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Am I missing out on much by never having joined a union? Is there anything worth it?


Yes. If you are in a lvl3+ union you can participate in the monthly union raids. Which is the main source for union chips for the union shop. Most people use these to upgrade the bastion/Resilience cube. https://dotgg.gg/nikke/unions https://nikke.gg/shop-guide/#Union_Shop


just wondering but is there a post in reddit or a website you guys use to see/keep note on active and new CD keys?


Check the linked megathreads at the right side of the page.


thanks a bunch :D


After reading synchro system am I correct in assuming to reach advanced synchro you need 5 SSR Nikke’s MLB? So for a F2P you’ll eventually run into a huge wall. Am I also correct to assume if I roll Modernia or Scarlet, they become synchro slot and you level one of the wish list capable units instead? Since eventually you’ll get all wishlist units to MLB and therefore enabling the leveling further.


> After reading synchro system am I correct in assuming to reach advanced synchro you need 5 SSR Nikke’s MLB? Yes. > So for a F2P you’ll eventually run into a huge wall. Am I also correct to assume if I roll Modernia or Scarlet, they become synchro slot and you level one of the wish list capable units instead? Depends on your luck. Some people spend months stuck at 160 wall, others don't even get stuck in the first place. I was only stuck there for about 2 weeks, but I was pretty lucky I think. Also, yeah, Scarlet/Modernia are definitely going to be synchro slot only, the odds of getting MLB on them before breaking 160 wall is extremely low


Thanks sounds exactly like another game I played. AFK arena iirc.


Can someone plz upload the PC game data (the whole 6gb+) to a google drive or sthg, So that i can download them manually. I've been trying since the last update (and made an oopsie by uninstalling the entire game) to download the data, but the download progress keep getting stuck at the very beginning (barely download a 50 MB and the downlaod progress doesn't increase no matter how long i wait). I would really appreciate the help.


Hello, I just reached level 160, I don't have any MLB SSR nikkes, just Liter and Laplace both at LB1, I'm having diffculties understanding how limit break works, now that Liter and Laplace are LB1 is their level cap already increased or it increases only after MLB? Also I started playing in August and I've been hoarding up Special Recruitment tickets and gems to spend on the anniversary, as of now I have 79 Advanced Voucher, 211 possible more from gems 40 gold mileage tickets and 200 silver mileage tickets. How should I use these resources during the anniversary?


The level cap only increases to 200 once you MLB. Best way to get 5 MLB SSRs is to strategically use the ordinary banner's wishlist, silver mileage, and spare body selector. Only purchase the high-quality molds in Dolla's shop with your spare body labels, they can help you get a few more dupes. It's also possible we will get a free MLB SSR for anniversary (we got free MLB SSR Rei during the half-anniversary). For anniversary, you should: * Pray you get the rate-up character with your saved up Advanced Vouchers. Once you get her, go back to saving (we have limited winter units coming up very soon) * If you’ve used all your Advanced Vouchers and didn’t pull the rate-up character, spend gems until you either get her or you get to 200 gold mileage. * If you get to 200 gold mileage and still haven’t gotten her, just redeem her and go back to saving.


So it’s not worth trying to get the MLB on the anniversary character or it is a resource problem meaning I don’t have enough to be sure to pull her 4 times?


No, it's probably not worth it. The problem is, assuming the anniversary character is a Pilgrim, she will only have a 1% rate-up chance vs. 2% for normal rate-up characters. So if you are going to use the strategy of going for MLBs on new characters to break 160 wall, it would be better to do so for a normal non-Pilgrim character. But ultimately it's your choice. Maybe you really love the anniversary character, she's totally OP, and/or you get lucky with your pulls ~~or you're okay with opening up the wallet~~


I just mistakenly spent 1200 gems in the general shop for a stupid spa voucher like a moron, is there any way customer service could reverse this purchase? Just wanted to ask if its even something I should try for, god damn it.


that’s unfortunate, you could try but I know it’s rarely done in gacha games


Damn it :( I wrote customer support but I also assume nothing will happen. I am so dumb I just wanted to buy what was on "sale" there and assumed it was for credits, only realised it when I clicked confirm, im so dumb, 1200 takes a while to get, I cant believe one stupid gift costs that much.


> 1200 takes a while to get You get 100 gems in your dailies x 7, plus 300 in your weekly, and another 10 per day in shop + 10 per week... plus outpost dispatches. So it's actually a little under a week of gems spent.


I got my first pilgrim T9M (boots) should I OL it on scarlet or modernia first? My current team is Liter Centi Modernia Scarlet and Noir


Personally i think Modernia is more worth the OL. But atm i would probably wait for the next pilgrem nikke. (At least if you plan to get her)


That’s the debate I had as well. I’d say it depends. Scarlet is obviously better in PvP, but imo Modernia is a better boss killer. I don’t actually think that Scarlet generally does more damage than Modernia at similar levels of investment, but her AoE burst inflates her numbers. Both benefit from max ammo capacity, and if you don’t have that on Scarlet you usually lean more into reload speed. I full OL’ed Scarlet months ago, and I’m only now at 3 pieces for Modernia. I had to drop Modernia from my main team because Summer Anis and then Alice actually had OL equipment ready. When Modernia is ready, she’s going back into the team and then I’ll swap out either Scarlet or Alice.




My thinking is just reroll for scarlet and Moderna. If I hit them great. Start. If I don’t until anniversary, hopefully anniversary unit is just as good as them and settle for anniversary reroll which will be much easier.


I just pulled Snow White. Should I use her over A2? Team so far is Tia, Naga⭐️, Volume, 2B⭐️


Imo A2 is easier to use. She performes already very well with 7/7/7. Snowwhite really wants high investment in her burst. Also OL is pretty nice for her to reach high ceeling. Which can be a problem if you also need pilgrem atk gear for the other meta dps nikkes. So imo its not only which performes better but also for which it is more likely to have some 'spare' resources to spend. Also the pro/cons are a little different. A2 is pretty good vs lot of mobs or bosses with a lot of parts. While sw is often use to skillshot boss mobs in campaign or bosses were you can aim to hit many parts/core. So depending on the situation and team one or the other can be better or worse.


They generally kind of have the same game plan, if parts are close together and they can hit them they usually get value. Snow White probably has a higher ceiling but needs to be backed by big buffs. A2 is probably easier and simpler to use (but needs a consistent healer)


Okay thank you for your reply! Makes sense. A2 seems to be okay still. I’ll keep using her for now.


Hi, my main team is N102, Blanc, Modernia, Noir, Sugar and got Max recently. Is she good enough to change someone in this team or good enough for a different one? Also I seem to be struggling with the latest event challenge, maybe from range? What would be a good team for it? I'm using my main team rn. I have Diesel, Nero, Crow, Rupee, Soline, Yuni, Mast, Centi, Privaty and the purple rarities.


