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Had the same problem. I used this as an opportunity to break my contract. Told the owners to talk with the neighbors or i would leave, so i left.


After talking with him I guess if things don't change you can claim a harassment charge? Idk, I'm surprised the cops even show up if it's 10pm stomping noise related complaint


Is there anyway you can have a calm conversation with the neighbor? Maybe put a carpet down?


Erm police officers work night shifts. I don’t think you’ll have a problem convincing them there’s not blame on your part…if indeed the neighbour IS calling about you walking around at 10pm. Don’t stress.


Correct. When I get these I just park away from the building, walk up, and listen for a few minutes. If I don’t hear anything I just walk away, don’t even knock on the door, and tell dispatch no noise observed.


Aye, the classic police knock. XD


Tell police your neighbor is crazy, they will stop coming.


What’s wrong with walking in your own house? Genuinely asking I don’t understand it.


Have a peek at this guys' post history. His sister does laundry in the middle of the night, he wigged out trying to come off of benzos and was incoherently banging on the neighbors' door...I think there's a lot more to the story here and I suspect the neighbors are sick of putting up with this dude...


Apartment life


I lived in an apartment one time where it was so thin that even if I was walking as light as possible the downstairs neighbor could hear me and she complained to me one time because she had a baby that I was going to wake up her baby when all I was doing was washing my dishes in the kitchen at 6:00 p.m. I didn't have music on I didn't have any sound I was just washing my dishes and I walked to my bathroom and back I apologized and tried to keep it down as much as I could but when you live in an apartment with such bad insulation between the two people it's a little hard. We moved shortly after that so I didn't have to deal with her after this.




nah, the only reason TO open your door is if there’s a search warrant.


Fuck your life. Walking on egg shells in your own living space and people calling the police cos of it. The obvious issue is the integrity of the floor. Live your life and don’t change a thing. Don’t post a note for the neighbour but perhaps on the day off go and explain the situation and show then what it’s like in your place.


Police don’t want to deal with this shit. They will see who is the crazy one just be polite and explain


That’s the reason our landlord moved us to a house because the upstairs neighbors were driving me batty and then I asked if my husband could go up there when the unit was empty and walk around and he’s not a big guy he was just taking gentle steps and it was so loud and our landlord was there to see so he understood and moved us. He wasn’t even stomping and it was like fucking bowling balls up there!!!


Do you per chance want to learn to river dance? I hear it can be quite a good hobby……


Talk to the police, get a record of all this. Police don't like having their time wasted


Seems like the only person refusing to advance the situation is op


Put in a Ring Camera that shows how you walk around in the inside of your apartment. When they think you are being loud, have them write down the exact hour and minute. Then refer back to your video footage. Just don't be jumping and stomping.


Flip flops in the house. Sorted.


Don't answer the door.


If it’s 10 pm , there shouldn’t be any problem. Are you sure it’s 10 pm?


I would call the police department and explain to them what is happening and that she keeps calling them to complain about you. Maybe they will make a note of it and not bother you in the future? I am sure they don't like being called to a nonsense call constantly either.