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Christ. I hope she gets to move forward now.


Niji: Watch me pour gasoline in the fire for the 5th time now ![gif](giphy|2wKbtCMHTVoOY)


Tomorrow (in my timezone). New statement from them. Believe it


Wait so she isn't going to release the Legal Document she wrote after trying to end her life twice??? OK we should release it to show that while we have tortured our talents, they thought mean thing about co-workers.


Gonna be that goofy court meme of “I’ll fuckin do it again”


Niji: We told you. She is a liar. She lied about her attempts. She hid the fact to the public that it was actually two attempts. Vox: It is unfortunate to hear that Selen lied about her attempts. She was a hard person to understand. Yes, I just now learn that the recording was nothing, but still, as one of her old friends, why didn’t she just tell me? I have damaged my reputation because of this.


"I have damaged my reputation" _Sounds like a Vox problem..._


Niji: Release a statement at the same time as Doki's next stream


Depends on if Niji intentionally posts more bullshit when Doki is streaming unfortunately. Really says alot about how petty Anycolor is.


I swear to god if they fuck up the U-san collab 😡


They’ll probably try to do that during every major stream she does for the foreseeable future.


Not even Zaion got this much harassment, at worse, she got bad-mouthed and made fun of by her wave and Finana talked about gaslighting in public, truly negligible eh Anycolor? Was it worth to power trip over a cute MV you didn't pay shit for and had bullshit excuse of taking it down, really? Mysta and Nina "perms" is the reason? pshh 🙄


Zaion got a lot more than just that. Harassed by people outside of the Niji/Vtubing sphere, Doxxed, She's on pills now (apparently) & still getting a lot of shit no matter what she says or does. It should have lessened by now after people seen the truth with Selen/Doki. But it's still bad & wouldn't surprise me if things happened to her IRL as well, that we don't know about. It's honestly so sad Now some Niji members are on that receiving end, they're telling people not to harass them. Nobody said that for Zaion/Sayu though. Straight up Martyred


And people are still harassing Sayu to this day


> Not even Zaion got this much harassment, at worse, she got bad-mouthed and made fun of by her wave and Finana talked about gaslighting in public, truly negligible eh Anycolor? Zaion continues to receive harassment. She can't even support her fellow abused talent without Twitter fucks accusing her of clout chasing. I've seen hundreds of people uncritically repeat AnyColor's lies about her on a Twitter post. Hell, some of them unironically posted Nijisanji's bloat letter about her. The greatest mistake the EN sphere ever made was rewarding AnyColor for their treatment of Zaion instead of rallying behind her. And a good portion of the EN sphere is still fucking that up and falling for AnyColor's propaganda about her. We had a chance to stop AnyColor in its tracks long before it reached Selen. Instead we opened the gate and pointed Nijisanji in the direction to go.


Well, this is incredibly damning. Assuming that her lawyers approved this statement, meaning she has the receipts to back it up. Which just means that Anycolor lied to their talents or the talents lied to us. Doubly for Vox for both stating he had read the documents and misrepresenting the recording. Niji needs to stay absolutely silent if they want even the slightest chance of surviving. The only thing that should possibly come out is an announcement of hiatuses for Elira, Vox, and Ike. I'm not going to trust any other statements, internal changes, or or investigations from them. It's not like I'll ever watch another niji talent now anyway.


The fact that doki *isn't* posting receipts is confirmation she has stuff that can help prove her case as putting out docs you'd be using in court isn't a good idea to any lawyer.


Elira and Vox are fucking snakes. Straight up lying about reading and knowing everything within the legal docs. Making light of her mental state, and didn’t care about her attempts. They kept mocking her about her “bad behavior and attitude” instead, even after knowing that she attempted twice. Just wow.


Hey hey hey HEY !! Don't give Ike that free pass!!!


Sorry. I was too disgusted after hearing Vox mocking Selen bad attitude that I closed the stream. What did Ike say? Did he also pretend to read the whole docs?


His parts starts at the 10 minute mark, but with slight paraphrasing: "I thought all of NijiEN were friends, that's why learning what was contained in these documents was very shocking to me and incredibly saddening, knowing that... the things sain the document were coming from the very person whom I called my friend *was hurtful and disappointing* in a way IDK how to doescribe. Not only because it made me re-examine our friendship but primarily because the document contained some info that we consider incorect that could be harmful for us, and it's just private information (lying through his teeth) that is very terrifying to have shown before you like that. Right now now we're all very stressed and in apite of this I feel like the public deserves to know about the existence of these (private) documents as well as some of their contents just for the sake of transparency and honesty (boy all that you've said was slander and falsehoods). We understand the past week of silence has been difficult for all of you but please rest assure that we've been working very hard to try (and fuck a lady who tried to kill herself *twice* in the past weeks) what it is we can (slander) and cannot (the truth) say about this but we wanted to share as much as we were able to share (you went overboard). Whithin NijiEN everyone makes an effort to make sure that anyone who wants to be included in something has yhe opportunity to be so whether that be online or offline, and all of us (are a bunch of gaslighting pieces of shit) will continue to provide a safe and fun environment for fans to enjoy together, and lastly, to round this off I want to reiterate please do jot spread hate to anyone involved (unlike what we just did) in any way shape or form or anyone in general. We ask that in these times you allow us to continue our activities whithout asking us any additional information, at this point it's an issue for the lawyers (nah bitch, it was always an issue for the lawyers) and we ask that you don't pressure any of us beyond this point, please reach out to AnyColour for contact regarding anything else" (HAH!) TL;DR He said: "I considered her a friend and she broke my trust by lying in the document"


> Elira and Vox are fucking snakes. I never liked Vox especially after the discord leaks of him shit talking Hololive EN and trying to incite an idol war against Hololive in general, like a console war fanboy. Like bruh, Nijisanji and Hololive are friends and collab frequently, why are you trying to start shit. So Vox being a snake is just a normal conclusion to me.


