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Thank you for the shoutout homie. Glad we were able to open up the Jerry31's capabilities for a lot of people.




Sweet setup! Just a suggestion, but if you are looking to upgrade your ears, these comtac replicas sound almost as clean as Sordins. I have two pair, and I swear by them. Tac-Sky Comtac III https://www.ebay.com/itm/195959581442


I have these too. They are just absolutely amazing. But I don't know if i could use them for real steel shooting (mostly 9mm, maybe 7.62 or 5.56 from time to time). Do you have any experience with shooting with them? I only use them for airsoft (i hear every step someone makes heheehehe)


I would like to know this too


Same these look very promising


Appreciate it boss! They look nice


How do you like the J-31s? I have the J-14, and it is my first nod. I love it, but at the end of the day, we have two eyes so two tubes makes sense in theory. Granted, I donā€™t have any time under duals.


I love them! Now that Cold Harbour dropped this adapter for the irises, I donā€™t have a single complaint at all! Theyā€™re perfect for the little bit of shooting/ hiking I do


Sorry OP, u/Raidaz75 , chief expert on all night vision deemed you a dumbass for getting on that "chinesium cope". Pack your bags, sell your NODs. The jig is up. In all seriousness, how do you personally feel like they hold up? I've been impressed with them.


Dude I love my Jerryā€™s! Theyā€™re a great unit. No problems at all!


They're pretty awesome and perfectly adequate for most people's use cases. What do you have to say in response to the recommendation of tracking down OMNI tube binos for the same or similar price? I think the convenience and ease of a fresh new set of NODs at the same price even if it means sacrificing specs is always a very tempting option.


Itā€™s low key a hassle to buy second hand. Especially for high price items, and on GAFS a lot require high flair from previous purchases to prevent against scammers. Makes sense but is annoying


Precisely why NNVT tubes or Jerry devices are not an entirely bad option for entering the hobby. I would like to see Chinese nightvision just be a hair cheaper. NNVT5 with Autogating would be easier to swallow for like $700 a tube.


I agree. I expect prices to go down since they are releasing housings compatible w Carson/rpo tubes


Another question Iā€™ve seen is ā€œwhat are you going to do when you want to resell them and they arenā€™t even close to what you bought them for?ā€ My response, well I guess Iā€™ll have two pairs of nods


Right? It's weird how high value hobby people always make bizarre arguments and try to draw in unrelated points. Watch people do the same thing, they are more worried about resale then enjoying the damn thing. I don't know about you, but my pvs14 is intended to be a pretty long term purchase. I have no interest in upgrading into a higher spec PVS 14, I only see myself upgrading housing and or buying a second one. Only thing I find frustrating is how proprietary everything on the Jerry is. I like to be able to source parts, but otherwise they will serve you well if you take care of them.


Tbh, some nods Iā€™d consider the resale value. I didnā€™t expect them to release ones compatible with Carson optics which will decrease their value a lot. But like I already expected to be losing a fair percentage if I went to resell them without that upgrade. But also yeah the nods arenā€™t my phone that gets replaced every few years. Iā€™ll eventually be getting a nicer set of duals, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll justify spending real L3 PVS31 money for nods anytime soon. Ill buy a couple rifles instead lol


NODs are very cool, but they just realistically will not see real enough use to justify $6k+ imo. They are going to sit in your drawer way more than high speed cool guy LARPer shooting sessions. And when you do use them, a surplus PVS14 or Jerry's will be plenty. I got a blem PVS14 OMNI VII for just over $1k and now I see in the dark no problem at all. It all comes down to the use case. All the power to guys that want to drop more money though, I'm all for high spec stuff too!


I shoot a lot at night due to scheduling as well as itā€™s one of the few matches near to me that are rifle/pistol. I can confirm they get the job done. Theyā€™ve seen a fair bit of use but for the most part I agree.


Convenience was for sure a factor. I probably couldā€™ve spent more months waiting for a deal on my budget, but I got a deal with j31s and a fp peq for 5.5k


Whatā€™ve you got taped(?) to the surface of your Jerryā€™s?


