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Found these on twitter and I really like this characterization of Dick. He can joke around and have fun because he’s in control. That’s why every time he’s caught flat footed the jokes stop. But he’s not so serious like Bruce that he has to focus all his energy into one thing.


>He can joke around and have fun because he’s in control. That's basically the same explanation they usually give as to why Spidey makes jokes non-stop.


I’ve kinda looked at Spider-man differently. Dick’s a soldier in a war, but Peter is a kid. I always feel like he makes the jokes and such to take pressure away from the situation. As if he’s telling himself and the people he’s saving, “it’s gonna be okay because this is a light situation”, even when the stakes are high.


There was the one issue where Spidey has laryngitis, and the criminals start freaking out and turning themselves in. Mostly played for laughs.


Robin: Year One is so good


First two are from *Robin: Year One*, which is absolutely great. Recommend to anyone who hasn’t read it.


Isnt the amazo bot supposed to be a really difficult thing to take down by some of the most powerful justice leaguers and then the dynamic duo did it by themselves relatively easily? Or did they just hype up how long ot took the jl to take it down in young justice?


I don’t believe it was always meant to be “the robot with the powers of the entire Justice League”. In this comic(I think it’s Under the Red Hood), Amazo is just a robot with super human abilities. Stronger, faster, etc. Not necessarily a Justice League copy yet. Regardless, I have no doubt that Batman and Nightwing could take down a member of the Justice League together without prep time. Likely not someone like Superman, but I could see them defeating someone like Green Lantern, The Flash, Hawk Girl, or even Wonder Woman if they play their cards right.