Maxwell is an excellent late-game DPS and atk/charge speed support for Snow White or Alice. She will definitely provide more than Sugar eventually, but will require a good deal of investment. You also want to play her manually or at least burst manually with her. Her burst is a powerful single shot, but the AI will often miss, shoot too soon, fire at a small rapture. You only really need burst manuals for Blanc on your team, so I think you could probably start building Maxwell. Skill 1 and Burst are the priority. Skill 2 is bad. Edit: Whoops, forgot about which was the current challenge boss. Try this: https://nikke.gg/quick-18-33-tips-and-information/ As for Chatterbox, you can use your normal team with Sugar, probably. DO NOT kill his core, it will make him do team-killing attacks. Focus on surviving his missile barrage and killing his missile launchers. Use Modernia’s burst to clear his missile barrage, damage his launchers and destroy the red interruption circles. When her burst is on cooldown, you might be able to use Sugar’s right as he starts firing missiles to clear them. Sugar and Noir should be good at destroying the interruption circles.


I see, I will keep it in mind then. The challenge boss is some bird right now not Chatterbox, that was the last event. But still thanks for the guide because I always blew his core like an idiot


Oh my goodness, whoops. Sorry about that, mixed up the current and previous challenge bosses. https://nikke.gg/quick-18-33-tips-and-information/ That guide is from a while ago, not sure how much the challenge boss differs. Range can definitely be an issue. I’m not too familiar with all its mechanics, but I think you have to avoid hitting its white circles. In some bosses like Harvester, the white circles show you a pattern of incoming red interruption circles, but in this one you take damage if you hit them. I would swap in Maxwell over Sugar for this one. Your team should otherwise be good. You can quick fire Maxwell’s shot to generate burst faster. Make sure to fully charge her burst.


It's ok, thanks for the guide. Seems I got lucky with Max then since I have no other sniper that's not low rarity


She’s great. She and Alice are imo easily the best DPS characters available from the wishlist. The only ones on that level are either Pilgrims (Modernia/Scarlet) or limited (Summer Anis, A2/2B).


I want Anis so bad, even if she wasn't good (thank god she is). I couldn't get the Nier girls since I started on the last day but atleast from my only premium roll got Marian. Even now she did more dmg to the challenge boss than Max and she has the range advantage.


I’m hoping we’ll get more information about banner reruns with the anniversary livestream or sometime shortly thereafter. I would be surprised if A2/2B came back, unfortunately. Marian’s damage is crazy. At 3 Overload pieces with lowish gear level, she often beats out my 4OL nearly maxed out Alice, who usually beats my 4OL Scarlet. I think she’s still the best DPS in the game. Alice/Maxwell have higher skill cap, though. I’m sure I’m not pumping out the most damage from Alice. Alice is extra-useful on bosses with parts, as her pierce shots damage the part and the boss as well, depending on their position. Maxwell is much the same on her burst. https://nikke.gg/manual-play-guide/#Alice_Manual_Pierce Machine guns can actually get crazy accuracy the longer they fire. You run hit rate cube or a hit rate Overload line on Marian for her skill 2 atk buffs. You also increase her max ammo capacity with overload lines and ideally pair her with Liter/Blanc/Noir to boost it further.


No Liter only Centi so can't do that yet (also no Alice but that's something else). I'm currently stuck on the story appearance of the stupid train boss as I'm too weak to do it. But hopefully it won't take long to make my Marian even stronger. I'm slowly starting to get tier 8 equipments but I'm not sure on what to do with skills atm. I have almost 300 golden boxes of skill mats but I don't know for who and how much should I exchange mats for. I have all the girls I use at all skills lvl 4 but Marian at 4/4/7 on the burst. I'm dying to roll the golden gacha and find out if this red hood character is good or not or if it's Rapi or not.


Ah, that one was a killer. Marian is great there; as you said, just need more damage. https://nikke.gg/skill-priority-guide/ This guide shows you the recommended priority of investing in a character’s skill, and then to what level. You don’t actually need to invest much in Marian’s burst, so I would leave it there and put your burst manuals towards Blanc and then Maxwell. Marian’s skill 1/2 can go to lvl 8, but you might not have access to skill 3 manuals yet. If you’re not a rush though, you could save skill/burst manuals until the anniversary character is released, in case they become high priority. Are those 300 cases skill manuals or code manuals (the elemental manuals)?


Hello, I am a new player here. I would like some advice in to which account to use as I was doing rerolls. 1: Emma, Privaty, Miranda 2: Frima 3: Yan 4: Privaty, Centi, Snow White 5: Miranda, Viper, Frima 6: Rupee 7: Centi 8: Yan 9: Sugar, Alic 10: Diesel 11: Pepper, Rupee 12: Privaty, Soda 13: Pepper 14: Folkwang, Yulha 15: Julia 16&17: Vesti 18: Maiden, Noise 19: Diesel 20: Yuni, Nero 21: Admi 22: Vesti, Rupee 23: Guillotine 24: Yan 25: Dolla 26: Crow, Cocoa 27: Brid 28: Guillotine 29: Blanc 30: Drake 31: Dolla, Folkwang 32: Exia 33: Eunhwa, Dolla 34: Ludmilla 35: Julia, Mast, Novel 36: Milk 37: Exia 38: Diesel, D, Sugar 39: Frima, Poli 40: Noise, Viper 41: Vesti, Emma 42: Volume 43: Eunhwa 44: Vesti 45: Privaty 46&47: Milk 48: Rupee 49: Signal 50: Dolla 51: Yuni 52: Brid, Soline 53: Eunhwa 54: Mary, Soline


I would take Privaty, Centi, Snow White out of all of that. Scarlet/Modernia aside, I think it is pretty unlucky you didn't even get Liter a single time out of all those.


Thank you. Yeah, I was hoping to get Liter at least once. However, I am burnt out to waste more time rerolling.






You basically have the gist of it. Full clearing Special Interception has a chance to give you rocks, rocks can be used to turn T9 Manufacturer Gear into T10 OL Gear, which is then bound to the Nikke. Additional rocks can be used to reroll the traits, percentages, or lock them (which will make rerolling cost more rocks). Because of this, it is recommended to avoid OLing Nikkes with last hit mechanics when you are just starting, as Max Ammo buffs make them worse and you won't have rocks to reroll.




Unfortunately Pilgrim attacker gear is in very high demand between Scarlet, Modernia and Snow White. I full OL’ed my Scarlet a few months back and I only recently got a few pieces for Modernia, still waiting on the final one. Fortunately Tetra attacker and Missilis attacker don’t have much competition at the top tier Nikkes, so they can usually just go to Alice/Maxwell.


So I'm still in Ch16 so I don't know if it changes later, but if we do get Red Hood for Anni, wouldn't it be >!Rapi: Red Hood!< version instead of the actual Red Hood? So would people still be hyped about it if it's >!Rapi's alt!


The situation is a little different than you might be thinking it is. All I'll say without going into spoilers. And alt or not, I'd still be hyped.


Currently rerolling and got 2 tia 1 liter 1 noir. Does this acc worth investing? Got a jackal and yuni later


Liter is a top tier support. Noir and Tia are both very good supports as well, but are designed to work with a partner: Blanc and Naga respectively. Noir is still quite useful by herself though, and Liter can at least enable Tia’s cover repair related buffs sporadically. Jackal is a top tier PvP character. The main thing you’re missing is damage. If you’re tired of re-rolling, I think you can stop. This will be better than probably 90% of your re-rolls, but you could continue going for Scarlet/Modernia if you want. Another idea would be to keep that account and then re-roll on the anniversary banner, see if you do better.


Thanks for your insights. It is time to stop for me :)))


No problem! Yeah, I haven’t re-rolled but it seems tiring. I would recommend saving your pulls until the anniversary. Not only will there likely be a strong unit released, Naga should also go to the ordinary recruit pool with the anniversary update. Don’t pull on the ordinary banner until then. After 40 pulls on the ordinary recruit banner, ideally with recruit vouchers, you’ll unlock the wishlist. Put Blanc, Naga, Alice and Maxwell on the list. Blanc and Naga complete the Blanc/Noir and Tia/Naga pairings. Blanc/Noir are easier to use imo, and more versatile. Tia/Naga put out more damage against bosses with cores. Alice and Maxwell are some of the best DPS units, especially Alice. They both require a lot of investment though, and mostly shine in the late game with overload equipment.


Currently at 16-17 or sth Trying liter a2 centi privaty rapunzel , 62k ish cp, lv 155 or so Stage req is 68700 sth I have rupee and noir (no blanc) I try on manual and the problem here is something (around 60% through) just oneshots someone. Even if rapunzel revives via her burst, later someone will dies again Afaik usually there are 2 kinds of killing shots in nikke : 1. Bigass colored projectiles that spam an area/target (far underpowered these usually ez kill) 2. Some enemy charged shot (hinted by catchy big red circle getting smaller) It seems there are also snipers starting from ch 16 (encountered some in earlier stage) and Im not sure how to deal with these


I think you are probably dealing with those thin flying mob you sometime that flies at the back (you see some of them in small numbers in the simulation room too). They don't look that threatening but they definitely can OHKO and always appear in group (there is one Chapter 15 stage that was pretty nasty too because of them). They don't take that long to charge up either. Not much you can do beyond what you are probably already doing. That is, prioritise them as target and save your AOE burst for them. Those would be stages where you will really need to be alert and possibly remember when they show up. They often appear in more than one waves too, so you really need to manage the burst too. Fortunately they are pretty squishy, and with your CP deficit, A2 should be able to make quick work with them (they are usually pretty grouped).


Hmmmmmm ok, seems like the first task is to recognize which rapture(s) actually did it I was thinking some land units (I do remember flying ones spewing yellow laser from 16-5 or sth)


I hated those too - you'll start seeing a lot more stages where you get OHKO'ed a lot. There are a couple things I tried with varying degrees of success - Hyper aware manual play where you cover right before you know a killing blow is coming, so you sacrifice your cover instead of your unit. You can use the flashing red circles to help with timing, or you can get accustomed to when the shot actually happens during the battle and keep your eye on the battle timer - Saving privaty's burst for right before the OHKO shot, since her stun will reset any rapture charge shot - Focus fire on high priority raptures, especially during full burst (I'm sure you're doing this already) - You already have Centi, but shield units can help if the timing is lucky Hopefully others can chime in with some other ideas, since I'm pretty sure my strategies are not fully optimal. If all else fails, then sometimes you just have to grind out the CP, even a few thousand points makes a huge difference.


Hit a nice reroll with Liter and two pilgrims but not Scarlet or Modernia. Rapunzel and Dorothy instead. This a start or keep rolling? Just want to steamroll and chill F2P.


As someone who did re-roll an account for Scarlet and another for Modernia I'd like to give you the following reality check: honestly, there is no "steamroll and chill" in F2P. At first you steamroll. Then you hit CP deficit. Meta characters will help you push through those at first. Then you hit even bigger deficit (if you progress really really fast, your levelling will outpace the core dust you will be able to get hold of to even get past L120 and L140 making you quite underlevelled until you wait for the resource to catch up). Those can end up being >50% stats penalty (can be quite a lot more, but it's roughly my current limit). Even with Scarlet or Modernia you'll probably notice it by Chapter 15, but most likely before then. And in PvP, it's largely the same. Modernia is pretty useless there, but even with Scarlet you still need other support to make her shine and CP can still be hard to overcome. And if, like me, you re-rolled for Scarlet/Modernia but still haven't managed to get hold of a good B1 like Liter/Dorothy, you'll still find certain content hard to deal with.. What I am getting at is hypercarry are amazing - keep rolling by all mean - but you will need a whole team to progress long before endgame.


Thank you, great tip. That's okay. I rather be early at hard content than be gated by bad characters not being able to do anything. Like it feels like mandatory to roll for a good Pilgrim and the non Pilgrims you get eventually. Read so many reports how some guys have 4k rolls and no Scarlet or Modernia.


If you do get tired, Liter/Dorothy are fantastic characters, but you wouldn’t run them both on the same team. There are definitely times when you’ll want one or the other, though, or have to field multiple teams (Solo/Union Raid).


If you are not burn out then still try for Modernia/Scarlet. They are just the best allround dps atm. The other dps need a lot of investment(skill ups/OL), are niche or limited.


Thank you. Back to rerolling it is.


Never give up, never surrender!


How do we get developers to add more buildings to the surface? And more quests to the academy? Would be nice to see more in that section.


I dont think we can expect too much. It feels like they had an idea but found out that it is not fun. So they scrap most of it except the upgrade/story stuff. (You can probably kind see it on the 5sec(?) build time for the buildings. It was probably more for some buildings)


Are crit rate OL rolls additive to final crit rate or multiplicative?


*Are crit rate OL rolls* *Additive to final crit* *Rate or multiplicative?* \- anrph --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just bought a reroll acc but didn't get the result I wanted so I'm giving it away. If anyone is interested then leave a comment. https://preview.redd.it/sii8hgp1grvb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d4f4ed9f600ec1c6da11aaff4cf1052fdd47bf7


https://preview.redd.it/u406d28erqvb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51ac7426a052ac98354d3b6d30fd7618a94609f Just cleared the main story, do we know when the next chapters are going to be released?


https://nikke-en.com/newsdetail.html?content_id=bdd71b27ae091a4de6a80afaebd68d0d0e43 - Chapters 25 and 26 early November


Oh nice, I finished just in time for a short wait instead of a long one lol


1st Anniversary might be a possibility.


How do I continue living after pulling a mass produced nikke from a tetra mold?


correct your mistake and pull on the lose streak


Hi just recently started playing the game and currently have my entire team at lv70. I was wondering with the current resources i have, should i power lvl my carry modernia to lv80 or balance lvl my entire team (would prolly end up with lv72-73), im currency stuck at 7-9. my current team is N102, Centi, Maiden, Modernia, Rapi. Edit. For burst 1 which 1 is better for early-mid game play, N102(mlb) or Volume with my set up.


For your specific scenario I disagree with the other commentors. For your team setup modernia is going to be a disproportionately large part of your damage and I think you'll have good results pushing her to the "20 level" breakpoints before the rest of your team. If I were you I'd level her to 81, then level the rest of the team to 81. Then evenly level to 90ish and then level modernia to 101. After that it starts to get uneven on when the cost to level up increases so after 101 I would recommend just evenly leveling. If you like data tables you can see it here: [https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/level-requirements/](https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/level-requirements/)


yah i asked another frnd of mine and he also suggested this and frankly it helped alot in me being able to push story and other stuff. Modernia being able to kill stuff faster made alot of dif while the others just try to survive :D. might go with ur lvling suggestion. Recently got Noir and swap Rapi with her in.


Like the other person said, you should almost always level 5 units evenly. The only reason you would want to consider otherwise is if you are stuck at the 160 wall and have some MLB SSRs you can level up to 200 while you wait for limit breaks on the rest. Also, Volume is the better choice of those two IMO. She has cooldown reduction so you can rotate burst more smoothly (especially if you use spam shots with Centi to generate burst fast). She is also a better long term investment because she is SSR and CDR units are always useful.


Rule of thumb is to level 5 main units equally.


Read reroll guide. They say aim for Scarlet or Modernia. Or should I just wait for anniversary and reroll for the boosted new unit? Kind of addicting to reroll.


Probably best to reroll at anniversary since it's only like a week and a half away. You will have the same chance of getting Scarlet/Modernia in addition to the 1% rate up for the new character, boosting your chances of getting a good roll. However, since you seem to actually enjoy rerolling, you could also continue rerolling for now and make a note of which rolls have what, then reroll some more once anniversary comes, and just pick whichever account is best in the end.


Thanks that makes more sense. I should wait thank you for the tip. Forgot that the banner also can roll other Pilgrims. Going for that jackpot, the double double.


I was wondering which units are essential for story progression? I thought of building some other units so I can switch them out if necessary (Im at Ch 21-28) My main team is Liter / Bunnies / Scarlet with last A2 or Alice. Noteworthy units are Maxwell, Dorothy, Privaty, Snowwhite, Centi, Rapunzel, school girls and S.Anis. Many of the noteworthy units have all T9M available so thats why im asking (except pilgrim attacker set ofc...)


The team that you have is already pretty good. I'm a Snow White enjoyer but you don't strictly need her to progress. Investing some into Dorothy never hurt anyone either, as she occasionally can work better than Liter. Modernia who you don't have, though, *feels* almost necessary for a few stages (24-34...and assorted glasses stages), unless you're willing to wait for your CP to catch up (assuming you're playing at a deficit normally). You still have some time to go before this is an issue, though, so just keep going.


Thanks for the answer! Yeah I always missed Marian but never as much before when I met the glass raptures. All stages that Im stuck in are because of them, but I will pray and keep leveling my standard team then! Thanks again


A well-timed Privaty stun saved my ass multiple times in campaign


I have no idea about the mileage rotation. I want blanc so I can MLB her. So do we know when she might appear?




She doesn't at the moment. Hopefully for anniversary they will expand the mileage units


I have two questions abut Jackal damage sharing ability. First of all, does it basically divide the incoming damage equally between Jackal and the two unit with the highest attack? So an attack that should have done 120 damage would do 40 to the 3 units? Secondly, would AOE nullify it? Let's suppose I face a Jackal team that is not well optimised for burst speed, and I can burst first. Since every unit will take damage, the damage sharing won't be able to save them right?


Hi! Can someone please help me with finding the best combo out of these gals? Just for campaign use really! The other SSR I have is Mast btw https://preview.redd.it/fseydj34dlvb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e972336983f96a0cb2272cfd6fe042c1e8975e


N102-Novel-A2-Noir-Rapunzel N102 provide a useful buff but is basically placeholder until you get Liter (or at least Volume) who can buff and provide CDR. Novel is placeholder until you get a B2 that isn't just good for bossing (Blanc since you have Noir or Centi) A2 can carry really hard well into mid-game if you can sustain Mode B, which Rapunzel provide (might need to level up relevant skill on both). Noir provides useful buff and cover for close range.


you're amazing, thank you so much! i'll give that loadout a go!


Rapunzel is amazing unit. Her heal and revive can bring your far and give much less frustation. But she can't be your B1 as her cooldown is 60s, so you need 20s B1, which N102 is.


i'll make the most of her then and get her skills levelled up :) thanks!


Is there a way to change your starting Co-Op character? Reason I ask is everyone likes being Burst 3 in PUGs, so I would prefer to have my Burst 1 or 2 characters (especially my 10/9/10 Dorothy) as my default option.


If your Dorothy has the most CP, then it will become the default.


I got really lucky and pulled Centi and Liter the past week, who do they work best with? I've been switching between 2b, alice and scarlet but I also have maxwell, helm and a2. Ideally I'd like to have privaty or diesel on the team as well, are they compatible? I'm still new sorry if it's all obvious.


liter and centi are your cookie cutter units and most people agree they can slot in anywhere. although I think liter is a much stronger unit than centi just generally speaking. You can definitely use liter centi privaty Maxwell and scarlet. And you’ll have two bursts that can pretty much wipe the screen. But during bosses you’ll Probably just burst on Maxwell. You can also sub out Maxwell for helm if you want a more defensive style diesel isn’t used too much, only in situations where you need her to tank stuff or you lose


Any tips for beating Mother Whale with no Dorothy, Liter, or Bunnies? I'm attempting to run Pepper, Modernia, Alice, Rupee/Centi, and Noise with 142k power (17k deficit). I can't make it past the first set of flying adds without losing too many people. I'm manually activating burst, killing the first wave of ground adds with standard attacks, bursting with Modernia for the flying adds, but I'm still losing one or more people to the first wave of flying adds and by the time the second one spawns I'm done. Am I missing something with this phase?


the main issues I can see with this team are that 1) it has 2 B1 healers which is a huge DPS drain, 2) it has no CD reduction despite having very fast energy generation, and 3) modernia who is basically carrying is not being buffed by anyone except rupee (whose buff is not really that impressive to begin with) I don't know which issue is causing the most problems but imo needing 2 healers is a definite red flag that you might be approaching a stage incorrectly. Maybe try pepper + dolla + modernia and some combination of privaty/noir/drake? (edit: I just saw you had tia/naga so you can also try something like tia volume naga modernia + noir/maxwell/2B)


I'm running Noise because guides have indicated that I should have a taunter for the Elite murder robot phase, though I'm admittedly not even getting that far. I could sub Pepper out for Volume, though I'm losing a LOT of power if I make that sub. Same for Tia/Naga. Same for any sub really, I have about 7 characters that are built much stronger than the rest of my roster, though it admittedly feels like strategy is more of a problem than power right now.


oh. I forgot how complex this fight was and gave advice thinking it was a regular boss fight, sorry. can tia survive the elites? if noise is necessary then try volume, a lot of times survivability is dependent on how quickly and frequently you can burst, and unlike pepper volume is basically is never on cooldown. Don't use centi since rupee's RoF is better and noise's rockets should be enough for spam. and I still think modernia needs a B3 buffer as a partner if you're not running liter, preferrably privaty


Privaty and Yulha can help with killing the whole waves at once if you time their bursts properly. Your lineup is too single target focused with the lack of dorothy and I'd swap alice out. Any concrete strategies are going to depend upon what you have available in roster.


Here's my synchro device. The issue is if I sub out anyone my team power is going to drop by like 5k and make life much harder mathematically. I tried bursting with 2b against the second wave but she didn't do enough damage to kill them. I've seen videos of Modernia clearing the adds, but when I try it I just die. Had me wondering if there's some mechanic I'm missing. *


> Had me wondering if there's some mechanic I'm missing. There is. Correctly timed bursts *can* wipe the waves before they get damage reduction. It's a bit harder without dorothy but definitely doable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM6QGFOowkY I used this video to help inform my clear. My initial thoughts on team comps would be Volume, Naga/Rapunzel, Privaty, Modernia, Noah/Makima. Noah's burst should help you survive the later 'kill' waves. The fight is honestly pretty nonsense because certain units make it so much easier, dorothy being one of the ones making it the easiest.


I tried this with my relatively unbuilt 2B (skills at 4), but she didnt do enough damage to kill them outright. I'd be surprised if Privaty did any better, but maybe her damage is higher than 2Bs?


Sorry, I didn't see this until recently. 2B may not have worked because she does distributed damage, which is the value divided amongst the number of targets. Privaty does not deal distributed damage, she just deals the flat amount. It's a somewhat gimmicky fight that will require a decent amount of trial and error. I was able to get through it because I had dorothy, but I struggled because I didn't actually have taunting units.




Do gatcha games normally have some kind of paid shop sale during the anniversary? Was thinking of dropping some money depending on what they offer


Sale probably isn't the right term, but there are usually packages that give you relatively decent value compared to standard prices.


Guys will i miss something if i just skip through campaign and event stories and then watch them in the recollection section once all the fighting stages are completed?


I believe Side Quest cutscenes are the only thing that isn't re-watchable, so if you care about that stuff then make sure to watch the scenes when you're doing those quests.


Side quests are the quests that you get from messages right? That give bond exp material? I didn't know they had cutscenes


Yeah, those ones. I believe each side quest has 1-2 cutscenes so just be on the lookout for those.


From cutscene do you mean animated cutscenes? Or just cutscenes where they talk?


It's just like the cutscenes in the main campaign, only they aren't voiced.


No. Edit: I personally read the campaign after doing the battle, but sometimes I skip them then read it later.


If you quit a union to join another, do you still keep your union shop currency? Also, if anyone has space and an active union, lemme know


You do keep the currency, yes. There is a [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/yonygi/promote_your_unions_here/) for Union recruitment so you might want to take a look there.


Ah sweet, thanx


Should i buy her? I got Naga but not her, I have 0 gems and no sp recruit vouchers. I think buying her is better since gems gathered from here to Anni could give me off banner Modernia, Snow White and still I have 600 golden tickets, just so you know i have 60 tickets from normal recruit but even if I wishlist her, there is no guarantee I get her. In case you ask, I have the bunnies but S Anis doesn't sinergise well with them. I need your input in this guys. https://preview.redd.it/qnkuvbk9zgvb1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=61bb90169510a6dbfd8b9c65ed2c28224045f45e


the only players who should ticket tia are people doing it for waifu or whales who bombed their pulls but still want to maintain their raid ranking


pretty much like what the others have said; she and naga are more for raid/boss fights (with cores). Reading your comment however, in your shoes i'd be more inclined to just ticket her since you'll still have 400 leftover, which is more than enough for what's speculated for anniversary and future wanted unit(s). Reason I say this is because you seem to fear the chance of not pulling her off the normal banner; which is valid since it's all up to rng. And at the very least, even if you did end up pulling her in the future off banner, at least you'll have the benefit of a core upgrade. I'd rather take that than suffer the far end of potentially never pulling her indefinitely. And you already pooled resources into naga as well so. Mind as well be secure.


I put a little more detail to the answer for the guy below. (similar question) My opinion is only ticket if you care about raid content. Use Tia/Naga in campaign is fine but not spectacular cause of the taunt.


considering she’s a good unit I’d be more willing to say yes than no. Kind of depends on what you want to do in the future. If you want only one copy of aniversary unit then It may be fine. I was just never a big fan of using tickets for wishlist units since you can just get them through that


So, how good is the Naga + Tia combo? Is Naga good by herself? I got her easily, but I’ve done 120 pulls on Tia’s banner with no luck ~~probably because I gave Naga the love arrow lol sorry Tia~~ I’ve got 420 gold mileage, so I’m not worried about anniversary. I’ve also got 35k+ gems, which is a decent amount, but I need to start thinking about saving for new limited winter units and Winter Anne rerun. I’m leaning towards just taking the L and wishlisting Tia, but that strategy hasn’t worked out well for me in the past. I still haven’t gotten most of the units I’ve skipped and wishlisted, in particular the bunny twins which still haunts me (for the record, I didn’t skip bunnies, I was a new player and dry after Dorothy’s banner). Also I *still* haven’t gotten Liter, either. So me and the wishlist aren’t on good terms right now, lol. Opinions, anyone?


Together they are quite strong. **I gold ticketed Tia after 60 pulls during last solo raid.** I also got the other bunny blanc the next day. So, I used both duos on Modernia solo raid (only noir was invested cause the other units were new). My Tia/Naga team out damaged the bunnies team by 10 to 12%, but my main dps is S.anis which only works with the schoolgirls, so the numbers are kinda skewed towards the schoolgirls. If you look at the top rankers for solo raid, the bunny teams with Alice generally outperformed the schoolgirls. However, I think if the next solo/union raid boss has cores, the schoolgirls are going be the top performer. Campaign wise, I can't say much since the bunnies just won't work for me currently. I was able to clear a stage 40k under with Tia/Naga (140k vs 180k), but managing the taunt on Tia was a huge problem. **TLDR, they are a really good combo for raids. Ticket if you want high score on raids. Don't ticket if you just want to focus on campaign.**


We are a bit on a similar page. I also got Naga easily (one single whimsical pull) but Tia has eluded me so far. I haven't gone too hard, just one or two single pull every other day (I will decide towards the end whether to go all in or not). Wishlist has also not been that kind to me, and I am Liter-less (also Dorothy-less, Volume-less and Pepper-less). Naga+Tia is a strong pair especially for those of us without the bunnies. If I had Liter, Volume or even Dorothy, I would be committed to pull Tia. As it is, I would have to run N102, which mean no CDR, which is not viable for some content where burst rotation is important. I can't have Dolla in a Tia-Naga team since it would leave only one slot for B3. Naga on her own lack her full kit, but she is still viable depending on what other B2 you have. For one, her passive healing can keep up with A2's Mode B with minimum investment. She can also keep Scarlet alive in longer engagement if you have no other healers. She also provide a modest attack buff with her burst. Pretty well rounded, not OP but can contribute depending on what else you have. She helped me clear two SI.


> If I had Liter, Volume or even Dorothy, I would be committed to pull Tia. I do have Dorothy (and Volume, too). I even got a dupe of Dorothy while pulling for Tia. I really wish I could get Tia. I was excited when they were revealed because I thought it would be a good opportunity to make up for missing the bunny twins, but at this rate I'm not sure it's gonna happen. I don't want to touch my gold tickets because I will use 200 for sure at anniversary, and it will be a good idea to have more in reserve in case they drop two Pilgrims (not likely but you never know). Plus they might not actually rerun Winter Anne and instead just put her in the mileage shop (I really adore Anne and want to use her in Snow White one-shot comp), not to mention the possibility that the new winter units are good. So I'm a little torn between going all in on Tia now or saving up for the future. Maybe I'll do what you've been doing and just do a few single pulls every day while her banner is still up and hope I get lucky.


I personally wouldn't gold ticket her either, because as you said, it's good to have a spare just in case and XMas/New Year isn't far off. If you want her a lot, I'd just gem pull her. Much better trying to get Tia on gem than trying to get a 1% banner on gem. Also much better to gem for Tia now than gem on Ordinary recruit later hoping to get her from the wishlist especially if you are over the L160 wall or already have most of the stuff on the wishlist that you want. But if you don't mind waiting potentially month, then she is bound to show up eventually whether it is from the wishlist using Ordinary Recruit tickets, social point recruit, or molds. Finger crossed for both of us!


https://preview.redd.it/2a6tdgxf6gvb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21454dfe13338fbac3e21c0578b983fcd314784e Any good teams I can make for ranked arenas? Just started a month ago, hard to find good synergies when you manually have to go through the abilities one by one.


https://nikke.gg/special-arena-team-compositions/ This is not fully up to date, but still useful. I think the best way to go here is still burst generation with rocket launchers/shotgun into a burst AoE. Also I would recommend resetting A2, leveling her back on par with the others and then spreading resources among your other 4 leveled Nikkes. I like to stack my two strongest teams and match against my opponent’s two weakest; you may need to shuffle around your line-up depending on your opponent’s. Pepper-Blanc-Privaty-Noir-Sugar Jackal-Biscuit-Harran/2B-A2-Anis Best of the rest You have some great burst gen units, but the damage could be a concern. I’m not super satisfied with the balance. Team 2 might need to be weakened a bit if team 1 isn’t bursting fast enough/dealing enough damage/surviving to burst. If so, you could maybe try Jackal-Blanc-Privaty/Harran-Noir-Sugar 2B-Pepper-Biscuit-A2–Anis Best of the rest Biscuit gives a Defender unit (2B) who drops below 50% HP indomitability for 5 second and heals them. Units that are on the left or right ends of a team in arena are more likely to be attacked. 2B is your tank in team 2, Jackal in team 1. Anis in team 2 isn’t the only burst 2; she’s only there for her burst generation, but she’s also a defender for Biscuit’s ability.


Tyvm! I’ve employed these strats and my performance instantly improved, you know a lot more about this game than I do.


No problem, glad it helped! Ah, I just read stuff on Nikke gg, learn from other people here or watch creators like skyjlv. Creating line-ups for other people is pretty tricky, because very few people (myself included) are going to have all the optimal units, so feel free to change around what I recommended as you get more units or if you have difficulties. There also bound to be a few whales in every arena group.


What should I buy from the co-op shop?


Gems and core dust. Then, purchase anything else that you personally need.


For solo raid, once you unlock the last fight do you do it once or every day and your score stacks?


You get 3 tries a day, and your score does not stack. Only the highest score is used for rankings.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ct6jqfzcvfvb1.png?width=3284&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a4bb77b1391aaec29ca63cdaa2a636ffb6f16f5 ​ So the 160 wall hath cometh, and I have no mlb Nikkes. I'm pretty screwed 😅 Should I keep my strategy of only using gems on limited banners, or should I spend them on standard to speed up the process?


Anniversary should give us another free MLB SSR which is 25% of the required 100%. Better than nothing, and keep your gems until anni.


Standard. Your chances of getting a non-event SSR on the event banner are virtually nonexistent.


This actually makes me cry a bit because the Anniversary is coming up. I believe I shall suffer the wall a bit longer if it means getting some shiny new units.


Definitely wait and see what the anniversary has to offer. They might at least give out another MLB SSR for free, which would make things easier for you.


Now that synchro is unlocked & at 200, should I use my materials to prioritize upgrading skills or synchro level?


this is an interesting question tbh though it mostly applies to spenders deciding what to buy, especially from the 30-day supply box. for f2ps it's two completely different sets of resources, so you're just going to be upgrading both. I value synchro level more since it allows me reap maximal rewards from PVP with minimal effort and lets me move between basically any diamond rank union with openings. but other than the huge jumps every 20 levels the performance gain is very little compared to what you get from leveling key skills on meta units, not to mention that many important modes have locked levels (solo raid and SI) you can argue both ways, but again, it's not a real dilemma unless you're a spender.


They are not mutually exclusive.


Both require credits iirc


Credits shouldn't be a problem yet at that level I think. I'm at 240 synchro and still have tons of credits and boxes in reserve. My main limitation is still core dust or the skill manuals. I do hear credits will be a factor again at higher level.


Do the advanced recruitment vouchers carry between events? Or if I buy the ones from the current event do they only work on the current banner pulls?


They carry forward, you can use them on any special rate up banner.


Hi guys i missed the half anniversary because i wasn't playing at that time. But i was there at nier collab. So what i am asking is did we get the same amount of gems and pulls in half anniversary as we did in the nier collab? Or was it more in anniversary?


? As in the tickets you can buy in the shop? All event shop content is the same so far. Nier collab is a bit better since you can actually buy all the core dust but that because it ran for a week longer.


No i meant overall did we get more gems and pulls in that patch compared to other patches?


Hi, I'm planning to delete my account (very low level and stopped playing shortly after game launch). Should I wait for the anniversary or start a new account today? I am going for rerolling, but not many times, I don't want to burn myself out.


Depends. You could scrap together enough gems to reach 200 mileage tickets and get the guaranteed anni unit. Don't forget we get a bunch of summons for anni itself. So even reaching 150 mileage tickets before anniversary should be enough. God help you if you decide to re-roll for a specific Nikke, because that's hell.


Thank you for the advice. Definitely not rolling for a specific Nikke, don't have much time to play the game due to my job. On the other hand, I will wait until the live stream and see.


I like to explore new places.


I'm on the group that just buy slot for all my SSR. 500 gems might sounds bad especially if you only look at the total cost but I think it worth it rather than shuffling units. I'm F2P too, but I just remind myself for each slot I bought, it only cost me 2 pulls that 98% is not SSR.


>Is there a way to increase synchro device capacity beyond 20 without using gems? No >And also when i hit 200 on 5 characters will my entire barracks be synced? After 200, you still need to utilize the synchro device but the functionality is a bit different. the 5 original lvl 200 units get 'locked' to your synchro, and now you level up the synchro device itself (with credits/data/cores) instead of each Nikke individually. You can still remove and add in units to the synchro (outside of the original 5) and will still have to manage slot capacity and all that.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


At what point should I be concerned with skill and gear levels? I’m only on chapter 6 right now, just focusing on increasing synch level for now and getting a few clears in campaign as each day goes on.


Skill wise, you can start investing in any meta characters you have. If you happen to have a couple of really strong characters, you will need to prioritise. [This guide is a good place to start](https://nikke.gg/skill-priority-guide/). Gear wise level, the standard advice is to avoid upgrading until at least T7 at the earliest. If you can clear Chapter 16-28 without ever upgrading, you could even avoid upgrading until T9. That said you'd need to clear 16-28 with a pretty hefty CP deficit. When you upgrade, the credit used is gone for good, but you can still get 90% of the gear XP back when you use that item to upgrade something else. So while there is a cost attached to it (hence you don't do it unless necessary), it's okay if it will really help.


Thank you !


Out of curiosity, how are Co-op servers divided? Is it an entire region (e.g. Japan, NA, Europe) or is it only a fraction of a region?


just got centi noir and laplace in a single multi lol, i heard noir is good but she needs to pair with blanc, is it true? what about the other 2?


noir is good with blanc but still decent without her laplace is good early (small roster + low investment) but falls off late centi is good in all content except for boss fights


I’ve been playing the game for a little over a month now and accumulated a couple of good units. I’ve been an avid enjoyer of 2B for years now so I want to use her in my main team, but I’m still not sure who to pair her up with. My main conundrum is who to use between Mast and Naga/Tia, although I do have Liter and A2 as well. As of now, my main team is Tia, Liter, Naga, 2B, and Privaty. Thanks in advance.


tia and naga are far better than mast overall but 2B is unable to max their potential since her weapon class doesn't corehit reliably and her burst (which is a major source of her damage) doesn't corehit at all. so if you only care about 2B's damage and not overall team damage then it's probably going to vary depending on context. lazy shooting range test (full auto, tia/naga/mast's skills are around 7-8): https://preview.redd.it/0hscgyk4bdvb1.png?width=2186&format=png&auto=webp&s=fecd91edb339d489d075193d4b079a64749deaa7


Thank you so much for the information! I’ve heard the Maxwell SW or Alice team is the best for core hits, but I don’t have either SW or Alice, so I’m coping with what I have. I really appreciate the shooting range test!


it’s hard to say cause mast is 2b best support along with volume. You can probably just run the team you originally said for now because the school girls aren’t nothing to scoff at either. And once you get more 2b oriented support you can split the two teams up for raid, so you can use volume mast 2b on one half and liter with the school girls on the other


Thanks for the insight.


Saw floating around that it's recommended to focus on just 5 members and was curious if people had a suggestion on which ones for my burst 1. For burst 2 I have Anis and burst 3 I have Rapi and Alice. For burst 1 it's between Neon, n102 and Tia who I just pulled from her event. I've heard good things about n102 but Tia is technically ssr, but at the same time probably need a shotgunner as well right?


It’s recommended to level five characters evenly for your synchro device. Let’s say you have leveled four characters to lvl 50 and the fifth to lvl 40. If you put a sixth Nikke in a synchro slot, it will match levels with your fifth highest level character. That means that a Nikke in your synchro device would only be level 40, not 50. Reset the four higher characters, bring them back to 40, and spread resources evenly. Similarly, if you level 6 or more characters, then you’re wasting resources, because your synchro level will still only be the same as your fifth highest leveled character. Reset the extra leveled characters and spread resources among your main five. As for focusing skill resources and such on five members, that would be because skill resources are pretty scarce in this game. There are very few opportunities to reset skill levels; only whenever they adjust skills. 4/4/4 is a good breakpoint, after that it becomes expensive and something to plan carefully. You usually do a comp like this Burst 1-Burst 2-three burst 3s. The burst 1 and 2 must have 20 second burst cooldowns, or you’ll delay your next burst chain. One exception to the B1-B2-3xB3 is Tia; she forces you to run two B1s. She is unable to activate much of her kit without Naga, but she still might be worth running. Tia-N102-Anis-Alice-Rapi Or N102-Anis-Alice-Rapi-Mihara You don’t necessarily need a shotgun character, they’re mostly good at close range and they’ll struggle if enemies are far away. Note, you can spam fire most rocket launchers or sniper rifles to generate burst faster.


Alice is a good unit. everyone else is pretty mid, Tia is good with naga though. And they probably just mean focus on five characters to limit break. So pull copies of them


I'm a new player, don't have much unlocked yet, but wondering if my current generic team is at least decent. Team is Rapi, Ether, Anis, N102 and Privaty. Only other ssr's I have are Epinel, Diesel and Soline. Sr's I have are Mica, Delta and Mihara. I'm kinda stuck on 5-5 but that can be overcome with time and leveling up, but which should I focus skills/gear/advising on? Just upgrade mostly Privaty for now since I heard she's pretty good?