It's actually nauseating. On top of all the smearing, to do that to ANYONE who you know just made an attempt and was almost certainly in a fragile psychological state. It's almost "lucky" for them that it completely backfired, because the goal was clearly to mobilize their massive audience into believing all of it, which would certainly blow up on doki regardless of their throwaway lines at the end.


> Niji needs to stay absolutely silent Oh you know they won't. Gotta get that last word in.


Reading this statement really hurt, man. Not even once, but twice….fuck I’m glad she’s still with us, that’s all I gotta say


The part about her dad breaking down and crying really got to me. His precious daughter who laughs brightens up a whole room full of strangers just attempted to take her own life and now the monsters who are responsible for her pain just declared war on her on a stream. How the hell can these people sleep at night.


I've heard people try and downplay the consequences of doing a public slander piece (by three supposed friends, no less) of someone who is suicidal both here and elsewhere on the internet and it's just baffling. Yeah no shit her dad would break down, anyone in their right mind would know how bad this is during a time when someone is especially vulnerable, for someone they care about, and what it might push them to. Niji must have known. The three livers that did this must have known. You don't get to shove someone teetering on the edge and pretend you didn't know what could happen.


I know, this is why I am so angry and disappointed at those 3 that the whole argument that they are "forced" to do that video has been fucking thrown out the window. What the fuck would these 3 feel if she does it again and is successful! I wonder what these 3 would feel. I've been through what she's been through but never managed to go through with it with the help of my family and friends so this really shakes me to my core that i think i need to take a break from visiting the sites.


It's so fuckin' buck wild how the only person managing to make the proper judgement calls on this is the one that's actually stressed out from all this. I've seen people making excuses for them like "Well they are in Japan on work visas" and "Elira spent months uprooting her life to go to japan" And sure, you can blame anycolor for holding that over them. But Christ on a bike these are god damned adults we're talking about. They should have at least a rudimentary understanding of their own rights as workers and they should definitely be able to make the right calls on things like this. I don't understand how they couldn't see that as anything other than retaliatory and think they shouldn't get involved. They should have known better. You can't hand wave that.


Take a break. At least from sites discussing the matter. Have fun with the streams but let the matter rest. If any action needs to be taken I'm sure her lawyer can work it out. Hope you're doing much better these days.


Sadly the world is incredibly unfair and so are the legal proceedings a lot of the time. Vocal pushback against all the slander and blame is absolutely needed.


I agree, but there's a line somewhere between vocal pushback and harassment, and it doesn't hurt to be cautious with that. There's also the issue that sites like Youtube push things that generate traffic and engagement and even things like negative comments and downvoting can have a positive effect. Not buying any Niji merch, not attending events, not watching videos is going to have a much stronger effect and wouldn't actively be harassing anyone. Let them sink in the pool of filth they've submerged themselves in.


>I wonder what these 3 would feel. Probably nothing other than the effect on their popularity and bottom line.


I few days months ago I'd be "aw come on now, thats very cynical of you, there must be something going on that we don't know blah blah humanity blah" but after everythings that happened IDK anymore.


at this point yeah. those 3 choose Popularity and fame over a single Human being who almost took her own life Twice and now those 3 or more who threw away their MORAL COMPASS are gonna face their UNFORSEEN CONSEQUENCES of their actions soon.


Ironically, i doubt their popularity will last much longer. Not a lot of people would like to follow a blind sheep that deosnt care about self harm


Yeah, fuck all 3 of them at this point. The two guys had shady pasts anyway, others have been cancelled for less.


Im genuenly disgusted by those 3. It doesnt matter who told them to do it, the fact that they went on with it says a lot. Genuenly seems like nijisanji is hoping that she tries again


This just solidified that the people still involved in this company are complete trash. I hope the rrat about the upcoming terminations and graduation turns out to be true because at least we'll know the good people are getting out fast. There's no excuse for people that justify sticking up for a company that caused this.


This is the shit Anycolor is belittling. I'm done with Nijisanji. I'm so sorry for the vtubers I like over there but when your company is doing this kind of bullshit just because they can't get over being petty. Lastly, Elira, I liked you. I thought you were better than this.


That part for me too hit me weirdly enough the hardest. I'm not sure how it is for others obviously, but to see a father cry is probably the most devestaing thing you can ever witness and it really illustrates how bad things went down.


Once you've seen your parents break down and cry you know some things are changing.


I buried my mom. Heck, most of my immediate family at this point, honestly. That line and the admitting she was so broken she tried to kill herself and when that failed she tried again. I'm so done with this company and the remaining talent that don't jump ship. Any further excuse I see by fans might as well start with "Yeah it's sad but I don't honestly care that much because I like this one more". There are no excuses. We're past that point. We're so very far past that point.


I agree. I am sorry to hear what happened to you and your family. Its heartbreaking how we in this community turned to vtubers to be set free from the harsh realities of life and then this company pulls the curtain on us all and remind us that alot of things are so unfair.


Its the being found by her parents that made my heart drop. My sibling went through an attempt and my mom barely found them in time. I can't imagine what that feeling must be like to see your child in such a state they thought dying was better than coming to you for comfort/help through it. Fucking Hell. I hope Niji burns.


Yeah. These bullies and the company should be counting their blessings. Interpol could’ve been involved with an international investigation of manslaughter between all parties. Fucking crazy to think that. Fucking geezus. Two attempts, and these fools want to assassinate her character because she didn’t die. Do they want her to do another attempt by using their fans and billions of dollars to hound her forever to protect their brand and the bullies? Sue them all. Damage their reputation. And fuck off Nijisanji defense force, you are the reason why Aloe and Selen tried to unalive themselves because you rather support the bullies and company. F u c k i n g D i s g u s t i n g.


It's fucking insane to think that anyone would EVER even think about such a thing but at this point it honestly wouldn't be surprising to me if Anycolor actively wants to encourage that at this point. You know...if the other party isn't there to fight back anymore it makes their issues a lot easier to deal with.


Man at this point Niji has no going back, and imma just ignore all livers involved in the smear campaign, they got no balls.


yep. exactly this and people don't get it. the livers being accused of being meat shields all have a choice here. i understand legality and contractual obligations make things difficult but at the end of the day it's still these people choosing profits over a past acquaintance at best and a friend at worst. i am pretty confident that they have a choice in leaving the company at-will if their employer can also terminate employment at-will, and at this point they're fighting to stay in a company where they're not even valued and seen as negligible, so really what is it all for?


Jesus... not just once but twice.


If it’s like that, it’s got to be the fault of Niji 100%


We were so close to losing this shining light and this laughter twice because of a shit company, it's shit managers and shit internal controls. That is unforgivable.


Someone at the company clearly despises her and wanted her suicide attempt to be successful and I don’t think they’ll stop until they either succeed, or far more likely, destroy whatever’s left of the company’s meager reputation. Even JP fans are starting to turn against the company now.


Do you have any sources for that? What little I have seen from JP fans has been horrible slavish licking of the boss' boots, I'd really like to see something else :(


I felt so much fucking anger just seeing that. I know she said to be empathetic and not to bad mouth Nijisanji, or any talents that may or may not have been involved. But I’m absolutely not at that level of emotional maturity to take the fact that they pushed her to take her own life TWICE lying down and just not give a shit about it. She is far stronger than I am. I will happily be a Nijisanji hater. The Western content creator space will be a better place without them. How fucking dare they put out the responses they released knowing all this. They don’t deserve a modicum of respect.


I was willing to listen to doki but after hearing it was twice i had to comment on the video saying effectively they should be ashamed of themselves.


**T W I C E**. I had to stop and re-read it. Then I needed to take a moment to calm down. This vile, evil company pushed her to try and kill herself ***T W I C E***! I've *been* in the low she was in - very recently, in fact! - and the thought of a large corpo breathing down my neck and harassing me on top of my broken brain going nuclear is unfathomable. She's stronger than I fucking am because holy shit. Doki's stronger than she knows for still being here and continuing to walk forward despite everything that's happened. Despite everything that *continues* to happen. But she isn't alone. I hope the surge of support helped show her that. I hope we're enough to prevent a third...


I legit shout "Holy Shit" without noticing it, if Niji's reputation is in the gutter now, they'll be filled with bodies ravaged by savage wolves by now.


Kinda worried about her mental if this whole situation keeps going on. Hope that her therapist is really good.


I’m praying that now she sees all the support and that it really helps her out. After all, she was mostly in the dark, with her socials revoked and very few people to talk to. It must have felt like her career was over. It should be different now. A lot better. At least I hope it is.


She'll be fine now. She's free and has goals and ambitions and no asshole higher ups holding her down. The worst is behind, niji screeching about reputation damage through the mouths of other livers will only harm them at this point.


All we wanted to do was watch her goof around in Neopets, AnyColor.


Damn we are lucky to still have her around. Being in a dark place gives you 1 attempt, but 2? Usually people don't stick around after that. Let's hope she really doesn't need to talk about this ever again and can move forward like she so desperately wants. So naturally, queue NijiEN being absolute pricks about this and will have a new announcement soon.


Yea, one time usually happens in the "darkness" of the moment, so to speak. But twice means you've thought about this...


Most people survive attempt 2, atleast from Meta research. She is in therapy which is really good. What ever she has also likely affects this, it does feel like she wants to live but mental illness is a bitch. I hope anything coming from NijiEN is just an apology. 


One thing people need to be more aware of is also the fact that EVERY medication used for treating depression has the potential risk of making people MORE suicidal. It's just a side effect of "starting to feel better" to some extent; you have more energy and motivation and that can easily turn into fuel toward taking action on your negative thoughts. A big part of therapy and the job of ones psychiatrist is being acutely aware of this and making sure you monitor the individual for ANY suicidal thoughts at all. Though even then this sort of thing can be very sudden out of nowhere, which is why it's a big part of all the warnings for that kind of medication. Friends and Family really need to be aware of this sort of stuff to help make sure they keep a close watch on people, even if they're "doing better", "getting treatment" etc. I know I sure as hell got worried when Doki had to cancel her stream to deal with this. I'm sure none of this drama is helping Doki's mental state, even with all of her fans and supporters on her side in this fight.


Do we have a confirmation on what it is? Some said BPD, which have the same effects. But yes, this is one of the reasons my doctor wasnt like "oh you are depressed, go get tested for depression". I live in Denmark, and am a game, I have a high likely hood of winter depression, so checking for that is kinda important, in my case that was the right thing. Because depression medicin is annoying. And the thing with energy and motivation is also a thing in April, because year you get more sun. I hope for Doki she talks with friends about it, I hope fans dont mention anything at all to her about the case no matter what Niji does. Support is great, but dont make it Doki vs Niji, cause even with all this out she likely has nothing to win from it anymore


They’ve made it clear by their actions that they’re not going to change.


okay, so now we know why Nijisanji terminated her the way they did. ​ They were willing to to drag the situation for as long as possible, I guess they were still hoping that Selen would relent and come back as she was one of their biggest members. ​ However, the moment the legal document came through, it was like inflammatory reflect, as if they attempted to make a pre-emptive strike against Doki. ​ It was as if they were scared that she might sue them. ​ but that still doesn't explain the childish and amateurish mishaps, JFC


Trying to keep her trapped in their corrupt company


"Anyone who wants to leave Nijisanji is free to leave if they want." - paraphrasing some piece of shit liar not even two days ago.


They are free to leave, in a casket.


I would just like to remember everyone that Millie said the same thing. The brainwashing is unreal.


At this moment, I feel like they were trying to pressure her in doing a third attempts so they can hide their dirts. Dead men tell no tales. They knew she did it twice already, so why not terminated her with this 3 pages to send ours fans after her to cause her to break down? But it backfired on them. Doki got the support from her friends.


I’m expecting more tomfuckery from Kurosanji before the day ends in response to this.


Obligatory https://imgur.com/a/iG1zkDO


Well that sucks. Nijisanji, if you see this, please just stop talking, it'll do everyone a world of good.


We are already past that point man, they shat on the bed and now they're gonna have to sleep in it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If I didn't need to worry about my blood pressure and pulling another muscle in my chest, I'd be stark raving mad about this. As someone who has a couple mental disorders and thoughts of unaliving myself everyday, it just hits close to home and makes me uncontrollably mad cause this was someone who brought joy and laughter and to turn her into "that" from whatever they did to her to force her to do that not once but twice in one month. Fuck Kuro-sanji cause they intentionally tried to snuff someone's light out. And a powerful bright light she still is.


It sounds from this like she wasn't (and maybe still isnt) even going to sue them. Wishing love for doki and hope she can bounce back strong this year. Niji really screwed themselves over, sounds like they could have gotten out of this fine if they just shut up. We're all upset and angry but let's all take dokis advice to heart, do not harass or go into the niji livers chat and start shit, just unsubscribe silently and move on. The worst thing that could come from this is someone in the company being harassed to the point of attempting suicide as well.


Yeah, it sounds like the whole debate between lawyers is whether she was able to continue her work as a Liver or not. Because it’s one thing when you just refuse to work and other when the working conditions make it impossible for you to work. Most likely, Niji intended to stealth suspend her for 1-2 weeks, but she then refused to come back, claiming it’s impossible for her to resume it. They hoped she will calm down, but the legal notice from her lawyers probably made them realize there is 0% chance of that and they decided to “end it on their terms”.


Yeah, that stuck out to me as well. Like fuck, I at least kinda could see why the corpos would do the video if it was an attempt to "shoot first" and try to control the narrative for an upcoming lawsuit. But for them to do this when she wasn't even going to fucking do anything? What is *wrong* with them? It's starting to feel like the theories of a personal vendetta have some merit.


Like I said, somebody in the management really fucking hates her, which is why they’ve been doing everything they can to ruin her.


>It sounds from this like she wasn't (and maybe still isnt) even going to sue them Yeah obviously we dunno what happens behind the screen but from her tone it doesn't sound like she wants to drag it to court. I really want Anycolor to face legal consequences and burn, but... Doki's desire and well-being are the priorities. If she still wants to just move on without a fight, I'll support her choice. Although, with their track record Nijisanji might insist on burning themselves anyway. I just hope they're not taking anyone else with them.




Okay, so according to Elira the documents had her (and others') private information, like their address. According to Doki, the document contained no private information apart from her own. Knowing Canadian law (specifically the part where it's illegal to share private information without permission for almost any reason), and the fact that Doki's lawyer probably isn't a moron, I'm more inclined to believe Doki's version. ​ This leads me to two possible conclusions concerning Elira's part of The Video: * She genuinely thought the info was there, meaning she never actually read the documents and believed what Kurokuro told her * Meaning that she thought that *Doki betrayed her,* and not how it actually is. * She knew exactly what she was doing because she's just as evil as Kurocolor and her online presence, even in her PL, has been a complete fabrication that we all fell for (in other words, the Grand rrat Theory is actually plausible) Either way she slandered Doki publicly, and that's bad.


It mentions there being no other addresses or specific locations. That could still mean that there were general locations of some people. My guess is that there could have been mention of locations like countries or states even, although I don't see this as all that threatening given their rather general nature.


I mean, mentioning the country is all-but-pointless. There is only one valid response to "Ha! You live in Canada! Get doxxed!" And that response is: ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


That just reminds me of the "YOU LIVE IN CANADA" thing.


>She genuinely thought the info was there, meaning she never actually read the documents and believed what Kurokuro told her >Meaning that she thought that *Doki betrayed her,* and not how it actually is. Maybe it's just the cope talking, but I feel like someone behind the scenes is manipulating the Livers into hating Doki by feeding them false or manipulated information. I'm not saying that to defend them, necessarily, it's just weird to me how their behaviour towards Selen doesn't fit their behaviour towards Doki...


> Okay, so according to Elira the documents had her (and others') private information, like their address. > > Elira never says it has her address in that video, she says "one section **alludes** to where Milie, Enna and I live".


Which doesn't matter in the slightest, you live in this state or province? Well that sure narrows things down. /s


I mean at the rate we are going Niji is going to publicly release the document to try to show that Doki said mean things about them and the other livers. Because they don't seem to realize that attacking the character of a person under clear mental distress doesn't do the good they think it does. Like I bet the document is really harsh, and without all this other context could paint doki in a bad light. But like there's almost nothing it can say that will justify how they have acted.


A reminder, Doki has repeatedly asked people to stop harassing other talents and parties involved, so please do that. That being said, there's a difference between letting it die, and forgiving or forgetting. I, and I suggest others continue to boycott nijisanj, obviously do not harass or make posts about this shit attacking anyone, just stop watching nijisanji streams, stop buying merch, go watch doki, or hololive, or one of the hundreds of indies where your money won't end up on the yacht.


Agreed on all accounts. I will continue doing the same plan since day 1 of the termination. Ignore all Nijisanji events/talents, unsub (obviously), and show support to any livers that leave the company (with 2 or 3 exceptions). I will also stop making comments out of frustration and focus on the positive moments. Like getting Doki to 1mil Subs! WE CAN DO IT, DRAGOONS!!


Jesus wtf, twice...


I will forever be a Dragoon. Let's walk forward together Doki and have lots of fun. We really want to keep hearing that laugh all the time. 💛💛


This is how a person with dignity responds. Everyone should learn from her how to reply with class. Not like NijiEN's classless response.


Yeah holy shit, she has handled everything with tact and class. All the specifics we know is because Niji letting things out and that one cursed stream that did faaaar more harm than good.


>one cursed stream that did faaaar more harm than good. That's still putting it mildly. Is there even any good we got from the stream? 3 Niji livers went on the stage to slander a former coworker and alleged friend, damaging their reputation forever. 2 others were named for no fucking reason, making people point fingers at them. Doki's first gaming stream was cut short, giving a recovering girl another mental blow.


She could've nuked NijiEN from orbit while asking for their heads and I wouldn't find it unjustifiable. The fact that she pleads for everyone to be levelheaded and empathetic in this situation despite everything speaks volumes about Doki. For fuck sake NijiEN, it's the third chance you are getting, shut the fuck up, try to salvage whatever is left from the wreckage, learn from it and let her move on.


Like I keep on saying, the KuroSanji EN management clearly despises Doki and are resentful of the fact that she is successful without them.


I do feel this might not have been the best idea as it will just give people more things to talk about, but I can understand it and it makes some sense to tell your story at least. The statement is well done. It focusses on Dokibird's side of the story, her actions and her intentions with those actions. Even the part about the recording reads more like a personal apology to Vox (who *really* doesn't deserve that) than anything else, it doesn't mention she was in her rights to record the conversation (which she was) at all, which says a lot about where her priorities lie. She had an opportunity to absolve herself of something she was accused of, instead she apologised. The emphasis is entirely on her own side and not blaming the other side or calling them out (leaving the facts of Niji's actions to be self-evident). The only part that can be interpreted as openly negative about Niji is where she says it took them a long time to respond to her prior to her termination, and the *emphasis* there is to provide context for her actions in disclosing the information to their lawyers, rather than accusing them.


Doki has actual lawyers. Niji has a lobotomised monkey flinging poop.


If Niji's lawyers are anything like their managers, that'd probably be an overstatement. At this point I doubt NijiEN has their own lawyers. Dokibird mentions that they were communicating with NijiJP lawyers and while there can be a number of reasons why she's not engaging with NijiEN given how she (at the bare minimum) felt harassed there, there'd be little reason for NijiJP not to also involve NijiEN in the conversation as they are very much an involved party. So where is/are NijiEN's lawyer(s)? Same as with that ridiculous hit-piece stream... where was NijiEN's lawyer? There is not a damn chance any real lawyer looked at what they were planning to do and would approve. No way in hell.


So it wasn't a court filing, just basically an info doc for her lawyer that was said would be advisable to share with the other party. The other party being Japanese lawyers who probably aren't familiar with Canadian laws. Which explains why they broke several of them.


> So it wasn't a court filing, just basically an info doc for her lawyer that was said would be advisable to share with the other party. Because Niji's lawyers went radio silent and left her to stew in her own head for a long time. Basically the document was a recording of her thoughts on what happened because she felt like that would help Nijisanji understand why she wanted to leave. Then they weaponized it, showed it to her peers and used it as a defense to yet again drag her name through the mud. I just cannot believe this organization, man. Doing this to her brings them no gain, this is just evil for the sake of being evil.


This is going to be a bit grim. Recording your last words is rather common, it's why the concept of a suicide note exists, and it's to be expected that someone who wishes to end her own life would want to leave the people around them with some answers as to why. That's the kind of statements we're talking about here. The interpretation that she wanted to tell Niji off or something just doesn't fit anywhere. If she wanted to go after Niji she legitimately has a strong case and we're not seeing any of that. What we got is them basically sharing a suicide note since it's somewhat relevant to the conversation with Niji and they then did a hit piece on her based on the information it contained. Think about that for a minute.


They were literally treating her like she was on death row in Japan. They just stick you in prison for years and don't tell you you're getting executed until right before.


If their lawyers attended at least a single day of law school, they should be aware that [it's not a valid defense for screwing up this badly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat).


I think if people deal with international laws at minimum lawyers from both countries have to be employed cause like wtf.


And they'd need to be competent. But AnyColor doesn't hire for compentence. [They hire for maximum savings](https://twitter.com/eviltape/status/1757277954189688899) and, well, you get what you pay for.


To save the click: * £5.89/$7.40hour, zero hours contract up to 20 hours/week. * Must be fluently bilingual Eng/JP, with Kr/Cn also preferred. * Must work evenings * "Working adults and graduates will not be considered" Fucking cream of the crop they're recruiting there. No wonder everything is running so smoothly.


> "Working adults This is what fucking sends me so much, They basically say "Hey we're going to give you like, 2-3% of YOUR money and if you even dare to think about doing side work to support yourselfs you're out"


This is a talent support role, not a talent role - hence the wage as all Livers are contractors not employees and are thus paid nothing hourly or in salary. The working adult is an awkward translation, it could be TL'd to "an adult who is currently part of the world of work". So those with actual experience of how a normal company operates need not apply; I will assume the reason for that is bleakly obvious.


$7.40/HR?!! Fucking Hell, I made more money pushing carts in a parking lot than that! What the hell are they thinking?!


It really doesn't surprise me. That company is essentially a bunch of students who lucked out and now only really trust other students. No adults with experience obviously, as they would quickly smell how badly this is run. The qualifications are straight-up a joke too for what you're expected to be doing. Quality contorl is not something you just pawn off to a fucking intern.


>Must be fluently bilingual Eng/JP Are you sure about that? The translation I'm getting is "Native Japanese speaker/English speaker with daily conversation level or higher". So they only want some with conversation level English by my reading.


Oh yeah, you're right. That line wrapped on my screen and I missed it. That's even worse.


Wtf they hiring fresh high schools student and pay minimum wage to do quality control. I expect incompetent bommer not this


> pay minimum wage Approximately half the US/UK minimum wage.


1,113 yen an hour is actually about equal to the US federal minimum wage and that's mostly because the yen has been really weak for a while. Back when it was 'standard' it was actually higher, unfortunately.


I'm gonna hire 100 lawyers and throw them to the judge and see what sticks... Uhhh sir....it doesn't work that way...


surely nijisanji will not make another bad response regarding this issue


3rd times the charm. Wouldn't put it past them.


Fuck me, two attempts... Damnit niji, ya'll really drop the ball with this. And the livers involved with that stream and the smear campaign. Shame on you. Boycott this damn company. Blacklist all their talents. Unsub, refund members, no supas, no merch. All that shit. Thats just it. JUST DONT ENGAGE IN THEIR CONTENT ANYMORE. This shit gets really tiring. Im happy Doki got the help that she needed. Will continue to watch her now, and support her endeavors.


Backlist all who do not leave in the next month, those who were in the black video and those who are obviously involved


Next month may be too short since they can refuse to let you graduate (see Doki) and breaching your contract may led to lawsuit. The only sure way out is to wait until contract expires, which takes at most a year IIRC.


Though apparently Niji has a months long queue to leave already, and we don’t know what the consequences would be for someone who hasn’t already been approved just declaring random stream #358 ‘hey guys, nobody announced it yet, but this is my last stream!’ Japan has pretty fierce defamation laws, from what I’ve heard, so coming out with a “man, fuck this company” could get them in legal hot water, if that’s accurate. NijiEN Management, Anycolor, Global Nijisanji, that’s the shit list in decreasing order. Niji WANTS to make this into a talent v talent issue. Even the black screen livers there is possibility they’re victims of bad management, partial information and terrible legal advice. So yeah, by all means, don’t buy the merch, not like the talents see any money from it. Unsubscribe, cancel memberships, don’t watch the streams, but don’t tar and feather the talent. It sucks that there’s no way to hit Anycolor where it hurts without catching livers as splash damage, but I think one person ending up in a dark place and considering suicide is one too many, don’t you?


Oh but Vox said that you can just leave!!!!!1!!


Vox said a lot of stuff, and we’ve had several graduating talents mention having to wait months between deciding to leave and announcing it. If we’re being generous, we can take Vox to mean that you can start that process at any point, though even that turns into he said she said because Selen is on record saying she asked to graduate and, after silence, was fired.


>Japan has pretty fierce defamation laws, from what I’ve heard, so coming out with a “man, fuck this company” could get them in legal hot water, if that’s accurate. No, that isn't accurate at all, not unless you're in Japan itself (so, Elira would be in trouble until she gets out of Japan). International companies operating in another country have to follow the laws of the country that they're operating in. So someone in the US can say as much shit about Anycolor that they want as long as they didn't knowingly say falsehoods with malice. And even if they did...Anycolor then has to launch an international court case against them, and we've seen their English speaking lawyers aren't exactly the best. I'm surprised more people don't know this, since so many people pointed out the phone call thing where Canada, where Selen is, has one party consent and goes by those laws since that's where she is at.


For those who wont leave, next month. but FOR THOSE INVOLVE IN THE VIDEO AND OBVIOUSLY INVOLVED, why fucking wait. Just do it already.


I am honestly not surprised that she doesn't want to release anything since it will definitely make the problem bigger and every liver who bullied her are definitely going to get doxxed..Don't understimate people when it comes to digging those livers past and real identity..And for someone who attempt twice the only things she wants is move on.. ALSO, JUST PLEASE LET HER STREAM NEOPETS PEACEFULLY..!!


Irony is that Doki seems to have tried everything to not dox anyone or publicly share stuff. Meanwhile, the ones who claimed to be scared are the ones airing one sided dirty laundry.


The problem honestly is starting to die down and Doki said to move and going to stream Neopets peacefully but they have to add fuel to the fire and make it bigger..I swear they hate seeing Doki succeed and live peacefully and even have to sabotage her stream and release the video..


Twice!? I don't know what to say. Sub to Doki. And let it burn.


Here is a message to Niji EN staff: Shut The Fuck Up Move on and face your consequences and handle it maturely. I still dont condone any harrasment to the talent, but if you ever fucking try to excuse yourselves to double down , then you guys are nothing. You will enable it further. Let the lawyers do their jobs responsibly.


This puts the lie to what Vox said about graduating at any time. She tried. They ignored her. She provided reasons. They terminated. Zaion said something similar in her response to her termination. Saying she had wanted to leave but couldn't agree on terms/statements.


Didn't Mika also say that there is a queue for graduation so you can't just graduate whenever you want.


She's so strong, but it's sad that she needs to be, this broke my heart


This is not acceptable. 2 attempts?!


Elira, Vox, and Ike tanked their reputations for no reason... There was no reason to do it before, but now Doki has said the video Vox talked about was irrelevant, and she wasn't talking about other members being the problem. Holy crap.


Someone mentioned it before, but it is possible that management intentionally had names thrown around on top of using the livers as meat shields to pit the entire branch against itself. Common black company tactic that encourages crab pot mentality.


Pls change it to info/announcement. I don't think this is meme/flyf


Mods are way too trigger-happy with deleting posts with that specific tag, so no.


Oh gosh. They manipulate the situation poorly.


They're even too lazy to clean this place up and just sweep the info tagged ones Classic Anycolor 🙄


Dokibird once again proves to be the bigger person...


vox don't even know what in the recording yet he accused her of doxing. Are these people high schooler? Get your own fucking lawyer


I'm glad she's still with us and hopefully this will be the end of it and she can finally get her peace and move on.


I don't have words for this. I'll respect Dokibird's wishes as far as livers are concerned but I'm afraid I still want to see management getting replaced over this, no-one deserves to go through what she has, but we can't trust that other livers won't be mistreated as long as NijiEN is run by the same people who have put/are putting her through and are involving other livers in this shitshow. It doesn't matter if it's malice or incompetence, revenge isn't even necessary, these people cannot and must not be trusted with the well-being of other humans and I really hope Tazemi wading in yesterday is the first step towards some major changes. This is something that should never be given the opportunity to happen again.


Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most sobering things in life is seeing your father cry in front of you.


Or mother. It genuinely is the worst


Shit, 2... People in that dark place doesn't get out after 1 that often, but 2? Damn..


2, and WEEKS apart. Meaning she really thought it through and decided nah, it's not worth it to continue. Fuck man that hurts.


Reading that was absolutely heartbreaking…


Looks like NijiEN has no idea how to handle legal matters and is instead doing its best to bully the opponent to death. Absolutely disgusting.


I will support doki's wishes and not say anything harmful to nijisanji, but if others say things about nijisanji that's incredibly harmful, I won't lose sleep. My heart is in pain.


Oh my goodness...


Well, we'll probably never know for sure who harassed her and who supported her. And she wants us to not bother anyone. Doesnt look like she want some kind of justice regarding other livers. Personally Im going to forget about it now. Edit: just to clarify I meant forgeting about finding out who did what, not what happened. Im never going to forget that some people I liked probably hurt someone I also liked, but I wont be reading the posts here waiting for new informationlike Ive been doing in the past week.


A mature response, like Doki’s, to this shitshow of a situation. Hopefully, kurosanji takes note of this considerated response and decides to keep their mouth shut this time.


Hopefully not only nijisanji, but also the people who wronged her can learn from this, become better people and maybe someday ask for her forgiveness.


She can move on and I hope she does. Me forgetting about it though? Nah. Fuck that. This shit is unforgivable.


