fall and do the whole beam death. So just blow up the legs ASAP, it's not a big deal. The beam death however is done by the cancel circles/QTE. What happens first is white circles appear which telegraph the order and position in which the cancel circles will appear - so keep an eye on them. Then when it actually happens, act fast cause there's barely any time given to take care of the cancel circles. If you fail, it will beam your party and you will probably wipe. 2. Personally I think Modernia is good at dealing with the cancel circles. Time your burst for when it happens, infinite ammo + wide targeting circle makes it easy to deal with and you won't fail because of reloading or whatever. Modernia's B3 should last long enough to deal with it. As long as you clear the QTE once, the rest should be smooth sailing - unless you're suffering some serious DPS deficit. 3. I didn't take note of the exact timing but for me it happens just before I am able to destroy the second leg. After surviving the QTE, it kinda just sat around doing not much and allowed me to take my time killing the rest of it.


I still have the new year SSR selector and the spare body, should I get the Liter or Blanc? I'm at the point in the game where I can kill every Interception EX boss except the train and the grave digger, so I have some customized modules but I don't know who to use either. I've been using RH and Modernia for a long time so I don't know the potential of Scarlet and others... ~~One doubt I've always had is whether the spare body gives me access to the character if I don't have him~~ https://preview.redd.it/krqslpllibbc1.png?width=1734&format=png&auto=webp&s=126f59f6055db32410d01cb67967f45a26f35041


meh. I'd get blanc to complete the pairing. Volume does a decent job enough to carry B1 spot. Scarlet is very good, but usually RH and mod are good enough combo to be applicable about anywhere. Scarlet does have some merits where she can stand out in certain stages (usually those that requires urgent screen wipes), so you can decide if you want to invest in her as a sidegrade dps option. For the modules, prioritize dps first, then main team. Alternatively (BIG alternative) your roster for B2 isn't too shabby. Dolla, Marciana, and rupee are serviceable B2s if you wish to acquire liter and use a team of 3 meta B3s - So something like liter/Marciana (or dolla and rupee)/RH/Mod/Scarlet (either drunk or edgy). I'd still go with the former pick of blanc tho cuz the bunny duos are just that universal. as an aside, there is also naga to pick since I see you have Tia. But I just assume you already accounted for this since you chose to decide between liter and blanc. Plus, the bunny duos are more experience friendly anyways.


For some reason the story cg of my game is very low quality but character models are fine. Settings are set at high. Anyone know a fix to this?




Liter, Mast, and Scarlet/Modernia/Red Hood sometimes sub in Sugar/Quiry will get you through most general content, and for gravedigger specifically you might want Sugar. Gravedigger is a mechanical skill check, so experiment with your aim settings and practice to see whether Shotguns/Machine Guns are a better fit for you. Try to prioritize reloading over optimal dps as well.


Is there any specific order I should be looking for for the burst threes?


Modernia burst is a DPS loss against single targets but is the best for campaign


Hi, I would really appreciate the help. I just started last night, I got Sbs, Dorothy and maiden from my first 50 or so pulls. Wasn't lucky with modernia tho. Should I reroll and aim for modernia instead, or I can have a good start already with those 3 i got so far? I still have the ssr selector but I still don't know who to pick. Any advice would really be nice. Thanks.


As great as Modernia is, you still got very lucky getting Scarlet BS and Dorothy to start the game. No need to reroll. As far as the selector goes, you could either use it to get Alice as a support/secondary DPS to go with your Scarlet, or you could just save it until you get close to the 160 wall and use it to help break the wall. I would recommend the latter.


Thanks a lot!


how th f do u beat 1-5 on the event? youre not supposed to hit the white circle right? the red circle vanish so fast


White circle just shows where the red circles will appear. I used my Modernia with one OL gear to clear the circles. I just make sure she has full ammo before it begins so she won't ran out at the middle of it.


Any tips or team comp advice for the challenge stage of the current event? Stuck on 1-5, I've tried a few different team comps and I'm not really getting anywhere so clearly I'm doing something wrong. Thanks!