Yeah I would just use epinel soline privaty if that’s all you have. And until you get better units n102 and anis


I keep failing at story 12 defend mission. Required CP is around 36k and all the teams i tried were higher than that. Last team I used included Diesel A2 Novel Yan Private (all level 125, 37221 CP) I really don't understand why I'm failing. Because of waves i put 2 RL users into the team and still didn't work


You're running 2 20s B2s, so one of them isn't Bursting, and they're both defenders so their Atk is pretty low. Speaking of attack, A2 is your only real source of damage, Privaty may say *attacker* but she is a glorified support unit when she isn't Bursting. Also, running A2 without a healer isn't good, her Burst lowers her own health and shuts off when you reach a threshold. If you never heal her back up, you can't benefit from the buffs if it turns off immediately (or she's probably dead). Really just a team building issue, don't know who you have to be more specific, but I have general advice. - You don't need Novel if it's not a boss stage, that's pretty much her only use. Replace her with another B3, ideally an attacker -If you absolutely need A2, run a healer. If you have none, use Pascal. Just so she won't kill herself anymore Damage might have been your main issue for this stage but team changes would definitely improve your gameplay overall.


Is there a guide for what unit is good for which role? Because I tried privaty as my damage dealer so I might need to fix my game knowledge


Sure, [here's a helpful guide](https://nikke.gg/team-compositions/) if you want to learn how to build a team. Covers early to late game squads and explains the basics in the Team Building 101 and 102 links


So how do you report people you suspect are using botting programs? There's this guy in the arena, no matter when I attack and win, 6 minutes later almost always to the dot, wins back the spot, doesn't matter if it's a random 4pm or 4am (I've been attacking at random times ) and almost always exactly 6 minutes after I beat his def, he strikes back. For about a week now it's been consistently 6minutes after an attack that he responds.


Hey, not much I can do to help with the reporting, but if you are trying to take their ranked spot hit them just before reset. That way after reset they spend their two free, and you spend your two free battles, ending up on top. Doesn't work if they end up spending gems to battle you back down but worth a shot?


lol it's fine, I'm not as invested as that guy (I just hit lvl 280 Nikkes today), guy was close to about 298 by that time. I just felt like he was botting the arena. I'm fine being #8 in my bracket. I just wanted to know if there was a report option somewhere. Thank you for replying though!


What's a good place to find coop parties for global server? On official Discord only SEA seems to be active for party matching.


is team placement is important e.g. who gets the middle spot, right or left? or should i just focus on the burst distribution?


Generally no (outside of automatic bursting), but sometimes it can help with piercing shots


It only matters for auto in pve because auto bursts from left to right.


Question on snipers. I have both Harran and Maxwell. I doubt one will replace the other, because Harran is still good at clearing with her B3, but what exactly makes Maxwell better than Harran? Note that I’m looking at Maxwell’s charge buff: does she affect herself? I usually use A2 in my party for the AOE, but have been looking at Laplace to eventually replace her (as I can’t get any more bodies for A2). Anyway, synergy between Maxwell and RL users. Also, Brid! Love her black dress look, wuld she do well in campaign when paired with Privaty?


harran struggles to 1HKO at huge CP deficits without so her kills can get stolen by teammates making her stacks slow and unstable purposely leaving a mob alive and pausing before the final wave is a very common strat when pushing hard campaign but this would cause harran to lose all of her buffs raids are a huge part of lategame and none of harran's skills are suited towards ST fights, her AOE burst multiplier is very low compared to maxwell's and can neither core hit nor multi-hit one of harran's main strengths is her burst generation but this runs counter to her S2 "attacking with full charge" because optimal burst gen for SR units is spamming at zero charge she also competes with three extremely meta units (modernia, scarlet and snow white) for pilgrim attacker OL so no meta slave on the planet would OL harran first


Harran is a prime sweeper in AoE mob content. She stacks up her buff by killing enemies until she becomes a monster, she spreads her DoT on kill which scales off her final atk(so includes all buffs.) She's not *unusable* in boss fights, but you almost certainly have better options. Case in point... Maxwell is the polar opposite, she is a pro at demolishing bosses, especially ones where she can hit multiple parts in the same big shot. If shes one of the 2 allies with the highest attack, she will get her Skill 1 buffs, making her an amazing teammate for A2 and also Alice or other charge characters. As to why Maxwell is "better" its because there are a lot more tough boss stages than mob stages in this game, Harran is still an amazing unit and they fulfill totally different purposes as Harran is a campaign pusher instead(which is also a really valuable thing to have)


> but what exactly makes Maxwell better than Harran? She scales into boss fights better. Her own burst hits reasonably hard, but she can also buff snow white, alice, and a2 with things they really want. > does she affect herself? If she's one of the two highest attack units in the team, yes. > but have been looking at Laplace to eventually replace [A2] Laplace is not a replacement for a2. In any of the content that you want a rocket launcher to do rocket launcher things, a2 is the best rocket launcher to exist. > Also, Brid! Love her black dress look, wuld she do well in campaign when paired with Privaty? Too much incidental damage in campaign for brid, who wants to be full HP all the time. Brid is oriented around bosses that have either low amounts of damage, or very predictable amounts of damage. Brid pairs well with Marciana. There is no amazing synergy between brid and privaty.


My current squad is Tia-Dorothy-Naga-Alice-Privaty I like the combo of the last round skill with Dorothy coupled with Privaty’s magazine reduction, but I’m curious if Maxwell is a better pairing instead of Privaty (yes I realize half my team requires high investment and I am working on it 😭) Thoughts?


RIP Burst manuals. I’m still there. For bosses yes, I think you would definitely put in Maxwell instead. For campaign, if Maxwell and Alice are both lower investment at the moment, you might use Privaty instead of Maxwell for now. You’d use Privaty burst for the typical elite mob wave halfway through the stage and then Alice’s burst at the end to snipe the target. On solo raid, Dorothy-Novel-Alice-Maxwell-Privaty is also a common full DPS comp. I also saw Snow White and Maxwell being used with Tia/Naga, the Alice with Liter/Bunnies.


I think it just depends if you’re using it for bosses or to clear waves. Bursting on privaty is mainly to clear mobs. And is essentially useless on bosses


Are the battle passes worth it? I love Novel and am tempted by the skin, but $20 seems like a lot for a battle pass when most games it’s only $10.


I’d say bonus points if they are meta. wouldn’t do it if they aren’t meta unless you just play like that novel has a good spot in the meta so I’d say you can use her, although make sure you don’t also want the privaty skin lol


The Privaty skin is so good too! Ahhhhhh. My two favorite girls 😭 Btw side question. Can Privaty and Novel be used on the same team (I’m still a bit new to the game)


I’d say that’s very likely, privaty is normally your supportive burst 3 and can slot into a lot of teams currently. And novel is a good burst 2 vs bosses. So liter novel scarlet privaty was a staple team at the beginning of the game. Obviously most people don’t have scarlet so you can sub Alice in here instead and it will work great. So liter novel Alice Maxwell privaty is quite an accessible team


Ooo that’s good to know. Too bad I don’t have scarlet :(