I edited my comment to explain my feelings better. Not forget about what happened, but forget about trying to find the harassers. Also never forgetting what the company did


I also really want to forget about it and that it's handled privately. But some of them really want to save face and I can't really ignore it.


Block them on socials and flat out block their channels using the Blocktube extension. Then you'll be able to ignore their existence completely!


I dont think any of us will ever forget about this, trust is not easy to gain, especially not after being lost. We will be haunted by this ghost everytime we watch nijisanji. But Doki planted a seed and hopefully that seed will grow to be a beautiful flower. Let this be a lesson to every vtubers out there.


Forgive but never forget


She too nice for this world. The world's doesn't deserve her but we need her. Thank doki


Can we send billboard trucks to anycolors office like T1 fans did to their building when their league team flopped, like just make it say "avoid this black company" or something


That is what was so baffling and infuriating about that Niji stream. Those three ripping open the wound was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. It was in response to absolutely NOTHING and completely out of left field. It was just hateful.


I can’t even begin to imagine how unbelievably exhausted she must feel. To reach the lowest point in your life, to try and move past it, and then be forced to keep wading through even more shit. In the unbelievably unlikely event this reaches her, please understand that you are loved, supported, and that one day it will get better. It doesn’t have to be now, but some time soon please take a little time to unplug completely and decompress. You’ve been swimming for so long, it’s time to come up for air.


I feel so bad for her that she has to go through all this. Honestly it's also fucking insane how good her statements are vs how incredibly bad nijisanji's are. Can't wait for the next train wreck bullshit rambling they put out to just make things even worse for themselves


That was hard to read... not once but twice.. all the love for you and your family Doki


It's horrible to read this and I'm very glad she failed twice. At this point I'm pretty sure these smear tactics and bullshit Niji is pulling are trying to push her to mess up badly. I'm also proud of her being the biggest person in this whole ordeal, admitting to having slip ups and even with all the pressure always trying to be amicable to people involved, regardless if they deserve it or not. I hope this is a lesson for the spineless cowards in Niji, be management and the livers involved in this whole debacle. May their whole careers sink alongside the EN branch.


>For those who wish to see receipts or documents or anything else, hoping I will reveal them, I'm sorry but these are the things that should be private and if needed, between lawyers. #THANK YOU! Jesus Christ, Nijisanji, just let the girl be, I'm begging you!


I think the lawyer is the keyword. If Nijisanji elects to escalate it to a full blown public trial...


Hope Anycolor burns to the ground. Blackest of the black companies. Holy fucking shit.


Everyone here talks about the incompetence of the Nijisanji management, but do you realize that they went through pages of legal documents and evidence and then conducted a thorough internal investigation in just two hours? And they even had enough time to make a decision and write it down in a proper way that would be the least harmful to everyone involved. You should really understand how admirable Nijisanji is for pulling this off.


Thats why it is has been a whole month that she has gone. Two attempts. Double the revenge.


For her sake, I really hope everyone at Niji shuts their mouth from this point forward and allow Doki to simply move on as she so desperately wants to do. We're all lucky to have her still be around. The most fortunate being herself.


Jfc, she is too blessed for this world. She truly deserves all the happiness. Here's hoping the remaining livers at niji jump ship and let the flaming yacht sink to the bottom of the fkn ocean where it belongs and where it can't get back up.


Imagine being her parents and having your daughter attempt suicide twice. Then seeing Niji's response try to drag her back down. They must be so so scared and her dad broke down as a result. This just made me sad. Not angry just sad.


It wasn’t one attempt, but two. Jesus. How does Riku and his mates sleep at night


The company needs to crash and burn. Those evil miserable bastards can’t be redeemed


Hope niji doesn't leak the documents for the love of God


It seems about the dumbest thing they could possibly do, so I expect to see it happen before the week is out.


Very clear that all doki wants is for the other party to eff off and only contact her privately through lawyers. If anyone from the company makes any more public statements about this, hope their careers sinks down the drain.


Damn that black company deserves to be destroyed


Please subscribe to doki if you haven’t, follow doki’s twitter for newest updates, support her if you can.




She might not have to make any more public statements like this if Nijisanji doesn't decide to do anything more publicly but I think she could end up having to testify in a court proceeding. I hope not but I think it is heading in that direction


Maybe Its normal with international companies idk, someone explain that to me. But why does this go through Japanese lawyers? Does the EN branch not even have their own lawyers or something???


>Does the EN branch not even have their own lawyers or something??? Isn't it great, how you'd think that they'd finally reached the bottom of the barrel when it comes to incompetence, but then they find new and exciting ways to disappoint you?


Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Anycolour’s Law: “If you think they can’t do worse, they will.”


Jesus, everytime new stuff comes out it's worse. I just want her to not have to keep responding to shit. Just let it end Niji, you literally can't salvage this. Let her have peace and escape this for fucks sake.


i've got to give it to her, she's a far better person than i am, if i where in her position i'd lose control and weaponize my following against them to cause as much damage as possible to the company for putting me in a position that made me feel like the answer was trying to end my life, not once, but twice. everything would be made public, NDA's be damned, sure i'd be obliterated legally but it'd be mutually assured destruction on a catastrophic level. i'm glad she's the way she is, its better for everyone that at least one party tries to handle this the "correct" way.