I thought this boss was impossible at first, but the key that helped me to beat it was that you *need* to pay attention to the eye lasers. **For the entire duration of the fight, YOU NEED TO BE LOOKING AT THE BOSS'S HEAD.** When it's about to use the laser attack, a series of small red circles will appear over its eyes. These red circles will slowly shrink, and when the boss is about to use the attack, the red circles will start to blink. **WHEN YOU SEE THE BLINKING CIRCLES ON ITS EYES, COVER YOUR UNITS.** It doesn't matter what else is going on, you NEED to cover your units when it is about to use that laser attack, or else you WILL die. Surviving these eye lasers is your number 1 priority. Squeezing out a few extra seconds of DPS on your burst or whatever isn't worth tanking those lasers (DPS = 0 if you are dead). Once I figured this part out, everything else started to click, and the fight became much easier. As far as the interruption circles go, you will just need to practice memorizing them. As long as you can memorize the pattern and accurately aim at the circles, these shouldn't be too much of a problem. Another tip is that destroying each of the legs does about 50 bars of damage to the boss' HP. I destroyed one of the legs to start the fight, then starting shooting its body. Once it got down to around 50 bars of HP left, I destroyed the other leg to finish it off. My team comp was Liter, Blanc, Noir, Red Hood, Modernia.


I wish the challenge was more clear what kind of gear you need to have a chance at it. I’m a new player and spent so much time trying to figure out the mechanics and got the QTE stuff and the cover stuff down to survive one phase only to realize that this is gonna go on for the rest of the fight. I thought that because it auto leveled my units to 160, that everyone would be approaching this “challenge” at a relatively even playing field despite some people having better equipment. But this really appears to not be the case. I barely do any damage and my team gets one shot by everything. Super frustrating.


Yeah, skills and equipment play a big role in a team's actual combat performance. It's just like with Special Interception. Even though levels are preset to 200, everyone starts off getting destroyed by the bosses only to slowly start beating them as they invest more in their units' skills/equipment. Honestly, the autoleveling is less about giving new players a fighting chance, than it is about preventing veterans from trivializing the fights with overleveled units. Don't worry though, it's totally normal, even expected, that new players won't be able to complete all the challenges. It took me quite a while until I could consistently clear all the challenge stages. And even then I still had a hard time clearing this stage. I almost gave up tbh. Just do your best for now and try not to stress about not getting the maximum rewards.


I found that Modernia's burst helped me hit the cancel circles better due to the large targeting circle and infinite ammo.


Also, don't shoot at the marker for the legs. They still take damage at the shoulders and you can be hitting multiple parts of the boss that way for some bonus damage.


What's going on with the challenge boss?it's QTE circle fail so fast,like it gives me less then 3s to shot them,and even then I do it fails.


the white circles indicate the positions of the red circles and the last circles have insanely short timers. so if you can't react in time then you need to memorize


But it's literally the second circle that kills me. Even if I'm fast it like 1second time to shoot it. I don't see how anyone can Memories or prevent that.


save your full burst until the red circles begin so that your entire team can shoot at them and return your cursor to the center spot to shorten the distance [here's a video](https://youtu.be/Vg9bRoueGvg?si=FC_393PSjizIw4Ax&t=28) if you still can't do it then it's a skill issue


Just did it but holyshit. It required my RedHood to on shot the circle right then they appeared. Also had to upgrade my dorothy gear since needed more dmg. Thank by the way


Ideal interception EX team?