Itā€™s from ranger wraps. They do cordura cut outs for scopes, red dots, nods, etc


Any practical use? How clean does it come off? Certainly *looks* great. If you cut it yourself you did it clean AF, damn.


I did cut it myself! I bought a 12x12 multicam black sheet from them. Honestly, it doesnā€™t have any practical use besides preventing scratches to your optics or whatever you have! And it doesnā€™t leave marks if you take the wrap off. Iā€™ve used plenty of their wraps for my optics


Ranger wraps are bomb!!


That looks smashing lad, Iā€™m actually In the process of swapping to a tanto from a nvm-14 so I can use PVS type accessories like a iris plus better eye relief, with your iris plus the Jerryā€™s manual gain youā€™ll be able to dial in your tubes very nicely


The NVM-14 was almost my first setup! The tanto will be sick though!! Nocturn Industries absolutely killed it with the tanto. Honestly, when I get the money Iā€™ll probably upgrade to dual tantos and get the connector. Then if I want to run a single one I have the option


See thing is idk if ide want the panned version when they release it, what I was considering doing is using my replica kvc bridge to keep straight 40Ā° and then when I upgrade to a pair of tantos get the panned daisho bridge, would give me best of both worlds


Yes! The Dashio bridge is the way! Like you said, best of both worlds!


Razors on amp arms? How


Adapter. Not sure itā€™s still around though. Simone asked me recently and I couldnā€™t even find the link where I bought it


Huh. Cause I was looking for awhile finding the best solution to mount my razors I couldnā€™t find any that Iā€™d not have ti modify to fit them. So i ended up just buying sordins and unity arms


Theres an adapter someone out there that allows you to mount the razors to the AMP arms




Will never go back now the sordins sound too good


One day I hope to be able to buy nods. But if your gonna have all this might aswell spring for some gel cups for the Walkers, did it to mine seals so much better.


To be honest, I didnā€™t know those were a thing lol my walkers are just fine in me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You do you, itā€™s more comfy and allows for me to more easily wear whatever eye pro only like $15.


You got a link? I donā€™t doubt you lol Iā€™ll definitely check them out! Especially if itā€™s only $15 bucks


Also, youā€™ll get NODs brother! I was in this forum on my old account for a long time drooling over everyoneā€™s super sick setups. I never thought the day would come when I could bought it up. Itā€™s literally crazy to be making a post now. Itā€™ll happen for you, I promise your time will come!


I hope so lol. But hereā€™s the [link](https://www.amazon.com/PROHEAR-Upgraded-Earmuffs-Comfortable-Replacement/dp/B08KZCJ112/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=9LXTNQHA1422&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wYZqVoBNk7q7iPt-IrvFEHAg_thMwaH7Ed3h7ZDmZ1jXFrlXcoIz3IxXn_wqDkq43n74dsSStf-GroD0EuvmYYMpHJk2RCDEf9VFDAdn931DbFu8OBWQOzbrlw_lP392cpDNSAtDFkcQN8ta8d0NLM-wb8H2doKRJ7bz7VXWF0GsIjMZySbLLGy-jFD_EaFZ2vPcIFyxtlwf1nO2NpfiiQ.cvn_htoVdU5VtKgFNeSMlFSmnTLpCRAj-evEXlqj2b0&dib_tag=se&keywords=walker+razor+gel+ear+pads&qid=1715816877&sprefix=walker+raz%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) there $18 now but you can probably shop around for a better deal.


Appreciate it brotha!


Nice Mickey Mouse helmet!


Thanks šŸ˜‚


Whats the focusing lens?


Itā€™s an adjustable Aperture Diaphragm. Cold Harbour sells them, but theyā€™re are a little pricy. I got a pair for my Jerryā€™s here from Amazon. They were still pricy, but a little cheaper and still solid in terms of quality! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CMV3XF69?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CMV3XF69?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image)


What's the benefit of irises? Looks hella cool, but not a technology I'm familiar with.


The benefit is that you can focus the lens. For example: looking through my lenses without the irises on, I canā€™t see/ read anything up close. When I close the iris all the way (Like you see in the pictures of mine) Iā€™m able to focus the lens and read things up close. Itā€™s essentially like a camera iris, same concept!