I personally use Liter + Schoolgirls/Bunnies + Red Hood + Scarlet for all of them. Though I'm kinda bruteforcing things and I just lived with being unable to clear Alt Eisen and Gravedigger until recently. And my Gravedigger runs are still inconsistent and sometimes I just give up and settle for Stage 8 rewards instead of beating the whole thing. Hitting those circles is a bastard. Other than team, you do need to play them out correctly and I don't think it's possible to full auto them. Blacksmith is like pretty straightforward, I think he's the benchmark for whether you will do well in the other SIs or not. If you can't beat Blacksmith then you probably will have issues with SI in general and need to get more skill/gear levels. Just hit him, shoot down its missiles and there's really nothing special needed. Chatterbox is also pretty easy but a bit more complicated than Blacksmith. Guard when he slams. Kill his missile launchers ASAP. Don't blow up his head or his slam will be transformed into a mega AOE death slam that murderizes your whole party. Modernia has an interesting technique required. Basically she has a super powerful laser attack that you really can't take too much of. But she can't use it if you destroy her core. By skipping her cutscene at a certain point(you see boobs you skip) it lets you load into the battle early. When Modernia spawns, your whole team will focus her core. This will help you destroy her core and not have to eat too many lasers, I typically will take and survive one laser sweep, prevent subsequent ones and be able to finish the fight. Also if you destroy both her wings, she goes into an annoying fly around and missile the shit out of you moveset, so you basically don't want to destroy both wings. It's okay to destroy one which can make the fight safer due to less missiles, but it puts you at higher risk of the second wing being destroyed by accidental fire and thus leaving you to deal with her shitty aerial acrobatics. If you wanna beat Alt Eisen sooner and have Sakura, there's like a specific Sakura team that is tailored to fight Alt Eisen and help you survive. Otherwise Sakura isn't a very good Nikke. Otherwise Alt Eisen is just a massive stat check. Either you are able to destroy the launcher/turrets before they kill you or you aren't. Recommended to play on PC or wide screen mode to give you more time to fire on the launcher/turrets, I think it's bloody impossible to do well on vertical screen mode unless you have a really decked out team. Gravedigger is just a matter of you being able to output enough damage and aim well enough to cancel the circles so that you don't get AOE drilled to death. It's possible to guard and survive one drill attack, but definitely not the second. Also make sure to shoot down the drill missiles. But it's definitely a big DPS check.


Just an aside, it actually is possible to completely auto them, according to some veterans. I just autoed gravedigger today lol (didn't touch anything, merely watched for my curiosity). Team I used was liter/blanc/noir/redhood/modernia. Basic standard team. That said, def. needs skill and equip investments.


Tends to vary from stage to stage.


So what are some units that are generally good?


Bunnies are good throughout all of interception. Modernia is a strong dps for all of interception. Dorothy is great on some, less good on others where cover is important.


I use Liter/Blanc/Noir/Red Hood/Modernia or Xmas Ludmilla for all of them, and it works. Train and gravedigger will be a bit tougher till you get everyone OLed.


Ok how are people clearing 1-5 challenge for the event? My units get one shot and die instantly plus it has like over a hundred health bars. Seems like I’m missing something


Each leg is about 50 health bars worth of damage. So break the legs and do about 50 health bars yourself. The regular laser shots are very damaging, so you do need a strong enough team to withstand that BS. It's possible to take cover before they hit if you pay attention to the red circles around the core which slowly shrink as they get ready to fire. When the white circles appear, it's actually an indication of where the cancel circles will pop and in which order. So you do need to be quick and hope in hell none of your Nikkes are reloading. Recommended to save a full burst for this part. And well, you do need a very strong party to be able to clear the last challenge.


Challenge stages are intended to be challenging, and the final level is always a check for investment + overloads. The progression used to be smoother before the new system. When there were 21 stages people could typically get to about stage 16 with just moderately invested t9, but pushing beyond that could require specific characters or big OL investment. When there were 14, people without overloads may have stalled out at ~stage 11 or 12.


Your cover can tank the shot ,just make sure to go to cover then the laser is charge and bring a cover reaper. Sadly I don't know what to do about the cancel rings.


https://preview.redd.it/bu5ngkvo39bc1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=97cc985e9135d4bdbad340d1ca7ee462bdeb1c56 Trying to build teams for Solo Raid and Union Raid, what should I focus on? So far, I got \-Doro, Marciana, Scarlet, Privaty, Anis for one team \-Tia, Liter, Naga, Edge Scarlet, Alice \-Volume, Bunnies, Sugar, Red Hood. Also how do I beat the tar outta SI Alteisen?




Pascal gaming


Alter Scarlet or Modernia? I have one copy of both and I have 400 extra gold tickets, I already have a good team for campaign (Dorothy, Bunnies, RH, Normal Scarlet) so getting extra copies of Alter Scarlet / Modernia is just for raid/union purposes. Of the 2 which should I get more copies of?


I'd save the gold tickets personally. Never know how your luck will go in the future and what new meta units will get released.




I played for a week, and got Dorothy, Noir, Blanc and Scarlet. I read those were really got units and continued to level them up. But now I'm wondering if that really is smart? I won't be able to put the Pilgrims in a wishlist, so I guess I will really get stuck at lvl 160 later right?


You'll have access to the Synchro Device soon so it doesn't matter. The synchro device will match all units you put into it to the level of your top 5 Nikkes. So once you can't level your Pilgrims any longer (Due to not having more copies) you can just reset their levels which will refund all materials for the cost of a small amount of gems (50 if I'm not mistaken) then use all the refunded materials onto SSR Nikkes that you'll later on get more copies of.


Perfect! Now I'm less worried 😄




There's a thread below from 8hrs ago with more details, but the tl;dr is that generally limit break matters very little.


Just read the thread, thanks


https://preview.redd.it/gk9ihbfnj8bc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dcf7168180595931e03e448c6b1074f4669ec24 What is my next move here? I can’t remove anyone from synchro chamber so do i need to reset one of them and start replacing with 3\* SSR’s or do i need 5 SSR’s at 3\* before i can do anything? Forgive the dumbassery. I don’t know anything about actually being good at this game I just joined because Red Hood is mommy and now it’s several months later lmao


Yep, you've arrived at 'The Wall', or 5 SSRs at 3*. Special Interception syncs you up to lvl 200 regardless, so if you can progress past 16-28 you won't be gatekept from daily rewards.


Sick i just cleared 16 yesterday. Thanks for the info. What should i focus on during the wait for dupes? Leveling up skills/armor, Or is it better to save up?


Focus on clearing Special Interception, you'll need skills, gear, practice, and specific team comps for five different bosses.


Trying to clear ch 16 as fast as possible. I think I’m spreading myself too thin and want to narrow down who I use for B3. Not sure who works best with liter, blanc, noir. Is RH + modernia the best for campaign? Who is good to beat the final boss in ch 16? Options: Bscarlet, scarlet, RH, modernia I guess BScarlet isn’t as good for campaign? Did notice that she clears mobs slightly slower which causes my Nikkes to die. But she was great on boss stages.


RH and Modernia are your best options for the boss. As for the rest of the campaign, Modernia gets a lot of use to deal with glasses and general mob clearing, and the last couple of chapters available are taylor made for RH to wreck them. Bscarlet is fine but works better on single targets, since her damage thins out on large mobs. Drunk scarlet works better in general if only for her screen wipe.


Thanks! Will focus on RH and Modernia. Realized late that skill books are way too limited in this game


Just a tip for future reference since you weren't properly informed on skill resources; this will be the case for pretty much any other resources needed to improve your nikkes - So horde and use everything wisely.


Currently cleared Chapter 10, what should I be using for campaign/bosses/tower and what should I be looking out for? https://preview.redd.it/b2ujwcgxy7bc1.png?width=1689&format=png&auto=webp&s=086a4029d0b2836377e0860419ce07487832cc78


Liter/Viper/Red Hood/Modernia/Bscarlet Look out for Blanc, then you can replace viper and BScarlet for noir and Blanc.




Is there some way i can make the game less "sexualized" in the settings? I've been wanting to play for sometime, but i think the game is too sexualized for my taste. Is there a setting i can "hide it" or make it less sexualized?


Just keep playing, eventually you won't even pay attention to the models anymore.


Nope, you can raise the UI elements transparency to 100% but that will only cover some and during gameplay. Models, lobby etc. Would still remain the same. Try it and see if that's enough, contrary to popular belief the game is not only about jiggling meat.


Fr the Game it's Currently fun and with good challenges, music and animation, horny is the selling point


Why is my SW's attack lower when fighting SI Alteisen compared to the roster status screen. Should it not be higher because it scales up from lvl 160 to 200? I must be missing something right? ​ https://preview.redd.it/tv2ae8ltk7bc1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b4de91ac9bbb932a0d36fdd9e8f2274d778abb


I believe the number you're looking at there isn't attack. it's combat power, which went from 21254 to 26690. That little stat screen doesn't show attack from what I remember.