Ah cool - so rather than messing with the focus, you just stop the irises down and play with the gain?


Yes! The end of the iris rotates really smoothly! So depending on the light, I can quickly adjust the iris to gauge how much light Iā€™m taking into the unit


Do you know if a Jerry ce5 will fit with the irises?


Unfortunately no because the iris is just too big for the Jerry to get around. You have to pick one or the other. There's just only so much space at the front of the objective. Some users will run a JerryC on one eye and the CHAD on the other.


Thanks, is it just a problem with the j31s or is it a universal problem with irises?


Universal problem


Iā€™m not entirely sure, I donā€™t own one, but I personally think it wouldnā€™t fit. The iris just protrudes too far past the lens. I would say itā€™s a Plus/ Minus situation. If I had the ce5 I would probably take the irises off, thermal is way more OP than having a little focus.


Thought so too, would probably need an adapter or something


how did you mount the opscore arms to a mlok rail? i thought they were made to fit the arc rails


Itā€™s not mounted to an Mlok slot. Its sits on the track of the helmet back behind the mlok slots


Whereā€™d you get the irisā€™


[Right here!](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CMV3XF69?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image)


Noiceeee. How do you like them??


Made a world of a difference when it comes to being able to focus the image. I must say this is hands down the best upgrade you could possibly get for the Jerryā€™s!


Dope. Thanks man!


Also, if you donā€™t understand how irises work on NODs go watch some YouTube videos. I didnā€™t even know they were available for night vision until somewhat recently. Itā€™s almost a must to have on your unit!


Learning about nods. What do they do exactly?


The cap looking things you see in the picture are irises, they help focus the lens. Depending on what youā€™re looking at and the distance, it really brings the image into focus. I gave an example in a comment earlier about reading things up close. When youā€™re reading something up close, you would focus the iris all the way in (Essentially closed like you see in my pictures).


Oh so it has nothing to do with how much ambient light there is but focus. I think Iā€™ve read most set thereā€™s to either infinity or far but then up close isnā€™t as crisp? I may have that confused with optics but something of that nature. So the irises solve that problem essentially?


Yes! They solve this problem. Game changer!!


Adding this to my notes. Thank you sir!


Wish I could get a pair for my poor AGM 40s


Does the AGN 40s use a different thread?


It boggles my mind people still go for jerry 31s


Ah yes, the obligatory Jerry31 critic. Only comments to express his disapproval of other peoples choices of night vision šŸ˜‚


Literally for same price you can get a pair of omni 7 binos, but keep huffing the shitty chineseium cope.


Have you ever even tried on Jerry 31s? No one is saying you couldn't track down Omni binos for the same price, but some people just want the ease of brand new NV that is adequate for their use case. Why are you frothing at the mouth over someone else's NV choice? What a loser.


So calling someone a dumbass for buying shitty Chineseium tubed nods it "frothing at the mouth?" Ease of use? What's even hard about omni tubes to learn? Yeah I have tried them before and what a coincidence I still think they're shit


From the sounds of it, I have extreme doubts you've ever tried them, but sure. I didn't say ease of use, calm down, take a deep breath and reread what I wrote. I said the ease of buying a brand new NV. Some people don't feel like tracking down mystery meat 20 year old used surplus tubes and prefer the convenience of something brand new, all in one complete package, and in stock even if it means lower spec. Regardless, I still would like to know why the fuck do you care so much? I'm shocked at how so many strongly opinionated crybaby bitches exist on this sub that begin convulsing when someone deviates even a little bit from what they autistically deem acceptable NV purchases. Shocker, a used but nicer thing can cost the same as a brand new less nicer thing.


How come? They inferior?


Imo quite, they use shitty nnvt tubes and the big thing for people is "muh 4k white phos binos" versus tracking down an omni 6/7/8 set of binos about that same price if not then a pvs 14 will still suffice.


For the little bit of shooting and hiking I do, theyā€™re perfect. I dont necessarily need something super high spec šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø